𝕯𝖊𝖆𝖗 𝖞𝖔𝖚𝖓𝖌𝖊𝖗 𝖒𝖊: Don’t be focused on the wrong thing. There’s no path but forward.
Life’s not over. It’s just beginning. The times will be harder than ever before and you are better equipped to handle it through you God Given Wisdom. Don’t waste time and never look back.
The Meaning of Life is Never take freedoms we enjoy for granted. Be a Hard working Hard living (wo)man.
Play harder and enjoy life cause we are only here for a little while.
“Often we pass beside happiness without seeing it, without looking at it, or even if we have seen and
looked at it, without recognizing it.” Alexandre Dumas.
Life Advice Will Change Your Future (MUST WATCH) ~Simon Sinek
Why is it we often pass through the best locations when we travel. Without looking as we drive to a pre-determined location we don’t know we will like until we get there. Out west they have large wildfires every year, and the forestry program doesn’t actually let them burn enough to clear collected biomass.
Ponderosa Pines don’t release their seeds UNLESS they’re burnt… it’s their life cycle. Cont.
Keep going. EVERYBODY’s body gets old. It’s nature. Look at trees, mountains.
With Every living thing – often maturity brings deeper beauty. That fear/dread/whatever and the ad campaigns who have etched themselves into your psyche that scream at you to stay young so you can make them rich. Non-violence must be integrated in all strata, corners and aspects of our lives.
When your 60-year-old self looks back and think how beautiful and vivacious you are now.
And the people that matter will always think that of you, no matter your age. Every year gets better and more liberating. And it simply means if you live to be the average age you’ve got another 15 years to help those who need you, so take care of those who are important to you, spread a little joy and appreciate being ALIVE.
After all, getting older is a hell of a lot better than the alternative. Enjoy it. 75 is right around the corner.
Whomever invented birthdays should be summarily executed at dawn (JK). I like to remind people that time, and age are man made concepts. If nobody told you how old you are, you wouldn’t know and care.
Focus on the positive – simplify your life.
Oh dear, your 60’s can be better than your 40’s. If you’re feeling “old” at 40,
how will you manage 60? Unless you are ill, you have nothing to worry about except perspective.
Are you living the life you choose? If not change it at once. We only have today, no more.
You’re only one day older each day. Don’t think of it as another year or decade, just another day.
Celebrate your life up to that point and look forward to your 70s…
I mean some humans live past 100 you know.
So take it one day at a time?
Firstly, let me say that you’re only as old as you feel!
Secondly, it only gets worse so enjoy today because it is the youngest you will ever be again.
Thirdly, Life is what you make it. Screw what everyone else thinks. It’s up to you. Enjoy sunrises, sunsets , starry skies, thunderstorms, snow storms, laughter, don’t sweat the small stuff. Age is just a number, your attitude towards life is what counts. Take it from a 60 year old your life is winding down unless you work-out to get in even better shape, this is that decade, despite this pandemic disaster of course. There are a few things that suck about getting older, and there are a lot of things that absolutely don’t suck about it.
I just turned 60 on Trump Day – June 14,
and while I find that there are wrinkles on my face, getting older is better.
Wouldn’t go back if I could. Remember, that can be said of any age. There really is nothing magical about 60 that makes you “old”. You can rock 60 if you want to. Being ” Old” is just a mindset. There are 70 and 80 year olds still playing softball. It didn’t take me long to realize that 40 was just a number. You’re as old as you want to be. The more days you have on this planet the more ways you can find to be grateful that you’re still here. Enjoy the ride and live each day as your last, tomorrow holds no promises to nobody, age is just a number,
you are not your age, you’re beautiful and grow more beautiful every day.
Love the fact that older ages are denied to many !!!! Embrace each one , cherish them !!!! You are only a day older than you were yesterday. You are beautiful. You seem healthy. You have lived through the mistakes of your youth. You know who you are. Now you have the tools to go get it if you don’t have it. This can be the first of your very best years. Embrace it. As long as all your parts are working you shouldn’t worry about it. Because once you hit a certain age and I’m not going to tell you what it is everything starts to Fall Apart so enjoy your age they’re not that bad and you can have a lot more fun, Live it up! Eat only healthy food!
Always love your life – Laugh a lot!
Words of wisdom: Life ain’t about numbers, it’s just about enjoying what ya do n done!
The thing I loved about my 50s is the very small amount of f@$!s I give for others’ opinions.
I have embraced myself, become a much better me, and have a level of confidence in my professional and my personal life. Don’t waste time looking backward. When you are a beautiful, happy and healthy 70, you will look back at and laugh at your opinion of “the good old days of your youth.” Smile and embrace every year, day, second as they come. When you’re 70, you’re going to look back at this moment and think “instead of enjoying my youth, I wasted it worrying about my age”. So stop sweating your current age.
If your mind and heart are rooted in the presence and in the pursuit of unconditional love, life begins at any age. I think we all hit that point male or female, of our sense of uselessness. Do you have to remember you are still you, and you still have Life to Live. So you should feel good and make the most of it. You are beautiful and you are alive ! Vive tu vida! Live your life no matter what age you are. Try new things and travel!
Stop wallowing in your age!
Be proud of your age – Look how far you have come.
And oh how much more you have to love..to give..to learn..to create..to share..to grow.
Use your confidence and your past endeavors… your accomplishments and your failures to guide you…
Enjoy and love life, you really have to embrace it.
The alternative is to drag your feet and hate the process….that’s crazy!
This is your life! Embrace it with joy, purpose and a sense of adventure!! It’s just a number.
What you do, how you approach each day and feel about yourself is what’s important.
Life is all good. That said, there are days when I tell myself “I’m too old for this sh!t”. Lol
For all dreamers who hustle every day, fight for their dreams and never give up!
The years fly by. Do something for yourself every day.
If you want to feel really, truly happy, do things for others and don’t expect anything in return. And it’s ok to put off doing your laundry. Time keeps marching, and marching right over your face. In order to stay happy one needs to become more existential and less about the physical. Be happy, pay attention to what stresses you. Take care of your heart and soul. Take care of your skin, because you are beautiful.
The current paradigm is unsustainable, unjust, & we can heal it.
Too much turmoil when you’re young, you worry about your looks, how much you weigh, what someone said…….the older you get the less you care and life becomes wonderful because you don’t sweat the small stuff anymore. I’m so happy-60 Its actually a great age. Lived through some history instead of just reading about it. Used computers and smartphones and old enough to know better in most situations.
It’s not the miles on the odometer that count, … It’s the wear on the chassis. keep your oil changed, get your system flushed, rotate your tires. and, without sounding indelicate, occasionally getting the front end aligned is always a good idea… Revel in your life. Bask in the glow of saying exactly what you think. Bathe in the feeling of ‘this or that and remember I couldn’t give less of a f*ck’. Welcome the maturity which will engulf you with calm. Just the beginning. Learn who you are. Find your happiness and live it. You may realize some of your happiest days have been in the 2nd half of your life. Mine have.
Being 60, It’s the beginning of an amazing journey. It’s just a moment in your life.
It’s all of our destinies. Revel in your journey, it only happens once.
There is no turning back time. You’ve earned every moment of it. Your age is irrelevant. Coincidentally You’re just getting interesting… Getting older can be fun. You might have more money and more freedom than you’ve ever had. Even if you don’t, start to do the things you want to do because there will be a time when you can’t. Double down on your health, your savings, and your skincare. I know it’s cliche’, but age really is just a number, it’s how you feel and carry yourself that’s what’s important. Besides the older you get, the wiser you become. There’s a lot more to see, do and learn, so cherish this moment while you can…
We can’t do anything about aging, my suggestion is just own it and know that aging does not mean you’re less than when you ‘re younger, just love and appreciate yourselves and look at it as every birthday is special and a blessing. Older is better. Embrace it. Throw off the expectations of having to be anything except be your genuine self (It’s how you feel inside. and enjoy life to the fullest.)
I tell people you’re not as young as you feel, you’re as young as you ACT!!
Rub some dirt on it… Then take a hot bubble bath and forget 2020.
I feel no different other than the aches & pains. Yup. YOU have choices:
1. Either you get older or you don’t.
2. Realize It doesn’t get any better.
3. Exercise in moderation will slow down the aches & pains.
4. Don’t worry about dying. The world is coming to an end anyway.
With Massive fires and storms, killer viruses, heinous leaders, hateful people…it’s almost over anyway. Some people say I’m a pessimist. But reality is what it is. Reach for all the gusto you can grasp and enjoy every minute of it, aging is inevitable. While you may gather a few more wrinkles and your body will change, the really great part of aging is that you no longer give a sh*t about what others think. It is so incredibly freeing. Just get out there and live your life like nobody is watching, because who gives a damn what other people think.
Do my words of “wisdom” help any?
Lauren Bacall was once asked at age 65 (approx.) would she like to be 25 again.
Her answer: “Only if I can take my 65 yr old brain with me!”
Being 60 is absolutely wonderful! You begin to not care what people think of you.
You get more and more comfortable in your own skin and body. It’s great!
Lean into life experiences, and ignore the haters! Age is just a number. Take chances, follow your heart, live each day at a time. Sounds like good advice and is, just don’t get bogged down in the numbers. Just try to enjoy each day. Some are better than others. That’s just life.
Good Grief I could go on, but hey, you either fold the tent and go home or have fun. Your choice. Age It is just a number. With getting older comes some amazing surprises. You gain more confidence than you ever had before and learn to enjoy doing the things that make you happy, not trying to please other people.. Try to remind yourself that it’s the natural order of life and everyone goes through it. You can waste a lot of time, money & energy focusing on trying to turn back the clock – pointlessly! Feeling bad about your age means having a good cry and self wallow for a day or two, then pick yourself up and get on with life
Words of wisdom… There are many who don’t have the privilege of getting older?
The best way to feel good about getting older is by using your time well. Love your family, love your friends, help people when you can, never stop learning, and laugh a lot! It’s not the age, it’s your outlook, be happy with yourself. Pick an age when you were your happiest, then emulate yourself to that age.
For example, I’m 60, but in my mind I’m still 35 and You won’t notice a difference initially,
but you will gradually feel and even somewhat look that age.
Age is just a number! How do you feel on the inside, how you see yourself doing the things you did a year ago, what you’re going to do a year from now, that’s what’s important and defines your true age.
Enjoy your age – Enjoy the journey – it’s all you have is now.
Also don’t let people tell you what you can no longer do or what is no longer appropriate.
If you can still do it, then it’s appropriate. I no longer cared what people thought of me.
It was so freaking empowering. Embrace it. Be who you are without apologies or excuses.
Be Flawsome: AGE just Embrace it. Stay active. Take care of yourself so you continue to feel good.
Keep your sense of humor and you’ll age beautifully. We all grow older, but remember that the wisdom and the don’t give AF attitude that comes with each decade is earned and well deserved.
Keep doing what makes you happy. Look back at anything you thought you would do when you were younger and decide why you haven’t done it. I changed over time and decided I couldn’t go back to who I was.
And I Couldn’t be happier with that choice!
I learned that age is meaningless, and it’s just a number.
I also learned that people telling me I was too old to try new things and have new adventures were wrong,
and often scared themselves so they tried to hold you back. I know Live your life fully, no matter the number of years you’ve been around. I found the old saying “Life begins at 40” to be true in my case.
My 40’s and 50’s were my most productive years. But your 20’s and 30’s are training ground for the confident and self aware person you become. Enjoy!
Aging in our society sucks. You only get one life – don’t short change yourself.
I lived my life on the fast lane. So I don’t feel sorry for myself because I’m getting older.
Instead, I am thankful I have made it to sixty years and that I am still here. Life’s what you make it and age is just a number. We all must get older, So wear it proudly, and know someone is always still older. Take pride in the fact that all do not age gracefully but that you can control how others see you. You’ll find that you’re more selective about your friends; that you know how to survive tough times; that you really do have wisdom — etc.
I looked at the big picture. In your 20s you are messing up and learning. then in your 30s we are for fixing the mess ups. Your 40s are whatever you want them to be! And your 50s were life adjustments….
So Be glad you made it through to 60. The 40s were my favorite decade.
Old and mature enough to be secure in myself, young enough to enjoy it and with no aches and pains free enough to not care about others’ judgments. Not that I was doing anything crazy, just living my authentic life. Enjoy, don’t let a number get you down!
Sixty is not written on my forehead, or on the clothes I wear!
I am still me, but just with more experience and wisdom! Just Go with it and if you look after yourself, you’ll look as good as you do today at 70. while feeling better now than I was ten years ago, stay active and do physical work every day. Somedays you may not feel like doing it but do it anyways. It’s a proven fact that those that get 150 minutes of exercise per week live longer -so work out four times a week. After your 50’s you should ask yourself and make the decision on whether you are going to get old or fight back.
As you age: You’ll come to appreciate life more the closer you get to its end.
So worry not. Enjoy your time while you can. Live every day like it’s your last.
The best and worst things are the same: you really come into your own because you don’t
give a shit what others think. The real you comes out and you become more cherished.
So Love Life!!!
Words of wisdom:
The years will seem shorter each year that you turn older as your metabolism flowers.
Fill those years with good memories, because those are the things that fill your mind when
you’re hitting your 80’s – if you live that long. You should be smiling every single day!
Just wait until you hit 60, then you can blog about how you are feeling every single day
above ground should be a great day in my blog!
Hmmm, what’s bugging you about getting older?
Is your body still truckin’ along- Do you feel grounded?
Do you appreciate the power of the wisdom that comes with experience?
Do you appreciate the freedom of not always having to put other
people’s needs before your own?
I read a great piece of advice under a Snapple cap several years ago (yes, Snapple….
I’m obvs a deep thinker).The saying was…. “Never complain about getting old, it is a privilege denied to many”. One of the good things about getting older is you know who you are and have a better sense of your limitations, and are more accepting of them. With age, I’ve learned to truly appreciate the little things, and find joy with them. Sounds trite I know, but it’s true.
Age is just a number, don’t let a number get you down, it has no meaning…
All it really means is you went around the sun 40 times.
Be who you want to be, do what you want to do, and when you realize your best years are still ahead of you.
You will discover the talented, resilient, resourceful person behind the face you see in the mirror every day.
Step away from the mirror and find your true self. Everything only gets better from there…..Sorry I couldn’t help myself… Trust me… Enjoy your life while you can…. or you will miss out as 60 rolls around…. as you get used to being in pain…. Everywhere…. Most of the time… Nothing is different from yesterday to today except a number and that doesn’t change who you are. Focus on all your positive qualities and
progress through not a numbered age.
You’re amazing and you got this.
Prepare for your interior filter to die. I found that I no longer held my tongue. About anything. There is a liberation at realizing age *really is* just a number. Throw off the expectations others foist upon you about age. You are free to be whomever the fuck you want to be. Turning 40 was hard for me, too, but when I turned 50,
I began the thought process of blogging. I didn’t even know how to type. Learning That Nothing is impossible no matter what “number” you are. NOW at 60 and my advice to you is to remember that age is just a record of the number of days lived, not the life lived. Don’t let the number dictate anything;
live for the memories you have yet to make.
I repeat that aging is the cost of BEING ALIVE. Or would you prefer the alternative?
Every day has challenges. It’s how you approach them that makes the difference!
You’ve got a long way to go until 70, and by then you won’t care enough to cry. Relish being older and wiser. Relish the miracles around you and your ability to keep learning and loving. The best is yet to come. Getting older is a gift. So many don’t get to live a long life and watch their children grow into who they are and friends/family reach lifetime goals. And I found as I got older I learned that I no longer cared what other people thought about my choices. I felt so much freer! Strength training, intermittent fasting and autophagy for optimal cellular health. Start now and preserve your beauty and health for the future – you won’t regret it.
Words of wisdom, enjoy it now,
Life goes unbelievably fast – with long days and short years. With the next thing you know you’re wondering where the years went. Keep a youthful mindset, and each day will be better than the last! You’re just getting started! Even in this Covid-19 Civil Unrest nightmare we’re living in today. I enjoy the hell out of my life. Therefore, don’t fall for the lies about getting older. Get enough sleep + exercise and cut out the junk food. Develop healthy habits and stick to them. You will be glad you did once a couple more decades slip by. Enjoy your interests and don’t sweat the small stuff, seriously. It’s up to you how you feel about getting older.
New wisdom will creep in…SO share it. Embrace it!
AGE You can’t stop it, SO you might as well embrace it. I’m older, freaks me out but the women who deny it, look stupid. I just don’t like creepy skin but it is better than dead. I can still ski, hike, yoga, fuck, embrace.
It’s all good. Gird your loins, take your lessons ahead as an “education”, instead of a punishment , and learn to accept all the skeletons in your closet, bring them out to the light and by all means make friends.
They will serve you at some point. Lol
Why do we measure years in 365 days, when that’s limiting your life –
celebrate the cycles and seasons as you celebrate the years.
Celebrate what you have learned and your accomplishments along the way – buckle up buttercup:
You’re as young as you’ll ever be again! Embrace your life! Enjoy every moment! Live each day like it’s your last because you never know. If you are talking about your outer physical shell, enjoy your 40’s! As you will lament how good you looked …. when your hormones dried you out in your 60’s. For your internal mental self, it gets better & better, thou you still have to make peace w/ that aging external shell. It’s just a number. Despite the world going to hell in a handbasket, life is still really good. Every decade brings new experiences.
Just ride the wave & don’t waste precious time obsessing about your age.
Be grateful you’re alive and healthy. Its Your Life
Now quit whining and have a good day.