Free Gaza from Hamas and Afghanistan from the Taliban. Free China, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Tibet from the CCP. Free Iran from the Ayatollahs. Free USA from the DemonRATS, BLM and Antifa. Free the World from Communism and Socialism.
Somebody say

It’s all about the $$. Gates had made ab $300B off the shot.

Why is today’s media completely silent about this

Full Video: 60 Minutes Mike Wallace Exposes Failed
1976 Swine Flu Vaccine Roll Out (rumble.com)
U got it rt. REALIZE|Who else is profiting off the shot. Soros 4 sure. & Fauci?
The Devil always shows up first as good. An angel of light. Remember social justice. Remember to defund police (that is good for some). Remember THOSE government checks. Remember food stamps. Remember the ACLU. Give give give. Cloaked in philanthropic causes. Remember George Soros. Because they like the cheap free candy – until the traps slam down. You must know there is a system in place to cause able bodied individuals to depend on the government.
When people rely on the government for a happy life, the government can take your happy life away if you make them unhappy. Therefore, everyone will be motivated to be an obedient worker, and in the end the society goes back to slavery system, a high tech slavery system.
Traps and snares that have entangled generations and caused poverty, depravity, and dependence. The road to hell is paved with good intentions. Never be a prisoner of your past. It was just a lesson, not a life sentence.
“Good is the enemy of great.” Jim Collins
Puppets still, extremely high ranking but still they have “bosses”…..origins, think way back, we see now is modern day Neo-Babylon. ALSO Election Interference? Hunter Biden Prosecutor Suppressed Devastating Truth,
Helped Joe Biden Win: Report.. Election Interference?
Terror Attack in Nice, France: What We Know So Far
Bob Marley – Shine Like A Star – YouTube
Little Light of mine I need to see you shine You weren’t meant to shy away To hide beneath night’s long skirt You were meant to twinkle joyfully As you look down upon me Seeing my face filled with wonder Please, shine for me little light Shine for me tonight….
“You cannot have a positive life and a negative mind.”
Beneath our noses: UN boots on the ground in America—to fight
‘extremism’ AND Defund ICE/ POLICE.
Marxist BLM flags vs

J6 Political prisoners in solitary.
Biden: Military ‘extremism’ From 2015. Global police force.
Proof Obama’s *3rd term* is underway under Sec. Blinkin.
During Saturday’s Republican Weekly Address, Rep. Maria Elvira Salazar
(R-FL) said that Fidel Castro gave the Cuban people, “the same false promise being brought to you today by liberal politicians, Hollywood, academia, and the legacy media.” And “Socialism is socialism” regardless of what word you put in front of it.
Transcript as Follows:
“Today the Cuban People are crying out. They rally in the streets of Cuba, chanting, ‘LIBERTAD.’ Liberty. Yet for 62 years, Misery has become the Cuban birthright. The Communist Regime has ruled with violence, lies & oppression.
But no more. The Cuban people have nothing left.
No rights and no freedom, but even more importantly: no fear. The world is watching as tens of thousands of Cubans take to the streets, but the regime is fighting back. The regime is a satanic nightmare. Internet blackouts, silence of the press, beating those on the streets.
That is Cuba’s reality at this very moment. As the island goes dark, the Cuban people fight in the streets.
The Biden administration must act now to turn the lights back on so we can all see what’s happening. The United States invented the Internet – and we know how to amplify it. They need the VPNs to boost internet access to all Cubans. They need the ability to share their videos in order to expose the regime’s atrocities. They need a secure channel to upload them – just as Secretary Pompeo did when Iran cut the Internet three years ago, for killing their own people.
Cuba is 90 miles from Miami, the distance between freedom and oppression. Worlds away but only hours apart. When Fidel Castro took power in 1959, he promised the riches of the world, and called it democratic socialism.
This is the same false promise being brought to you today by liberal politicians, Hollywood, academia, and the legacy media.
Socialism is socialism, no matter what word you put on the front of it. It is a sickness that crushes the soul. Cuba is the best example of this. Our founding fathers rejected it and entrenched individual rights in our Constitution for all to enjoy. The Cuban people want the same things that we have in America.
The US is the bastion of liberty.
We must not fail them again — just remember the Bay of Pigs — and
we must support this spontaneous movement unconditionally – NOW!
Long live freedom and the United States. Cuba Libre.”
GOP Rep. Salazar said, Castro Made ‘Same False Promise’ Left Makes Today.
Progressive/Globalists: Set sights on the future. Gobble up future inheritance to meet goals. Damn the past. Tread on it all. Even the good. Conservative/Nationalists: Learn from mistakes. Preserve all the good of the past. Don’t lose it. Pass that good on as an inheritance.
Am I The Only One Who Is Fucking Pissed Off, Because Democrats And Establishment Republicans, Who Sold America Out To The Communist Chinese Party,
Who Are Running/Ruining America?!

We’re just two lost souls swimming in a fish bowl, year after year.
Wish You Were Here | Pink Floyd – Bing video
Mayorkas: DACA Being Ruled Illegal Must Not Derail Amnesty Agenda
FYI: Current immigration levels send US wages down, REDISTRIBUTING $500B in wealth AWAY from America’s WORKING MIDDLE class to employers & illegals.


Praise God! Right here in this moment in time we are privileged to get to witness the goodness of God in the land of the living. Miracles are happening. People are being saved, spiritually and physically and emotionally. Praise God! Welcome to the kingdom of God and to those of you if you do not know —
The Son of God …. It is time to begin an amazing Journey.
BECAUSE the Cross is Everything!
Ephesians 2:8-10 8 For by grace you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, 9 not a result of works, so that no one may boast. 10 For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. Face masks cannot stop healthy people getting Covid-19, says WHO | World Health Organization | The Guardian
US COVID-19 Vaccine Progress Tracker | Vaccinations by State | USA Facts
Had COVID? You’ll probably make antibodies for a lifetime.
The journal Nature, mainstream, expert, peer-reviewed,
and respected scientific journal.

So stop with the vaxx, the fear, the mask nonsense.
The Democratic Spending Steamroller
Don’t ruin a good today because of a bad yesterday. If you are running
today because of yesterday then tomorrow you will be angry about today. Ultimately you will get into a loop and get derailed from your path.
So learn from your past and move on.
“Forget yesterday, live for today. Tomorrow will take care of itself.”
Refuse to live backwards. See everyday as a new chapter.
Everyday you get a new chance So don’t ruin your beautiful present.
Everyday is a new day, don’t bring the bad from yesterday into today.
Every day is a new day to shine…choose to move on and be better.
It was just a bad yesterday, Don’t pretend it was a bad life.

Timeline of Secret Government Projects (bibliotecapleyades.net)
One incredible fact about your state you probably don’t know (msn.com)