Socratic dialogue is a genre of literary prose developed in Greece at the turn of the fourth century BC. The earliest are preserved in the works of Plato and xenophonic and all involve Socrates as the protagonist. These dialogues and subsequent ones in the genre present a discussion of moral and philosophical problems between two or more folks illustrating the application of the Socratic method. The dialogues may be either dramatic or narrative. While Socrates is often the main participant, his presence in the dialogue is not essential to the genre.
Every century the same thing happens WITH the same outcome. No wonder they love killing us. The name of the Dem agenda is government control-from cradle to grave- the government will decide everything in your life! This is the start of totalitarianism-as libs kiss good-bye to the individual freedoms granted by our constitution! Dems want us to be Cuba- I say hell no! Should the Government Use Tax Incentives to Encourage People to Get The COVID-19 Vaccine? | Tax Policy Center

Relocation of Foreign Nationals in America in SECRECY!

He never reached the level of mediocre as a legislator. Why would anyone expect him to reach the level of adequate leadership? His only consistency for over 50 years has been lying! Biden? A liar, thief, fraud and pro communism!
Hey @JoeBiden this is your Covid recovery plan? My Lord America knew you suck at your job but this is embarrassing even for you. what a mess you are.
Demokrauts’ reckless spending causing rampant inflation, falling wages and spiraling debt (msn.com)
June Consumer Price Index, year-over-year:
Car rentals

Gas prices




Is this what ‘Building Back Better’ looks like?
Literally burning people out of their homes once again.
What is it up to now, 12 western states now on fire.!?!
This time on a mass scale like we’ve never seen before.

The ridiculous lengths that companies and our government have either considered or are going to try and force people to get vaccinated: Total BS, something has to give, these people are crazy! They are pushing to see how far we will be pushed. They are creating divisions that are fake and if we respond strongly they will say “See, tell ya.”
This is not a new tactic. A Marxist type of divide and conquer.
Will the same standard be applied to smokers?
People who refuse to exercise who get the shot?
Obese/overweight people?
How long before we remind them Who they work For. Vote them All out.
Bring on the fake vax certificate. I’m sure China offers them.
They made money on Every other aspect of Covid-19.
HYDROXYCHLOROQUINE: * Destroys Lockdowns * Destroys Big pharma
* Destroys Vaccines * Destroys Bill Gates * Destroys The Dems * Destroys Contact Tracing * Destroys Fake News MSM
There’s a natural formula that has some of the same effects in much lower ways. Quercetin & Coronavirus
‘No-vax tax’ increases concert ticket prices fifty-fold for unvaccinated (abcactionnews.com)
“There is a level of admiration
I actually have plans for China. Because their basic dictatorship is allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a dime at everybody else’s expense.”
Bidenflation is real, and Democrats will make it worse (msn.com)
We are seeing a pandemic among the unvaccinated, says doctor (msn.com)
Oregon’s Bootleg Fire Now Over 227K Acres, Officials Say It’s ‘Going to Continue to Grow’
ID.4 (vw.com)
Coronavirus (COVID-19) live map tracker from Microsoft Bing
Tracking – Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center (jhu.edu)
Now the Nazi-Democrats want to create a new ‘tax’ for the un-vaccinated?
How long before they send out the military for forced vaccinations?
I don’t think they can be referred to as Democrats anymore, just Nazis will do.
They know their time is very limited so they’re going for broke…Keep pissing off the American people & see how it works out for ya. The plague killed 50% of Europe. The world death toll from covid-19 is 0.05% (or less). The plague was a true pandemic; it was 1000 times worse than covid-19. Clearly covid-19 is not a true pandemic. So what are the alleged vaccines actually doing to your body?
How long before they get put in camps under the guise of “public health” ?
Remember, Nazis began taking away certain rights from Jews, then passed actual laws against them until they were sent to camps telling Germans they posed a public safety issue amongst other “reasons.” It’s scary to see how a lot of things are happening in countries including here that are targeting the unvaccinated as second class citizens. Limiting their access, passing certain laws against them, etc.
All while fear mongering propaganda spreads like wildfire by MSM media. All while a lot of citizens are saying “oh well it’s their fault for not getting vaxxed” and going along like everything is fine.. Remember in the 1930s Germans went along like everything was fine until it was too late.. We have to learn from the past and not repeat it. The Dems will try to use the “unvaccinated” as a scapegoat to pass the buck for all that threatens every aspect of life.
If they voted Democrat the left would be sending cruise ships to assist them!

U.S. will not give refuge to those fleeing Cuba and Haiti by boat (msn.com)
“There is a level of admiration
Because their basic dictatorship is
allowing them to actually turn their economy around on a
dime at everybody else’s expense.”
She’s the UPC Scan Code to Buy a Krispy Kreme franchise:
that are just as bad as those on the left. Trump’s “spotlight” has indeed pointed them out and there are many. Unfortunately it is true, each side has an extreme group. I try to stay moderate more to the middle on what I can.
People in positions of power that refuse to act on injustices are equal to those who spend their entire lives trying to perfect them. If you are referring to politicians, yes. Several Rinos in Congress. If you are talking grassroots people, plenty out there that are ignorant and vote based on personality and not policies.
But they aren’t really on the right, they’re owned by the Globalists, very
much on the Left’s team. I’m talking about citizens too, not just people in government.
Both sides have opportunistic politicians. Both sides have ethical Patriots. The difference boils down to how most MAGA people look to The Constitution and The American Dream.
Too many Demokrauts look to socialism and Big Brother Government to manage their lives.
I have to disagree with you on this. The worst right wing people are better than the best of the leftist liberals. Just like in a garden, some bad weeds will spring up that need to be pulled.

Most definitely. Really can’t tell them apart. Sadly, most of them.
They are satisfied being the minority party and thinking of themselves as the great compromisers. How many have you heard speaking about the Constitution other than as a political weapon just like the Left? Rodents are nasty little animals that make a mess of things!
I learned that when POS. John Robert’s cast the deciding vote for Obamacare.
I know the Gov has lost its way to greed. Shouldn’t be surprising. The current climate does challenge people’s patience for sure. Not to make excuses for them either but there’s some frightened people out there & rightfully so. There’s just been some absolute wackos …. that aren’t thinking straight unfortunately. Not liberty loving conservatives. Just another player on the Losing Washington Senators…. The designated losers…. team playing against the Harlem Globetrotters. People are people. You can put the finest cloths on us and there will be some that are still unable to be seen in public. No one side has the monopoly on that.
This is why I’m “non-binary,” Bette. Issue by issue, case by case. I seek the truth. Not myopic fealty to ideological dogma. It’s always the greedy ones.
Agreed, although from my experience the percentage of awful people from the right is much lower than that from the left. Idiots / zealots are everywhere and all need to be blocked. They seek to take up head space they don’t deserve. True, they’re there, posing as conservatives. The bad ones on the right irritate me far worse than the loons on the left. Senate nears pivotal vote on bipartisan infrastructure deal that’s still unwritten (msn.com)
AOC, Omar silent after Black Lives Matter voices support for Cuban regime (msn.com)
Huge spiritual differences between the two actually!
You got that shit right!
They were never really on the right were they?
That’s a truism. Crazy and mean runs in both directions.
Have you ever had a difference of opinion with one of our own? They turn into massive crybabies. It really IS like arguing with a loony lefty. You’re either ALL IN or you’re going to get picked apart by them.

Don’t mistake God’s patience for his absence.
His timing is perfect and his presence is constant. He is always with you

12 western states are now on fire.!?! – Bing video
Firefighters continue to battle wildfires in 12 western states | WLNS 6 News
Opinion: What the Texas Democrat walkout could mean for Biden and the filibuster.
Texans are often accused of an over-inflated sense of self.
They rarely make nuanced political gestures. The standoff over Voting rights in Texas may end up offering proof the state can influence policies beyond its own borders. The latest tactic by Democrats in the Texas House of Representatives to protect the voting rights of their constituents by leaving the state to stop restrictive legislation will either be a catalyst for an historic national law or set up a devastating defeat for supporters of expanded voting rights.
Description: “1973-1974 (September 1973 through August 1974): during the 1973-1974 season, epidemics of influenza B occurred throughout central and eastern United States in January and February. Numerous reports of morbidity due to influenza B were received, and deaths due to pneumonia and influenza hovered at the epidemic threshold from January through April.
The 1974 Super Outbreak was the second-largest tornado outbreak on record for a single 24-hour period, just behind the 2011 Super Outbreak. It was also the most violent tornado outbreak ever recorded, with 30 F4/F5 tornadoes confirmed. From April 3 to 4, 1974, there were 148 tornadoes confirmed in 13 U.S. states and the Canadian province of Ontario. In the United States, tornadoes struck Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Ohio, Kentucky, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, North Carolina, Virginia, West Virginia, and New York
1918 flu pandemic — 1919 Cincinnati Reds
1938 SMALLPOX epidemic — The 1939 Cincinnati Reds — 1940 Cincinnati Reds
Swastika Epidemic of 1959-1960 was a wave of anti-Jewish incidents which happened at the end of 1959 to 1960 around the world. In West Germany, 833 separate anti-Jewish acts were recorded between December 25, 1959 and mid-February 1960 by the authorities.
1968 epidemic — 1970 Cincinnati Reds
Description: “1973-1974 (September 1973 through August 1974): ln the 1973-1974 season, epidemics of influenza B occurred throughout central and eastern United States in January and February. Numerous reports of morbidity due to influenza B were received, and deaths due to pneumonia and influenza hovered at the epidemic threshold from January through April. 1974 epidemic
The 1975 Cincinnati Reds season was a season in American baseball. The Reds dominated the league all season, and won the National League West with a record of 108–54, best record in MLB and finished 20 games ahead of the Los Angeles Dodgers. The Reds went on to win the National League Championship Series by defeating the Pittsburgh Pirates in three straight games, and the World Series in seven games over the Boston Red Sox. The Reds were managed by Sparky Anderson and played their home games at Riverfront Stadium. It was the first World Series championship for Cincinnati since 1940. The 1975 Reds are one of the few teams to consistently challenge the 1927 New York Yankees for the title of the best team in major league history. The Reds went 64–17 at home in 1975, which remains the best home record ever by a National League team. It is currently the second best home record in MLB history, behind the 1961 Yankees, who went 65-16. The 1975 Cincinnati Reds
The 1976 Cincinnati Reds season was a season in American baseball. The Reds entered the season as the reigning world champs. The Reds dominated the league all season, and won their second consecutive National League West title with a record of 102–60, best record in MLB and finished 10 games ahead of the runner-up Los Angeles Dodgers. They went on to defeat the Philadelphia Phillies in the 1976 National League Championship Series in three straight games, and then win their second consecutive World Series title in four straight games over the New York Yankees.
They were the third and most recent National League team to achieve this distinction, and the first since the 1921–22 New York Giants. The Reds drew 2,629,708 fans to their home games at Riverfront Stadium, an all-time franchise attendance record. As mentioned above, the Reds swept through the entire postseason with their sweeps of the Phillies and Yankees, achieving a record of 7-0. As of 2020, the Reds are the only team in baseball history to sweep through an entire postseason since the addition of divisions. The 1976 Cincinnati Reds
The 1989–90 flu epidemic in the United Kingdom was an influenza epidemic of A (H3N2) type flu that occurred during the winter of 1989–90. Although the outbreak was quite prolific in the United Kingdom, cases were reported in other parts of Europe and further afield, including France, Finland, Norway, Sweden, Switzerland and the Soviet Union.
The 1990 Cincinnati Reds season was the Reds’ 122nd season in American baseball. Starting with a club best nine straight wins to open the season, as well as holding the top spot in the National League West every game during the season, the Reds went 41–21 after 62 games, splitting the remaining 100 games 50–50 to end up with a 91–71 record. It consisted of the 91–71 Reds winning the National League West by five games over the second-place Dodgers, as well as the National League Championship Series in six games over the Pittsburgh Pirates, and the World Series in a four-game sweep over the overwhelming favorite Oakland Athletics, who had won the World Series the previous year. They played their home games at Riverfront Stadium (Park Factors: 104/104) where 2,400,892 fans witnessed their 1990 Reds finish the season with a.562 winning percentage. It was the fifth World Championship for the Reds, and their first since winning two consecutive titles in
1975 and ’76. The 1990 Cincinnati Reds — Cincinnati Reds – Wikipedia
Experts say the Taliban has captured nearly one-third of Afghanistan
4 years after The Bee Die We’re Dead
Vienna — Albert Einstein once predicted that if bees were to disappear, man would follow only a few years later. That hypothesis could soon be put to the test, as a mysterious condition that has wiped half of the honey bee population in the United States over the last
35 years appears to be repeating itself in Europe. If the bee disappeared off the surface of the globe then man would only have four years of life left. No more bees, no more pollination, no more plants, no more animals, no more man. If the bee disappears from the surface of the earth, man would have no more than four years to live.
Albert Einstein once said that if the bees disappeared, “man would have only four years of life left”. No one knows why it is happening. Theories involving mites, pesticides, global warming and GM crops have been proposed, but all have drawbacks. German research has long shown that bees’ behavior changes near power lines. Honeybees (a phenomenon attributed to everything from global warming to insecticides to radiation from cell phone towers, and now thought to be the result of a fungus.)
Have seen a resurgence in repetitions of a quote attributed to Albert Einstein, citations claiming the noted scientist once said If the bee disappears from the surface of the earth, man would have no more than four years to live. This truly sounds alarming: Bees are disappearing for reasons we cant yet explain, and a certified genius such as Einstein …
(1) the honey bee are a dying breed – Bing
(2) the honey bee are a dying breed – Bing
The 5g Bird Kill – Hundreds of Birds Killed During 5G Transmission Test in The Hague Netherlands. A couple of weeks ago in the Netherlands, a mass die-off of birds occurred after a new 5G transmission tower was tested, but there has been a virtual blackout of any coverage of this event: About a week ago at The Hague, many birds died spontaneously, falling dead in a park. This is what happened at a 5G site in Holland recently. The location was the Hoefkade in the Hague and the 5G mast was set up to test for any damage to nearby equipment. As soon as the transmitter was fired up birds fell dead from the trees.
This timeline shows the major infection control measures and re-openings undertaken by states after the first COVID-19 cases appeared in the United States, alongside the number of new cases and deaths in each state over the same time period. Dots on the timeline indicate key events in each state – closings (in red), openings (in green) and other policy changes and events (in grey). Click here.
Clicking on a dot will display event details below the chart.
Additionally, the PREVIOUS and NEXT buttons move users through key events by day, allowing them to be viewed in chronological order. The timeline can be viewed against either new cases or new deaths. To see current cumulative case and death counts and daily counts for days with no policy events, click here.
Have we flattened the curve in the US? – Johns Hopkins (jhu.edu)
COVID-19 Racial Data Transparency – Johns Hopkins Coronavirus Resource Center (jhu.edu)
Impact of Opening and Closing Decisions in Alabama – Johns Hopkins (jhu.edu)
CEO of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation Dr. Richard Besser joins Morning Joe to discuss a rise in coronavirus cases across the country, which he says is hitting unvaccinated Americans. We are seeing a pandemic among the unvaccinated, says doctor.