Change My Mind People

Democratic Controlled Blue States
 Justice Dept. Opens Broad Inquiry Into Minneapolis Police.

This is a blatant communist takeover:

  Remember Nikita Khrushchev’s Prediction ~ Bill Price

Already they have taken our first AMENDMENT Rights ….
And they have stated they will take our second amendment rights as soon as they get in office …That is what communism does they take away your rights ….It becomes a dictatorship and your 1st amendment is no more. They’ll be coming to arrest you and put you in prison for 20 years for writing that tweet and not understanding what freedom of expression actually means. Well, censorship sure wreaks of communism. So does cancel culture.

It’s such a nonsensical statement that it defies description what do you
THINK communism is? And why do you think a Biden administration fits
that definition? Let’s start there. I can guarantee you that the new admin isn’t communistic, or even 1/ Nowadays, many on the left are using both whenever possible to silence those who disagree with them. Why would the left back a candidate that cannot produce one coherent sentence? I think Harris is definitely part of this crowd.

Not Communism: Raising taxes on Rich Bezos and Elon Musk to provide healthcare for needy Americans. Communism: Nationalizing social media
so the government can control what is and is not posted.

That’s authoritarianism, not communism.
Raising taxes won’t just affect Bezos and Musk, it will affect everyone except those in government power. Facebook, Twitter, Apple and Google are using communist tactics.

Sure. You’re conflating “communist takeover” with “free market capitalism” because you don’t know what these words mean. Platforms are private entities. They can moderate their content as they want. Forcing them to host accounts, however, is a type of seizing the means… They are so entitled as long as they are protected under section 230, remove that and they will n’ piss their pants. Its hypocritical flip-flop ideology over critical thinking. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

You want the government to control what private entities do?
I don’t understand the anger toward 230. All that law does is allow social media platforms to be treated like bulletin boards to avoid frivolous lawsuits. Trump hates 230 because he hates free speech. He hates being criticized or mocked, wanting to sue people into silence. Mmhmmm conspiracy theory much. Anyways. They act like publishers, we have seen more than enough to see that. If they remove content, users, Select which ads we see, fact check and notarize then they can just go ahead and be liable for what is posted.

Just so we are clear, if you actually read section 230, you’d see that no reference is made to “publishers”. It doesn’t matter. All that matters is the content. It in fact does not. It literally doesn’t matter if they are a publisher or just a provider thankyou for providing the relevant text showing that. Thank you for making yourself look like a moron when you talk about things you don’t understand. Haha you appear to have lost yourself up your own ass. Communist appear to be lost under your rock of stupidity.

Only partially correct.. yes…they are corporations.. private entities, with the right to choose their direction.. BUT…and it’s a big but…when marketing that corporation on the opposite and engaging in morally bankrupt directions, it becomes an easily resolved in fact.
As long as these private companies agree with your tribe you will support them 100%. I’ll bet you were looking to close the bakery because they wouldn’t bake a cake for a gay couple. Double standards are abound in your tribe.
Bad analogy I’m afraid.

While we all need to recognize and protect against infringing on the rights of those we disagree with, this is more like someone being banned from a club for breaking the house rules. Let’s consider Facist behavior of BLM and Antifa…. NEVER condemned by the left and supported by many on the left.
Also quashing free speech. Too bad you Dems only support the law when it benefits your agenda. Wow, the folks who insist a baker does not have to provide services for a gay wedding are sure upset that social media companies don’t have to provide a platform for TRUMPsters.
Just don’t understand the attraction all these people have to Trump. He is probably the worst example of a human being. If you could create a person with EVERY negative human trait, tRump would be that person. Funny thing is, most supporters wouldn’t want him as a neighbor. Even more funnier is that tRump would never associate with any of his followers. He was disappointed by how his low class supporters looked while they were breaking down the doors to the capitol. He can’t stand working people and views them as low class and easily manipulated..

U will realize ur freedom will soon be gone and Socialism will be knocking at your front door. You don’t have to like a person to realize he is for the better of our Nation…What do you think socialism looks like? What freedoms? There are a lot of successful socialist democracies, such as The UK, Italy, France and Spain. So, what are you afraid will change for you? I Don’t understand that at all because if you actually knew him you wouldn’t say that with all the good he has done in office and changed everything Made peace with North Korea with the Middle East look at his record not what the media says.
I do give Trump credit for not starting any more wars and making peace with North Korea, but he did bad shit too. Getting us out of the Paris climate agreement and the Iran deal, for instance (which was very similar to the deal he made with N Korea). I honestly wouldn’t have cared who won between Trump and Biden, they’re practically in favor of the same shit with small differences. But when Trump threatened military intervention against citizens during the summer protests, and how poorly he handled Covid-19, he had to go.

I’m a President Trump supporter. The majority of the people that are like minded have nothing but love and compassion for all people even the one that constantly berates us for believing in a man that fulfilled most of his campaign promises And then some extras. You leftist never cite specifics just mouth the platitudes that have imprinted in your collective heads over decades of red diaper baby adjunct professors in academia. How can I reason with fools whose summation of Trump’s perceived faults is …”worst example of a human being”…
No, communism is when the government tells private companies what they have to say. This is actually the exact opposite. Free market decisions & its just a coincidence that the establishment government & private companies agree entirely on what needs to happen. Even though a lot of FB or Twitter & alphabet CEOs are in government, there is not a connection at all. What you think of as a Communist government is usually some form of dictatorship that uses some of the trappings of communism to suppress or con the masses.
So basically crony capitalism where corporations are the dictators?

You’re right. Thank You for pointing this out. The problem is it’s based on political affiliation. Don’t forget you were praising the free market when you have no choice in your health care. Government is already telling private companies what they can and cannot do: also closing businesses in this pandemic to control the economy, allowing their media outlets to lie so they are able to control people. When they begin to censor you as well. The problem is the left eats their own as well. Is anyone asking you to give up your personal property and join a commune? A permanent #Trump in power could take us there. Com·mu·nism | a system in which goods are owned in common and are available to all as needed; a theory advocating elimination of private ownership.


Funny how We Trump supporters think the Country will suddenly change DRASTICALLY. Rodney King – On March 3, 1991, King was beaten by LAPD officers after a high-speed chase during his arrest for drunk driving and driving while intoxicated on I-210. An uninvolved individual, George Holliday, filmed the incident from his nearby balcony and sent the footage to local news station KTLA. All of a sudden, right after January 21st, we’ll suddenly be in an Unrecognizable Country?!?
99.9% of people won’t even notice the slightest difference in their daily lives. Not *Earth Shattering*. I know that Day 1 – Trillion went to China, and Iran & Russia & other countries, 11,000 lost their jobs. Day 2 – Biden also announced 90,000 people applied for unemployment, Day 3 – another 3 Trillion for global warming. And still no relief for American people. O WE NOTICE!

Ok, so in 4yrs we are still a functioning republic with capitalism in full swing, guns still in people’s homes, economy still chugging along, and businesses back open because Covid-19 was handled with strong leadership, will you admit it’s all GOP fear-mongering nonsense?
One cannot change the truth that Communism has infiltrated our government and a purge is coming. I can explain it to you but I can’t understand it for you.

Twitter is a private company and limits or expunge anyone they feel is promoting hate, crimes and violence. Freedom of speech only applies to the government. The communism you speak of is when a leader says the press is the enemy of the people! I hope I dumbed it down enough. We can’t… the only people left on Twitter are the left & so they think they are the majority voice. Someday, they will realize it’s not about Trump, it’s about our freedoms & we can disagree and still live together.
Red heart Cancel culture is not the answer & neither is losing!!!

You are right! 1-8-2021
Flag of United States
America was taken over, we are no longer the land of the free.
But…..God is still in Control, They cannot shut Him down, They cannot silence Him or make Him go away! But if god is in control, isn’t this what he wants then? That would mean that those fighting against Biden are trying to impose their will over gods? If god is all powerful, how can man disrupt his plans? Perhaps there is no god after all.
The GOP helped 400 Billionaires double their wealth in 10 years by voting against raises for the American worker 16 times.
Meanwhile prices went up, profits shot through the roof and Americans lost their homes.


Exploding head Face with rolling eyes

CORPORATE SOCIALIST stripping the fat off the backs of American workers.
I see all the negative comments on here and we will not change their minds, but…”We are pressed on every side by troubles, but we are not crushed. We get knocked down, but not destroyed. We are hunted down, but never abandoned by God.” 2Cor 4:8-9
I had no idea MAGA had moved into communist territory, but now that you mention it, staging an insurrectionist coup in which a mob murdered a police officer by bashing his head in with a fire extinguisher IS the sort of thing an autocratic regime would do, isn’t it?

First, we need to deprogram you from fake news and conspiracy theories; then, we need to raise your IQ. Lastly, you need to study a lot of History, Sociology, Economics, and Political Science. Normally those who make claims need to provide evidence:

1. There are no communists involved.
2. social media clearly reserves the right to “silence” any account.
It’s in the agreement you click on when you make the account.
3. Social media isn’t the government and can exercise the right to “silence” anyone using their platform.

Do you know what it means to become a “state’s actor” or “in concert there with“ — Are you asserting that every company on the stock market is a “state actor” just by virtue of being listed? Why would you come to that conclusion. Perhaps you should read the federal laws applicable to this issue and then you can inform those who are giving out misinformation.
Because you’re delusional like all the other insurrectionists who think their Patriots, but in reality you embrace Nazism. And support the overthrow of our government.
Anarcho-Bidenism is real! Hide your kids! #25AmendmentNow

Old Yiddish saying: “Never try and train a pig. It wastes your time and annoys the pig.” However, at an attempt of some edification, TRY reading about the fermentation and actualization of Kristallnacht. No changing your mind.
You know what they say once an idiot always an idiot.
To change your mind means you would have to educate yourself….
Can we get a map to locate your mind like the map that was given to the terrorists of the members offices?

Can we change your mind with a smart person’s mind?
You’re the lacking brain cells for logical thought!!!
Ah yes, I forgot that age old quote my Marx Himself.
“Communism is when a social media site bans you”.

Allowing Biden to put bounties on the heads of our soldiers is communism,
Your mind will change when it is “pulled out of your cold, dead ass”

Well. “Communism is a philosophical, social, political and economic ideology and movement whose ultimate goal is the establishment of a socioeconomic order structured upon the ideas of common ownership of the means of production and the absence of social classes.”
So no. It’s not.


It’s time to free ourselves of the burden of overconsumption.
Buying better and keeping the things we buy longer can reduce waste for the planet on the whole. #buybetterwearlonger

How one restaurant’s experiment may help diners breathe safely. Capitalism- with many flaws & unfair history, is the one economic system that allows max room 4 inventive minds & new products. Problem: Basic tenets of Capitalism zero concepts like sustainability, environment, worker rights, so common now… What goes up, must come down. This appears to shoot aerosol particles up into the room, affecting the general public! A California restaurant’s experiment amid coronavirus to improve indoor air quality and safety – Washington Post

Breathing is a hoax: keep your poison to yourself and a mask on?
Enough. Life has risks. This isn’t the Black Plague. Living in fear like this forever is sick for society. We need to go back to normal…
Fear mongering for profit… (does the term monger infer for profit? honest question). Another way is sitting in chairs at a table breathing freely and engaging in conversation. That has worked for millennia and it still works today! Give it a try! STOP PROMOTING FEAR. The virus is 99%+ recoverable for most with NO treatment. You have a better chance of dying in a car accident than by the virus. It is the flu. Calm down. My GOD you people are going to kill us all. You have no idea how stupid you are behaving. Scary shit man. #Covid19isaMENTALillness

If you’re healthy, you can breathe safely. “Asymptomatic spread” is a Faustian myth. Recent study showed asymptomatic spread amounts to 7 out of 1,000 in *the same household*. You won’t catch Covid-19 from a healthy person. TX & FL have proven beyond dispute that the days of hiding in fear from Covid-19 are over. Or just open everything up. Enough with the propaganda. The Wu-flu is slightly deadlier than the season flu. Quarantine the vulnerable and elderly. Let the paranoid take the experimental vaccine and lay off feeding the public fear.

Avg. annual flu deaths approx. 30,000. COVID 3/20-2/21 520,000. Yep, no worse than annual flu. So please, you antis keep having fun playing your Russian COVID roulette type herd immunity, showing us how proud you are in sacrificing yourselves & fellow antis for the sake of humanity. 30,000 in the US and 500,000 + and that number is for one flu season, not two that we’ve been counting with COVID. Also Sweden has been pretty successful with herd Immunity. stay home watching CNN and keep yourself afraid but leave the rest of alone. The Wuhan virus is nothing but a scam, a PLanDemic, nothing more, nothing less.
Coronavirus (COVID-19) (

Been dining and “breathing safely” at restaurants this whole time. Fear porn is at an all time high, I swear. I know what you mean, I drive every day I’ve never once been killed. While driving drunk kills… Sober driving is for cowards.
…I would rather be a doorkeeper in the house of my God then dwell in the tents of the wicked. Psalm 84:10 Mary’s paraphrase; I would rather be a latrine orderly in heaven than the gatekeeper in hell. COMMUNIST PROPAGANDA…. Maybe it is time for a REALITY CHECK! Who’d have thought that a “random” bat virus from Wuhan could RESET the whole world?

GOD seems to answer prayer often while praying for others but can’t depend on god for everything, He  doesn’t work that way, he expects you to do the work yourself.  Yes GOD expects us to work. Will you join me in reading the Bible in a year?  Canonical: The Blue Letter Bible “Canonical” plan goes straight through the Bible — from Genesis to Revelation. You will be supplied with reading for each day of the week as a steady guide toward finishing the entire Bible in one calendar year.

We are being led to slaughter and most don’t know it…. for only for those who allow others to think for them rather than think for themselves…..
one deals with reality the other deals with fantasy. The democrat is the one with a vivid imagination that believes things that just ain’t so resulting in mental confusion and her brain going into tilt mode like on a pinball machine…….

Worst cold weather for The USA must be the climate heating up causing all the cold weather?
Yeah right when we’re at a solar minimum. the earth is actually cooling, not heating up. natural planetary cycle…….. IAM Poking Fun at the Biden Admin.
‘I Always Had Fun Playing And Flirting With The Camera,’ Says Former Adult Film Actress.
U.S. sees unprecedented drop in vaccinations over past week (
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