The Real Revolution is the Spiritual Evolution of Human Consciousness.#StarStuff
• Real Eyes • REALIZE • Real Lies •
Is capitalism dying? (msn.com) Capitalism has been embraced in the West for generations, transforming how societies worked and lived in the process. However its time may be running out, as politicians and billionaires alike question its relevance in the world we live in today. CNBC’s Timothyna Duncan explains from the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos, Switzerland. Our democracy is under attack.
Politicians are trying to pick their voters instead of voters picking their politicians.
We can’t ALLOW that happen.
The United States was not founded so the government or its minions would be the sole arbiter of “the truth with everyone living their lie.”
The American Revolution instituted free speech, freedom of the press, and freedom of assembly so that ‘We the People’ ultimately decide what each of us personally believe.
The freedoms instituted by the American Revolution are gone!! The Marxist leaders of this country clearly state the new rules every day. The government was created to protect us from other governments and each other.
Becker truth bomb air strikes incoming….PREACH
Delta variant takes hold in U.S. as coronavirus cases rise nearly 70%.
Former CIA agent: America moving slowly from freedom to tyranny
Coronavirus (COVID-19) TRACKER (msn.com)
COVID Vaccine Data (openvaers.com)
Stillness, staleness, missing pieces; dead life…Who Will Save Your Soul · Jewel (spotify.com) I’ll never give someone the satisfaction of breaking my heart. I’m slowly turning mine to stone. I’ve tried that, life sucked. You need to be happy for yourself, not anyone else.
Like Elton John said, “don’t go breaking my heart, I couldn’t if I tried.”
Why have we in America just accepted the idea that requiring proof of vaccination in order to attend public events is a bad idea?
I have the right to show up in a large group of people and infect as many of them as possible, it’s in the Constitution, I promise. Don’t try to show me otherwise with facts, they are obviously fake. Emmanuel Macron announced on Monday that proof of vaccination (or a negative test) would very soon be needed to access public events, restaurants, cinemas, stations & airports…!! Since then, more than 2.2 million vaccination appointments have been booked in less than 48 hours. As parents we impose guidelines and rules on our kids because we know better what keeps them safe. Seems some people grow up but need (want? like?) the continued firm but caring hand of parenting?
I mean, this is just one more bit of idiocy in an already LONG line of nonsense that America apparently has just accepted. Let’s make that nonsense list. To start off, American society condemning universal healthcare is up there with the dumbest possible positions. Gun ownership with virtually no restrictions or monitoring, all so insecure ppl can avoid therapy, is a monumental failure of Americans.
Are you serious with that? I grew up in a very rural area. Like voting proof: we had printers and drugstores and clinics and lots of other places where you could get a card. Schools, libraries, the list goes on. That’s such a weak argument, In Denmark we have an app.
It’s completely paperless. It’s required for inside dining, cinemas, museums etc. They don’t need a printer. You get a vaccination card. You can access it on your computer through most pharmacies, including Walmart which gives out a QR code to your Covid-19 vaccine record.
I don’t know. Bars check IDs, I have to show ID to get Sudafed or pain meds for my dog. What is the big deal?
I think it might help if the FDA formally approved the vaccine. Some people on the fence might finally get vaccinated, and it may be easier to start mandating the vaccine. In some states, anyway. Remove the excuse and magically comes the next. A chiropractor in my area requires a 30-day quarantine of any employee who has been exposed to anyone who has received a vaccination or who has been vaccinated.
Or even requiring service based biz to hire only vaccinated individuals.
I live in a very small town and there are anti vaxxers here as well. Can’t tell you how many times some of the few restaurants have had to close temp bcoz employee tested +. I don’t want to patronize them. I haven’t, I want such proof to be mandatory. People would moan and whine but they would get vaccinated. I’m on board with showing paperwork for vaccination proof but also want the same for voting. I can see when looking at history why some people don’t want to show papers though. Sensitive issue.
Because it’s not a bad idea and that’s the way it should be done, great if you don’t want to get vaccinated. But you will not be able to mingle in a crowd of people and affect other people! Because we think the “agree to disagree” thing is a good idea. It’s not. It just gives space to the other side to get away with terrible stuff. I’m requiring it for my cooking classes, and I’ve gotten a lot of static from the anti-vaxxers, which is why I assume people aren’t doing it.
It would be a pain to enforce but I honestly think just saying it is a requirement would get these types of results and worth it in my opinion.
Because we insisted that acknowledging someone’s truth is more important than fixing the problem. I don’t think we have accepted it as much as
resigned to not being able to fight every battle!!! .
We are exhausted fighting against the crazy every damn day. Businesses don’t want to deal with that. Employees aren’t paid enough for it either.
It is the only way out of this.
That is the quickest way to get those hesitant to do it. It would likely get us to 75%. As with so many things, the loudest voices, however wrong-headed, hold sway. The vaccination is still under emergency authorization… Once it gets full authorization I expect more mandates. Retail workers have been killed and assaulted for asking people to just wear masks. They have no support from their employers and the CDC caved to public pressure. No one has the political courage to implement mandatory proof of vaccination. We’re screwed. COVID Vaccine Data (openvaers.com)
Because we don’t understand that the right to put yourself at risk shouldn’t include the right to reckless endangerment of others. The number of people with guns who believe that their freedom to do whatever they want matters more than anyone else’s life, probably, for one thing. individual liberties end where other lives are at risk. Vaccination should be required by more and more places where humans congregate.
Americans have a very toxic interpretation of the word “freedom”….I understand the general objections to mandating vaccine passports are enforceable, but I think the WH and states were too quick to dismiss them as a tool to incentivize vaccines and to change behaviours. According to 30% of our country that is “communism” or “fascism”, or at least something they do not like. It is actually “common sense”, “the right thing to do”, and “patriotic”.
I bet you’ll see this happen when the vaccines get full FDA approval. Tough to mandate something that isn’t fully approved. One of the things that disturbs me about this is that it wasn’t the prevention of loss of life that spurred the increase but the selfishness of the thought of loss of things folks wanted to be able to do. Because the way vaccines were done, there’s no paper trail, no way to verify, and fake cards were being sold on Amazon within hours. We can’t vote without 1/3 of the country thinking it’s rife with fraud; there’s no way we could have credible vaccine “proof” after the fact.
Because Covid, like almost every policy issue, is racialized. Anti-vax is white identity grievance. This is so, even though it is still hurting white people. It puts people at risk who aren’t paid enough to deal with that level of bs. We have guns in this country and trigger happy people one mild inconvenience away from pulling the trigger. B/c the ones who yell the loudest are being catered to at every turn lately. Because somehow we’ve decided it’s OK to be held hostage by the loonies in the bin. We card for beer, we should card for covid.
You are severely hampering someone’s right to infect another human being… duh…….. Because we are either 1) stupid or 2) willing to be pushed around by stupid people. Great incentive for people who have not been brainwashed. Because public health was politicized by the cult leader. I don’t think it’s a bad idea. I do think it’s a waste of time and effort, when any idiot with a printer or access to Etsy can present bogus credentials that no one has the ability to authenticate. At this point it would just be (bio)security theater.
Too many sources of false information, and propaganda. Along with too many people who want to follow these sources of information, be it ignorance, political……B/c it’s an experimental emergency use vaccine that is not through trials that combats a disease with + 99.9% survival rate for all that are young and healthy. Also- acquired immunity is as good or better than vax so why should those who already had it be required to get it?
Because this is the United States of America where freedom rings throughout the countryside no matter how many bleeding heart liberals want to screw up our country! Bad idea, the vaccine proof should only be used for free donuts and beers, Americans have an absolute right to stupidity and selfishness. We have not accepted that. What we have accepted is that the Republican Party is the 4 year old child screaming hysterically in Walmart, holding the adults linked to it hostage, and we simply want to avoid the entire episode even though we know it is a line we should draw.
Because half the country is part of a death cult that equates such things as euthymia to ‘freedom’?
For better or worse, a substantial portion of the population believes that the COVID virus is a smaller risk to health than taking the COVID vaccine, and the political class that dominates many states is fighting for their votes. It should be mandatory. The only way this virus disappears is by having the whole world vaccinated. Unfortunately, this won’t happen anytime soon. The government is not supposed to have control of your life.
THE Government Shouldn’t Have Total Control Over Your Life:
My thoughts on this issue came from the internet and my own beliefs. Because the government shouldn’t have total control over your life. It’s not affecting anyone else if they’re doing it for their own good. Also the government shouldn’t say it shouldn’t be allowed because that could be the government supporting Christianity and their beliefs about suicides. I rank myself as a liberal on this topic, because most democrats think we should have the euthanasia procedure.
Another issue we should talk about more is wind power/ SOLAR ENERGY alternative energy producers.
We had a big convention in France with other countries about pollution and what we could do to cut back on causing smog and other terrible pollution. Because all we are doing is shortening our lives on earth, and pollution has been proven to cut back years on your life expectancy, because China has caused so much pollution they lost 1-2 years in life expectancy. Personally I don’t think this is going to do anything so we should look towards our own country and do what ‘s best for us.
The.Time.Machine.1960.720p.Dual.BluRay.DCRG en (ok.ru) In this adaptation of H.G. Wells’ classic Novel, a scientist in 1880s Victorian England builds a vehicle to transport him through time. He first travels to 1917 and the horror of World War I. Next, he sets his destination for 1940 and the start of World War II. From there he travels to a future London when he barely escapes nuclear holocaust. Finally, he sets his destination for the year 802,701 C.E., when he meets an innocent race of people living in an idyllic land … but this future may be the most dangerous of all his journeys in The Time Machine.
I cannot express how truly sad writing this op-ed has made me. But I’m a patriotic American. And I’m an American Jew. I have studied the beginnings of Nazi Germany and the Holocaust. And I can clearly see parallels with what is happening in America today. Thank God we have President Trump (at the moment) keeping us from heading too far down this tragic path. But I must warn my fellow Americans that we are clearly headed in a frightening and tragic direction.
I know I’m not alone. A recent poll shows 80% of the American public believes things are spiraling “out of control.”
I never thought I’d write the following words about living in America: Those caught in the middle of the recent “protests” in American cities, especially those seeing their businesses looted, burned or destroyed; seeing police stations burned or seized by radicals; or seeing their town’s downtown business district taken hostage by thugs finally understand how Jews felt in Nazi Germany during the infamous Kristallnacht.
This is exactly how it started in Nazi Germany all those decades ago:
When did America lose its freedom of speech and expression?
When did we decide to erase all of our history? Isn’t that what ISIS does?
OPEN YOUR EYES. Study what happened in Nazi Germany during the infamous Kristallnacht. The night of Nov. 9-10, 1938, Marked the beginning of the Nazis’ attack on the Jews. Jewish homes and businesses were looted, desecrated and burned while the police and “good people” stood by and watched. Nazis laughed and cheered as books were burned.
The name Kristallnacht refers to the litter of broken glass … exactly the same as what we saw take place in major American cities over the past few weeks. How did they compare? See the blocks of boarded-up businesses all over Manhattan. See 700 buildings damaged, burned and destroyed in Minneapolis. See downtown Seattle run by a “warlord” and armed domestic terrorists with AR-15s.
The left is all about control. They fear liberty because they think that if everyone isn’t forced to row in the exact same direction, civilization will break down. It is why they embrace fascism the way they do. But this story here is one of MANY reasons why the government should never have control over any facet of your life. The UK government is standing in the way of medication that could cut breast cancer deaths by 10 to 18%. – Bing
I’m not sure where that 10 to 18% number comes from, since everything I’ve read, including your link, seems to indicate a smaller decrease. Still, so far the sites I’ve gone to seem to agree that these bisphosphonates can help reduce cancer recurrence in women post-menopause. I haven’t yet read much about side effects, so I don’t know if they present a significant enough risk to warrant not giving this treatment regularly.
Judge orders U.S. to close DACA program to new applicants. We have so many lazy ass Americans who wont give off their ass and take their country back that we are what Thomas Jefferson tried to warn us there was a danger of us becoming, that we serve the government instead of us serving them as they are supposed to.
New York Yankees COVID-19 outbreak impacts chances of making playoffs – Sports Illustrated
Yankees Game Postponed After Positive Covid Tests – The New York Times (nytimes.com)
Biden Big Lie — grappling with ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated’
Aaron Judge among Yankees in COVID-19 protocol
By Justin Tasch July 15, 2021 | 6:28pm | Updated
Aaron Judge is one of the Six Yankees currently in COVID-19 protocol, according to ESPN.
Judge, catcher Kyle Higashioka and infielder Gio Urshela are the position players in the protocol, per the report. Yankees GM Brian Cashman said Thursday that pitchers Jonathan Loaisiga, Nestor Cortes and Wandy Peralta tested positive for COVID-19 and that three other players had tests “pending.” The results of those pending tests are still unknown. The Yankees are one of the teams who have reached MLB’s 85-percent vaccination threshold, but not every player has been vaccinated.
Cashman said most, but not all, of the six players who either tested positive or might have tested positive, were vaccinated. The Yankees’ post-All-Star break opener against the Boston Red Sox on Thursday night was postponed because of positive COVID-19 tests among vaccinated New York pitchers Jonathan Loaisiga, Nestor Cortes Jr. and Wandy Peralta. All three players were vaccinated. The News 12 LI Sports team has the latest details. MORE: https://bit.ly/3BanYPO
“It’s a fluid situation that could spread. It has spread to some degree,” Yankees general manager Brian Cashman said. “We have three positives and we have three pending tests that we’ve had rapid tests on. … We’ll wait now for the lab tests to come back, which I’m assuming is going to be positive, as well. So that would increase our number to six, but we’re not at six yet. We’re at three confirmed.”
Loaisiga went on the COVID-19 injured list Saturday, when the Yankees were in Houston, and he did not travel home with the team Sunday. Cortes and Peralta went on the COVID-19 IL on Thursday. Cashman said all three were fully vaccinated, as are most of the players on the team. Among the three, two received the Johnson & Johnson vaccine, and the other was either Pfizer or Moderna, according to Cashman.
“Those players are doing well thus far,” he said. “And that would speak again to the belief that those vaccinations are working and ultimately they’re to protect us from severe illness and/or death.” The three players awaiting lab results are in quarantine. Cashman would not say whether they include the Yankees’ All-Stars who were in Denver: Aaron Judge, Gerrit Cole and Aroldis Chapman.
MLB was conducting contact tracing under its protocols.
“The vaccines that we encourage everybody to get guarantee not getting hospitalized and not getting death coming from COVID, which is important, but it doesn’t prevent you from contracting COVID,” Cashman said. “It just obviously protects you from the severe worst-case scenario effects from COVID.” Cashman said Major League Baseball had not yet decided whether to postpone Friday’s second scheduled game of the four-game series.
“The last year, and a half, has kind of in some ways kind of prepared you for this kind of stuff,” Yankees manager Aaron Boone said. “Certainly disappointing and frustrating.”
This was the eighth COVID-19-related postponement this season but the first in nearly three months. There were 45 regular-season games postponed for virus-related reasons during last year’s pandemic-shortened season but just two were not made up, between St. Louis and Detroit. New York, fourth in the AL East at a disappointing 46-43, was among the first MLB teams to reach the 85% vaccination threshold that triggers a lessening of coronavirus protocols such as dropping mask use in dugouts and bullpens.
MLB said in its last announcement on June 25 that 23 of its 30 teams had reached 85% vaccinations among tier 1 individuals such as players and on-field staff. The Red Sox were not among them. Despite all those vaccinations, the Yankees had more than a half-dozen positive COVID-19 tests in May involving staff, including pitching coach Matt Blake, third base coach Phil Nevin and first base coach Reggie Willits.
Nevin, despite being vaccinated, became seriously ill with a kidney infection that kept him away from the team for more than three weeks. No Yankees players tested positive then, though shortstop Gleyber Torres had a false positive, according to Boone. New York players were on the field taking early batting practice about 3 1/2 hours before the scheduled start Thursday when the Yankees asked the media to leave the field while the team conducted COVID testing. vaccine after-effects – Bing images
UK Government shocking report on COVID-19 vaccine side effects – Strange Sounds
Side effect after mRNA vaccines – the results of the latest research – Athens News (rua.gr)
Poll shows some Americans would entertain the idea of secession (msn.com)
Do you think we’re going to make it? By “we”, I mean Humanity. Make ‘It’ – meaning survive long enough to evolve further? Maybe. Last another 1,000 years? Does that really make any difference to you and me? I think we’re approaching a bottleneck but humanity will persist. We’re the most adaptable large animal there’s ever been on the planet. of course! and in a magnificent way at it!
By ‘we’ meaning ‘humanity’ I do believe we can ‘make it’ as you said, but not as we are in our present. We need to change, to grow, and to open ourselves up to the possibility of being more than we are today so that we can build a better tomorrow. Together. I believe humanity is at its best in times of crisis, and will therefore endure… until the world explodes!
NO, but it depends on how you mean “make it.” I think we will live and die, collectively, on this rock, we’re almost to the Hoyle Threshold and we’re not doing anything about it… but will there still be humans alive a hundred or a thousand years from now? Probably … BUT when we are wiped out permanently it will be due to natural causes, most likely geological, possibly astronomical.
God no, we can’t even work together to get vaccines to impoverished countries. Canada alone could supply the world with just a tiny fraction of the first month of cerb. We could end homelessness worldwide for $20 billion yet Bezos alone gets to skirt double that in taxes. I want to have hope. The last 5 years have really put a massive dent into that though. Depends on what you mean by “make it”. According to scientists, every species has an end date. And now I’m going to step away because I’m beginning to feel like an almanack.
Sure, for a few more centuries. Is that reassuring enough for you?
No, we’re going to destroy each other until there’s no one left… or
another species evolving. Obviously It’s In Very Deep Danger…Right Now.
We Don’t know… What Will Happen Next? At This Point…With So Many!!!
Very Dramatic Unknowns, We Might As Well Do Whatever Good That We Possibly Can… For Any Reasonable Individual & The World?
Certain countries may, other countries may not. I feel some countries..
May be wiped out, as we know them. Humanity? Yes. Eventually. The USA as we knew it…?? Not so sure. BUT…Yes, in some shape or form we will survive. We may have to mutate into Morlocks but we will be here for a while. Bon Jovi – Livin’ On A Prayer..,
Nope, we’re doomed. Only a matter of time..
Into infinity, no probably not. Into next week, definitely..
Nope, that ship has sailed… Humanity will survive however we will inevitably knock ourselves to the bottom of the ladder again and we will have to start the long climb all over again. HELP BY Being a Plain talker, mother, never back down from a challenge…positive and always have something to say. Smile a lot..
The Fine-Tuning of the Universe for Life Just Got Finer | Evolution News
AOC vows to ‘tank’ bipartisan infrastructure without liberal demands
Biden’s ‘American Families Plan’ punishes future generations
The hidden costs of Biden’s ‘Made in America’ policy
The Racist Reality of Gun Control (msn.com)