So, we’ve layered them in order to gain a better perspective. The United States is around 9,833,517 sq km, while the land down under is 7,741,220 sq. km.
In mathematical terms, America is about 1.3 times as large as Australia, or 27 percent. Considering the United States has a population of 328.2 million, it’s a good thing there is so much space!
Why is Australia taking it up the arse? Why were they chosen?
The current population of Australia is 25,789,882 as of Saturday, June 26, 2021, based on Worldometer elaboration of the latest United Nations data. Australia’s 2020 population is estimated at 25,499,884 people at mid-year according to UN data. Australia’s population is equivalent to 0.33% of
the total world population.
Sheilas has a reputation for being brash and demanding. If a guy can’t change a car wheel while carrying a sheep over his shoulder and fighting off a dingo, without spilling his beer, he’s just a pussy in their eyes. Australia Dollar to USD.
Most Aussies I know are very competitive and like everything…
This is random, but the first thing I think of is the band Silverchair.
It is sad to think of what we Americans look like to the outside world, considering the Leftist Globalist Controlled World Media.
Most of us, on both sides, are generally good, happy, decent people. Dirt/sex/scandal/agenda/control ALLLL sell. Sad really!!! I have an
Australian friend, she says that we are the only ones left that can save
the world, and that only Americans can pull it off. I think they like us!

who dominates that region.
They are implementing the new world order and Agenda 21/30,
nothing will ever be the same again unless they are stopped. We weren’t chosen.
Our witless leaders volunteered us. Self-selected.
Five eye country. Look it up then you will understand The Five Eyes is an intelligence alliance comprising — Australia, Canada, New Zealand, the United Kingdom and the United States. These countries are parties to the multilateral UKUSA Agreement, a treaty for joint cooperation in signals intelligence.
Because we are supposed to be an EPICENTRE of the New World Order.
I can’t believe how tight you guys are getting it. Lockdowns with zero cases!! Nuts!! I would have thought the folks would have stood up by now. Coz we are lame, so much for the larrikin spirit. I can’t see it. Because Australia is part of the world they want to rule.
Because we take it so easily and many seem to like it…. More of you than them! Eugenists originated in Melbourne. Eugenics originated in Melbourne.
Because of the complacent attitude of the citizens. I can’t believe I along with millions of others before me served this corrupt government to protect its citizens from threats both
foreign and domestic, just for sheep to stand still in fear..

Probably because we are full of weak minded people who are either afraid of
a virus or afraid of the police. or both. and watch too much tv… Eugenics originated in Melbourne. – Bing video
This is Australia — Giving cheek to China. –
They put their operatives here into full impact drive.
Prosperous, rich first world nation, relatively docile people scared of overbearing gov.
If you’re an outdoor lover who enjoys stargazing at night, we recommend venturing to middle and northwest America, where the light pollution is substantially less than the coastal states east of the Mississippi River. Sadly, according to a 2016 study, scientists estimate that around 80 percent of North Americans can’t see the Milky Way. But, as geographer Tim Wallace has mentioned, a majority of the states with random light output, such as North Dakota, are due to shale oil extractions and huge commercial buildings, such as airports and power stations. China is an Eco Socio Disaster Waiting to Happen
China’s Pollution Problem
Water resources
The water resources of China are affected by both severe water quantity shortages and severe water quality pollution. An increasing population and rapid economic growth as well as lax environmental oversight have increased water demand and pollution.
Although China’s forest cover is only about 20%, the country has some of the largest expanses of forested land in the world, making it a top target for forest preservation efforts. In 2001, the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) listed China among the top 15 countries with the most “closed forest,” …
Three Gorges dam
The three gorges dam produces 3% of the electricity in China but has displaced houses and caused environmental problems within the local environment.
Due to the construction of the dam over one million people have been displaced from their homes. The dam has also caused frequent major landslides due … See more on en.wikipedia.org
Flash Back Scientists in 1978 said an ice age was coming.
Scientists were Wrong then, they are wrong now.
Ice Age 1978 Leonard Nimoy
We remember that! And now we’re burning up right?


the atmosphere changes

Send them to Russia, save AMERICA

Jun 06, 2015 · US Air Force Admit They Can Control the Weather | Covert Geopolitics While HAARP and weather control has been called a conspiracy theory by the mainstream media and government officials, during a Senate hearing on Wednesday, David Walker, deputy assistant secretary of the Air Force for science, technology and engineering, dropped a bombshell in answer to a question asked by Lisa Murkowski in relation to the dismantling of the $300 million High Frequency HAARP…
F5 and EF5 Tornadoes of the United States – 1950-present (SPC) (noaa.gov)
An overview of the modern tornado record, 1950 through present (maps) – ustornadoes.com
Tornadoes in Ohio since 1950 | cincinnati.com
U.S. Counties With No Reported Tornadoes Since 1950 | The Weather Channel – Articles from The Weather Channel | weather.com
(1) For instance, since 1973 the U.S. National Weather Service has been using the well-known Fujita scale (F scale) to estimate the maximum wind speeds of tornadoes [Fujita, 1981]. The F scale classifies tornadoes into 13 numbers, F-0 through F-12.
It is all China’s aggression as they want our corner of the Southern Pacific in Australia, and our politics is too much of a mess to stand up to them and kick them out.
1. Small population.
2. Big country.
3. Massive amount of minerals.
4. Nearly all religious people are Christian.
Just a hunch.
Because it seems like the men in this country aren’t men at all…
The Greatest Generation were the last generation of real men!
Bcos,… The Government has for decades, acted like a “Proud Ozzy”, played into the spirit of people. (3) MBJ on Twitter: “Why is Australia taking it up the arse? Why were we chosen?” / Twitter Long story short: They have successfully dumbed down the population, in order to be able to do what they’re doing now.
See Dunning Kruger Syndrome. That’s the State of Australian Political leaders at the moment.
China wants you badly! They took your guns now your freedom! Standup or be ruled!
(1) Because of State CHAOS! – Bing Why up da ass?
Because our “leaders” have been gutless for nearly a 100 years.
The island of Dr. Moreau, experimental lab since the first colonies.
Why have we been “chosen”? Because GOD gives his best soldiers,
the hardest jobs. You up for it, or what? Let’s gooo

Not having a 2nd amendment doesn’t help the matter. That’s the only reason tyranny isn’t completely ruling the U. S. As we speak: Because years ago we gave up guns on the story that a mentally retarded guy went psycho and killed a stack of people with the precision of a trained assassin. That was the start.
Australian National Review – Who is running Australia? Jane Halton
It dumbfounds me that some people still believe we’re going to go back to normal.
Normal cannot return unless we rise up and start removing the cancer. Period.

ALL great societies/kingdoms fall. It’s just that others lasted 1,000 years,
U.S.A burned out quick

Never waste a good emergency. Especially one people believe in.
Keep it running as long as you can to impose your will!!!
It only takes one/woman premier to go the way of Sweden and I am convinced it will happen when the people vote the current panic merchants out. It’s all they know. Scramble and learn whatever dance they think they have to perform in order to have life be like it was. They will NOT accept that these changes are not intended to be temporary by any means and are only just beginning.
Go Back to Normal? I don’t want to go back to the world we had.
People want to go back to a world where kids die from lack of food and water?
And that’s only the beginning. See how selfish people can be.
See why we are in this mess.
If the vaccine and the FREE MASON Guide Stones are connected we will see events
that make the bubonic plague look like child’s play in the next 5 years.
Stew Peters did an expose of the ingredients.
A Spanish Lab found they contain 99% Graphene Oxide nano lipid particles (beyond water base). It’s magnetic. Why on earth? Studies show it can be used for levitation etc. Will they create a fake rapture…It’s their playbook. Demons love chaos, destruction and agony on all levels. Decrease of the surplus population is at the forefront of their agenda…hence…”need”
to “rush” for the “vaccination.”
“Will they create another cancer on the earth” or something like that.
Lovely how they see humanity, isn’t it?
Georgia Guidestones Commandments
The first line keeps the world population under 500m.
The Unvaxxed will repopulate earth & be careful how children are educated.
Maybe there are other correlations we can make or guess.
Vaccine whittles population to 500 million?


I hope it’s wrong but the elites who funded the vax also want the population down 95%.
They would be left with just us rebels though.
Not sure they thought it through very well but Trump did say they are really stupid.
They aren’t stupid when they first thought of the NWO the population was a lot less and everyone was asleep. It would be easy for them to take us over. But things have changed over the years. NWO theory as it exists has been around since the 19th century. Has happened yet, so I am not overly concerned nor convinced that NWO is an actual agenda. Religious groups and Corpos have to battle over who controls the NWO first.
I heard it was happening in the UK right now.
They even mandated covid passports. That’s true, a lot of fear tactics are going around.
Hard to tell real from bluffing. Fear is what will ultimately decimate us. Have you all seen this page? Not sure if you are familiar with the books that have incredible details about the future. Written late 1800’s. There are secret messages/links all throughout in blank spaces. Copy-paste to notes. https://ingersolllockwood.com
The key is the mRNA animal study mid 2000 enhanced pathogenic priming. + chemtrail vector. Trick is to feel the 3rd world first so they can’t retaliate. They know the path, it’s no secret. Nothing will happen this time to the vaxxed. A plan will develop to target unvaxed. This will scare more people to take vax next time and reaffirm those who already have, once they have more compliance they will strike. They don’t have that kind of time left and they know it. There’s a reason the UK is already under the NWO.
They won’t get compliance.
They overplayed their hand by giving free everything then door to door.
People now are asking why the mad push for the jab.
My worry is what is their Plan B.
Are they going to release a new virus or just find a new way to wipe people out en masse?
It doesn’t take a genius to see Joe Biden isn’t duly elected.
Biden’s use of big tech to limit the First Amendment..

Biden introduces government-monitored “free” speech to thunderous applause.
Billions are going to perish…. BILLIONS!!!
As a rule of thumb you shouldn’t take health advice from people who think the planet has too many people. The planet does objectively have too many people, it’s not even debatable. Every left thinking MORON kept swearing President Trump was always lying about everything…WTF do they think of ‘their’ government ‘now’? LMFAO!!
Trump was CORRECT about all he said but you’ll NEVER hear a left wing FOOL admit it!
They prefer the make believe’ biden. SO DUMB!
Which is what Covid and the vaccines are all about.
The planet does have too many people & it’s gonna get worse. Illegal Hispanic Catholics are told by the pope it’s a mortal sin to use birth control, Muslims want to overpopulate the earth so they don’t use birth control, Africans can’t afford condoms. 2 million illegals monthly to the USA. We’re not talking about a minor adjustment. The elite want to reduce the population by 95% or 7.4 billion people through Conquer & Divide. Approx. 200,000 caught illegals continue to pour in & 10 times that many don’t get caught birthing millions of anchor babies bankrupting the US.
For Native American activists crossing the nation —
with a totem pole, sacred lands are their Notre Dame…
The revelation of Canada’s cultural genocide against native people should shake the world
into a historical reckoning that extends beyond empty apologies.
Mike Pence Prevented ‘Martial Law’ From Being Declared on 1/6: Dem Lawmaker.
Red Features A Total Population Greater Than The Gray
POLL: Do you live in the red area or gray area on this map?
The red areas have a greater total population than the grey areas.
POLL: Do you live in the red area or gray area on this map?
The red areas have a greater total population than the grey areas.
As you can clearly see by this map, Americans tend to favor the coastal states, considering the red areas represent a greater population than that of the gray area. With a vast majority of “red” being in southern California, it seems as though people flock to the west coast for the lifestyle: the promise of year-round summer. Then, some favor the eastern seaboard, enjoying the lifestyles of New Englanders and the tri-state area. What we can conclude from the map is that the colder and more rural states aren’t on the “move-to” list for many of the 328.2 million Americans. Maps That Put The World In Perspective – Explored Planet.
The Brightest States of America, From Most to Least Educated
Does This Map Show Why We Need the Electoral College? | Snopes.com
The Population Of Middle America = Both Coasts!!!
It’s no secret that a majority of people flock away from middle America in favor of living on either the eastern and western seaboard to live. But it might come to a surprise to see the population of both coasts in comparison to a vast majority of the country’s middle states.
To break it down, the orange represents a population equivalent to that of the red portion in the middle of the map. Pretty much, if you’re not a people person, we recommend living somewhere in the red section of the map.