The GOP are literally trying to create election integrity laws. I don’t call that hiding. That is one step in the right direction but much much more needs to be happening and it’s not . Everything they are doing now could/should have been done prior. My favorite is the, “make it better for next time,” or, “to make sure it doesn’t happen again.”
The Timing was interesting to get TRUMP

The 45 Communist Goals (1963) – edberry.com
Why is it so hard for people to do the right thing nowadays… They are almost all in on it. They take turns. It’s a game. They give speeches but no one upsets the money/apple cart. They’re all on the take….Bought and paid for with ¥!
Time for Republican MAGAs to quit your bitching and step up. Run for office! Beat the RINOs!
There are at least 50Million more of us than them!
It’s all part of the same pantomime…We need a serious cleansing of these apathetic turds. They aren’t different, they all have the same goal and are part of the same establishment. That’s why they hate Americans and hate any outsiders who come to Washington. As the military is secretly flying thousands of these unvaccinated illegals around the country while insisting that Citizens get the injections , our own backup replacement population?
Threatening the population over vax, while seeding Covid throughout the country.
Why haven’t the experts warned and railed against this!
The GOP is just controlled opposition to Dems, all colluding to further
enrich the globalist elite at the expense of the people and the planet…
We only have a small handful fighting for
Americans , the rest are just useless or corrupt .

Now what should the Republican Party do?
or what would you do or say to correct this concern ??????????????????
I am all Ears

They are all the Imperial Ruling class.
Happy not to be in power as long as they have their cushy seats…. They’re all part of the same swamp family. The letter after their name just helped them
get elected. The R/D means nothing. The majority are part of the Swamp that Totally penetrated our backyards.
They are not spineless. They are complicit.

Rush always said Republicans go along to get along, Democrats go for the throat. This book will be a useful tool for all of us! I urge all patriots to obtain their copy! Let’s start our movement, and defeat these Marxists. Coward RINO Traitors! Remember who they are, they have to go! They’re all getting paid off…..it’s not a coincidence that as soon as they get in office they’re pushing to pass a multi trillion $ package, with all kinds of new definitions to where the $ will go. It’s like something a central African nation would do.
Each citizen should look up their congressman and CALL them out.
If they are not standing up to this Communist takeover.
That is if our votes even count anymore. The establishment got greedy & used the #Communism model, rhetoric, tactics, and employed or swindled pawns to snatch more power from the people.
A bunch of do nothing liars, grandstanding frauds, acting & talking tough,
but will do NOTHING, they only want to get their hands on your money to ENRICH themselves!
The Republican Party is just another segment of The Deep State, and have no goal except furthering the agenda of Government power. Expecting Politicians to fix the Political System is like expecting Foxes to secure the hen house.
They are not the solution. They ARE the problem.
Both are εnεmiεs. Two sides of the sαme cοin. One distracts you while the others stαβs γου in the back. ΡΟTUS (Trυmρ) αnd the close team he’s working with are the only people on ουr sidε.
I’ve never been a fan of the establishment GOP. I do think that the grassroots backlash to CRT, Biden’s missteps and his senility are driving a long series of bad media cycles for the Dems. The media is waiting for a “Republicans pounce” narrative to get them out of the cycle…..
Republicans should be impeaching Biden as we speak for going against the Constitution and having these open borders.
Texas Democrats meet with key Democratic Senators in a push
for federal illegal voting rights legislation.
I’ve said it once and I’ll say it until the day I die.. Politicians don’t run for office or political positions unless it’s for their betterment and not ours regardless of party affiliation. Because in the end these cowards only serve one master goal: the power of the $$ in their pocket.
I just watched Tucker Carlson‘s first segment and it made me sick to my stomach! And now our military is involved in moving these foreign nationals across our country? #ImpeachJoeBiden!
He’s not protecting America.
Conservatism has a cyclical nature to it. Like a pendulum. It’s related to the saeculum. Hence, they believe you just let your opponent punch themselves out, rather than take action. When you think of it, radical conservatism can
be a little unpalatable. We need a happy medium AND they wonder why we support Trump!?!? Because he would stand up to this!!
The Republicans are as bad as Dems in my view at this point!!
They are on vacation. Then they will come back for two weeks. Then in recess for another month in August lmao. Total waste of Air. You know all the people in this country need to do what the Cuban people are doing. Stand up to our corrupt government. The GOP is closer to the “far right” i.e. – GLOBALISTS, while libs are closer to the “far left” i.e. socialist/communists. In the middle is WETHEPEOPLE, conservs. & libs who are Christians or moral/honest peoples AND WETHEPEOPLE are the majority. WE NEED TO KNOW AND REMEMBER THAT.
A list of RINO’s to vote out
Two wings and the same bird
The Republicans hate our country as much as the Dems.
Time for real Americans to stand up, speak out and shut down all of the bull shit. It’s a collaboration of Politicians pointing fingers at each other. Fueling division in the country, to provide job security for themselves. To keep us,
their bosses, under control and divided. To distract the US from firing their lazy lying arses.
Pay attention Americans, vote them out. Maybe we could start a 3rd political party, Redneck Patriot Party. At least there would be some real Americans possessing real testicles & real spines! Very few ran for office because they wanted to make the country better. They ran for insider trading and immunity. Only the best criminals win because they know how to cheat. I left the @GOP on Nov 4. They’re nothing more than socialists in conservative costumes.
President Trump was the only Republican who fought for America. The rest won on his coattails. Traitors, all of them I’m afraid we’ve lost the republic. The borders are wide open and Dems will find a way to rig elections going forward. Who do you turn to when Every government agency is infected by wokeism?
We had a good run. We will not forget.
They have a choice. The proof is on the side of righteousness. If they don’ get up off their spineless asses and take this stand, being primaried will be the least of their worries. It will be an admission of collusion in everyone’s eyes. They aren’t cowards.. most of them are on the same team.. like good cop .. bad cop .. They pretty much have been for some time. That’s why they didn’t like Trump. He embarrassed them. Selling our country out to China is bipartisan.
The RINOs simply aren’t as blatant about it.

We are going to collapse and the Marxists are going to totally RULE. We are where we are because of the spineless GOP. You would think they would learn how to play the game from DEMS… who PLAY DIRTY Spineless Pisoshitos are azz hole. Letting them fall on their own sword only goes so far. Republicans and Democrats are but two cheeks, on the same ass.
Joe Biden in the White House IS the worse thing that happened to our country since the civil war. A dog had his chain reduced one link at a time every few days, until his chain was so short he could barely move.
He never resisted because he was conditioned to the loss of his freedom
slowly, over time… The Biden admin is doing some very sinister shit behind
the scenes. How will we ever reverse this damage? When they’re crazy as shit.
They all need to be institutionalized!
I hope all the spineless cowards get voted out.
We need people who will stand up for America.
They are just playing their part.
The Deep State runs deep….
Like the French when Germany came knocking.

Joe Biden is not known as a fiery orator, but the president was riled up yesterday. – That’s Bullshit — Biden using the n word in a speech.
Biden will be REMOVED By Democrats Before 2022 | Breakdown
| Huckabee https://youtu.be/Mmqw-OJBp_o via @YouTube
RNC chairwoman Ronna McDaniel weighs in on police officers quitting
in droves in the wake of the push to defund the police.
Joint Chiefs chairman feared potential ‘Reichstag moment’ aimed at keeping Trump in power
Source: Catturd ™ on Twitter: “The Republican Party is hiding while the communist Democrats destroy the country. Never in my life have I seen
so many spineless cowards.” / Twitter
Severe zinc deficiency results in loss of smell and taste.
Wonder if that’s why one COViD symptom is loss of smell and taste: because your body quickly uses up all the zinc in fighting the infection. ?
Spike protein is very dangerous, it’s cytotoxic (Robert Malone, Steve Kirsch, Bret Weinstein) – YouTube
Review of the Emerging Evidence Demonstrating the Efficacy of Ivermectin in the Prophylaxis and Treatment of COVID-19