No matter the problem, the government always seems to think the answer is growing the government larger. This country was founded on the premise that local leadership was the answer rather than an overreaching federal government. I will remind the career politicians of that every day.
That isn’t the premise we were founded on.
Doublethink means the power of holding two contradictory beliefs in one’s mind simultaneously and accepting both of them.
You guys all do realize that we vote for people based on what party they’re in and don’t even understand what they represent? Like 99% of the votes we all cast are completely not representing what we actually want. We need to revamp the entire system and go back to the way it was. That is the problem. Please check out the COSAction (conventionofstates.com)
Sweden Keep Their Covid Strategy Localized and Non-Politicized.
The “fundamental, non-politicized ideal”: toward a new BLM coverage – Center for Journalism Ethics (wisc.edu)
When history books detail the Great Covid Plandemic, they will look fondly on Sweden for multiple reasons. They went against the grain and avoided lockdowns while every other Western nation ridiculed them and accused them of killing off their population. They embraced herd immunity as the pathway to normalcy. They achieved extremely low daily death counts, often zero, ahead of all of the nations who thought lockdowns were the way to go.
If there’s one flaw to their strategy, it’s that they’ve joined most other nations in embracing vaccinations. They’re not at the top of the list, ranking as the 38th most vaccinated in the world at 62.3% fully-vaxxed and another 20% half-vaxxed. But it seems they aren’t going much higher. Health officials are closing down vaccination facilities and tossing the injections in the garbage because the remaining people who are not jabbed appear to want to stay that way.
According to Free West Media:
The Swedish care company Doktor24 announced that they had to throw away 16 000 vaccine doses. This was because the interest in becoming vaccinated had suddenly “plunged”. Now the company is also closing its temporary vaccination center in the Slakthus area in Stockholm.
Its the younger age groups the propensity
to get vaccinated has slowed down.
The bookings are fewer than expected.
For the Swedish population as a whole, over 16 years, 82,4 percent have received at least one jab, Swedish outlet SVT reported.
For the Swedish population as a whole, over 16 years, 82,4 percent have received at least one jab, – Bing video
Stats for September 17 2021.
Sweden Coronavirus Full Vaccination Rate (ycharts.com)
More than half Sweden’s adult population is now fully vaccinated against Covid-19 – The Local
Sweden’s Herd Immunity: Success or Failure? | (wustl.edu)
• Europe: COVID-19 vaccination rates by country | Statista
They didn’t handle the Plandemic perfectly. Nobody did. But Sweden has emerged as the model that no other nation is willing to embrace because
doing so would be admitting they were wrong the whole time.
Doctors WorldWide warn for the vaccines Bitchute
Doctors WorldWide warn for the vaccines – Bing
Plandemic, Voter Fraud, Afghanistan: All Parts of The Great Reset.
If you still consider “conspiracy theorist” to be a pejorative, you’re not paying enough attention. What do Covid-19, 2020 (and beyond) election fraud, and our disastrous abandoning of American citizens in Afghanistan have to do with one another?
They’re all parts of the globalist plan to usher in a new era of Neo-Marxism in a depopulated world. This is The Great Reset unfolding before our eyes, and the only way we can stop it (other than through constant prayer) is to stand together and spread the truth.
Covid-19’s attachment to The Great Reset is obvious, though we continue to post about it daily. Voter fraud is a bit less obvious but nonetheless easy to recognize when we understand that people like Joe Biden, Justin Trudeau, and Emmanuel Macron are pushing to “Build Back Better” under the precepts of Neo-Marxism.
The Afghanistan betrayal in August, 2021, is harder to associate with The Great Reset, but it’s definitely just as attached. We can see this is the unwillingness of the Biden regime to extend the deadline to withdraw despite American lives put clearly in harm’s way. We can see it in the needlessly abandoned military equipment that was conspicuously left intact; disabling a Black Hawk takes minutes but they were given to the Taliban in pristine working condition. Then, there’s the pallets of hundred dollar bills left for them. If you think all of this was just irresponsible governance, you probably think Barack Obama is out of politics, too.
Weakening America’s standing in the world and empowering the Chinese Communist Party and others to engage fully with our enemies in a globalist cabal are beneficial to the architects of The Great Reset, and both happened in one fell swoop in August. Time is short. As the world spirals towards The Great Reset, the need for truthful journalism has never been greater.
Israel: Over 80% of adults are fully vaccinated with Pfizer. They have 130% more cases, and 56% more deaths than at this time last year. I’m no Einstein, but even I can say this is extremely sinister with nefarious intent!
‘Dr Kobi Haviv, medical director of Herzog Hospital in Jerusalem, stated that the majority of coronavirus patients in an Israeli hospital, including those with severe disease, are fully vaccinated’ No pandemic of the unvaccinated: COVID-jab skeptic doctor interviewed on FOX – LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)
Go on uncensored Bitchute instead of Youtube and use uncensored
DuckDuckGo — Privacy, simplified. instead of Google… I dare you.
The first vaccines were to keep one from having covid,
so didn’t work then another to replace the first, then another, now they didn’t work so people blame the ones that weren’t vaxed, watching the outcome of the first vaxed, so now a thing called booster sadness. If the people only knew what we hear or are told or just know. You don’t mix certain drugs & you sure don’t jab anyone who has an allergy to certain drugs too. Side effects: Just wait. DemonRatz first, I hope.
WAYNE ROOT: The Radical Communist Takeover of Our Country. America is Finished…Unless We Move Quickly. Here’s a Solution. (thegatewaypundit.com)
It’s time WTP starts hitting back- HARD. Civil disobedience & guerrilla tactics. Time to play offense. It starts with “The Great Patriot Protest & Boycott Book.” This ride is about to get wild! This is a full-scale assault.
A radical communist takeover of the

Dedicated to the greatness of America

✰ ✰𝙿𝚊𝚝𝚛𝚒𝚘𝚝✰

Don’t take my kindness for weakness✰ ⇢

I hate to think about the damage this vax is going to do, but one positive is
that it will weed out the ‘non thinkers’. Leaving the smarter people still here.
There are cheap remedies such as Glutathione or Nac and others that can help slow down and possibly reverse what may occur. You won’t sleep for days…but rest easy.
Former Vice-President WHO European Advisory Group: “Unvaccinated people are not dangerous; vaccinated people are dangerous
Watch the full interview here:
Scientists show vaccine effects in autopsies. This is actual science. Don’t believe it? See for yourself : conspiracy_commons (reddit.com)
Fully Vaccinated Chris Rock Gets COVID, Tells Followers to Get Vaccinated So They Don’t Get COVID
France’s long-time vaccine policy chief: Covid policy is “completely stupid” and “unethical” (rumble.com)
Covid cases are surging in the most-vaxxed countries, not in the least-vaxxed (freewestmedia.com)
ICU Nurse Nicole Whitley drops bombs – “You’re being lied to” – YouTube
For those wanting to verify this, go to the FDA’s video here:
Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee!
Fast forward to the 4hour 21min mark.
The Todd Huff Show – Mark Levin On American Marxism
The Todd Huff Show – Mark Levin On American Marxism.
People want to be heard, seen, felt and understood.
From this state the joyous self gradually develops in the spirit vibration,
the inner organ of speech, conscience, which makes perception receptive,
this goes far beyond human intellectual knowledge.

God, Family and #AmericaFirst!

Const. Conservative

—the freedom of Speech may be taken away—and, dumb & silent we may be led, like sheep, to the Slaughter.

What is The Connection with Cloning of Ancient DNA? WHAT were [They] trying to Create? WHO were [they] trying to Create? …..
Illuminati = enLIGHTenment A System of Knowledge = NEUTRAL Intentions = GooD/EviL Control/Connection= EyE/Source Quantum Physics Evil hijacked the System for Control and Power.
Did YOU even know there was a WHITE ILLUMINATI?
Vaccine passports are wrong in principle. They are discriminatory, divisive, possibly illegal, and medically useless. Look at the data from Israel. Whether you are Jabbed or unjabbed, let us work #together to oppose vaccine passports #NoVaccinePassportsAnywhere
Three studies published by the CDC, UK Government & Oxford University find the Covid-19 Vaccines do not work
Is Biden Trying to Collapse the US Dollar? Current Actions Indicate He’s Handing the Dollar Over to International Entities Like the IMF (VIDEO) (thegatewaypundit.com)
Watch this videos by Eric Metaxas
Eric Metaxas Is Being Sued for Spreading Dominion Voting Fraud Claims (churchleaders.com)
Podcasts – The Eric Metaxas Show (metaxastalk.com)
Eric Metaxas, “If You Can Keep It” – Bing video
The Eric Metaxas Radio Show (rumble.com)
Is Biden Trying to Collapse the US Dollar? Current Actions Indicate He’s Handing the Dollar Over to International Entities Like the IMF (VIDEO) (thegatewaypundit.com)
All we need to do to get large numbers of National Guard troops and riot police to the border is hold a J6 rally at the border!
Instead of blaming everyone that doesn’t agree with Biden on the handling of the man made pandemic, why not do some real journalism and start asking questions about who’s responsible for creating the virus and unleashing biological warfare on the entire planet!
The IMF has responded to the COVID-19 crisis by quickly deploying financial assistance, developing policy advice and creating special tools to assist member countries.
All the information is on the IMF’s response to the crisis. IMF-WHO Vaccine Supply Tracker. Number of vaccine doses secured by countries through different channels.

7 Men and the Secrets of Their Greatness — Part 1 – Bing video
7 Men and the Secrets of Their Greatness — Part 2 – Bing video
We included some brief notes and prayer points below the videos:
China bought Dominion on October 8, 2020, less than a month before our elections were heard. Pray that this information would get out and that any interference from China in the election would be fully exposed.
Fall 2014 $200m for a part of Dominion Co. Pray that all of the ownership of Dominion would be fully exposed by even the mainstream media. 3 of the 4 Board Members Connected to the CCP. Pray that all connections will be fully investigated.
Eric Coomer: He fixed the election, he is now missing. Pray that he is found and that he tells the truth about Dominion and the election.
Isn’t this genuine interference from a foreign Government?
This is a Bi-Partisan problem. Pray for our leaders! Pray that any politicians, of any party, who have done wrong would be exposed and appropriately brought to justice.
Must See: Damning Video Explaining How, Why and Who Stole the Election – Forbidden Knowledge TV
This is God’s mercy on us to uncover this! Thank God for His mercy.
Pray for perseverance and endurance for intercessors, investigators, and all who can bring justice and truth.
Pray fervently for a fair and true run-off election… Every swing state in question used Dominion Systems!
1600 counties across the swing states used the Dominion Voting System.
ALL humans create reality ::: manifest your highest Good ::

Pray in the future for divine wisdom & fairness in all their duties.
Like We prayed fervently for AG Barr for months.

The things which are impossible with men are possible with God

The TRUTH will win out. Stay true to yourself.

Yes Yes Yes

If you want to know the truth just read the Bible!
Vschaumann1 (@vschaumann1) / Twitter
Indiana to welcome 5,000 Afghans, house them on old Army base