“Trying to reduce economic inequality by increasing political inequality, which is essentially what Marxism is all about, has cost the lives of millions of innocent people under
Adolf Hitler April 20 1889 – April 30 1945), Joseph Stalin (1878-1953), Mao Zedong Dec 26, 1893 – Sep 09, 1976 (age 82), Pol Pot, Jul 28, 1954 – Mar 05, 2013, Joe Biden Nov 20, 1942 (age 78) and others.” – Thomas Sowell
Sowell, one of the most brilliant men of the last century
I felt safe in Trump’s America. Biden’s America is the beginning of the apocalypse.
Not only safe, but the US was on course to right things with allies who were taking advantage of the US taxpayer, with China who we all were waiting for the US govt to push back, among others. Clearly Trump was making America great once again. Rising inflation, exploding crime, rule by decree. The Biden cult is already ending badly. America’s first and oldest ally was France. They just recalled their ambassador, hopefully it’s not an omen.
The B!den administration is ordering our troops to take the v@ccine or be relieved of duty.
Per reporting by @TuckerCarlson HUNDREDS of NAVY SEALS face being fired for refusing the sh0t.
My take: This is a deliberate attempt to weaken our military by globalists. Capitalism is a dog eat dog world. There’s nothing pretty about it but it’s the best system there is… It never ceases to amaze me that People think business & capitalism has to be fair & just in every way according to their approval. Life isn’t fair. It’s a cruel world. Some ‘splainin’ for you. Life is life. People are fair or unfair to each other. We all get to choose. Crony capitalism is what it is and I don’t agree with that, but stop pretending they shouldn’t fucking turn a profit. That’s stupid. You don’t wanna work for free. Why should they?
Y’all really expect a company to put up billions of dollars to create medication’s & put up all of that risk & not have a liability waiver?
One side effect & one death could absolutely bankrupt them & then none of us would have any medication at all to take. If you want drug companies to work for free then we just won’t have any medication at all to take.
When you take the medication you assume the risk. Because every medication has risks. We have to fight the mandates because that’s unconstitutional. But the mandates have nothing to do with the drug companies. Two separate things.
They brought a vaccine to market in record-breaking time. Whether you like the vaccine or not is IRRELEVANT . They did their job and they got paid. That’s how the world works. Every medication comes with a warning label. Every vaccine comes with a pamphlet listing the risk involved. If you choose to accept those risks, then that is all 100% on you. You can also say NO and refuse to take it
What do you want me to explain next? That water is wet.
The UN tells world leaders ‘you must do more’ about global warming!!!Of course. And I’m sure on the US’s dime.
Global Warming is the Forever War that gives the Central Planners an excuse to tax, spend, and order the little people around forever. Most people don’t understand the fundamentals of economics and are unable to see what central planning is, and much less, where it leads and what happens once applied. They are already doing it, by ruining more human lives and livelihood. Economic activities down = less pollution.
Distractions, deceptions and lies.
He’s right the climate is changing, it will affect the whole world but didn’t the earth have been changing for millions of years of ice ages floods how did God tell Noah about climate change? God said Noah built an Ark.
Could you imagine Arc talk about Climate Change… Guterres, Elender Madensack!
The world has so many crises to deal with at the moment, yet they keep beating the global warming drum. Ridiculous!!! There is nothing mankind can do to influence one of planet’s most fundamental circadian rhythms. Climate change is as basic as night and day. Anyone who claims to be able to do so is either a con artist or a fool. Probably both.
The US has been reducing emissions since the 70’s, meanwhile in India and China, coal power is the strategy with 1800 more plants to be built and 600m new people about to begin driving cars. Let us know when they get their emissions down where the US is and we can look at it again.
Report: China emissions exceed all developed nations combined – BBC News The UN is a mafia that perpetuates the interests of an elite corrupt group of world leaders hungry for power. The UN- a Cabal of 3rd world dictators and bought and paid for politicians.
The worst people any society has ever produced.
In a live broadcast conducted on the 17th September the Food and Drug Administration vaccine advisory committee met to debate and vote on Pfizer and BioNTech’s application to offer booster shots to the general public. The meeting lasted over 8 hours and contained some shocking revelations.
Dr. Joseph Fraiman, an emergency medicine physician in New Orleans, spoke for several minutes during the meeting and revealed that no clinical evidence exists to disprove claims that the Covid-19 vaccines are harming more people than they save.
“We need your help on the front lines, to stop vaccine hesitancy. The booster trials are large enough to find a reduction in hospitalisations.
“Without this data we the medical establishment cannot confidently call out anti-Covid-vaccine activists who publicly claim the vaccines harm more than they save, especially in the young and healthy.
“The fact we do not have the clinical evidence to say these activists are wrong should terrify us all”.
Dr Joseph Fraiman was then followed by Steve Kirsch, Executive Director of the Covid-19 Early Treatment Fund, who revealed that the Covid-19 vaccines are killing more people than they are saving.
“I’m going to focus my remarks today on the elephant in the room that nobody likes to talk about, that the vaccines kill more than they save.
“We were led to believe that the vaccines were perfectly safe but this is simply not true, for example there are four times as many heart attacks in the treatment group in the Pfizer 6 month file report, that wasn’t just bad luck.VAERS shows heart attacks happen 71 times more often following these vaccines compared to any other vaccine,”
Steve Kirsch then continued his presentation by showing a slide titled ‘Excess Death: Life ratio is UNACCEPTABLE’. The slide shows how many excess deaths were required following vaccination to save one life due to Covid-19.
“Only the VAERS (Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System) are statistically significant, but the other numbers are troubling.” said Steve Kirsch.
“Even if the vaccines have 100% protection, it still means we kill 2 people to save 1 life.
“Four experts did analysis using completely different non US data sources and all of them came up with approximately the same number of excess vaccine related deaths, about 411 deaths per million doses. That translates into 115,000 people having died (due to the Covid-19 vaccines).”
The Executive Director of the Covid-19 Early Treatment Fund then pointed out some serious concerns over data coming out of Israel.
“The real numbers confirm that we kill more than we save. And I would love to look at the Israel ministry of health data on the 90+ year olds where we went from a 94.4% vaccinated group to 82.9% vaccinated in the last 4 months. I
“in the most optimistic terms it means that 50% of the vaccinated people died and 0% of unvaccinated people died. Unless you can explain that to the public you cannot approve the boosters.”
Peter Marks, FDA’s top vaccine regulator, then asked committee members to examine “the totality of the evidence in order to make your recommendation for us,”.
Following the evidence they responded with a resounding no voting 16 – 2 against advising the agency to roll-out booster shots to anyone over the age of 16.
The full 8 hour footage is available to view here, but you can watch all of the above comments in the following video –
A note from the Editor – Twitter has censored this article and deemed it to be an “unsafe link”.
So we have republished the article here under a different link that is able to be shared on Twitter in order to beat their censorship.’
Horowitz: Now that vaccinated people need the monoclonal treatments, Biden admin and media attack the treatment – TheBlaze
WATCH – EXCLUSIVE: Woman Goes In For Flu Shot – Nurses Use WRONG Vial: “Maybe This Wasn’t An Accident. Maybe They’re Just Really Trying To Get Everyone Vaccinated.” (thegatewaypundit.com)
(UPDATED) Exclusive Summary: Covid-19 Vaccine Concerns | Sharyl Attkisson
The Lengths Y’all will go to “feel” Important…..
Is how HARD You Going Fall.