They are losing brain cells by the day due to oxygen deprivation from wearing those USELESS MASKS! Immunity from the COVID-19 vaccines likely to ‘wane, and not plummet,’ CDC director tells Congress
This stuff about masks is nuts, I don’t want to see one the rest of my life.
They only work if you believe they work, I don’t believe they can stop Covid. And not one country has said nothing bad against China! I’m curious.
What are their ages? Do they also have immune or co-morbidity issues?
This IS scary stuff.

The vaccine is not a vaccine as we are accustomed to. It’s not going to work very well or for very long and might make things worse in other areas as well as your defense and immunity to getting Covid. You’ll get it 1-2x a year… If they had Covid they were already immune. Covid did one thing. Showed us how many stupid people there are.
You can get Covid more than once come on people . Especially after a little time… Who told her not to get the vaccine? Why is anyone allowing other people to tell them to or not to get the vaccine? That is a decision every individual should make on their own.
Haven’t had the guts to ask a masked vaxXer, why the mask if the vax works to keep you from getting infected? but if one gets in my unmasked face, i surely will. they ran to get the vax they believed would save them from catching Covid, guess they really don’t believe after all. Ahhh modern psychology brainwash the naïve. I feel so bad for them sometimes…one woman on here got the vaccine and ended up with severe tremors in her legs and was warning people not to get it. People were being so mean to her, it’s like unfortunately she had to learn the from that.
Sadly they haven’t had enough. Too many people are still living in their
own little bubbles completely oblivious to the dangers they face. It’s going
to have to get a lot worse for enough people to wake up unfortunately.
Klaus Schwab has planned for it!
Nebuchadnezzar found out what happens when you get as puffed up as a WEF Great. I found out what happens when you get as puffed up as a WEF Great Tyranny psychopath… The Creator of the universe has a way of putting people who think they run the world, in their place in an instant. Stay tuned. Apparently not. It hasn’t hit rock bottom yet. Power grids, phone service, internet, water systems still operating. Once the comfort of American life truly stops, then people will fight. Yup. It hasn’t hit yet. They are still living in the comfort of materialism..
People needs to show it with more action than words or
VERY soon will be too late!!!
Paris is doing more to protect their freedom than we are?
My angelic nature is gone.

off unless I make a solid effort to think positively. It’s harder every day.
23rd psalms helps me! I must repeat that 30 times a day….I sure hope so!
It’s about time!! The complacency of “We the people” has had me baffled and miffed since the very beginning of this catastrophe. We should stop with the hysteria and the fu*king propaganda B.S.
It’s time for the military…..
Slo-joe just ceded Sec Def role to congress.
BY PROF MIKE YEADON. (bitchute.com)
They know something is wrong. Stop the Vaxx!
A carnivore diet will cure all these symptoms.
when it’s time for a gut cleanse: – brain fog – bad breath – hard to focus – pale, dull skin – acne breakouts – digestive issues – difficulty sleeping –
get headaches often – irritable mood swings – low energy & tired a lot – frequent constipation – bloating after every meal…
Most Conservatives just want to be left alone.
We consider miles of red tape and regulation to be unproductive.
Excessive spending and lack of fiscal responsibilities is bad policy.
Over bloated bureaucracies and government overreach should be reigned in.
Portland teachers are AGHAST that parents made decisions for their children that don’t align with the teachers union! Can you BELIEVE 90% of parents want their kids mask less. Well this is just awful. Northwest Observer
Fagan Dismayed by the Supreme Court’s Decision in Brnovich vs. DNC
The result should make it harder for Democrats to bring knee-jerk lawsuits.

Secretary of State Shemia Fagan released an emotional audio statement on the official Secretary of State website where she decried the US Supreme Court’s decision without citing what Brnovich vs DNC entailed. The National Review presented some details on what the decision entails: “The decision is a positive step for the rule of law and a setback for lawsuits that hamstring states from running efficient elections.”
“The two Arizona laws were challenged under Section 2 of the Voting Rights Act, 52 U.S.C. § 10301, and under the 15th Amendment’s ban on intentional race discrimination in voting. The result should make it harder for Democrats to bring knee-jerk lawsuits over every change in voting laws without showing that they present a genuinely discriminatory obstacle to the overall opportunity to vote. The Court also made clear that a Section 2 case cannot be based on attacks on the purpose or intent of the legislators without showing that there was, in fact, a discriminatory effect on the opportunity to vote.”
The Legal Information Institute at the Cornell Law School notes the gains made by the State of Arizona: “Helen Purcell, in support of Arizona, argues that over the years Arizona has taken considerable steps in their voting rights laws to assure ease of voting and equal opportunity for all citizens. From absentee voting, early voting, accommodations for those with disabilities, and emergency voting, Purcell maintains that Arizona has done its duty to assure accessible voting for all its citizens.
The Republican Governors Public Policy Committee, in support of Arizona, agrees that Arizona’s laws serve to make voting easier and secure, and do not result in discrimination of any particular racial group. Indeed, RPPC claims that as Arizona’s population has increased, its voter turnout has steadily kept pace which shows that voter disenfranchisement is not an issue. But allowing third-parties to collect votes, RPPC contends, would take away the integrity of secure voting and serve to devalue the system” Secretary of State Shemia Fagan’s passionate statement gave no details as to how this US Supreme Court decision affects or impacts citizens voting in Oregon. Some citizens believe the Secretary of State’s office should not be a partisan office but should be managed for the benefit and rights of all Oregonians.
Oregon counties have yet to weigh in as to how this will affect or will not affect how each county runs their elections.
Margo Logan.
Aussie dollar falls, US dollar falls, stock markets down,
anyone would think forced lockdowns are Not working..

Can someone please explain to me why the vast majority of self-proclaimed pro-choicers are
so anti-choice when it comes to these experimental vaccines?

Because they’re only pro THEIR choice! Whatever they choose for themselves, they want to force on everyone else. I say that as a pro choice, myself.
A TRUE pro choice, who applies personal choice across the board. The ones that don’t are leftists, not actual pro choicers.
Selfishness, though they would say the same about those of us who won’t or can’t get the vaccine.
Other than medical reasons or rape, most women get abortions so the child doesn’t affect their life for whatever reasons.Every argument has a counter tho in this. Choice is at heart
It just needs the weak minded to obey .
Same group as “my body my choice” Apparently like all else, it only applies when convenient… Hyp Hyp Hyp Hyp Hypocrites!!!
Because they are programmed by their TV’s
So originally the vaxx was still in ‘trial’ mode until 2023. Now word is FDA
will fully approve by the fall? How is this even America anymore?
Mankind is suffering.
We are in a freaking nightmare scenario. They’ve timed everything to their advantage, not ours. What can we do? Maybe raise some almighty hell?
We’d best start soon. Don’t miss Fraud Fauci who will be testifying in front the Senate Health Committee.
Insanity! I will never trust the FDA again if they “approve” these drugs!
An mRNA drug has never received an approval by the FDA before for good reasons. Do your own independent research…don’t rely on mainstream media to make informed decisions. ‘I Used To Be an Anti-Vaxxer’.
If that’s true then this is clearly not a democracy anymore.
Even the FDA caving into the Pharma Mafia!
The FDA is in a deep state. No one elects those people and who can fire them?
Communists built the Berlin Wall literally overnight. These bastards will stop at nothing to destroy your civil liberties. They’ll lock us down endlessly if they have to.
