What does reality want from us?

Can you have power over yourself if you give up any amount of authority to something else? Barbara Marciniak – Bing video

Miley Cyrus shows off her edgy sense of style in all-leather ensemble.
“The greatest discovery of my generation is that a human being can alter his/her life by altering the attitudes of his/her mind.” – William Jones
I Am really Grateful to coexist in harmony with almost 3644 Beings on Twittersphere. It’s amazing to think there are that many open minds,
hearts and Souls with Me sharing this existence in Our current time momentum within this space.
Rocket Extraterrestrial alien

The greatest thing you can do is design your mind for success.
The mind is literally our window into the world. We can achieve anything
if we keep the window clear of cloudy thoughts.

Reality As You Think You Know It Does Not Exist.

Your mind is your lighthouse, when lost the sea of life.
Use it to your advantage.

Master your thoughts, master your mind, master your life.
~ Change your mindset. ~ Change your life.

This life is just mist and fog, a dream we can influence..

Nice quote and having a positive attitude has a positive impact on your life.

We are what we think. Think positively. Perfectly said. Our thoughts have the power to defeat us, or elevate us. You can change your life in seconds just by reframing your thoughts. Attitude defines response or reaction time.

Change your mindset, change your reality

Mindset is essential: Your mind is your most potent weapon you will ever possess.
But ultimately it’s down to your choices. The power lies inside, get in to find it I agree, it will either make you or break you.

You’ll figure it out when, in the end, Time, reality consumes the time you are given. It’s ruthless and takes every second and wants us to be crazy people, I’m convinced. I think people are going insane everywhere, and I’m just like, you’re not alone, there is someone out there who thinks about you. To leave it alone and let it get on with shit! To accept it, on it’s terms. That’s the only answer. No fucking clue.

I cannot with all the evil shit in high gear. Who cares? It’s an outdated
concept.. reality is just realty with an I in it.. everything and then slightly more. It’s getting crazier and crazier every day.. Bills, Insurance, Fines, screaming kids, angry wife, traffic lights, Cop killing people, ignorance and no cold beer. To just get away from it all for a while.

 What does reality want from us? 

We have to decide which voice we are going to listen to… Will we listen to the voice of fear & separation or the voice of perfect love & union? Will we listen to the voice of self-centeredness or that of selfless love?

In the end, it is important to remember that we cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are. The MOST important lesson to learn here on Earth is to take action out of Love not out of Hate.

If humans truly knew the power of their heart and mind they would change their thoughts and feelings to truly liberate themselves from fear and controlling forces..
Key Dizzy symbol

I may have a different answer tomorrow… humans are too stuck in a fixed reality… our souls flow like a current/ electricity/ water… bend to the situation but never stay that way…

One very important thing I have learned here in earth school is this: I am not the victim of other people, life’s circumstances, or God’s whims. Instead,
I am the creator of my reality. I create every experience I have in life with my thoughts and beliefs. Indeed, I think we all come to earth school to learn how to be better creators.

Green heart

Laura Jean Warnke is an intuitive healer and spiritual business advisor who helps you heal past life issues and emotional traumas so you can step out of the psychic closet and into your purposeful work. Using transformational soul level healing she helps you clarify your life’s purpose, embrace your soul level gifts, and clear energetic misalignments.

Heal lifetimes of trauma, get new direction, and find your passion.

Everyone incarnates here on Earth with a chosen life lesson.
These are energetic lessons that help us to shape both our physical selves as well as our soul. The main goal of all of our experiences is learning. This is one of the reasons you see repeating numbers.
We each have a primary life lesson and about 3-6 secondary life lessons.
These are unique to only you and no two people will experience these lessons in the same manner.

These lessons are in place to help us evolve spiritually.

Life lessons can be learned in many different ways. Please be aware that
there is no end or finish line when it comes to experiencing this energy. It is a recurring “theme” that is usually quite prevalent in your life. You will not die if you complete your life lesson, it will just become less important of a theme. It is an energetic experience that the soul is having in this lifetime.
It is not so much about “learning your lesson” as it is about experiencing the energy of different virtues. It is rather like the soul saying “hmm…that sounds interesting, I would like to experience that.”
The soul is perfect as it is so this is not about getting better or fixing, it is simply looking to experience itself in a new way. It will present itself in many different ways, shapes, and forms to you throughout your life.

Examples of Life Lessons.

Some examples of these include the energies of Grace, Forgiveness, Loyalty, Dependability, Healing, and Trust. These are just a few, but can you see how an overriding Life Lesson of Trust might play out?
You could have trouble trusting someone, being trusted, gaining someone’s trust, mistrusting someone and many more possibilities. You may not complete these lessons in this lifetime and you do not have to. If not completed, you will continue to experience these lessons during a future incarnation. Some are not meant to be completed in this lifetime.

Life Lesson Profile Reading
Just what are you here to experience in this lifetime? Find out what energetic experiences your Soul has chosen to have. It goes a long way in explaining “Why am I the way I am?
Everyone incarnates with a primary life lesson and 3-6 secondary lessons. This reading will uncover what they are, specific to only you and how they are presenting in your circumstances.
In this reading, we will also dig into how far along you are in completing them, whether you are scheduled to complete them in this lifetime, and the current aspects or areas that the lesson is playing itself out in.
It also will indicate whether you are experiencing these lessons in a positive or negative manner.
Learn what your soul wants you to experience in this lifetime and be able
to recognize why some of the situations keep coming up. Book a life lesson reading today!
Like you I am not one who believes that we are here merely to learn life lessons, and nor do I believe we are here to live out a happy life. Rather,
I believe we are here to master ourselves, so that one day we may obtain the wisdom necessary to peacefully take to the stars and become as plentiful as the sand in the sea, as immortal beings. And this will be achieved only after being reincarnated 100’s of times. Total peace we will never achieve because we will forever be human.

Take a listen: Former Whitesnake, thin lizzy guitarist John Sykes wrote this song about the bs humans are facing at the moment. Anthem for truth and freedom. Older generations of rockers are on to the bs. #freedom #truth John Sykes – DAWNING OF A BRAND NEW DAY – YouTube

Jesus Christ Taught the Purpose of Our Life on Earth (churchofjesuschrist.org)
What does G-d really want from us? – Rabbi Alon Anava – YouTube

Remember when Trump won?? How these hypocrites, these so called journalists were terrified & how they warned us, saying “Oh my God! he’s going to get us all killed”…

But they don’t seem to be afraid as dementia Joe puts sanctions on Russia…

In the end, it is important to remember that we cannot become what we need to be by remaining what we are. The MOST important lesson to learn here on Earth is to take action out of Love not out of Hate.

Green heart

“The social instinct of men is not based on love for society, but on the fear of loneliness. The pleasant presence of others is not seeking so much, but rather the aridity of one’s own conscience is avoided ”. Schopenhauer.
~☆~ Loyalty is rare. If you find it, be sure to keep it, it is quality only few possess ~☆~
~◇~ Be strong enough to let go, and patient enough to wait for what you deserve ~◇~
~♡~ Today is a good day to do something that makes you happy ~♡~

When I was Chief Medical Advisor to President Trump in 2019, I deployed to the border to STOP the flow of infectious diseases like measles. Now with Dr. Fauci running the show, he REFUSES to recognize the unmitigated health DISASTER at our border. GOP Doctors In The House Want Dr. Fauci To Answer Questions About The Border Crisis | The Daily Wire

𝘴𝘰𝘮𝘦 𝘬𝘪𝘯𝘥𝘢 𝘥𝘪𝘴𝘢𝘴𝘵𝘦𝘳 | ツ

Watch The Long Shadow (2017) – Free Movies | Tubi (tubitv.com)

From New Orleans to Virginia, Mississippi and Canada, 2 Southern filmmakers travel the roads of oppression, suppression, and even hope to reveal the connections of slavery and strong-arm Southern politics to the current racial strife in America.

Teach a man to fish!!!

You can’t wipe out poverty by giving money away, at least not permanently. The only way to wipe our poverty is to provide opportunity, then it works only for those who take advantage of it. If you give money to poor people, they’ll just make more poor people. DEMs don’t want to wipe out poverty… they want to keep minorities on the dole so they are beholden to the Govt. and keep voting in the swamp.

The greatest fallacy of modern progressivism is the idea that a requisite level of wealth produces a middle class rather than the other way around. Middle class is a pattern of behaviors and values that can be used by anyone to secure an opportunity for success.

I don’t see the drive and determination in people anymore. They settle and accept their situation…

We are left on this earth because God isn’t finished with us yet. We still have a purpose that only God Himself is privy to. We must have faith … be strong … and carry on.

We have to decide which voice we are going to listen to… Will we listen to the voice of fear & separation or the voice of perfect love & union? Will we listen to the voice of self-centeredness or that of selfless love?
Seasons of Love – Rent Original Motion Picture Soundtrack – YouTube

The Long Shadow – YouTube

That Sugar Film – YouTube

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