I call bullshit and a way for the government to “control”.
Things that we hear pass quicker from our minds than what we read.
CDC website shows statistics that 1/2 of hospitalized COVID patients have had vaccines.
And no tests can be conducted to determine “new variant” Covid. Wtf
There are over 200 million Americans who are vaccinated, and daily cases right now are 300% higher than they were a year ago when there were ZERO people vaccinated. Fauci and the lockdowners don’t even attempt to explain this. Ask why.
A: A year ago sporting events were played without fans. Summer gatherings and concerts were cancelled. This year: We reopened because the infection numbers dropped as people were vaccinated…but surprisingly a certain segment of the population refused to get vaccinated or wear masks.
Not rocket science, That’s literally because we ended quarantine prematurely & just sent people back to work & kids to school, & so many morons refused to get vaxxed or wear masks, so COVID circulated enough to mutate into EVEN MORE contagious strains & working people are having to expose themselves, Remember how that field hospital was never actually used? The numbers are higher today with 54% of the country vaxxed! The vax leads to evolutionary pressure on the virus making variants, because the vaxes are non-sterilizing!
All viruses evolve either by mutation or recombination. The RNA gene fragments can recombine with other RNA viruses. The vax puts evolutionary pressure on the original strain and leads to a more deadly virus; Vaccines Could Drive The Evolution Of More COVID-19 Mutants : NPR Real quick, which group tends to have more cases and deaths per capita: vax or unvax? We will never know. The CDC put out a memo stating the United States will no longer count vaxed breakthrough cases unless they have been vented. They are now keeping track through a private program called RedCap, which the public does not have access to.
You’re playing yourself here. With 300% cases one would expect 300% deaths too. Well, that’s not the case, mainly because of the vaccine, proven by the fact most deaths BY A MASSIVE MARGIN happen on unvaccinated people. Didn’t vax and mask and lockdown hard enough. Real Faucism has never been tried. The #MadScientist will spew “variants” until the cows come home, or he’s tried for crimes against humanity – whichever comes first.
I think the point being made is more people are being infected than before when we had lockdowns in place, so the question being presented is why were we in lockdown then, and not now? Also it is already shown the vaccine is not a sure bet.
Look at the stories on Oscar De La Hoya – Bing
MUST WATCH!!! Funeral Director John O’ Looney
Blows the Whistle on Covid (bitchute.com)
Studies have demonstrated that delta is 2-3 times more contagious than the alpha strain. Unleash it on populations w low vax rates, as in the south & mid West, & infections will soar as they have in Fl, Tx, La, Ms, Ar, Al, Ga, SC, Ky, Tn, WV, Mo, Ok, Ut, Mt-all red.
Coronavirus United States – live map tracker from Microsoft Bing
State-by-state coronavirus news (msn.com)
This is why: DVM, PhD | Geert Vanden Bossche “Mass infection prevention and mass vaccination with leaky Covid-19 vaccines in the midst of the pandemic can only breed highly infectious variants.” And WHAT about all the side effects from vax that they will NOT report?
juju states My independent living mom is now in a nursing home bc of SUDDEN EXTREME UNEXPLAINED dementia symptoms that developed 1 month after moderna jab! Four seniors in the facility developed it —
with one now deceased! WHY

Check out the same on the tiny island of #dominica –
before vax, 1st dose, 2nd dose, and the cases shoot up.
Causation does not equal correlation. Look it up.
The Delta Variant lowered the effectiveness of the Vaccine.
Look at the Vaccine impact for months prior to the variant – it clearly had a positive effect. The vaccine doesn’t completely prevent you from getting COVID and they’ve never claimed that it does. It DOES prevent serious illness and death from that infection. Doctor how did delta lower the effectiveness of the vaccine. Natural immunity is the only way out of this . Survival of the fittest stupid.
When you look at the data on Ivermectin, sure. You won’t though,
you’ll call it horse dewormer, cuz you’re a

Pumpkin Spice horse paste is out now!

Does it have “Mr. Ed” as the theme song…

“Go right to the source and ask the horse..

Mr. Ed Theme – YouTube
All depends on for whom.
For the globalist 13 family bloodline cabal, of course all is wonderful. They are pleased that so many of us will soon die. I think the newest “rise in covid numbers” is directly from the vaccine.
There’s only been one variable – increased vaccinations.

Why is no one talking about this? We would’ve already reached “herd immunity” by now. It keeps the virus alive. They’ll just scream “But muh Delta variant!!!” as they ignore every chart showing that mask mandates and vaccines have done nothing to slow the transmission rate or spread. It’s nothing more than yet another flu shot.
Does anyone know where to find info on the J&J vaccine? vaers.hhs.gov
Number of vaccines given vs. number of people who have died from it. I think I’d rather run the numbers on my own then listen to others’ interpretations. Thanks.
Why are 95% of Doctors vaccinated? Think about it. …top epidemiologist in the world all agree on Three things: 1) you can’t vaccinate your way out of a pandemic / vaccine focus is to narrow 2) you need a large portion of population exposed to create natural immunity and reduce possibility of variants 3) THEY ARE ALL BEING CENSORED!
Green Day Wake Me Up When September Ends/Gamazda
https://youtu.be/39BpR2vqFjM via @YouTube