Faith & Freedom

If our payer health care is so great. Why are we one of the only countries that have it… It doesn’t matter where I am or what I’m doing, the National anthem always makes me proud to be an American. #GodBlessAmerica

#GodBlessAmerica #GodBlessPresidentTrump

( ͡◕ ʖ ͡◕)=ε/̵͇̿̿/’̿’̿ ̿ ̿̿      In our healthcare system: if we would subsidize doctors 
for their cost of doing business. From an enrollment fee which would be true Universal Coverage and until they hit the root cause of the problem which is cost control they never will fix healthcare. Stop dodging the point. (please do yourself a favor and look it up) There is not one country that has ever succeeded under socialism!
Yeah waiting weeks for basic check ups, waiting years to get life saving surgeries, and getting subpar physicians is such a great thing!
Operation warp speed. Only in America. Leading the world in distribution.
Best in class care. That has to do with the American attitude more than the success of the healthcare system. Many Americans distrust the federal government and refuse to allow it to decide their health care needs.

Again, this statement does not hold up at all without you defining socialism: Sweden and Scandinavia attract immigrants from all over the world, yet they have mild versions of (Democratic) Socialism. Sweden and Scandinavia in general are more capitalist than the US. They only happen to have socialism when it comes to social issues (healthcare, education etc.) Definitely not “more” capitalist: Govt GDP share avg 50%. USA mid 30s. 480 days paid parental leave. Free healthcare; childcare; dentistry; school lunches; university education, 6 weeks vacation, higher union membership, govt run liquor stores, employer taxes, etc.

Most of what you mentioned are social issues which I agreed are socialist.
Have a look at the index of economic freedom. Denmark, Iceland, Finland all before the US. Sweden right behind it. Imo this index gives you a lot better idea about how much capitalism there is. Even though the schools are government schools, people have a high degree of choice about which school to attend. That’s a huge step forward from what we have, at lower educational levels.

You have mentioned exactly 0 measures of regulation on the free market.
Yeah, they have some pretty high taxes, but not a single thing there is inherently contradictory to capitalism. Capitalism =/= work all the time and no social services…. It’s about market regulations!!!

You need to look at countries that practice socialism on an economic level as well. They’re all bankrupt and people are running the fuck away.

Except for the fact that equivalent 50c on every Swedish dollar is government spending. Is that a “free market” capitalist economy in your view?
Do you think there are few regulations with that 50%? Again, where does that 50 cents come from? High taxes or regulations? 50% taxes and not a single regulation on business operations can DEFINITELY occur. One doesn’t necessitate the other. Saying high taxes is socialism is as bad as saying “socialism is when the government does stuff” BTW In Singapore it’s 25%.

Joban Norberg explains it better. And the left would never want this.
No property tax?!?! What!! Lol

Dead Wrong® with Johan Norberg – Sweden: Socialism or Free Markets? – YouTube

Sweden is moving away from socialist ideas because they have realized its destroying their economy and brought wealth creation to a halt. High taxes on people 61.85%plus 7% social security tax. Low 22% on corporate and gain tax, opposite of what progressives want. Since 1994 they have implemented a reduction in regulation, reduced government spending, reformed the welfare system and they have reduced the amount of government.
They have seen a growth in wealth but nothing like pre 60’s before implementing socialism. Opposite of our left.

Sweden is arguably the most achingly capitalist and most entrepreneurial in Europe. And because that brings success and wealth, high taxes mean better social provision, but socialist it ain’t. Actually their Corp and gains tax is only 22%. Also no property tax. Their wealth is actually down and still is not as robust as pre 60’s before they implemented socialist ideas and started to reverse those in 1994. I’d argue that some of those countries have some more capitalist ideals than even the US. They have social welfare, they aren’t “socialism”

Also they benefit heavily from the US subsidized military which is a big problem in the US in and of itself. Agree some policies more capitalist
(social security investments for ex.). But: Govt GDP share avg. 50%. USA mid 30s. 480 days paid parental leave. Free healthcare; childcare; school lunches; university education, 6 weeks vacation, higher union membership, govt run liquor stores, etc.

We barely have any vestiges of capitalism remaining. The govt sets prices & centrally plans the economy. The government owns your paycheck & the profits of your business. For now citizens are allowed to own their own businesses, but we’ve seen that the government can force them into bankruptcy.
I know a number of swedes that live abroad because they think the government is too socialist. Those countries are also very homogenous. As soon as middle eastern and Muslim refugees were introduced those systems fractured.
…aaaaand there goes your credibility.

You are wrong, the Nordics have social programs on top of a relatively robust free market. Also unions, when working properly, are actually the free market alternative to government regulations. Really a shame many are more akin to mafia in the US than something meant to enable workers to better negotiate with their employers.

They have generous welfare states but have a permissive capitalist system. Socialism is a stage in supplanting capitalism(not just free shit) Right, so back to my original point: define socialism (if you asked Swedes you’d get a large % calling themselves democratic socialists)

Socialism is where the country owns the means of production that’s not what Sweden is and they do not consider themselves democratic socialists. Former prime ministers from Sweden AND Denmark have asked Bernie to stop calling them socialist. Sweden has free markets. Having robust social programs does not make a country socialist. The problem using Sweden as an example of a socialist model that works? Sweden ain’t socialist | American Enterprise Institute – AEI

The problem is that for us to have a working government like Sweden the progressive left would not have 3/4 of what they want. And the Republicans would not have 1/4 to 1/2 of what they want. Although no property tax, corporate and capital gains tax at 22% would be nice.
Didn’t the PM of Denmark come out publicly to state they were “not a socialist country” and that they were specifically a “free market economy, with a large welfare state”? Also their “minimum wages” and benefits are all dictated by hundreds of unions and not by the government.

Sweden had far more lax regulations than America in order to easily fund the tax rates that in turn fund the high quality social programs. The problem with authoritarian socialism is just that: It’s authoritarian. Also, Sweden and co. aren’t socialist.

Scandinavian countries are capitalist, market economies w/ a strong social safety net… NOT “Socialist” They are similar or better than The US on the economic freedom index They are less diverse and MUCH smaller
image.png  Bernie Sanders is wrong on democratic socialism in Sweden, and everywhere else.

Latin crossBut he must ask in faith without any doubt, for the one who doubts is like the surf of the sea, driven and tossed by the wind. James 1:6
Latin cross Blue heart White heart Red heart

Flag of United States #faith #freedom Flag of United States

Anyone who prefers the Scandinavian system is free to emigrate…
Sweden Not a Socialist Success.
Scandinavian ‘Socialism’: The Truth of the Nordic Model – Life in Norway 
The population of Sweden is just over 10 million. The population of Ohio
is over 11 million. Unlike what a lot of people say size does matter. Those countries are capitalist countries with mixed economies!

Socialism has always failed and it always will, How many people are allowed
to move into Scandinavian countries each year? What are the requirements to do so? Do they have an open border? Sweden Isn’t Socialist –

These smooth brain liberals always want to talk about highly capitalist Scandinavia but never want to discuss socialist Venezuela. Socialism is
when the government owns the means of production. To my understanding,
they have capitalistic markets that support those socialist programs.
The immigrants in Sweden are mainly Finnish and other Scandinavians.
Sweden doesn’t have a “Democratic Socialist” economy.

The vast majority of Swedish enterprises are privately owned and market-oriented, combined with a strong welfare state. Scandinavia’s success story wasn’t achieved thanks to a welfare model funded by high taxes, but in spite
of it.  Is the U.S. housing market heading for a crash? Here’s what the experts say….

Reaching ‘Herd Immunity’ Is Unlikely in the U.S., Experts Now Believe.

Dr. Fauci Says “Herd Immunity” Is No Longer the Goal With COVID—This Is…?
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