If you haven’t read agenda 21 or 2030 you probably haven’t fit all this mess together. Governments pushing for federalization and then globalization;
of health care, Internet, pipelines, electricity, water, and police… Abortion, homosexuality.
It’s more than just Depopulation.
Faced with a rising barrage of international condemnation over its alleged abuses in Xinjiang, China appears intent on returning fire, calling on Western nations to acknowledge their own complicated human rights records before criticizing Beijing.
On Tuesday, China urged the United Nations Human Rights Council to carry out a “thorough and impartial investigation” into Canada’s treatment of its Indigenous people, after the remains of hundreds of children were found in unmarked graves at two former residential schools in British Columbia and Saskatchewan.
“Simply apologizing is not enough, and Canada must take actual actions
to correct its mistakes,” said Jiang Duan, minister of the Chinese mission
to the UN in Geneva. His comments have been accompanied by a concerted campaign in Chinese state media, including provocative social media comments by Hu Xijin, the editor of state-run nationalist tabloid Global Times, who over the weekend posted a cartoon of Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau sitting on a pile of skulls. The caption read, “We stole your land, we killed your men, we buried your child.
Let’s reconcile.”
Beijing’s calls for a UN investigation come as Ottawa joined 44 countries in urging China to allow independent observers full and unfettered access to Xinjiang — a heavily surveilled and policed region in the west of the country — to investigate allegations of widespread abuses, including imprisonment of up to 1 million citizens from Muslim minorities in a vast system of detention centers. And Canada isn’t the first Western country to be targeted by Beijing in this way. Over the past six months, China has repeatedly attacked Australia’s ongoing mistreatment of its Indigenous population and highlighted allegations of war crimes by Australian soldiers in Afghanistan.
Both Canada and Australia have far from spotless human rights records, especially when it comes to treatment of their Indigenous peoples. By talking publicly about these injustices, the Chinese government believes it is exposing Western hypocrisy on human rights. Experts, however, say Beijing also risks exposing its own. After all, the only way we know about many of the abuses highlighted by Chinese officials is due to transparent — and oftentimes, ongoing — public debates and investigations carried out within those countries.
In comparison, Chinese officials remain unwilling to even acknowledge the potential for alleged abuses within China, let alone historic crimes
carried out by the Communist Party throughout the 20th century. Responding to China’s repeated calls for an investigation into Canada’s treatment of Indigenous women and children, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau asked why Beijing hasn’t yet taken responsibility
for its own abuses.
“Where is the openness that Canada has always shown and the responsibility that Canada has taken for the terrible mistakes of the past?”
Trudeau said at a news conference in Ottawa on June 22.
By calling for more scrutiny of human rights abuses, at the exact time it is dragging out negotiations on a visit to Xinjiang by independent observers, former Canadian Ambassador to Beijing Guy Saint-Jacques said Canada and Australia should call China’s bluff. “If China is calling for the United Nations to investigate the situation in Canada, then I would say it should agree to also have an investigation to look at the situation in Xinjiang,” he said.
But Natasha Kassam, a former Australian diplomat in China and director of the Public Opinion and Foreign Policy Program at Sydney’s Lowy Institute, said the Chinese government’s tactics weren’t necessarily targeted exclusively at the West.
Kassam said while citizens in the United States, Canada and Australia might dismiss China’s criticisms of their human rights records, it might resonate with an audience in the developing world who might one day choose between the US and China. “The Australian and American militaries have very complicated histories in, for example, the Middle East, in a way which most people wouldn’t see China as having had,” she said.
It was the Chinese the Muslims, the Portuguese, and Brazil & Jamaica slavery. Americans didn’t capture or enslave or sell any black Africans to foreign lands.

in 1619. America wasn’t born until 1776. Slavery in Portugal – Wikipedia
“As a diversionary tactic, I do think it is quite effective.”
It’s not Right vs. Left, Republican vs. Democrat, or Conservative
versus. Liberal at this point.
It’s Good vs. Evil – period.
The Biden administration shifts $860 Million to house illegal alien children. Those were COVID Stimulus funds that he’s diverting to illegals. Yeah, fuck our kids & our families, we gotta take care of future democrat voters who never paid taxes here. You know, because that makes so much sense.
That’s what they want / so we don’t care about our own countries or each other! If we all used our brains and realized the enemy is not each other but our government.
Democrats & Republicans / left vs. right / there are more of us than them.
If everybody in our country gets together and takes our country back.
But I think people ARE more concerned about losing followers on Twitter than losing our own country / I plead guilty also ! We’re being kept busy / brainwashed / cleverly divided by DA time we wake it’ll be too late !
I’m probably too focused and I see what’s coming.
All I can do is prepare and hope people get the message.
Well Zionists are Evil Hypocrites. It is against the Law in Israel for
a Jewish woman to marry a non-Jew.
Zionism originated as a British movement … not Jewish.
Great Britain created the ‘state’ of Israel via U.N.
Brits are the ‘Third Reiche’ 1940 British propaganda was directed
at all of America But don’t let these Racist Zionists fool you.
(***) Jewish lightning – Bing
(1) The Zionist versus Helienistic Jews – Bing
(2) The Zionist versus Hellenistic Jews – Bing video
(3) The Khazarian Mafia Zionists hate Orthodox Jews as well – Bing
(4) The Khazarian mafia Zionists hate Orthodox Jews as well – Bing video
Black Lives Matter Utah chapter calls American flag ‘symbol of hatred’
By Michael Ruiz
In a fiery Fourth of July Facebook post, Utah’s Black Lives Matter Chapter declared the American flag “a symbol of hatred.” “When we Black Americans see this flag we know the person flying it is not safe to be around,” the post reads. “When we see this flag we know the person flying it is a racist. When we see this flag we know that the person flying it lives in a different America than we do.
When we see this flag, we question your intelligence. We know to avoid you.
It is a symbol of hatred.”
Chapter founder Lex Scott confirmed to Fox News Wednesday that her group had made the post to highlight how hate groups can allegedly “co-opt” the American flag without prompting similar blowback.
“Ever since we put up the post, our page has been flooded with hatred from people who fly the flag,” she said. “And we want to thank those people for proving our point.”
Sen. Cotton slams NYT for suggesting the American flag is divisive.
When asked how she would respond to people who say the American flag
is for all Americans, she said that those who are offended by her group’s statement should take it up with hate groups like the Ku Klux Klan,
which she said proudly wave Old Glory at their rallies.
“I would ask those people if they ever showed outrage when the Ku Klux Klan marched down the street holding that flag, if they ever showed outrage last week when Patriot Front, a White supremacist group, was marching through Philadelphia holding that flag, if they feel outraged that the Three Percenters have co-opted their flag, that the Proud Boys have co-opted their flag,” she said. “If they have never shown outrage when hate groups use their symbol for hatred, then they need to not come to us – they need to go directly to those groups. When you allow a hate group to fly that flag in the name of hatred, and you say nothing, and you do nothing, you send a message to us that you agree with their messaging. You agree with that hate, and you condone it.”
Philadelphia media reported Monday that the Patriot Front marchers,
none of whom were from the city, retreated from their demonstration
after clashes with local residents.
“They started engaging with citizens of Philadelphia, who were none too happy about what they were saying,” Philadelphia Police Officer Michael Crum told the city’s ABC affiliate WPVI. “These males felt threatened, and,
at one point, somebody in their crowd threw a type of smoke bomb to cover their retreat, and they literally ran away from the people of Philadelphia.”
A lengthy follow-up post on the BLM Utah chapter’s Facebook page, which Scott said she had written, goes into the group’s argument in greater detail.
People who care about the flag should defend it not just from her criticism, but also from hate groups that try to take advantage of it, she argued.
“I want you to walk in my shoes for a second,” she wrote. “I want you to picture this. You show up for a protest, and hundreds of armed White men show up. They have guns, they yell racial slurs at you, they are carrying and wearing American flags.”
She said she receives hate messages via Facebook on a daily basis and many of the senders have American flags on their profiles.
“If you see that every person that hates you is carrying an American flag how would you feel about that flag?” she continued. “I feel fear. That is not up for debate. I feel like the person flying it is racist, because every racist that I have come in contact with is either wearing that flag or flying that flag.
I feel as if I should avoid that person because they may be dangerous.”
Scott has said in the past that Black Lives Matter Utah is an independent chapter and is not affiliated with the national BLM organization, and the group has promoted a pragmatic approach to criminal justice reform in
the past.
“In our chapter, we work with Republicans and Democrats for police reforms,” she said last summer. She had also appeared on “Fox News @ Night” to discuss such issues with Sen. Mike Lee, R-Utah.
The group’s proposals have included officer de-escalation training rather than defunding the police.
The BLM Utah post echoes controversial remarks from New York Times editorial board member Mara Gay, who said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe”
last month that she was “disturbed” to see pickup trucks carrying the flag
in a New York City suburb.
“I was on Long Island this weekend visiting a really dear friend, and I was really disturbed” she said. “I saw dozens and dozens of pickup trucks with expletives against Joe Biden on the back of them, Trump flags, and in some cases just dozens of American flags, which is also just disturbing. Essentially the message was clear: This is my country. This is not your country. I own this.”
What the hell happened to our country?
China is attacking the West’s colonial legacy. That may backfire on Beijing (msn.com)
People are “assuming blame” for something that happened 245 years
(and 8+ generations) ago. Our country has matured and became the finest country in the world only to have idiots appropriating fault over something they had no control over. China is attacking the West’s colonial legacy.
That may backfire on Beijing (msn.com)
China Has a BIG Plan for Post-U.S. Afghanistan—and It’s Worth Billions (msn.com)
China will extend its Belt and Road program to Afghanistan with, ultimately, peace. Beijing has gone so far as to offer infrastructure and energy projects worth billions of dollars to the Taliban in return for peace in Afghanistan. China is poised to make an exclusive entry into post-U.S. Afghanistan with its Belt and Road Initiative (BRI).
Speaking on condition of anonymity.
A source close to government officials in Afghanistan told The Daily Beast that Kabul authorities are growing more intensively engaged with China on an extension of the $62 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC)—the flagship project of BRI, which involves the construction of highways, railways and energy pipelines between Pakistan and China—to Afghanistan.
Opinion: The many US blunders that contributed to looming disaster in Afghanistan (msn.com)
The Chinese threat, 90 miles from America’s shores, poised to attack.
We have the absolute worst admin in the history of our COUNTRY!
They hate us, try to divide us, ruining our Nation in many ways. We can be the SECOND Greatest Generation if we defeat these fools! It will take ALL of us to stand up! They know they cheated. They know WE know! They will cheat again…and be more subtle about it next time. Because it was OBVIOUS last election. Them knowing that we know scares the living f@ ck out of them.
More lockdowns because of the Delta Variant, and the new Delta Plus variant. They’re gonna keep adding new reasons to stay locked down while people’s savings dwindle and they’re forced to sell their houses if they even own them. Renter’s world here we come.
It’s the Great Reset.
I can envision a world 20 years from now where everyone has to get their subscription to life refilled. Won’t go anywhere or do anything without it, because it’s tied to your social credit and travel pass.
THE WORLD won’t even know what it was like without it.
If you’re still dumb enough to believe there are “variants” – “you’ll get
what you deserve” Have any of you tried to get an apartment lately?
Pretty soon no one will qualify. The rental app process is brutal and
you will need near perfect credit to be approved.
It’s all going down the shitter.
We are all very close to homelessness.
The mega corporations will run the entire system.
Property won’t even exist. You’ll rent.
You’ll own nothing, and you will be happy.
You’re going to own nothing and LOVE IT!
Don’t worry, the government will take care of you…
Could you be any more defeatist???
How about don’t roll over and maybe fight back some?

They need to have lock-downs in order to enact the Mail-in Voting for
the 2022 Midterms. If that doesn’t work the cities will keep burning to keep people in fear so they again have to keep Mail-In Voting going…..They want it to continue forever and by 2024 have all elections by mail in ballot. Same for here in our northern neighbor’s state. We are open and have been for a long while. I really don’t want to have to wear a useless mask again for months due to my job requiring it.
They take away freedoms, then give them back, then take them away for longer and give shorter freedom. Rinse and repeat until we are conditioned to abide. Viruses mutate and vaccines will forever need to be altered. Viruses need a host to survive so the only way to halt the spread is to stop it jumping from host to host. A virus needs hosts. Delta or Indian Variant – Real World Impact? We Now have the DATA! – YouTube
How effective are COVID vaccines against the Lambda variant? (msn.com)
Vitamin D reduces hospital risk – YouTube
DELTA Variant COVID and Why It’s Concerning!
In idiomatic English TPTB This acronym represents the Apostle Paul’s phrase, “the powers that be.” It is from his letter to the Romans, chapter 13, verse 1. whose purpose was to maintain the balance of good and evil in the world. , “the powers that be” (sometimes initialized as TPTB) is a phrase used to refer to those individuals or groups who collectively hold authority over a particular domain. The word “be” is an old form of the third-person plural of the verb “to be”; the indicative equivalent, “the powers that are”, is less commonly used.
“The powers that were” (TPTW) is also another derivation that is used.
AIM: John F. Kennedy warned us. Will we take heed?
We can be the SECOND Greatest Generation if we defeat these fools!
We have the absolute worst admin in the history of our COUNTRY!
They hate us, try to divide us, ruining our Nation in many ways.
It will take ALL of us to stand up!
Research: ‘Pilgrim Society’.
Is This The World We Created?
In fact, those claiming to “believe in science” never point us to the evidence that science offers for the things they want us to believe. Instead they expect us to “believe the science” even when science has not yet formed a clear consensus of understanding a phenomenon.
They know they cheated.
They know WE know They cheated !

𝕥𝕙𝕖 𝕙𝕚𝕘𝕙𝕖𝕣 𝕨𝕖 𝕨𝕚𝕝𝕝 𝕣𝕚𝕤𝕖.

𝐷𝑜𝑛’𝑡 B𝑒 𝐽𝑒𝑎𝑙𝑜𝑢𝑠 𝑌𝑜𝑢’𝑟𝑒 𝑁𝑜𝑡 𝑀𝑒
Dream big,

and surround yourself with good people

(2) Is This The World We Created? (w/ lyrics) – Queen.
5 minutes of Tiger Woods greatest shots and moments – YouTube
Tiger Woods greatest shots and moments – Bing
I promise you’ll BREAK 90 using these simple golf tips! – YouTube
GOLF: Chipping – Stop Ball Quicker by Phil Mickelson (Golf Tips.)
Mickelson short game lesson – YouTube
Phil Mickelson: Chipping 101 – YouTube
A Flop Shot Lesson With Phil Mickelson.