If you think the COVID vaccine is the only thing our health is being destroyed by-think again.
Dyes, chemicals in our food, water, medicines…but that’s just the start…
The earliest date for the first 50% infection in Rhode Island was April 26, 2019.
Duh…the reports began to become undeniable before Dec. It wasn’t until Jan/Feb that USA started talking about it…then the flood began and now here we are…
On September 22nd, the Chinese Academy of Sciences Scientific Papers Pre-release Platform (ChinaXiv) published a traceability result based on a new big data analysis method, showing that the United States’ new crown “patient zero” has a high probability of appearing around September 2019, the earliest being Luo The date of the 50% probability of occurrence of the first infection in Tokushima State is April 26, 2019, which is far earlier than the official date of the first confirmed case in the United States announced by the United States on January 20, 2020.
On February 24, local time, the American flag on the streets of Manhattan, New York, USA was lowered to half mast. On February 22, U.S. President Biden issued an announcement ordering all federal buildings and military installations inside and outside the United States to fly at half-mast for a period of five days to mourn the deaths of the new crown.
At present, tracing the source of the new coronavirus is a common challenge facing all mankind. A series of studies have shown that the United States, Spain, France, Italy, Brazil and many other countries have been affected by the virus long before the outbreak in China. In order to promote the traceability quickly and accurately, mathematicians began to try traceability methods based on big data analysis, and worked with biologists to find “patient zero”.
In the latest big data analysis work, researchers established an optimized model based on published data and based on infectious disease models and statistical methods, and inferred the origin time of the epidemic in some states in the United States, Wuhan, Zhejiang and other places in China. The research paper proposes that the combination of mathematical models and artificial intelligence technology for qualitative and quantitative analysis of infectious diseases can reveal the epidemic law of infectious diseases. At present, there are many studies on epidemic prediction based on infectious disease models and data, but there are relatively few studies on the use of big data analysis methods to establish mathematical models to “reverse” epidemic changes.
In the thesis, researchers mainly based on classic infectious disease models and statistical methods to establish a “model and data-driven epidemic spread model”, and apply least square estimation and kernel density estimation methods to obtain model parameters. They used the daily epidemic data released by the 12 northeastern states of the United States to find the parameters corresponding to the initial epidemic transmission model of the 12 northeastern states. On this basis, infer the infection time of their first case, 50 cases and 100 cases and their corresponding probabilities.
The calculation results show that for the 12 states in the northeastern United States, the first infection of the new crown epidemic has a high probability of occurrence around September 2019, and the earliest date of the first infection in Rhode Island with a probability of 50% is April 26, 2019. , The latest date for the first case of Delaware to occur with a 50% probability of infection is November 30, 2019, which is earlier than the officially announced date of the first confirmed case in the United States on January 20, 2020.
In addition, in order to verify this new method, the thesis research team also used the same model and public data from China to infer the infection time of the first, 50 and 100 cases in Wuhan, China and Zhejiang Province. The date of the first 50% infection in Wuhan City was December 20, 2019, and the date of the first 50% infection in Zhejiang Province was December 23, 2019. Based on this inference, there is a high probability that the new crown epidemic in China will begin to spread in late December 2019. This conclusion is basically consistent with the epidemiological survey results, which proves that the calculation method is accurate and reliable.
The research paper shows that if the early detection data of the epidemic in other countries or regions is more accurate, this method can be used to infer the origin time of the epidemic, and the infection time of the first case and several cases can be calculated with a given probability.
Original title: “Big Data Traceability: The Probability of “Patient Zero”
of the New Coronavirus in the United States in April 2019″
大数据溯源:美国新冠“零号病人”大概率2019年4月出现 (huanqiu.com)
Source: China News Service Reporter: Sun Zifa
The Wuhan Lab Leak Theory is no longer a theory.
I get it, look at the facts and what this has done to our country. There isn’t even the will to reciprocate their trade restrictions and the buying public in the West are happy to finance China into a position of world dominion. Yes it is. It wasn’t a “leak”. It was a bio-attack. Only thing in question at this point is mode of delivery. No one ever questions this aspect. Just yesterday reports of “skin penetrating nanoparticles” were made. Can these be aerosolized? It wasn’t a leak. China


But the question is will the Communist Democratic Party admit their lies to the American People?
Very hard to prove, Chinese government is very opaque. if they have anything on it nobody can expose them unless there are some Snowden somewhere else.
1/2 of America and many abroad already knew this. Only the

Wuhan scientists wanted to release coronaviruses into bats | New York Post.
No surprise there. Everyone should watch this and listen CAREFULLY to what is said. Who proves this? Sharri Markson? – Bing
China knows that nothing will be done, especially with current leadership, Because the Current leadership used it to become current leadership. I’m with you! The virus was a lab leak, which is why it was so dangerous. I’m not convinced the virus ever existed at all. Just week Western men who forgot their values. The country of Asia released it to attack the USA. Democrats believed it and used it to overthrow TRUMP Ex-Chinese Communist Party insider Wei Jing sheng speaks out on Wuhan theory relating to Covid-19 | Daily Mail Online
On October 18, 2019, the opening day of the Wuhan Military Games, Event 201 of Bill Gates and Schwab was held in New York at the same time. French athletes were indeed contaminated and ordered to remain silent. Coronavirus : des athlètes militaires français contaminés à Wuhan dès octobre ? | LCI Makes sense with people in the west suffering with the worst flu over Christmas 2019. But we survived Christmas 2019 outbreak with no masking, no lockdowns and no vaccine!
Jon Stewart On Vaccine Science And The Wuhan Lab Theory – YouTube
But I’m not buying this new twist they’re trying to pull by saying they were weaponizing it in a lab to combat bat populations…insinuating then that it was passed on to humans via the dining in the street wet markets. Please research Type-S versus Type-L. of the virus – Bing video
Here in the East also with flight attendants coming down with flu like symptoms spread to the hospitality businesses which my husband and I fall into both categories!!! We were sick in January 2020 along with many others. We both came down with a variant in May of this year!!! Friday 31st Jan 2020
the image that captures how the West was played no wonder China got over-confident and heavy-handed as per @gideonrachman‘s latest
A man lies dead in the street: the image that captures the Wuhan coronavirus crisis | Coronavirus | The Guardian
Except the article also notes blood samples tested positive in Italy in Sept 2019, which predates the whistleblower claims. No it says “Reports emerged in Oct 2019…” of people becoming ill. Italy has a great influx of Chinese who travel back and forth due to industry so the timeline still is possible,
Wuhan Scientists Planned To Release ‘Chimeric COVID Spike Proteins’ Into Bat Populations Using ‘Skin-Penetrating Nanoparticles’ | ZeroHedge
When will this Daszak person be hauled in? “Peter Daszak and the EcoHealth Alliance (EHA)” – Bing Why do so many people believe the vaccine is the mark of the beast? See for yourself what it is… #ReadIt 5 Tips on How to Avoid the Mark of the Beast (666) – YouTube https://youtube.com/watch?v=0BzFlECCryo People who come out with these allegations are putting their lives and that of their family on the line the second it becomes public.
Either they’re crazy or there doing the morally correct thing by telling the truth.
Actually in case it was meant to be INTENTIONAL, WORLD Game is i.e. best occasion to spread virus to the whole world.
On September 18, 2019, the Chinese government conducted an exercise at the Wuhan airport. The content was that a new type of coronavirus had been leaked.
The patient’s symptoms were respiratory infections and infections. The Chinese government knew the existence of the virus!
Event 201 and war games. Biden is compromised by China! He’s the “Big Guy”! There are others in high places! Who’s gonna point them out!
They should understand who funds the WHO, vaccine research, and the outrageously timely EVENT201 – Bing Shanghai cooperation organization .
If after all of that you’re comfortable with a COVID vaccines then I utterly despair well.
But we trust that the same Wuhan lab purified and isolated SARS-cov2?

China would be overwhelming when it comes to force.
Wait until @CGTNOfficial
attack this new revelation and the whistleblower as well,

Confirmed: You Can’t Sue Pfizer or Moderna for Severe Covid Vaccine Side Effects.
This Is When COVID Will Finally Be “Under Control,” Virus Expert Says.
Flu Season started early this year. Or did it? – YouTube