Towards Omaha Beach during World War II
You probably think that you know what it means. Do you, though? I would like you to try to explain it to the person nearest to you. Next, ask a different person to explain the phrase to you. Your answers, while likely to have similar notions of vague patriotism and bravery, will not be the same. The saying confounding: as the popular adage “a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush,” a phrase that I have never found any use for in my life.
Do these colors not run?
Even people on the internet — where all of the world’s knowledge is collected — can’t agree on what it means or where it comes from. I found countless threads created by people like me, begging to be let in on the secret of “these colors don’t run.” Some were met with silence, this desperate soul on phrases.org.uk. Others received mealy-mouthed guesses. Some were weirdly specific, but provided no evidence to back up their assertions. Besides, you can know the history of something and still not understand what it really means.
According to Greg Guy, a linguistics professor at New York University, “these colors don’t run” is simply a pun: “We speak of the colors in a fabric ‘running’ when they are washed — one color bleeds into another, or fades. And we speak of ‘running’ away from something. Similarly, colors can mean simply the colors of some physical object, but it’s also used to mean ‘flag’.”
Steven Hahn, an NYU history professor, thinks that the phrase’s origin comes from a 1960s critique of draft resisters who fled out of the U.S. A related connection, he said, is the idea that the colors of the flag don’t run in the face of a challenge: The U.S. doesn’t run from necessary wars.
The U.S. doesn’t run from necessary wars.
Surprisingly, Jeff Dunham fans don’t have a monopoly on colors not running. In an interesting turn of events, the phrase has been adopted by some on the “#resist” side. Others take advantage of its lack of a subordinate clause and turn the phrase on its head with modifications like “these colors don’t run but
I do” and “these colors don’t run, they sashay.”
Iron Maiden – These Colours Don’t Run It uses the British spelling because Iron Maiden is a British band. In this case, the title comes from an incident at Ozzfest 2005. Bruce Dickinson, the lead singer of Iron Maiden, had apparently upset some Ozzy Osbourne fans with disparaging comments about Ozzy’s use of a teleprompter. This prompted the crowd to wreak havoc on Iron Maiden’s performance by hurling eggs and bottles at the band, with one audience member running on stage with an American flag. In the heat of the rampage, Dickinson held up a British flag and said, “This is a fucking British flag, and these colours don’t fucking run!” A year later, Iron Maiden released “These Colours Don’t Run,” turning their Ozzfest egg attack into an anthem to the army.
So, “these colors” seem to depend entirely on context. When the context isn’t given as to what colors aren’t running, we have to infer. Next, the running. What are we, or these colors, not running from? “From ISIS?” asked one of my friends. Could be. Who knows? “These colors don’t run” is now a proverb, like the end of an Aesop’s fable, but it lacks the necessary qualification to make any sense at all.
For such a nonsensical phrase, it’s a wonder so many different groups have formed an attachment to it. Not well-known enough to be in the cultural bank of idioms, but recognizable enough to produce a reaction within whoever reads it on the back of a pick truck. It’s a perfect representation of the hollowness of patriotism. And if we win this battle we will become to be known as The Second Greatest Generation
If you had to leave America, what country would you choose as your new home?
I am seeing Tweets like the one above: My one and only place is America.
I will be buried in this soil. There is NO other option.

I am free with an independent will. No one can stop the freedom of my mind. My strength is thinking for myself. No one will ever corrupt that. I am me. Only way I’m leaving is in a box!! There’s no place like Home!!!
Home being the great United States of America!! I’ve been to other countries, no thanks honestly, I think everyone should be forced to spend a couple of months living outside the U.S. and get an appreciation of the gift they have been given to get to live here. .not in a
resort, but in a city or town.

I’m not going anywhere!! This is my homeland and I’ll be damned if I’m gonna let these Commie Motherfuckers run me outta here! I’ll fight to the death for my kids, grandkids and yours just like the Pioneer Patriots before us! #GodBlessAmerica

greatest Nation in World History

America is Stuck With Me

I’m a Proud Deplorable Uhm… thanks but no thanks, I’ll stay right here and fight like a
Dayum Patriot till the end.
As much as the corporate socialist oligarchs and their liberal MK Ultra bots have turned America into a sinking swamp (for now), I can’t think of a single country that I would rather live in.
May God bless the United States of America. May he save the world.
I was born American and I will die fighting to be a free American, so I am not leaving.
.I’ve been to many Countries, Never would I leave America ! Stick around and fight the good fight! #freedomisntfree Britain was always my fallback (as I’m a dual citizen) –
but the UK is falling even harder than the US !

ISRAEL Because that’s where it’s all going to come to a DIVINE HALT when JESUS RETURNS to FINISH these fools at ARMAGEDDON… Medjugorje is a town located in southwestern Bosnia and Herzegovina, about 25 km southwest of Mostar and 20 km east of the border with Croatia. The town is part of the Čitluk municipality and geographically part of Herzegovina. Since 1981, it has become a popular site of Catholic pilgrimage due to Our Lady of Međugorje, an alleged series of apparitions of the Virgin Mary to six local children that are still happening to this day. Medjugorje · Apparitions of Mary Queen of Peace Links (mej.net) Medjugorje Website – Our Lady of Medjugorje Messages and Apparitions
Mej.com – Bing video
We already did, we chose the Philippines, here two months and we’re staying forever. New Zealand has not been there since 1955 but it is everything Hawaii is and more. Hawaii has nothing like the South Island of NZ. It is a beef-eaters paradise. And the fish and chips are to die for. Morocco or Costa Rica or Panama or Jamaica or Ecuador for year round gardening! Sicily – definitely NOT
If I had to bug out because it wouldn’t be safe anywhere
I’d grab a sailboat & hit the high seas pirate style!

Tahiti is beautiful It would be very difficult if we do not move as a group with our weapons and shared beliefs, I think we shall have to move en masse to Belize is the correct answer.. Had to leave…. Bonaire ….but I’m staying right here. Bonaire is an island in the Leeward Antilles in the Caribbean Sea. Its capital is Kralendijk, near the ocean on the lee side of the island. Aruba, Bonaire and Curaçao form the ABC islands, 80 km (50 miles) off the coast of Venezuela. Unlike much of the Caribbean region, the ABC islands lie outside Hurricane Alley. The islands have an arid climate that attracts visitors seeking warm, sunny weather all year round.
New Zealand is bad like the US. We’re showing it here because it may help many Americans to understand why they find it hard to be accepted into small town minded New Zealand: Its True – Kiwis don’t really like Americans. They generally don’t like or trust Americans. Poland or Hungary are good choices. Thailand, the cost of living is very cheap and there are beautiful single women.
Isn’t Canada on strict Covid-19 rules?

Canada is the closest. I would go to the Netherlands Ladies. South Korea, Portugal, Greece, Philippines, in that order. Mainly to retire and get away from the US if it became a wasteland. Hmmmm…. two decades ago it would’ve been London ~ but not so much anymore. I guess wherever they don’t have lockdowns and martial law at the end of the day… heaven?????

Poland. They have an amazing youth freedom movement that no one sees.
They were under communist rule for decades and are finally finding their freedom groove. Great Choice! I grew up in Greenpoint, is the northernmost neighborhood in the New York City borough of Brooklyn, in the U.S. state of New York. It is bordered on the southwest by Williamsburg at Bushwick Inlet Park and McCarren Park; on the southeast by the Brooklyn–Queens Expressway and East Williamsburg; on the north by Newtown Creek and the neighborhood of Long Island City in Queens; and on the west by the East River. The neighborhood has a large Polish immigrant and Polish-American community, containing many Polish restaurants, markets, and businesses, and it is often referred to as
“Little Poland”. Great People!
Definitely Switzerland

Scotland. Cambridge University in England, did a study on people from other countries and the Scottish people were found to be the most friendly, agreeable and cooperative people in the UK. It is also very beautiful in many places.
Definitely Southern Ireland or Scotland, family came from there in the 1600s.
Their English would not be too hard to understand. A hard working society.
Italy. Definitely Beautiful Croatia Italy or Spain Maybe Portugal but beware, that country is liberal and has some ideologically retarded people, avoid them and you can live safely and comfortably.
States that turned blue in 2020: AZ – PA – GA – WI States that changed election laws weeks before the 2020 election without legislative approval: AZ – PA – GA – WI
States that had their votes stolen thanks to their Governors their SOS’s AZ – PA – GA – WI
Weird coincidence: When you have no chain of custody and no ID required that states
will turn blue…Without legislative approval …….hmmm

The people of Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania should be outraged.
Don’t they want to be SURE their vote was counted ???
When I read about blue state cheating, shootings, CRT, looting, defunding…
I just want to move and leave them behind in the swamp & the slime to eat each other. There’s slight hope for turnaround in PA, GA & AZ.
Other states are full-tilt Marxist. Gone. Too late.
The Pennsylvania Attorney General and Governor are trying to stop the audit.
The department of state is now telling the counties not to comply with turning over election logs, etc. They are in panic mode imo. “In My Opinion.” Use it if you want to a) weaken your argument significantly, or b) make it known that this is not your neighbor’s opinion or your doctor’s opinion, it is yours. “Yesterday, Dec. 7, 1941 – a date which will live in infamy,
IMO.” We should be up in arms, with the government having our health records. That’s just unlawful. Vaxed or UnvaxXed!
Texas Democrats plan to leave the state to block restrictive voting
legislation and other GOP priorities (msn.com).
Texas will be blue in 4 years. People don’t realize the communist plan…
they drive people away from blue states, knowing that wherever they go they will still vote blue. Look at Colorado as a prime example. I’m still part of the 3%ers, I’m not leaving the America our founding fathers fought for, even if it means losing my life.
Odd….you don’t see anyone saying, China, Venezuela, or Cuba

Free CUBA with two special Guests. AOC does not support Latinos.
Socialism and freedom cannot coexist.
The Cubans protesting against communism, socialized medicine and demanding freedom have the socialist Democrats really confused.
AOC swings and misses. Lauren Boebert buries her. U.S. AOC, D-N.Y., may not be eager to go toe-to-toe with her Republican colleagues in the House chamber, but she is apparently more than happy to troll them on social media. The self-described democratic socialist responded to a tweet from the U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo.,
“Telling the federal government to leave Americans “the hell alone” during a speech Saturday at CPAC 2021 in Dallas. “We’re here to tell the government we don’t want your benefits, we don’t want your welfare. Don’t come banging on my door with your Fauci ouchy; you leave us the hell alone,” the freshman Republican said, confidently strutting around the stage in a pair of jeans.”
Note to AOC “It’s better for people to think you’re an idiot than to open your mouth and prove it”!!! I think it’s funny when people say to me: “I don’t always agree with you on everything you say but”… Because honestly, I don’t expect or need you to agree with me on everything I say… because that would make you a robot…& the world needs less robots and brainless paid ops.
Trump to CPAC: We Will Stop Left Wing Cancel Culture | Newsmax.com
Right Side Broadcasting – President Donald Trump Speaks at CPAC 2021 in Dallas, TX – 7/11/21 | Facebook
‘Feelings of dissatisfaction’: Cuba’s leader blames US embargo for unprecedented protests.
Cubans in Miami talk of boating to island to back protests (msn.com)
Biden convenes session on gun violence amid surge in crime (msn.com)
Police hit Biden crime plan as ‘foolish’ and ‘knee-jerk’ action (msn.com)
Don’t be fooled by words like educational, we’re here to help, information.
The Vaccination door to door teams aren’t what the Government portrays them to be. These people have one purpose, to find out who the anti vaxXers are.
After that you will be targeted. Look at Canada.

Have faith, it is in the journey that you will learn & become strong.
Gracefully I show courage in the midst of my fear_God will catch me if I fall.
Coronavirus #FactsVsMyths | “Vaccination is low in large parts of the US and those areas are witnessing a spike #Covid19 cases, mostly driven by the Delta variant”: Dr. Ashish Jha (@ashishkjha), Dean, Brown University School of Public Health. I’m beginning to think that the China virus is like an app.
One that they can’t stop updating! I’m not sure what the final goal is exactly, but it has a lot to do with fear, control, and money! Monthly booster shots are probably planned for the future! I ask that you at the very least watch only two minutes of this video. Start at 25:00 as a trailer. Dr David Martin | Dr Reiner Fuellmich – July 9, 2021 (brandnewtube.com)
Each jab contains more & more poisons…look up graphene.
I just refuse to participate in the whole lie of their new flu… Its a bioweapon, released to destabilize the world’s econs. Masks are fake and employed as a pop control mechanism. The vaccine is gene therapy and deadly. I will not accept a movement license. Fauci knew.
Virus Cases Start To Rise Again, Especially Where Vaccination Rates Lag : Shots – Health News Cases and hospitalizations are up in the US again.
The biggest worries are states with low vaccination uptake. But our analysis finds local surges in some higher vaccination states, in counties with low vax coverage. Local trends (TRACKING data) matter! Coronavirus (COVID-19)
Communications experts and the White House say President Joe Biden’s CREEPY whispering is just this veteran politician’s old-school way of trying to make a connection while emphasizing a point. (July 12) Expert explains why Biden whisper speaks volumes. Biden to Promote Plan to Reduce Gun Violence
Listen up: Biden speaks volumes in a whisper to make a point | KWKT – FOX 44 …… The Five’ blast Biden administration’s response to Cuba’s uprising!!!!!
FDA adds warning to J&J vaccine for possible link to rare neurological disorder
On The Money: Democrats closing in on massive infrastructure deal, but battle brews over tax hikes | What to know about the new child tax credit payments
The Great Society circa 1968 wasn’t so great. Welfare, low-income housing,
and food stamps replaced fathers. Women bought the Feminist BS and decided they don’t need a man. When people ask – how did our society fail – you can tell them.