Guillain-Barré syndrome, myocarditis/pericarditis & death is now mandatory for many of us to keep our jobs. Wanting to wait for long term data is reasonable & sane! How about the future side effects ones we find out about down the line. Imagine being someone who trusted fully in them and then died. I’ll go ahead and wait. If a job requires you to take it to keep your job then I’d say have a lawyer draft a document that you demand Your job sign assuming All risk if anything happens to you & if they refuse

then ask them well why not?

Five Texas House Democrats, all of whom were vaccinated,
tested positive for COVID-19 while in DC.

A 22% surge in US coronavirus deaths is hitting unvaccinated people hardest. Experts worry about the long-term effects for vaccinated people, too.
Will we ever see accurate data? I think not. Somebody will spin it if they can make a buck. Thank you for saying what 60% of us feel and another 10% have been screaming from the mountain top. It should be unlawful to be forced into choosing to be compliant with an unconstitutional mandate or losing your job. Especially when there have been known occasions where people have had adverse reactions and even died. Many folks who got vaccinated are getting Covid variants. Dr David Martin & Dr Reiner Talk Mind Blowing Facts!
Dr. Charlie Ward (drcharlieward.com)
The ONLY reason that it was given EUA is because the corrupt left in collusion with big pharma refused to allow known treatments/preventatives like HCQ, ivermectin, or inhaled budesonide to be used. They should all be put on trial for crimes against humanity.

Georgia man gets double lung transplant, has COVID-19 vaccine regrets.
Meanwhile, the effects of the virus are still far worse. But you go ahead and whinge over the .002 complication rate of the vaccine instead of the 30% suffering long term disabilities due to COVID complications. Yeah, and the people with all those side effects are old and/or infirm. And even with that,
the median age for people who die from COVID (as opposed to dying while
testing positive for COVID) is still higher than the national life expectancy.

Though it was you who posted the video with the doctor warning about the vaxx causing infertility?
Dr Simone Gold literally has a Rumble channel and she puts out the truth about the treatment and vaxes. I can find “Perspectives on the Pandemic”
in seconds. America’s Frontline Doctors, Dr. Judy Mikovicz, Dr. Erickssen,
Dr. Massihi, Dr. Cole, The truth is out there.-
I think C-19 was a population control project from the get go

“Perspectives on the Pandemic” Dr. Judy Mikovicz.
Being vaccinated does not keep you from getting Covid. However, if you
had Covid it is extremely rare to ever be reinfected. Why is the Government pushing for those who had Covid to get jab? So their natural immunity can be overridden by an mRNA encoding opening the person to re-infection by any variant. Funny thing – finding a significant number of people I know have the vax, and STILL are getting the China virus. And, some who have the vax, and then later tested have NO SIGN of antibodies. Something is really wrong here.
Nearly all COVID deaths in US are now among unvaccinated (apnews.com)
Totally agree yet, ONE YEAR AGO HEALTHCARE WORKERS WERE HEROS NOW THEY ARE BEING FIRED BECAUSE THEY DON’T WANT THE COVID VACCINE! WHAT HAPPENED TO FREEDOM OF CHOICE ESPECIALLY WHEN IT COMES TO OUR OWN BODIES! Serious question, does the vaccine give you antibodies if it has an effective rate of six months by some studies vs. Having Covid and naturally having antibodies? Is that why vaccinated people are now testing positive?
Not getting it. I’ve been exposed twice that I Know about and didn’t contract it. I have to seriously question anything that the government wants to pay me via gift cards to get. The jab is 63% effective and they said that from the start. Too many friends have had side effects…
It’s all about CONTROL. They’re testing to see who can be easily controlled
and demonizing those that can’t. These tactics have been used before.
All about DARPA, (DNA alterations Research Project Alterations) 60 years in the making.
I did know the word in English Genocide, but IS said in German: Genozid.
I bet if CDC did its job, the cities with the highest increase in Covid were the cities with the most migrants being dropped off??
And why would an admin let a million people here without being vaccinated.
If THEY claim. Vaccines are so important???
Whatever the government pushes ~ you should resist. Say no to government pressure. Is never good for you. Because it’s about control, Comply or you will be made to comply.
“This Is Worrying Me Quite A Bit”: mRNA Vaccine Inventor Shares Viral Thread Showing COVID Surge In Most-Vaxxed Countries | ZeroHedge
More vaxxes , ROI – Bing
Despite Fauci’s assertions, Israeli data indicate natural immunity 6x greater than achieved from the jab | News | LifeSite (lifesitenews.com)
They hate facts that don’t support their agenda.. Fortunately, there are countries like Gibraltar that keep extremely detailed, truthful data…
The 1st thing you need to understand is, they want us dead. Period. It’s that simple. Globalists refer to us as useless eaters. They’ve spent decades poisoning our food, air & water while robbing us blind. They want total control & most of us dead.
Let’s please stop referring to it as a vaccine – it does not legally stand up to the definition of a vaccine as put forth by the Nuremberg codes- By referring to it as a vaccine, we continue to give it legitimacy.. I even read medical papers which said if you vaccinate after having Covid it will decrease your T cells.
You don’t want that. People been hiding from Covid for over
a year. Now they go stand in line to get injected with THE covid that’s in the vaccine.

After having chickenpox virus, one doesn’t get the vaccine. This is true for all other virus vaccines. So what is in that inoculation they want everyone to have?
Exactly. And why do they refuse to talk about the millions that have had Covid
and are now immune?? Pretty soon, we’re all going to have it and be immune, then what?? My daughter & I have NOT been jabbed. Both have had the Rona. but her room mate & 5 of her friends came to her bday bash, all jabbed, all infected with Delta. But neither me nor my kid got it. The jab doesn’t work. Your immunity does! Which is weakened by the jab b.t.w.
Kami Lott @KamiLott5 Simply put: Vaccination saves lives (nih.gov)
Until there is willingness by anyone in a position of power to sound the alarm and halt this, we are in for a new awakening. Covid was just an excuse for ushering in communism in America.. nothing more, nothing less and a depopulation scheme that’s got 150 million people set up. Because the vaccine is a binary biological weapon and EVERYONE will be forced to take it whether they like it or not I suspect a lot of people are getting wealthy off of this FREE vaccine. They really think people are stupid ‘Leaky’ Vaccines Can Produce Stronger Versions of Viruses (healthline.com) Gerrt Bossche – Bing video
Liberal Author, Censored by Twitter and YouTube After Questioning Fauci, Joins Trump’s Lawsuit (theepochtimes.com)
July 8, 2021 Updated: July 13, 2021
I had surgery in May 2020. Tested negative the day before. Avoid people.
8 days post surgery, got sick and was down hard for over 3 weeks. Lost 25 pounds, shortness of breath, weakness, whole body hurt. On Apr ’21 I got vax.
2 wks ago I had a three day bout of what I had before. I am a very high risk person so I think if you catch it(while vaccinated)you or in this case won’t die from it and then I (theoretically) get that super immunity you’re talking about… but truth be known they shouldn’t be pushing it . Instead telling people to discuss it with Dr.
Because they are A) Ignorant of the science B) Don’t care & just need to reach an arbitrary goal C) Really need to keep controlling us D) Have our best interests at heart and

I had a friend who got Covid then he got the Jab and then he caught Covid again. Of course he didn’t blame it on the jab

#TrumpWonBidenCheated I know of two people who had COVID, no jab. Seems to have gotten the new variant. It does take the immune system a couple of days to wake up to the new infection. This variant is so aggressive it seems to still make people sick. No one had to go to the hospital. Congestion…. Kellyanne
True! Why isn’t anyone in the US keeping track of the Covid recovered reinfection stats? Thankfully Israel just published its stats. 1 PERCENT reinfection of Covid recovered vs 40% reinfection of vaccinated. Here’s the latest info, 5 days ago from Israel’s stats. Natural immunity vs vaccination immunity reinfection risk. Natural infection vs vaccination:
Which gives more protection? – Israel National News
Because it’s lowering their immunity, and essentially, they are being primed
for ADE. (Antibody Dependent Enhancement). In plain English -GENOCIDE.. Clients that are funeral directors said it is shocking the many death certificates said Covid… yet person had car accident, or terminal cancer… and other things, all about the $$! OBAMA GAVE WUHAN LAB 3.7 MILLION!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Can America save itself? The outlook is grim (msn.com)
Watched Lara Logan @RubinReport episode.
The smart cities might have something to do with it?

The government is setting up the next narrative this fall when people start getting sick meaning the vaccinated people because the vaccine has Covid in it and hear me they will become sick the government is gonna try to blame the unvaccinated for the huge increase in Covid cases.
False as well. Having had the alpha variant will not make you immune from the delta variant.
The Moderna FAUCI vested
The only true failure in life is failing to try.
Wherever you go, go with all your heart.
The Vaccine Racket …. Begs the Question!!!
“Why do they want you Vaccinated so badly they’d pay you?”
For a disease with a 99.7% recovery rate?
They were telling us back then and then with Agenda 21/25. Striking map shows the vaccination divide between a few rich countries and the rest of the world. They aren’t hiding it. More & more. I believe that there is something inside 1 of the 2 shots that gives “them” info on us. I also believe they want to control population numbers. Get rid of the majority of us.

Because when they stop pushing the vackzene
they will blow the whole skamdemic and political over-reach…!?

Not to mention, they’re [cover] will be shattered.
Well between abortion and an experimental concoction is pretty obvious, population control … Rid the world of the dredges like Margaret Sanger advocated.
My best friend is in intensive care Tampa hospital with the CV 19.
He was fully vaccinated in January. I am fully vaccinated . I am in favor of vaccinating but it does not protect you 100%. His wife also contracted cv-19 fully vaccinated recovering prayers please. Scott A Warner (@scottawarner1) / Twitter
I am a medical professional and was educated that after you have COVID and recover you have natural immunity therefore not requiring a vaccine Ana Marcotte (@MarcotteNov) / Twitter Like I’ve been saying all along the deep state globalists are up to no good with these vaccines!! I believe it has something to do with the 5G network…CONTROL. To a drug user, the world operates on drugs. Since Hunter is INTO drugs, & dad seems to be ok with losing his son to crack, the rest of the world should be ok with dying as well.
It’s all sick!
Biden needs to be removed from office quickly before more families die from drugs. Perhaps they know down the road those who have been vaxxed will have adverse effects and want everyone jabbed before they start showing up?? Globalists want to depopulate the world–not save it!!! Where are the studies of the efficacy of vaccines in clinical (real world) use? Positive test results cannot be trusted as the PCR is easily manipulated to produce 80%-90% false positives. Your Coronavirus Test Is Positive. Maybe It Shouldn’t Be.
Because with this product, they want to change your DNA.
In doing so, you are not human anymore but a trans-human linked to a patent.
This patent is owned by someone so you are now owned by them. Like MGO.
Not true. Go here for great info on the vax, nasal swabs etc. http://drtenpenny.com, http://AFLDS.com, http://thehighwire.com, http://FLCC.net, http://themedicalrebel.com, http://thepurplelionproject.com (nasal swabs saturated w EO; ethylene oxide made in China) cancer!
Option 1 Our Gov’t is controlled by a Satanic death cult;
Option 2 Our Gov’t is controlled by incompetent morons.
It’s got to be one or the other. The coercive pressure to vax is completely irrational and not based on “science” The deep state agenda is to vaccinate everyone regardless of whether you have or had Covid, vaccines were not created for Covid, covid was designed to force everyone to get their fucking vaccine. Covid and vaccines and lockdowns are the distraction whilst
the great reset is taking place stealthily.
READ : Agenda 21, Georgia guide stones, etc.
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals is a United States immigration policy that allows some individuals with unlawful presence in the United States after being brought to the country as children to receive a renewable two-year period of deferred action from deportation and become eligible for a work permit in the U.S. To be eligible for the program, recipients cannot have felonies or serious misdemeanors on their records. Unlike the proposed DREAM Act, DACA does not provide a path to citizenship for recipients. The policy, an executive branch memorandum, was announced by President Barack Obama on June 15, 2012. U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services began accepting applications for the program on August 15, 2012. D,A.C.A. Wikipedia
As Thomas Paine said , “ these are the times that try men’s souls.”
He wrote that about the tribulations at Fort Lee. My great great great great grandfather was there.
I will NOT let him down…
A thread on #DACA. It underscores the vast disparities in our legal system that it took 9 years for DACA—an erasure of immigration law—to be held unlawful, while 45 was instantly enjoined from upholding immigration law (e.g. expedited removal).
The imbalance is unsustainable. And yet, even then, the judge (wrongly)
stayed his ruling & DACA remains in effect, its benefits intact for all current recipients.
No such judicial reprieve has yet been extended to the millions of U.S. Citizens suffering under Biden’s illegal border-nullification scheme. Perhaps most astonishing is our media, corporate & political establishment’s religious reverence for DACA.
Articles read like devotionals—a seeming miracle the US survived 236 years without DACA, or that Americans managed any notable feats w/out “Dreamers” to show us the way. Our elites’ worshipful regard for illegal immigrants evinces the moral & civic decay at the highest rungs of social, economic & political power. Future historians will marvel at the inverted loyalties of the ruling class: adulation for illegal youth, apathy for American youth.
In truth, the honorific of “Dreamer” is the birthright of every American Citizen. But the dreams of young citizens in Baltimore, El Paso, or Pittsburgh are wholly eclipsed in our nat’l narrative by those w/no legal right or claim to the protections & privileges of citizenship. So warped are the priorities of the powerful that, during history’s most devastating border crisis.
They are obsessed w/delivering amnesty to illegal migrants who arrived in their teens—even as record-smashing # ‘s of young illegals (UACs) surge into the US (future “Dreamers” all). At bottom, it comes down to this: no family, no society, and no nation can flourish which does not love, protect, prioritize and valorize its own children. The real tragedy is that this even has to be said.
My step-dad is in his 80s. Healthiest dude ik. He had covid Dec 2020, recovered fine, no hospital time or anything. They talked him into the vaxx in March. He’s had the worst health “luck”since. Shin down amputated, veins shut down. Currently in the hospital. @Brooklyn615
People who have had Covid have 6-8 months of immunity.
Then they can be re-infected as if they never had it. It’s simple.
The more people that get jabbed the higher the % of people that get screwed up from it and it provides ammo against Trump. Mark my words.
Klaus Schwab, BILL Gates, WEF, Globalists want us dead. Depopulation.
Take a look at the Full Opening Ceremony from Beijing 2008