But at least people were happy.
Biden is doing everything he can to return the U.S. to the sky high inflation
of the late 70’s and early 80’s like I remember. And had a president that was
a true leader Remember interest rates were 21 and a 1/2 percent when Reagan took office. That is exactly where they are headed now if we don’t do something about inflation.
We live through the Cold War.
Nuclear boogeyman stuff. But we had Reagan and NOBODY OR ANYTHING fucked with him! I actually prefer the 70’s. Traditional American values, home before the streetlights came on and people lived their faith. We had MTV Huey Lewis & The News and the original SNL. We used to go home early to watch it.
Saturday Night Live didn’t suck then. I want to go back to the 80s.
Men were men and women were women. No social media so the world’s problems weren’t in our face every day. The only fear I lived through was the Ice age in the 70’s and the hole in the Ozone in the 90’s.
Funny how “the science” behind climate change keeps changing just like Fauci’s “science” on Covid. Could it be because it’s based on politics instead
of real science? Although we had to worry about the hole in the ozone layer. Whatever happened to the ozone layer? It was supposed to be long gone by now. Ozone was depleting because of hairspray.
Damn Aquanet was killing us all!!!
Government needs us to be afraid of something or we would realize we don’t need them. They were the most boring years of my life. We could speak freely, people disagreed with each other without being called racist, we could tell people what political party we liked without being cancelled, in other words,
we were still a Constitutional Republic. Everyone was so much better off b4 the internet.. and iphones… but those too were designed to mold brains, thought condition, and control people.
My father always said computers and the internet were ruination of our nation. I still have my Atari and Nintendo was big THEN.
Looking back I second that motion.

Back then: The media reported the news with opinion. We did not depend on news casters to guide our lives. Today they twist and outright lie about events and people to fit leftist agendas. A person sure gets tired of all the BS from the media and the present administration!!!
People can live without their BuLLSHiT.
The only way poor people could get into tertiary education was by applying
for arts courses. Barely any of us — were encouraged to study economics or mathematics, and now look at the mess the world is in. And the media did real journalism and were not propaganda mouthpieces for the admin. Communism doesn’t offer happiness as a choice. The last year living behind a mask, with no free speech, no free will, divided, controlled, enslaved by govt is not living, take me back. 70s for me. You need free market capitalism, and that has been killed.
I miss the decade of the 80’s. Then we didn’t have Libs and others, who can’t stand to see other people happy isn’t a reason to retreat into the past. It is a reason to stand your ground now and see it fixed. We need to unify. The GOP must persist in preventing Democrats from bastardizing our elections.
We have to push harder than them.
If we do, Trump is POTUS again & GOP wins control of legislature.
Oh happy days! Then we can tune-out the whiny cries of the sore losers.
Had this song in my head this morning. It said so much then and now.
NENA | 99 Red Balloons [1984] (Official Music Video)
So does this mean communism is successful?
Communism is not an economic system.
The Chinese government trades with the world using capitalism. If…. communism was involved in their trade policies they’d have no trade relations. Communism is definitely an economic system. China trades more like a capitalist system than the US does. Communism is an economic system. China is a Communist Oligarchy, an elite group of 25 families that rule the CCP and the country. You are correct in the sense that China trades with the world under Capitalist guidelines. To call Communism an economic system is the equivalent of saying that a bank robber is an investment banker. Communism as an economic model only “works” in the theoretical. China doesn’t trade through communist means.
It can’t. Not even within its own borders.
I think your statement is ignorant, worked well for Russia, and obviously China. Not to say there aren’t problems, but to not acknowledge their accomplishments … wow… well that’s crazy. I’m pro west, not pro Russian
or Chinese, just trying to be real. Actually trade is not limited to capitalist countries. Capitalism just defines who owns the means of production.
In pure capitalism it is owned by private investors.
In socialism by we the people. In communism by the government.
Y’all are the reason it is so easy for the wealthy and powers that be
to treat us like pawns and serfs.
It is economics, cost of production, distribution, consumption. China worker:$3.60 per day (per Communist control) USA: worker:$120.00 per day. Free Market vs Complete control of means of everything…Do you not know how macroeconomics works? If china gets angry and stops trades ..it would have a big wauw effect on the world and it crashes ..more and more tax and the rest of the factories are going to china… those creepy libs Dems also in Europe are killing everything with their tax. Whatever the Chinese are using, it isn’t capitalism.
Just ask the slave workers of China.
Socialism = How a Big Mac affects your body in 1 hour…
Its communism for the working class, capitalism for the elite and ruling class. Bribes , slave labor can globally work for a while against labor unions and corporate transparency. In the end all centrally planned economies fail…no really fail. Well 10hours shift, 6 day a week, they will only pay between 2000-5000 CNY which is about 330$-850$ a month. Yea so successful, you are not gonna get minimum 15$ hours wage.. More than that, they are selling pensions and 401k for fake companies on the NYSE with financials as real as a Hollywood script.
China passed perestroika but not glasnost. In other words, they have a free market economy but no press freedom. No, the government in China owns 50% of all companies Define success. If success is exploiting child and slave labor to keep prices artificially low to dominate world trade then I guess they are successful. The question is, would you move your family there to help
them succeed?
Do you think they are a success?
No it means the people of China are imprisoned and paid little to make our stuff. If they refuse to do what the government of China wants, they die!
That is communism, live for the government or you die! No Freedom at all! Nothing communist about China except the name of the ruling party. Communism failed so they became capitalists with a fascist government.
The Chinese government is. The people are poor and mistreated. So if you think that’s success, go live over there and see if you change your mind.
Republicans argue that slavery wasn’t what made America great.
China proving slavery is a winning strategy?
It does mean we have ineffective leadership and a lack of vision about the future of our country; two things that China does not have.
I think that’s debatable. Authoritarianism for sure works as long as you don’t end up on a 2 front war or give power to imbecilic children.
Yes it turns out that making your citizens slaves and destroying your political rivals can be profitable. Who would have thought?
Ask the individual citizen in China. Communism is good at centralizing power and making others rely on those in power. The average person in China is no better off. They are still heavily oppressed. But their government and select elite own You. It sure is successful at enslaving and committing genocide of Uyghurs. And in Cuba it’s great at mass imprisonment of gay men. Hell, sometimes you can even use it to kill millions of people through mass starvation, it’s great at all sorts of things!
Not at all, it actually shows that capitalism works and communism has failed. China has been swimming in capitalism for the past decade or more while calling themselves communist. They’re just an authoritarian corrupt government. There’s nothing more dangerous than what China is doing because it works now with capitalism. China hasn’t been communist for a while. They are a dictatorship that uses state capitalism to control outcomes and avoid the sort of income inequality and moral decay we see in the US.
It means we need to return to the USA first policies which were abandoned decades ago. China is selling the rope to hang ourselves.
It means the communist tasted capitalism and they liked it. Now they’re pushing us out. The opposite. Communist China is using Capitalism.
Socialism and communism can’t exist without capitalism. This means that soon YOU will be working in a Chinese sweatshop.
Why don’t you go to China and report back how good it is.
If you think never owning your home or passing anything of value to your kids is successful then yes. China stopped being communist because it didn’t work. Now they are fascist. Aren’t they a combination of communism and capitalism? Because it’s not like the means of production is controlled by the workers. Socialist_Vet I’d suggest that you move to China, Venezuela or Cuba for five years. After you come back we can discuss how successful Communism or Socialism is.
It’s easy being a Socialist while living off a capitalist system.
It’s hard to compete with slave labor when people here are demanding at least $15/hour. When prices go up wages have to go up also. If not, the economy will fail. My husband got a raise and it enabled us to be able to make some much needed repairs to our house. If people don’t have the money for these kinds of things you will be seeing more slum neighborhoods . You’re not getting the point. People want to artificially raise our wages while we are being forced to compete against people who are getting nothing. They win every time! You won’t even have a slum then, just a cardboard box by the river…..if you’re lucky.
No, it means China is very aggressive in spreading their socialist doctrine by getting these countries to submit to letting them buy into their countries. The Chinese are no longer communist and haven’t been for decades. If anything, their current economic system resembles fascism or national socialism more than it does Marxism. This means their slave labor can displace the labor in most countries because they have no labor laws or environmental laws so their overhead is lower than most.. how much do you think they pay in tariffs for goods vs our exports to other countries.
China is both Capitalist and Communist!
The Communist party runs the politics and the society. The Capitalist part runs the economy! They don’t want to make the same mistake that Soviet made which led to their destruction! Their economy is more Capitalist than the U.S. economy! No, it means sheep work for evil entrepreneurs who take all the money for themselves. You think just because you do not believe in capitalism, somehow you personally are going to have money in your pockets. You will be owned by a few elites and you will like it.
Americans don’t get how their standard of living will shit the bed under Communism. Like daily hot showers?
You will get one per week, if you’re lucky… #CCP is only communist with their internal politics. Outside they have adopted & beat us at the capitalist game but with communist labor practices. I supposed making people work for 20 cents a day and putting up suicide nets is fairly successful. When you don’t care about paying your slaves for their labor to make for better trade prices, yeah I guess it does work.
Only under capitalism makes higher wages for people! Meanwhile Americans make 10 dollars minimum wage and sweatshop workers make literal pennies.

No it means they have taken over. Soon we will all be under communist rule.
I believe they already have taken over making this a Sick world. The CCP has been using the useful kleptocrats on this side of the pond to aid its ascent.
It means communism enslaves anyone who does business with it until they eventually own you. State run companies with slave labor beats a Capitalist economy forced to pay high wages.
If success is little children working 15 hours a day for pennies, people being afraid to speak out or be killed, and half of your country living in 3rd world standards. Yes. Head on over there. It means when you pay your peasants
.54 cents an hour you have a big advantage.
China technically ended communism in 1978 when they opened up to the western world to embrace capitalism. Now they are just fascists. Fascists and communists are the same thing. Except for the fact that it would be more accurate to describe Communist China as a modern fascist state.
Josef Stalin. Mao Zedong. Fidel Castro. Ruhollah Khomeini.
What do many of the most brutal dictators of the 20th century have in common?
Under Mao as communists they killed 50M people through starvation,
then began loosening the markets in the 80’s to reach the prosperity they have. Slave labor+globalization+greed+intellectual theft+suppression of free market ideas…….sure communism wins. IT’s more like fascism. The CCP creates debt slaves. Most of Africa is indentured to the CCP now. Anyone have a wealth concentration map for China?
This means people are stupid: colleges and universities have been mass producing morons for decades. Now the “enlightened” new age politicians in their “infinite wisdom” are starting the indoctrination in kindergarten. If anything, it means stealing industrial secrets with impunity and exploiting slave labor is successful. Communism is good for the politicians and some elite but is never ever good for the people. China is communism on paper only. The correct term should be authoritarian capitalism. The democrats are pushing us towards that path also. Hitler would be proud!
Authoritarian Capitalism. (AuthCap), sometimes referred to as Illiberal Capitalism, is an economically right wing, authoritarian and culturally ambivalent (though usually right-leaning) ideology advocating for a system in which a capitalist market economy exists alongside an authoritarian government. Authoritarian capitalists argue that by utilizing elements of Capitalism, regimes may more effectively employ modern technologies to suppress dissidence towards government. The former has a higher degree of economic liberalization than the latter.
In addition, it is argued that capitalist free-market policies lead to an increase in authoritarian policies. The core of this argument lies in the view that citizens will support whichever regime provides the most material comforts.
Authoritarian capitalism is often associated with, and mistaken for,
State Capitalism, an economic system in which the state undertakes business and commercial economic activity, and where the means of production are organized and managed as state-owned enterprises.
China makes electronics cheaply.
Why the shortage of semiconductor chips
They did this deliberately to boost their economy and the world became addicted. Americans just argue about abortion, oil, God and guns while the leaders play golf. Pretty simple. You’re not helping by sowing division, eh… problem created by corporate America with support from the US government. Started by wanting to sell Coke to China, ended with outsourcing all manufacturing to China. Not only has This corrupt Congress set up a massively unbalanced trade economy w CCP, allowed CCP owned businesses to operate here, they are giving millions in federal funds to U.S. utility & military companies who are partnering with CCP.
@LeaderMcConnell @GOPLeader @SenateGOP
I recall vividly people shouting down the legitimate conc3rns
Letting China join the WTO has had predictable results.
Reminds Me of this book:
Manning Johnson | Color, Communism and Common Sense,
(From the Past to the Present)
Manning Johnson | color, communism and common sense.
Paul Simon – 50 Ways To Leave Your Lover vinyl