Twitter is like socialism. You get it for free. You have no say in how it works.
A rich guy runs it. Everyone spies on you, and if you screw up one word that they don’t like… You’ll be shut down forever.
Absolutely correct! Think like me or… they censorship Freedom of Speech. Force you to agree or else. Account gets deleted without firm reasons. Making Twitter accounts difficult using also phone verifications instead of the email account. Liberals hate America because it was founded by white men but they love Google, Twitter, Amazon, Facebook, Apple, and electric cars (electricity) which were founded by white men. Liberal logic.
Jobs they will tell you what you will do… Healthcare. they will tell you what you need or not. transportation. you’re on the bus They will be watching YOU Through the Internet….The pen is truly mightier than the sword. When they tell you ~ you will get free education. they will choose what you will learn…Free housing. they will choose where you live.
Governments around the world….are scared out of their minds by
THE people who have the ability to type their thoughts and views.
FACEBOOK & Twitter can destroy HUMANITY through algorithms.
The Worst Thing About Life is each day one day closer to The End.
Death is a gift. Anyone can take your life — no one can take your death.
Any advice on overcoming THE Fear of Death?
Watch the movie What Dreams May Come you have to release the religious programming of hell and punishment. If you liked the movie, you’ll love the book that inspired it, Dante’s Inferno. The book explains it better than the movie. I believe the book to be more accurate. The wife committed suicide, however, didn’t realize it. Her hell (or version of) was created by her own
mind in her own form of punishing herself. But definitely read the book!!!
From an extremely young age I used to frequently have bad panic attacks because I was terrified of death.
Understand that fear follows fearful thoughts. Both are creations of the brain.
To let go of fear of death, one must go deeper within, beyond thought and emotion, unto their core essence which is life – who we all truly are.
Do this and one has overcome death.
Just look at it this way… if you don’t think anything at all happens when
you die then why waste a second thinking about it?
If you know heaven exists (it does the word exists for a reason)
then try and spend your time helping others instead of stressing.

Don’t worry about it as you will be at peace either way. I look at it as the next phase of existence. We exist in the world today as humans and then after we die we exist as the next form. Either way you shouldn’t be scared.
In my opinion it’s just the next step in your journey.
Perhaps you will find in this book The-Spirits-Book.pdf
some useful answers, about life, spirits, death and God.
Contrary to what they taught us in religious institutions !!

Why spend your life worrying instead of embracing life and living? I also think about how cool it will be to see all those who have gone before us. Think of it as your next journey. I held the hand of a person that died and as she did I felt her spirit leave her body. Just because we are done with this body on this earth doesn’t mean we don’t carry on.
If humanity had any sense we would have collectively worked towards making ourselves immortal, but we love drama, being foolish or fearful instead of accepting truth and working to fix our issues.
Biological evolution is the only way out.
Call on the Lord! The human needs two things that are free before he/she dies to allow them into eternal paradise .. the blood of Christ & the Holy Spirit. Hell & eternal punishment is real– & Heaven and eternal life for those who are in Christ is very real- Call on the Lord! Humans need 2 things that are free before he/she dies to allow them into eternal paradise .. the blood of Christ & the Holy Spirit.. God will give both if a person believes in Christ & calls on Him for forgiveness,
For me, it’s not about hell/heaven or punishment/rewards. It’s about never seeing, hearing, touching and holding my loved ones ever again. That is what frightens me about death. There is no death, not of consciousness anyway.
Soul is eternal. Heaven or hell is something we create for ourselves on earth.
As a Phoenix, we understand this better than others. Rise, crash + burn, rise again. Life goes on, even after we leave the body.
Revelation Day: To say hell is real, is to say God condones torture and is not forgiving. Earth is hell we get the chance to prove ourselves if not done then we get to try again. Reincarnation. Breath Work will show you that your body is an Avatar and your Energetic Soul Body is the Cosmic Consciousness animating our flesh. Our Souls depart from the flesh and you see this was all a Material Simulation of an overwhelmingly powerful Spiritual Reality.
Super consciousness: Is the universe a conscious mind?
When you realize you are Cosmic consciousness.
Everything is nothing more than transition, Change is life. Beware the nanites.
He who controls the nanites….controls the universe and all THAT IS IN IT
When these bodies end, our life will keep moving throughout the universe.
Is it fear of death or dying?
Death comes to us all but dying can be quick and painless or long, drawn out, and full of suffering. I do not fear death for where we go afterwards is amazing.
Embrace transhumanism: Ram Dass – Bing videos has often referred to his astral guide telling him “death is like taking off a tight shoe.”
The imagery has helped me a lot.
Other people have said meditation is also very good. Life is never done, death is just a passing through another doorway in perception. Know that it’s another form of metamorphosis. Where one door closes another opens!!! Research what happens after you die – You fear the unknown. You don’t fear going to bed at night because it’s part of living. You know what happens in the morning. Death is just shedding of the physical body- your thoughts and consciousness remain.
Let that go. It’s a useless feeling because there is so much life after death.
We leave these rotting vessels but consciousness lives on forever.
There is no true death. Only death of the physical vessel.
We are beings of light. We’re only here having a human experience.
Live a good life and when you leave this vessel you wake up into a new vessel. Truth is, we’re all terminal & there’s nothing we can do about it.
Anxiety, worrying, & fearing it doesn’t change a thing.
So, my advice, live your best life & be in the present.
Do the best you can while you can.
Having full knowledge and confidence that Life energy never dies, scientific fact, it only moves from one place to another. Fear only comes in not being certain where you are going to end up. I know where I’m going. No Fear.
Yeah, it is a fact of life, natural, and the way of the Universe.
Like THE STARS, all eventually die, while others are born.
What exactly is there to fear, other than the unknown?
DOORS – No One Here Gets Out Alive
“No one here gets out alive” ~ Jim Morrison
Letting go of it. You can’t die, you are not your body. Being outside of your body feels more like home than any physical place will ever make you feel.
It is like returning back home after a long trip. Try leaving your body while meditating. Laying down works best for me.

There is no death sentence. You are an archetypal pattern of the multiverse.
Why make a pattern, if it’s only used once? There’s never been sleep without being awake, or awake without sleep. Close these eyes, and you’ll open them again, and again, and again.
It’s in your nature.

Death is simply a transition to a new experience. A portal to a different realm.
“Every man dies. Not every man really lives.” – William Wallace.
Never FEAR Death. Let your vibrations remain high and positive and welcome it. Remember…WE ARE NOTHING BUT ENERGY | ENERGY NEVER DIES!!
Embrace it fully, but NEVER fear it. I am so ready when it is my time…I know what awaits me.

First off. Love the name.
Second. Have you seen “Spartacus ” 4 seasons.
I think you’re on the right track. You’re close to figuring out your answer.
But I say this. Life is suffering, but if you can find the meaning to life, to overlook the suffering. It will be worth it.
A shift in the perception around death will help immensely.
It’s different for everyone, however this book helped me.
Start studying and reading Near death Experiences,
Research NDEs – Bing videos most of them are spectacular and have a lot in common. Also there are over 1700 cases worldwide of proven and researched reincarnation stories, they all tie together. It’s a very good way to get an idea of the other side. 25 He that loveth his life shall lose it; and he that hadeeth his life in this world shall keep it unto life eternal. 26 If any man serves me, let him follow me; and where I am, there shall also my servant be: if any man serves me, he will my Father honor. John 12:25-26 KJV
It’s a matter of asking yourself why you are afraid.
What’s the fear really about. Do you not want to let the 3d Existence go?
Are you afraid of the unknown? I personally have never been afraid of death, somehow I know there are better things waiting elsewhere-wherever that is.
Remember that if death was the end, you would remember nothing… Take stalk in knowing you have collected memories so that you can take them somewhere Just get kicked in the teeth enough times and suddenly death doesn’t seem so bad. If you fear death it is because you’ve had it too soft.
As of the moment there is no way to halt cycles of the universe, even reverse them. Never bet on immortality. Death may be nothing but nothingness, or it just might be the next step. Live your life how you see fit and don’t expect the cycles to end. We are in it together

I’m not afraid to die. I just want to live my life fully. If my time is up and my soul purpose is met I am ready any time. There is nothing called death btw.
I will only change my life form.
As gracefully as you can, having fully let go of everyone and everything,
go back to sleep. We crave the death of sleep every day. Why worry? It’s the natural state. Death was your friend all along…reminding you of the lies of sensory perception and the desires of life. Think about a baby who is about to be born, to him that equals death ‘cause everything he knows is his mother’s womb. I think death is something like that, your soul’s experience doesn’t end with your body.
Death is transformation. It’s a conversion of matter back into energy.
The cycle of life and death is similar to the Katabasis of The Spirit while still within matter. The process is a mirror for enlightenment, hence the importance of a Memento mori.
When we fear death, we fear the dispelling of the illusions in our lives.
SO, to dispel these illusions while alive, you will then have no fear of death. Judgement for past actions is one example. Really, that fear comes from our own lack of resolution of our own self-judgement.
Just live your life to the fullest knowing you did everything you wanted to and imagine yourself going to heaven. Aside from we never die? You just go back home and do a review, it’s actually a great thing as long as your lessons are learned. Yes, treat everyone/everything in your life w/ love and respect. You don’t die, You never die. Only the flesh dies for you are spirit, death is only another beginning to a new timeline.
You’re only afraid of death when you’re not living right.

You can’t die, doesn’t the 1st law of thermodynamics prove that?
These are my people this is my lane this is what we pray for and this is God’s plan. Consciously choose (daily practice) to change focus, find ways to improve and maximize your time (personally, professionally or socially). Do not allow negative thoughts or people to take you off course from fulfilling your highest potential. Life’s full of these distractions.
Death doesn’t exist when you do, why think about something that only exists when you don’t?
Just stop thinking about it

Death is as natural as being born.
Read “Meditations” by Marcus Aurelius. Memento Mori. We will all check out eventually. The antidote is this: When you have any thought immediately think about the reverse. If you are afraid to die just think and feel that you have enough courage if for any reason you’ll have to die. PS: not new age shit bc it actually works From : Hermes Thrice Great
Why fear something that every single living thing ever born has faced and will face? I just remember one day being ‘aware’ that I was ‘here’. I didn’t do anything to get here.
I am just a passenger on this journey called life. Don’t take it so seriously, no one gets out alive. Go Live, as much as possible everyday Death is inevitable and could happen any second. Conquer your fear by facing it.
Fearing death is akin to graduating but fearing going out into the world. Totally normal for our current program. Those who say they don’t fear death need to have a conversation with their subconscious & take a course with their instinct.
Death is not an end, it is merely a transition. To fear death is to fear life itself.
Learning there is life after death is the ultimate comfort

Our presence here is a piece of information in the holographic universe.
A beautiful pile of atoms, giving us this wonderful temporal experience.
But we are also the awareness, the infinite sea of energy, that creates all that is. An eternal being remembering itself forever. The near-death experience of Jeffery Olsen – YouTube
“And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, DO ALL in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God and the Father by him.” Colossians 3:17 “Whether therefore ye eat, or drink, or whatsoever ye do, DO ALL to the glory of God.”
1 Corinthians 10:31
Verse 10 – “’ Hear the word of the LORD, You rulers of Sodom; Give ear to the law of our God, You people of Gomorrah.” – this was God’s nation, and He’s calling this city of Jerusalem, Sodom, and Gomorrah! And, the LORD God continues His indictment of them – about their religious ceremony.
Dakota Road Music – Lyrics & Melody Lines…
Word of God, Word of Life, you bring love, you bring life. Ev’ry day, ev’ry night, Word of God, Word of Life. You are the source of ev’rything. You are the breath with which we sing. (Chorus) You are the light for all to see. You are the love that sets us free. (Chorus) ©2018 Dakota Road Music.
All Are Welcome – Dakota Road, Summer 2000
Dakota road music youtube – Bing
Manchester Orchestra – Live 2017 [Full Set] [Live Performance]
[Concert] [Complete Show] – Bing video
What you think of as life is death; and what you think of as death is life.
The fun of this death space is, you can discover the light of true life while in it. No need to wait for the physical apparatus to drop. Nothing is certain except Death, Every living being has to taste it. You are not alone. Those who are conscious of it can do more in life and can live life to the fullest. If you Love the one God who has created us and to whom we shall return, death means to one with beloved.
Perhaps it’s fear that needs work as that is an emotion that can be transcended through surrender, or choosing to live in a “higher” state of consciousness.
This is the work of Dr. David R Hawkins.
Nature Of Consciousness – Alan Watts – Podcast about What There Is.
We all fear enough in living. So, “knowing” is the awakening to true light and love.
When we fear death and the unknown, it robs you of what could be a wonderful experience. When we fear, we invite darkness. Watch this, there are many good questions, points of view and challenging thoughts. https://youtu.be/mlCjy52h0hc
In addition to a firm grip on the evidence of Jesus’ resurrection and what it means for His people, here’s a great scientific analysis on what happens at the time of death. Amazon.com: Evidence of the Afterlife: The Science of Near-Death Experiences (8601405711748): Long, Jeffrey, Perry, Paul: Books
Also, read up on The double slit experiment and the random number generator spike pre 9/11 attack. Consciousness is not made up of flesh and bone. Replace every holographic imagery that has a negative emotion attached to “memory” with appositive transmuted “memory.” Work your way from the micro to macro with thought processes doing the same exercise(may or may not be tied to events but all thought forms from “imagination”. What is the Purpose of The Ego in the Awakening Process | Q&A Eckhart Tolle – YouTube
The book Die Wise by Steven Jenkinson is amazing. Die Wise: A Manifesto for Sanity and Soul: Amazon.co.uk: Stephen Jenkinson: 9781583949733: Books I used to have Health Anxiety and a constant fear of death. I’m not saying this book cured me, but it gave me a different paradigm to view death from. Now… It doesn’t bother me at all DOORS – No One Here Gets Out Alive.
My view is people fear painful death. We are no more likely to be aware of our state of death than we are when deep asleep! We don’t worry about sleeping.
Don’t worry ~ BE HAPPY

Shine your Light!!!
Ed Sheeran Live FULL SHOW | Magic Radio – Bing video
The Best Of Ed Sheeran Songs | Nonstop – Bing video
Furthermore, you welcome additional negative situations
because you believe that it will always happen to you
If something negative happens to you, don’t say “of course this happened to me” Why? Because you expect these things to happen by saying “of course”
Right people at the right time are better than wrong people for a lifetime.
I can’t explain, you would not understand … This is not how I am

Be selective, Everything Has Its Moment and Reason to be..
Be true to yourself ’til your glass runs out of sand.
I’m trying to remember the three branches of government.
I know it’s corporations and tyrants, but what’s the third one?
#3. Mafia -Political career criminals…. The third branch of government is the Pedophiles and Child Traffickers branch. The hostile Jewish oligarchy under Larry Fink at Blackrock Corp who is one of the largest shareholders of Twitter. Corporations, tyrants, and algorithms…Survivors, Creators, Idiots.
The Politicians represent the Idiots. The Creators represent the taxpayers.
The survivors represent the freeloaders. (GOVERNMENT WORKRS.)
It is not compassionate to invite immigrants to come here illegally. 30% of children are crossing with someone who is not a blood relative. They are being trafficked. Many are forced to be property of MS13 to sell drugs.
How about the Bureaucracy. The faceless ones. Wait…I thought it was Lions, Tigers, and Bears…oh my. I do think you’re right though, it’s Corporations, and Tyrants, and Oligarchs. And then there’s us…the peasants, and pawns, and prey.
Assholes perpetrating the masses “Grifters” Media and Hollyweird?
Alphabet soup agencies. Angry unemployable university kids.
Antifa/BLM – Big T3CH.
Bought and paid-for judges The faceless ones.

Cartels Comrade Deep State /Dept. Of Deviants Elitists Fake news? Fascists financial backers? “Grifters” Hollyweird Idiots.
The Third Reich is The Propaganda Special Interests!!!
Chinese media: US supports Israel because of wealthy Jews…