Read thread please French Nobel Prize winner Luc Montagnier has recently warned that those who get Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines could experience devastating long-term consequences. COVID-19 vaccines have devastating long-term effects, warns Nobel Prize winner (afinalwarning.com)
Because of this and because with Delta, each Infected person breathed out more than 1000 times the amount of viruses than with the original train last year.
But who cares about facts? Only 53% are FULKY VACCINATED that is less than 174 million and Fauci and others have discussed this numerous times.
Would only matter if the vaccines were designed to prevent – according to the drug makers that is not the case.
The only benefit we know of from vaccines against covid is potential lower hospitalization and effects. The vaccines do nothing to prevent getting or passing it on: The level of protection provided by the vaccine doesn’t outweigh the other differences in society vs. one year ago. Weddings/Parties with hundreds of people. Nightly baseball games with thousands. Packed football stadiums. College campuses back up and running. You didn’t have a single gathering of tens of thousands of people anywhere last September. Last week there were dozens. If you took the measles and put it in a stadium of 80,000 people…vaccine or no vaccine, some would catch the virus.
Denmark is first in EU to lift all coronavirus restrictions – POLITICO This shot doesn’t inoculate anyone. It’s a feckless hurdle that covid will continue to jump as it mutates and gets stronger. It’s the same as antibiotic resistant bacteria. The “shot” is the problem….causing “vaccine” resistant covid strains. Natural immunity is the answer. The covid shots are not vaccines. You need to understand how they have failed to work. Vaccines inoculate you… this “shot” will never be enough no matter how many boosters you get. Then you end up with ADE (antibody dependent enhancement) eventually rendering you autoimmune.
While numerous SARS-CoV immunization studies in animal models have produced results that vary greatly in terms of protective efficacy, immunopathology, and potential ADE–depending on the vaccine strategy employed–vaccines that elicit neutralizing antibodies … against the S protein DO reliably protect animals from SARS-CoV challenge WITHOUT EVIDENCE of enhancement of infection or disease. Contrary to your claim, data from many animal model studies suggest that human immunization strategies for SARS-CoV-2 that … elicit high neutralizing antibody titers have a HIGH CHANCE OF SUCCESS, WITH MINIMAL RISK OF ADE. Can you provide evidence to back up your baseless claim? You can bring yourself up to date by checking out the animal model studies below.
Meanwhile, stop spreading disinformation. Yang, Z. Y. et al. A DNA vaccine induces SARS coronavirus neutralization and protective immunity in mice. Nature 428, 561–564 (2004). Bukreyev, A. et al. Mucosal immunization of African green monkeys (Cercopithecus aethiops) with an attenuated parainfluenza virus expressing the SARS coronavirus spike protein for the prevention of SARS. Lancet 363, 2122–2127 (2004).
Bisht, H. et al. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus spike protein expressed by attenuated vaccinia virus protectively immunizes mice. Proc. Natl Acad. Sci. USA 101, 6641–6646 (2004). The moment you declared the Covid vaccines weren’t really vaccines.
I knew you didn’t know what the F**K you were talking about. So this is your very own “put-up-or-shut-up” moment. You’re welcome. Ross Trevelyan
Serious question… What’s your proposal for us to get out of the pandemic without a vaccine or shutdown?
The Delta variant is 1000 times more contagious. The variants have a place to go because some people find it more advantageous to gain clicks for bad takes than to realize more vaccinated means squashing routes for transmission. You misrepresent vaccine purpose The answer is
Study: Covid Shot ENHANCES Delta Infectivity (basedunderground.com)
Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee – 9/17/2021.
New evidence from UK, Israel and Massachusetts shows vaccines enhance virus mutation into more dangerous forms jeopardizing the unvaccinated and vaccinated alike. “It’s not the unvaccinated who are driving mutations; it’s the vaccinated.” It’s impossible to make our health officials see basic logic. They have too much skin in the game. NIH gets a royalty from every moderna vaccine delivered, for instance per @axios. I’m sure a forensic accountant could uncover more financial motives to ignore basic lodging Look at Gibraltar. 99% are vaccinated and still the increase in covidcases is at 2500% – Bing
Bloody unadulterated I’ve gone down the gold rabbit hole.
C-19 Pandemia: Quo vadis, homo sapiens? (geert vandenbossche.org)
@GVDBossche has been warning about this for months…
Jim, have you ever looked into the connection between Fauci and his wife, who leads “bioethics” at NIH. They have never really disclosed this, most people are not aware. Does this relationship make you at all uncomfortable with decisions being made? It does me. They did disclose it though. It’s public information. She has no role in approval, testing or issuing EUAs for any vaccine or therapeutic. Like the flu doesn’t mutate every year without vaccinations. Remember the 1918 flu, and the variations that came before that one. Just like rat poison slowly makes the meat stronger against the poison through generations and bacteria and viruses get stronger when surging antibiotics… Everything in nature has a survival instinct and if they survive the vaccine, they’ll find a way to work around it.
Hospitals worldwide filled with vaccinated people (bitchute.com)
College football season is here. And so is the delta variant. (nbcnews.com) Complete opening of schools, restaurants, theaters, concerts, and sports venues with complete removal of safeguards as a new, highly contagious variant moves unrestricted through the population? I’m just spit balling here. It’s possible no one knows though. Wisconsin’s “Jump Around” vs. #19 Penn State – YouTube
Simple- the virus mutates when it goes from person to person. People like you who spread fear to make money convinced a ton of people not to get the vaccine. So the virus mutated a bunch between them. Now we have strains that are deadlier and more contagious. That’s evolution. Unvaccinated => more viruses in your body for longer => more chances to mutate. Vaccinated => kill it quick because your immune system can recognise it as an enemy immediately => infection nuked before it can get going => far less chance for mutations to arise. So true, I worked beside someone with the booster shot. Haven’t felt right since. Brain fog, nauseous, sniffles, and slight congestion, felt just like what I call the mechanical version. Christopher Pope
People who got vaccinated early are at increased risk for severe COVID disease – says it all – the vaccinated are contagious. When you mandate policies that have no repercussions to those mandating them, and you don’t study them at all, disaster is what may ensue. I know personally kids severely damaged from a vaccine that won’t help them; 320 COVID deaths under age 20. This is abuse, not science!
That’s right but the sheep will never listen or learn
Gotta keep moving them goal posts! It’s a game you can’t win, so I am choosing not to play. I’ve agreed with much of Mr. Richards, Sprotts, Martin Armstrong’s, James Sinclair , and many others’ commentary. So I’m there when it comes to their views on the economy but not with this. I feel like this may be intentional and was part of the plan all along. Globalists are really pushing to get vaccination rates up everywhere. It’s the ruling oligarchies behind this with the ultimate aim of controlling, reducing the human population.
Virologist, Nobel Prize laureate Luc Montagnier said this a few months ago: it’s the vaxxxines that are creating the variants
Luc Montagnier sur la vaccination Corona – English subtitles (odysee.com)
little fact, did u know israel has the highest #vaccination percentage on earth and recently stopped accepting new cv19 people into hospitals because they are bursting full? and guess what , 95% of the hospitalized are fully double or triple vaxed Israel, Australia Report 95-99% Hospitalized Fully Vaccinated (infowars.com)
Brainwashing via „Predictive Programming“ has started
Its Your Choice Not Mine Vaccines.gov – Find COVID-19 vaccine locations near you. 1. The delta variant is more contagious 2. More people are just going about their lives w/o masks than were doing so a year ago 3. The daily death toll numbers are about 60% lower than they were the last time new case numbers were this high
What Matters: Biden’s six-step Covid plan, explained – CNN Politics
S.F. schools report no COVID outbreaks, even as delta overwhelms districts elsewhere : bayarea (reddit.com)
American Family Radio – Sandy Rios in the Morning (afr.net)
You need courage to love Truth matters only to those who care. Democrats left me. Don’t be afraid of death, be afraid of an unlived life.
Candace Ayers of Springfield, Illinois: In her obituary, a family says a mother’s Covid-19 death could have been prevented if more people were vaccinated – CNN
Listen to the doctor interview (on podcast/55 minutes) on American Family Radio – Sandy Rios in the Morning (afr.net) for Sept 9, 2021. You will understand the vaccine problem. If our gov truly cared about our health, they would be pushing healthy lifestyles, daily exercise, vitamins such as zinc, vit D, vit a, vit C, quercetin, etc. But… They’re not so they’re pushing a deadly vaccine. It’s all about controlling us, nothing to do with our health. “It is difficult to get a man to understand something when his salary depends upon his not understanding it.” I think it’s safe to assume that no amount of explanation or science will convince you of the validity of a position that contradicts the pronouncements of your cult.
There are a lot of unanswered questions about the vaccines if you exclude all the answers to the questions.
Hammer of Truth As a clinical lab owner who does COVID PCR testing as part of our service. Our infectivity numbers are higher than any point in the pandemic. Jan-april 2021 infectivity was less than 3% July 10.5% August 13%. Some people just spout BS without basis in fact and they know it just to get attention any kind of attention and it works. AS IS IN SWEDEN; The case numbers shouldn’t matter, they never should’ve mattered compared to the death rate. I want to know the statistics on the death rate right now versus a year ago. That will be the best indicator as to whether or not the vaccine is truly working or not! According to VAERS Website: There Were 3,296 COVID Vaccine Deaths in US Since July 24 – Or an Average of 70 Deaths per Day (thegatewaypundit.com)
Vaccine Mandates Can’t Stop Covid’s Spread – Bing
Source:Buck Sexton Ask why.” / Twitter
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We. All. Fucking. Stayed. Home in 2020. We all masked.
We were all “in this together” until the restrictions became unreasonable. As a kid, I used to watch the Wizard of Oz and wonder how someone could talk without a brain .
Then I saw our President of the last 9 months!!!
Again, masks do NOT work against an aerosolized virus. The burden of proof is on those mandating them to PROVE that they do work.
“All of this — the suffering, trauma, disability and expense — might have been avoided if these two patients had been treated early. Yet we are told there is no early treatment. A brilliant piece by @marybethpf .
Frontline Covid-19 Critical Care (@Covid19Critical) / Twitter
‘Get Sicker’: Anatomy Of A Failed Policy (trialsitenews.com)
They didn’t leave Americans behind! Ever!
A friend sent this to me. youtu.be/CqYOAqxlL_Y
Brought tears to my eyes, thinking of him, another friend and my cousin, all chopper pilots in Vietnam.
All brave, true heroes.
Matt 10:16 ~Look, I am sending you out like sheep among wolves; therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves. ~ #Patriot#MAGA

How I Learned to Love the New World Order
BY Joseph R. Biden Jr.
PD 23 April 1992 – Bing
The Wall Street Journal
People Who Have Been Vaccinated Make Up 47% of New COVID Cases – Freedom Rock Radio
VIDEO: Carson speaks on what could actually destroy America (dennismichaellynch.com)
7 Unexpected Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs – Business 2 Community