The American Spirit
Good Morning Patriots & Freedom Lovers.
As we get going on this Sunday morning. Going to ask you all to just indulge me for a few. At least once a week, usually on Monday evening I ask you to pray for Our Constitutional Republic & ALL Our Citizens. Let’s take a brief moment to talk about that. Citizens means all of us. I don’t care if one has a R/D behind their name or a L/I quite frankly IDC what political policies you follow. Man whose family escaped from Cuba, Maximo Alvarez, warns about Communism.
I will still pray for you.
Is it an easy thing to do? Probably not. Is it the right thing to do?
Yes it is… We spend so much time fighting each other, instead of simply praying for one another. I’m strong in what I believe. I believe every child has a right to live. Especially the voiceless. I believe in Our Constitution. Most of all I believe in my Lord & Savior.. So on this Sunday, take a moment to reflect on ourselves, cherish our family and friends. Rejoice that we are healthy and alive.
Thankful that we won the human lottery, that we were blessed to be born in the greatest Nation ever conceived by man & blessed by God…So charge is the same my friends. Pray for Our Republic & Our Citizens. The greatest gift we are given is Love. Have a blessed day you all. May God continue to bless you, your family & Our Republic.

THIS nails my belief system post 2016-2020 to my very core.
I believe over 100M American

This is the Best Way To Save The UNITED STATES:
“Truth not Narratives ~
Education not Indoctrination &
Justice not Retribution ~
Liberty not Tyranny!!!”
Globalist are Haters of America
so THEY make up FAKE NEWS stories:
on why they try to overthrow the American Gov’t.
Holocaust survivors warns Americans:
It’s all about power. They tell you what to do every day.
You need to see 1984 (Full Movie) (bitchute.com) John Hurt.
Alexandria Ocasio Cortez wants to ban fossil fuels, ban cars, ban planes,
give out universal income and thinks socialism works. Venezuelans lucky enough to get away will tell you another story from the very idiocy of this numbskull. Cortez is preaching that calling Donald Trump crazy doesn’t understand overcoming challenges and problem solving.
Dumpster Diving FOR EVERYONE!
Dignity, respect and honor are not civil rights, they must be earned like so many who paid the ultimate price have achieved! There is not enough toilet paper in Venezuela, I guess they can use their dignity to clean themselves.
With Liberals: All things flow from the State. They despise humanity as weak. The soulless State can’t impart dignity, only take free stuff & handouts.
Dignity like courage or character is free to each of us, though not without –
cost we must demand it of ourselves. Ask a Marine or Ask Rosa Parks.
Exactly: All sounds good until you need toilet paper!
Because socialists and communists theory Trump’s reality.
If reality doesn’t support their theory, then reality is wrong, not the theory. They fall back on the “it wasn’t done right” defense. It doesn’t matter what they say it means. Socialism She’s a subjective relativist. Words have no consistent meaning to them. Like in Through the Looking Glass, “Words mean what I choose it to mean–neither more nor less.” — Humpty Dumpty
Apparently she is a product of the CRT school system in N.Y.C.
They taught her with comic books and in LegoLand fantasyland fairy tales. They lost everything; homes, businesses. She thinks she found something
new, it’s the same old garbage with a different tab on it with the same tragic, impoverished outcome. unfortunately it looks perfect on paper and the snowflakes are falling hard for such lies

And what dignity is there in getting C

Clearly that’s not a concept she’s familiar with

Dignity comes when you work hard and achieve. Socialism guarantees nothing… someone always gets greedy & power hungry!

Because under socialism and communism the government officials have ALL of the power! Trust me, they DO NOT live under the same rules as they impose on the rest of the people!!
Didn’t God PROVIDE SOCIALISM in The Garden of Eden?
Provided EVERYTHING! and It Wasn’t Enough. God knew humans always want more after that and kicked them out of PARADISE. Because it is the nature of the beast!
The beast will keep claiming that it just wasn’t implemented effectively but to trust THEM to implement the enslavement & they will administer it properly! And so the historic tragic cycle perpetuates.
We cannot allow this blight in the USA!
My reply to little Miss Silly Bunny (AOC): “Yes, and it’s called welfarism.
Which is where the elite are trying to push us all to, so that we ARE reliant on Big Brother & Sister consequently at their mercy, as will you be.” ~
I really don’t think she knows what socialism does to Countries. She’s still a child and still believes the tooth fairy puts money under her pillow. They can’t help themselves because they believe everything they say! If they came up with the idea — it is the only way to go because everyone else is stupid or deplorable!
Nothing like the blind leading the blind

President Trump is the only leader:
Fighting for the People and against Globalization (socialism), where the
leaders are fat and the people starve, i.e., Yemen. Socialism affords “dignity”. That Soros puppet BUYDEN should visit Venezuela and tell that to the people eating out of garbage trucks and killing/eating their OWN. They keep pushing it because they have no historical knowledge, and are brain-washed by the ‘educated fools’ in the schools #SocialismDestroys
Victims of Socialism in Venezuela Warn UNITED STATES:
‘Don’t Fall for It,’ ‘People Eat from Trash Bags’
When I couldn’t find a job in 2009 and was collecting unemployment. I lost my mind. I felt less then. I got depressed. Staying home & getting government money doesn’t make you feel you have dignity. When I finish a hard day’s work, I feel the dignity of accomplishment! Socialism is for fools

If you love communism ship your A$$ to Cuba to live like a normal Cuban lives on daily basis

If the United States adopts it, they won’t survive either

Socialism will be the End of Humanity

The end result never turns out well.
The Socialist Leaders spewed this garbage but certainly won’t live off it.
If Socialism is great why aren’t people fleeing South Florida for Cuba.
If Socialism Is So Great, Why Do People Flee It? (cfif.org)
My new definition of socialism: I see a new A.O.C. bartending gig in
your future-and then maybe some night school courses on socialism and communism…. Codependent, dependent either way you shape it there’s literally no dignity supporting it. I see it in some identity politics. It’s like people are waiting for the government to validate their worth before they assume any semblance of independence.
UPDATE: 6,985 Dead from COVID Vaccine Across the US and 411,911
Adverse Reactions Reported – Now a Top 50 Cause of Death in the Country! https://thegatewaypundit.com/2021/07/update – Bing
Our Constitutional Republic’s future lies in our hands and I pray we lead!

This Major National Burger Chain Is Falling Out of Favor with Customers, Data Shows
These Republicans Are Tiptoeing Toward a Green New Deal (msn.com)
Top American landmarks in danger of being lost forever (msn.com)
Holocaust Survivors Reunite – Bing video
I say and see life for what it is.
It’s difficult watching the “Washington Geriatrics” Destroy America, when we know Trump can fix things within a few months, but these terrorists forced their way into power and are doing their best to stay in power. BREAKING:
a CNN Analyst says unvaccinated Americans should have their freedoms curtailed and be required to test twice weekly. I Hope Americans are paying attention to the people that warn against socialism…
Th Fake News is a bunch of communist tyrants who’ve been bought by the CCP and deep state to constantly spread the fear mongering, and nonsense bullshit all day every day 24 fucking 7!

What other government went door to door for their citizens?? You know, just to get information

“The United States is a beautiful country, the best in the world, it’s the most powerful – and we didn’t get there with socialism or anything close to that.
The crisis in Venezuela has prompted tens of thousands of people to take to the streets to protest against socialist leader Nicolas Maduro. You’re either with him or against socialism, including in the United States. Those Victims of Venezuelan socialism who have come to America recently attended a Venezuela Freedom Rally in Washington, D.C., where Campus Reform asked them for their message to Americans who support socialism.
“Bernie Sanders is your enemy. Do not ever, ever get involved with this individual or any of the other socialists,” one man who escaped Venezuelan socialism warned. “People are eating from trash bags in the streets,” one woman said. “In Venezuela, there is No food, No medicine, No education.
No, nothing, there’s nothing,” another woman added.
Others warned Americans not to fall for socialism’s false promises, and
to beware its gradual usurpation of citizens’ freedoms: “It is not a game,
it is not the route to go, it is not possible, it is not feasible, don’t fall for it.”
“It doesn’t work the way the book says…socialism is too good to be true.”
It’s a gradual process, over time, little by little, power is taken away from the people. People always talk about the Nazis and stuff like that, but nobody talks about socialism and communism. For me, it’s kind of an insult to the Venezuelan people, who have been protesting for years.
One former Venezuelan summed up their comments, declaring that America became the best country on Earth by rejecting all things socialist:
Venezuelans Send Message To Americans Who Want Socialism
Refugees from socialist countries warn Americans:
Don’t let it happen here.
If anyone believes there will be a ‘red wave’ in 2022.
They’re delusional.. If you use the same voting machines, with the same software and the ability to be hacked, why would anyone actually believe there will be a turnover..? After the audit they will fix the machines. Mail in ballots will have security features printed in them. This is why they are coming unglued if they can’t cheat they can’t win.
Been going on for a while I suspect.
We all want to have hope, but without election reform, there will be the same results, election reform must come first, but I fear like the audit in Arizona,
it’s all shown without any final action. I hope that I am wrong. Conservatives need to start volunteering at the voting polls. It would have to be registered independents who go undercover.
That’s the definition of insanity! Start now.
Well, NOTHING changes if you DO NOTHING. I have a feeling that
this time around, States (out of enlightened self-interest) are going to
do things the Old School way: Voter ID, paper ballots and hand counts.
All on full video surveillance throughout the entire process. With NO
hastily erected barriers to line of sight. Voters must be — permitted to
inspect their actual vote after elections. This ensures integrity.
The poll workers in Georgia were hired from one of Stacy Abrams’ companies; conflict of interest. Arizona forensic auditors have the packets from the Dominion servers. Once the fraud is revealed the laws will be changed. States have already started. We must have fair elections.
Only GOD has the power to change it. He can force their hand…
We’ll see what happens… I’m praying for our Governor daily. We need him. Anyone else will demolish this state & turn it into LIE-beral—GOD FORBID
Thank you for pointing this out. These people don’t play fair, nor can we expect them to roll over and admit this last election was stolen. We need to get a grip. If they still have Dominion over us, there won’t be any chance. Another one of the reasons Pelosi’s select committee MUST make their effort into a 1936 Show Trial.
Starting this month, every child under 6 gets $300, over 6, $250, by next election every parent will be attached to this govt payment, they will all voted to keep it coming, it is overt vote buying. Until the Dollar totally CRASHES which is coming. the Fed can’t prop up the economy much longer. One county in Ohio got rid of the dominion machines. It’s a start.. It has to be done state by state.. I believe the ‘problem’ is more with the mail in bullshit.
I don’t. I think they saw their cheating pay off and without a violent revolution, I don’t expect to see another fair election. Ever. Anybody believing there will be an ACTUAL election EVER AGAIN is delusional. The Dems will never cede to anyone. The tyranny has begun. 2A is more important than ever now. You’re so right. After the pantywaists Republicans accepted the outcome of the 2020 general elections, they don’t have a single prayer at winning.
The main goal was to get rid of Trump so the establishment could do their thing (continuing their rigged system and two tier justice). That is why they pushed the COVID numbers, shut downs, etc. We’ve had red waves across our country for the past four elections and the voting machines have been rigged for all of them. That’s why we have to change and get out and vote because if we don’t vote in doves the enemy which is the democratic party will win.
The 2022 red wave will happen because many states have been strengthening their electoral laws, Republicans are more aware of the potential for fraud, and the swing congressional districts aren’t Democrat bastions where the electoral authorities can pull all sorts of dirty tricks. Globalists have handed the United States over to Democrats elections now hold no legitimacy. It must be closely monitored, and cheaters without ID, Not allowed to vote!
So far, the left is Anti-ID, so there!!
11/03 taught us to be wise as serpents & harmless as doves.
Having hope is no longer enough.. The Dem/Communist Party is counting that we will just have ‘hope’ and do nothing…Why do you think they are doing forensic audits?

Having passive acceptance is exactly what the Left wants. Having hope is not delusional. Pushing truth & supporting those who will effect change is not being delusional.
Who knows if it will go anywhere, everything goes for the left… No matter what it seems like… Ah not with DJT Remember he said they have it all…We caught them…
I heard that This is a military sting op. it will happen… August 13
I PRAY & Hope you’re right

I waited until Jan 3 & March 4. I just hope this is the real one.
Ok so that is fake news put out by fake news. So much misinformation. I’m sure I’ve been duped at times too. I just listened to Brian Cates on X22 report and he thinks it will take much longer to get the election fixed.. We’ll see what happens!!!
We told you so!!!!!! New Evidence Indicates Enough Illegal Votes In Georgia To Tip 2020. Bernard B. Kerik (@BernardKerik) / Twitter The Official Twitter Account for Bernard B. Kerik, 40th Police Commissioner of the New York City Police Department, and NY Times bestselling author.
New Evidence Indicates Enough Illegal Votes In Georgia To Tip 2020 (thefederalist.com)
Newly Revealed Call Details How Trump Pressed Georgia Investigator To Find Vote Fraud : NPR
Fact check: Georgia audit hasn’t found 30,000 ‘fake ballots’ (usatoday.com)
China’s Domination Documentary (THE CHINESE NIMRODS.)
My Definition of Socialism: How can you make an intelligent decision –
when you don’t know what they’ll do…
because they don’t know what they’re doing!


Socialism Makes Monkey’s Out Of All Us.