upon the eyes of heaven Amen

History loving patriot who cherishes the U.S. Constitution.
with undying optimism for the future.

Back the Holy Land & Blue!!!

The people who are yelling that Trump is an insurrectionist are the same ones who if they had been asked by Pontius Pilate whether to save Jesus or Barabbas would have chosen the insurrectionist Barabbas and yelled for Jesus to be crucified!
Why are covid cases rising in the United States? Joe Biden campaigned on
“I have a plan.” Just another “Big Lie” from the Big Guy!
So do not be afraid of them. There is nothing concealed that will not be disclosed, or hidden that will not be made known. ~Matthew 10:26
Idiocracy: a disturbingly prophetic look at the future of America – and our era of stupidity.
U.S. Blames Hackers Tied to China for Microsoft Cyberattack Spree
5 FULLY VACCINATED Texas Democrats Test positive for Covid.
Condescending comments only show how ignorant and uninformed you truly are.
Published July 16. 2021 12:05AM
Felicia Sonmez and Cat Zakrzewski, The Washington Post
The Rockefeller Foundation is committing 13.5 million to “combat” health misinformation.
The Day – Surgeon general issues advisory on dangers of health misinformation amid rise in COVID-19 cases If you still can’t see how Orwellian and tyrannical this is, you need to wake up. The government (liars) wants to define the truth now and they’re strongly arming Big Tech to ban voices who don’t push the party line. The government does not define truth and neither do Big Tech companies..
What about freedom of information? Decide for yourself??
“SOCK IT TO UM “ It’s all one big filthy bed.
What does conservatism mean to you?
Freedom of thought, and personal responsibility. Government intervention to maintain competition (I.e no monopolies or trusts). Love of Country, Constitution, and what our founding fathers designed for our good. All men were created equally. Common sense, personal responsibility, free market economy and strict construction of the U.S. Constitution.
To put the Lord/Law in my heart so I may be Guided upon the land

upon a world of darkness placed Amen

Having values in life. Ethic and respect. Honoring life and beliefs. Working hard. Family. Talking without name calling and listening to others points of view. Tbh, and I know many will be pissed off at this… anti left. I’m not a conservative, I’m just anti-left. An enemy of an enemy is a friend.
Pres. Trump considers himself a “Common Sense Conservative,” &

I Myself feel the same! (some of his best policies that helped

did NOT align w/traditional “R’s!”
Fighting for the rights and freedoms for all legal Americans conserving our way of life, religion and beliefs and conserving our country for future generations that’s my take on it. Small government by the people for the people, following & preserving the Constitution, fiscal responsibility, common sense political beliefs, protection of sovereignty, charity but, “at home” first…. and more. It means taking personal responsibility for my life, belief in God, love of country, support of law enforcement, small government. Not this out of control monster controlling us.
God first. No abortions. Not letting the young people think that everything is good for them because Hollywood And teachers say so. No indoctrination of children for the Marxist socialist society. So really I guess, God, family, County. I take it literally. Conserving the constitution and the bill of rights, as written, and treating those documents as the supreme law of the land, without exception. Preserving the best parts of our country, protecting fundamental rights, finding social solutions without government interference.
Small government interference into our constitutional freedoms. Protect American borders. 50 sovereign states. Economic, social or traditional? I’m a libertarian with morals. So you can do what you want as long as it doesn’t affect another person. For me, being a conservative is being a liberal with a set of air brakes. Unfortunately, the brakes failed down a very slippery slope. Being picky about advocating for change and having it be consent based.
Trying to prevent others from passing laws that will make things worse while clinging to laws that made things bad in the first place. Preservation of certain values like the family unit. Limited government that respects Individual Liberty as inviolable.
Believing in traditional biblical values..


We need to worry about winning the battle at hand and sort the details out later. Consciously awaken.. Loyalty to country, morals, Fairness for all.
Conservatism means protecting society from Marxist ideas. It means freedom over tyranny.
It means protecting the lives of the unborn. It means being able to start a family and a business. Conservative means “being averse to change or innovation and holding traditional values” That is the dictionary definition of conservatism. But in reality conservative is used in a ton of ways to mean, conserving the constitution, conserving liberty or conserving religious values.
In simple terms so I avoid a lengthy essay – it means:
1) Celebrating human rights & US Constitutional freedoms,
2) Promoting the same & never caving to those who want to take that away,
3) Giving back to strengthen those tenets.
I view “Conservative” as- Originalist as it relates to the Constitution Believe in American Exceptionalism Limited government- lower regulation Moral, faith based, family and traditional values. Foreign relations- peace through strength, strategic world influence
Tree hugging human who is undefeated in Cards Against Humanity.
Bye Bye Miss American Pie.

Dear friend, do not imitate what is evil but what is good. Anyone who does what is good is from God. Anyone who does what is evil has not seen God.
Friends 4ever – Bing video

It’s one of those nights, I can’t sleep immediately. THINKING….
Sometimes GOD wants to talk to us in late NIGHT HOURS
which sometimes you get your breakthrough that way.

The world is in complete chaos. It truly is A planned chaos courtesy of the Rothschilds and Globalists. Not all of it, only the parts the media wants you
to see after orchestrating the violence and hate. Just take a break from it all, Twitter, the news, or any other media. Go outside. Experience nature. Sometimes a reset is what we need.
The Assault on America’s National Identity (msn.com)
(1) Kissinger 2009 WHO speech – Bing
Eugenics and Depopulation: 2009-09-13
On November 27, 2020, Facebook user Eka Gurgenidze published a post with American politician and diplomat Henry Kissinger’s quote about mandatory vaccination. The post is published with Kissinger’s photo and the star of David. According to the mentioned quote, mandatory vaccination is the first step in controlling the “herd” and if you convince people of doing so, they will agree to genetically modify and sterilize their children as well, which will reduce the world population. Do words about mandatory vaccination belong to Henry Kissinger? | Drupal (myth detector.ge)
Hence it might be useful to look at what is usually meant by this phrase. Some say it has occultic significance, that the powers that be are into Luciferian or Satanic ideology and they have ‘religious’ aims in mind in that sense, while telling the rest of us that religion is old fashioned and irrelevant. Some say it signifies a takeover like Hitler’s in Germany or the Bolsheviks’ in Russia, or indeed like martial law and massacres á la Chile and Indonesia in the 70s – which Kissinger was implicated in.
But all agree I think that it signifies an attempt to create a global government which would be in the hands of some dictatorial clique. Probably if it was to come about in 2009 it would resemble a kind of global EU where sovereign governments would agree to set up some sort of world council with vast political power. This seems to be the scenario hinted at in an editorial in the Financial Times and by the former vice President of the National Bank of Poland, Dr. Krzysztof Rybiński. Henry Kissinger: “2009 will mark the beginning of a new world order.” | Politics.ie Kissinger 2009 WHO speech
Remember being told nothing is free in this world growing up..
Nothing good comes easy or is free but these vaccines are free.?!

They never were “free.” They were purchased with your taxpayer dollars. NOTHING the government provides is free. It just hides the source of revenue – YOU! They seem free.. Later on down the road I’m sure we will pay for it.. The government makes NO money of its own! But no free tests for diabetes or free insulin or sufferers of diabetes? Or free tests for heart disease or blood tests-free-or.. cancer screenings-free? How come? That falls under the warning: “Never accept candy from a stranger.”

Imagine for just a second this had been the (now befouled) former VP Pence!!

This would have been at the TOP of the news cycle for a week!!

Demo’KRAUTS are loathsome hypocrites!
Mark Levin, in his new book American Marxism, says we must beat Demo’KRAUTS at their own game. It begins at schools K -12 & colleges; we must FOCUS ON what our children are being taught, and push back HARD on the poison that they are teaching our little ones.

Well, shit… I guess being 61 with morals makes me a grifting, bigot, baby boomer and
the left is hoping people my age would just die away That sucks.

Terrence K. Williams on Twitter: “How do we beat the Democrats ?” / Twitter
‘It’s chilling what is happening’: a rightwing backlash to Biden takes root in Republican states
Biden Administration Transfers Its First Detainee From Guantánamo Bay
The upside-down reality many unvaccinated people are living in (msn.com)
Doctor: Heart Failure from mRNA Jabs “Will Kill Most People” | Principia Scientific Intl.
[(Slaying the Sky Dragon – Death of the Greenhouse Gas Theory)] [Author: John O’Sullivan]
These 7 Cancers Are Caused by Alcohol Use, New Study Says (msn.com)
46 of the greatest U.S. Summer Olympians of all time (msn.com)