Nanjing Road, China: Modernized Over 100 Years The city of Shanghai, China is full of booming businesses, but some of the most notable run the length of Nanjing Road which was constructed back in 1845. This invigorating road houses a shopping district that is 3.5 miles long, making it the longest shopping district in the world! One million tourists visit this location annually.
China is known as the world’s fastest-growing economy, where many technological advancements originated. A visit to China wouldn’t be complete without a stroll in Nanjing Road, which has changed quite drastically over the years. Most of the change has actually only taken place in the past two decades.
Tokyo shocks japan by growing at a supernatural pace
It goes without saying that Tokyo is a modern miracle of the 20th century. After World War Two, the Japanese city experienced changes so extreme that the city could have been mistaken for a completely different one. In just a few short decades, Tokyo transformed itself into a symbol of
the modern future, technological advances, and urban life.
Today, Tokyo isn’t just the capital city of Japan and the largest city in the country, but also the country’s financial, industrial, and commercial center. The city has been rebuilt several times throughout its history, and the industrial revolution and urbanization process hasn’t passed over the city, which attracted many residents over the years.
Jakarta: Indonesian Capital Named Second-Most Populous City on the Planet.
A staggering 35.934 million people live in Jakarta, Indonesia. This makes the city often referred to as “The Big Durian”, a contender to “The Big Apple” which is, of course, New York City here in the United States. We think the name is appropriate considering the number of residents living here.
The name comes from their native fruit, the Durian fruit.
Personally, we don’t think any city in the world compares to NYC, which is truly a concrete jungle that’s one of a kind, but judging by the photos, it looks like it’s headed in the right direction, and it definitely deserves to be named “The Big Durian.”
Seoul South Korea: A Modern Mega-City Rich with Color.
Seoul, the capital of South Korea, has been developing at a rapid rate since 1950 with no signs of losing speed. This is right in line with its mothering country, as South Korea itself had also been developing rapidly. Seoul,
however, remains a marvelous wonder of urbanization and rapid growth.
Just the architecture alone in Seoul is enough to draw this conclusion! And if you’re not convinced by the photos, Seoul is known as a large, industrial city, and an attractive destination for businesses and businessmen. South Korea is known for its drastic change – what was once one of the poorest counties in the world is now an economic center.
Hong Kong, Asia’s World City, Flourishes in the 1960s.
Hong Kong has been referred to as the Fragrant Harbor, most known for towering skyscrapers. This city is so huge that the Hong Kong National Airport covers the same ground as about 20 American football fields (and that’s the airport alone! Can you imagine?).
Hong Kong is actually Asia’s business capital; with a well-established international financial market, it attracts tourists and investors from all over the world, thus earning the nickname: “Asia’s World City”. What has partly allowed for the impressive development of Hong Kong is its position over a large, deep water port, which allowed for international trade.
A Glimpse into the Future Through the Eyes of Singapore’s Advanced Cities
Over the years, Singapore has become known not only as a great and technologically advanced city, but one of the most advanced in the world.
Rich with some of the fastest internet connection speeds, cleaner than almost every country in the world, and boasting high-tech urban planning, Singapore is rapidly transforming into a vision of the future.
The photos clearly demonstrate the drastic change the city has seen in only
two decades. In 2017, the population of the city reached 5.80 million. What most people don’t know is that Singapore is not only technologically and economically developed, but it’s also considered the 8th safest place in the world to live.
The City of Shenzhen, China – a Metropolis Overflowing With Skyscrapers
In 1979, the city of Shenzhen, China, had no name – a far cry from the current metropolis it has become. Back in the day, the city of Shenzhen in China was simply a small little town in the mountains, as the first photo shows. Rapid economic development is to thank for their immense transformation.
Shenzhen, China is currently ranked number 9 for having one of the
most competitive financial centers on the planet, with large shopping and entertainment centers. Fun fact: Shenzhen is also home to the billionaires, being ranked number 5 in that department.
Cricket Field Turned Public Landmark in Malaysia.
.The symbol of Malaysia’s Independence as a nation’s heart is in Merdeka Square, Kuala Lumpur, which can be translated to English as ‘Independence Square’. The Malaysian flag was hoisted high in the square back in 1957, making it tradition that the annual Merdeka Parade would be held here for years to come.
Between the skyscrapers that have taken over the city in recent years, the Independence Square is considered the beating heart of the capital city. However, the square has since been gifted to Malaysia’s cricket team to be
used as their home field. This is only open to the general public.
Australian City, Sydney Named Emerald City
Australia’s largest city, Sydney, home to the Sydney Harbor Bridge and Sydney Opera House, was always known as a modern architectural wonder. However, Sydney has actually become the most known for its fun, easy-going lifestyle. There’s merit to that when you consider the rich variety of foods and culinary experiences, handfuls of beaches, and a flashy nightlife scene it has to offer.
Of course, on top of all those luxuries, you might also encounter a hundred different species of spiders and other giant crawlers and reptiles, so it’s not all golden in the Emerald City. Yet, a lot has changed in the city over the past decades, and Sidney, Australia is definitely a place worth visiting.
Paris, France: The Romantic City of Lights in All of its Radiant Glory
Word on the streets is that Paris is by far the most romantic city in the entire world. Even the passing of time cannot take that away from Paris, considering the city’s reputation as a home for the lovesick. It’s a picturesque city made for affectionate lovers and has kept that reputation for generations.
It might be the culture – the French are known for showing affection in public – the food, the drinks, the music, the views, or all of them combined. Whatever it is, Paris is known as the ideal destination for a romantic getaway. In the photos above, you can see the transformation of this beautiful city over the past few decades.
Paris, France Undergoes Huge Transformation to Seine Riverfront.
The Seine River is one of the longest rivers in France, and has been the inspiration for many impressionist paintings. These images depict an ecological wonder that’s completely unexpected. Traditional Parisian buildings are absolutely beautiful, as are the archways, which have now been replaced with a greener alternative. Although it was undoubtedly for the better, it’s difficult not to miss the breathtaking architecture which once inhabited the space.
In these photos, we see a different process: rather than adorning the landscape with additional buildings, we see the opposite process here – ancient buildings and structures have been taken down and replaced with trees and greenery.
London – A Journey Through Time
100 Years of Continued Growth for Already Larger-Than-Life City of London.
London has historically been famous for its slow-moving approach to change.
Everything has always been done gradually and slowly over time in the English capital. Despite their slow, gradual change, you can see the difference between these two photos and it’s absolutely amazing.
London was huge in the 1920s, and continues to grow! Mostly, you can see
the additional buildings and skyscrapers and other structures. today, London is known for its diversity in population, and as a place that has something to offer to anyone.
Athens, Greece: City Expands and Lights Up.
Athens is an important cultural and historical center. It is said that Athens, Greece was where Democracy was born. From a cultural standpoint, Athens
is arguably the most important city in the history of modern society and the world as we know it. The city has laid the groundwork for how societies operate.
The city has somehow managed to stay true to its original traditions, while simultaneously modernizing its character, experiencing growth, and adorning itself with twinkling lights. It offers its tourists a taste of ancient monuments, art, and museums, while still maintaining a status of a modernized city.
Brightly Colored Polish City: An Aerial View of Poznan
In the previous photo we’ve talked about European cities preserving their culture and architecture rather than branching out and expanding, and here
we have a Polish city that’s developed quite a lot since the late seventies.
We can appreciate the beauty of preserving an old city, but we can also appreciate development and growth.
At first glance, with the exception of a few apartment developments, Poznan, Poland almost looked like a complete ghost town back in 1977. Over the years, however, Poznan has flourished into a considerably different city, vibrant with decorated buildings in every color under the sun.
Stylish European Street Was Once an Abandoned Pathway in Poland
Pictured is a Polish city street that helps show the transformations our world has undergone for the past two centuries. These photos are incredible, they show us the memory of an empty dirt road that is currently overflowing with shops, restaurants, pharmacies, inner-city-train-tracks, and cars.
It’s not really that much of a surprise; we know the world has changed drastically over the past two centuries, and mostly, change is a welcomed, positive thing. From history books and testimonies, we have a pretty good
idea of just how much life has changed over the last two centuries, and yet seeing it is different than hearing about it.
Rysstad, Norway: Consistently Transforming for Over a Century
Mega-cities aren’t the only ones where major change occurs over time. Sometimes, changes are the most noticeable after they’ve happened
on a more personal level. These two photos of Rysstad, a small Nordic
village, show changes over time on a smaller scale.
You can see newer, more modern buildings replacing the old, asphalt replacing dirt roads, and cars replacing carriages. These may seem like small changes compared to some of the developed cities we’ve seen on the list, but these are in fact dramatic changes that took place. Seeing these photos is like seeing the changes of the times firsthand.
LED Lights Shine Brighter Than Ever in Milan, Italy After Recent Switch
Aerial photos of the city of Milan are a great depiction of what can happen when cities replace their traditional street lights with more modern LED lighting. Milan’s city center previously presented a bronze, gold glow, but
with the recent switch to LED lighting it is now glowing a marble white.
These photographs are an interesting representation of just how bright our cities have gotten over time.
It’s incredible to see how much of a difference a different lighting method can make. From a satellite view, the city of Milan truly looks impressive with those new LED lights. We can’t help but wonder if the difference is noticeable on the streets of Milan.
Cultural Masterpiece Rio De Janeiro Becomes a World Heritage Site.
These photos depict Rio De Janeiro, a place so beautiful that a part of it was chosen to be designated honorably as a World Heritage site. This coveted title is reserved exclusively for locations of exceptional value to humanity. This city has flourished over the past century and is, in a word, amazing.
What makes this title even more unique is that the city is the first and only urban cultural landscape named a World Heritage by UNESCO. As you can
see in the photos, Rio De Janeiro combines a beautiful landscape & natural elements with urban settings – where culture and urbanization meet nature without ruining it.
Toronto: Home to Canada’s Most Beautifully Lit Skyscrapers
Canada’s city of Toronto is definitely an interesting place to visit.
It is a melting pot, rich with contrasting cultures and its residents speak over 180 different languages or dialects. However, Toronto has also sort of shaped its own subcultural landscape, making it a highly inspiring, influential place. Musical artists such as The Weekend and Drake have both given testimony to Toronto’s unique charm as a huge influence on their music.
Canadians have a reputation for being overly sweet and forgiving people, and unsurprisingly, Toronto is considered the safest city in North America, and the 6th safest city in the world! However, it isn’t considered the friendliest city in Canada – that title is reserved for Vancouver. Other than that, Toronto is known as the most diverse city in Canada.
Hyper-Modern Sensation Dubai Transformed from Humble Beginnings in under 20 Years. Most people are aware that Dubai is one of the most rapidly developing cities in the entire world. Nonetheless, this collection of photos makes that well kept secret undeniable. In the short span of just under two decades, the city of Dubai transformed from a tiny little quaint beach city to a bustling concrete jungle. Those who have witnessed it say it’s a true wonder to behold.
Today, Dubai is famously known as a concrete jungle and a lively business center. With a growing economy and famously large shopping centers, Dubai attracts many tourists and businessmen alike each year. These photos clearly illustrate the change the city has seen in under two decades.