Inspiration for this post: Kατερίνα Αληθολατρεία
“Because Of” and/ or “Due To.”
A lot of people (both kids and adults) suffer at the judgmental hands of others. They put themselves out there and try hard to be the best they can be, only to be shunned, mocked, made fun of, and in extreme cases, bullied.
It hurts.
It can freeze you right in your tracks.
You begin to second-guess yourself. Your confidence fades. You feel bad about who you are, and what your sharing with the world.
You feel like retreating into a hole.
“Maybe I’m a terrible person (or artist, painter, student, girl, singer) after all,” you say to yourself.
And then, the worst thing that could possibly happen, happens.
You quit. You quit trying. You quit being who you are. You think of how to fit in, or how to stay away from the world.
And in some cases, you plain just give up all together.
However, here’s the thing: There are going to be people in this world that don’t like you, for no other reason than “you’re not them.”
They won’t like you because of how you look. Or how you dress.
How you smile or don’t smile.
They’ll hate you for your voice. Or what you painted. Wrote. Sang. Created.
They’ll sneer at you and criticize you for your talent. Or lack of talent. For your education or therefore lack of education.
For How much money you have. Or don’t have. Where you live. What you like. Or don’t like.
The list is endless.
See, people that need to judge and criticize others have one thing in common: in order to feel better about themselves, as they need to knock others that aren’t like them down.
By being different than them, you become a threat to their existence. You become a target.
See, if you’re different, then what they are can’t be “right” in their minds. There’s no live and let live. There’s no embracing differences. There’s no room for two rights in their minds, because THEY must be RIGHT in order to FEEL GOOD ABOUT THEMSELVES.
So their answer is to attack you, or make fun of you. If you don’t like potatoes, and they do, then you become a freak or weirdo. “Who doesn’t like potatoes?” they scream to the world.
They do this to prove their view is RIGHT, and you are WRONG. It’s the only way they can feel validated about who they are. It’s the only way they get to feel special and superior. Because somewhere, deep down, some internal programming keeps whispering to them, “If you’re not right, if you’re not better, if you’re not smarter, brighter, more beautiful, more intelligent–whatever their trigger is–then you amount to nothing.” They can’t bare the thought of being nothing, so they strive to put others down and prove to that unheard voice inside them once and for all: I’m better. I’m right. I’m important.
Which is sad, really. The thing to realize about these types of people is that they are emotional vampires, running through the world, taking what’s special about others and calling it ugly–knocking people down–down so that THEY FEEL OKAY to be themselves.
If you tell them this, they’ll tell you you’re full of it, or crazy, or deluded.
Let’s be clear, though: they don’t realize they are doing it.
Their hurt is so deep, their coping mechanisms have been in place for so long, they are clueless to the possibility that their actions are cruel. They will stand by their actions and call themselves critical, discerning, better, right, cool, or whatever. It doesn’t matter.
And they’ll keep on functioning like this. They’ll gather those around them that validate and agree with them–these people are prizes to them because they support their special view of themselves. So they’ll rally their minions, and they’ll all agree with one another, creating a mean little clique that feeds off each other’s negativity and cruelty. They have to. It’s how they survive. And it’s how they will undoubtedly function throughout their lives, unless they do some serious soul searching.
But here’s the thing they won’t ever allow themselves to see: everyone is special.
Everyone is unique.
Every single being ever made is a perfect and unique mix that will never be duplicated, and that, in and of itself, makes everyone as unique as a snowflake and have you ever seen an ugly snowflake? Of course not! All snowflakes are beautiful. (Even the judgmental ones are beautiful behind all that pain and lashing out.)
So, here’s the trick.
When someone’s putting you down, when they mock you, scoff at your ideas, tear you apart–understand it’s because they are simply trying to make themselves better. That old saying, “don’t take it personally” applies.
It’s NOT personal.
It’s NOT about you!
A judgmental person says more about themselves than they do about you. Whenever you see a negative, judgmental, person, they’re waving a flag over their head that says, “My pain is so deep that I need to hurt you and make fun of you in order to feel better about myself!”
Sometimes, regardless of knowing their subconscious motivations, it’s still hard to take. You’re doing your best. You’re being who you are. You’re simply expressing the specialness of who you were born to be.
But, instead of focusing on them (which is what they want – if you acknowledge them, you make them feel even more superior! and bare your neck to their human emotional vampirism.)
Just ignore them and be you.
Bring your best to the world.
I know, this is easier said than done, but surround yourself with positive and supportive people who accept, and love you for who you are. Also find support groups of like-minded people with similar goals who are positive, caring and supportive. They are out there, even if you haven’t found them yet. After all, you exist, right? And chances are, there are more positive and supportive people around, but you have to look past the negative ones in order to see them.
The scoffers, the mockers, the judgmental ones? They’ll find someone else to make fun of–because it simply doesn’t matter if it’s you or someone else they tear down–if you move away, they’ll find another target and continue their behavior until they discover it doesn’t serve them any more–but you?
You have better things to do with your life than pay attention to mean, negative, or judgmental people.
You were born as a unique snowflake. You’re like no other person on this planet. And it’s up to you to put your best self forward: sing, create, write, program, love, share, save, care, paint–simply said: express the absolute uniqueness of your own perfection.
And whenever someone judges you, or makes fun of you–remember–judgment is THEIR PAIN. Understand that their judgments are about themselves. Not you. Feel compassion for them and their negative focus on life (for this is truly a sad state of existence that leads to more unhappiness), then move forward with your own perfection and be the person you’re meant to be.
Are We Better Than The Cave Man?
The main reason the dinosaurs and ultimately caveman caused their own distinction is because the lack of understanding what tomorrow might bring. There is one thing you must understand about the so-called “cavemen”. They were nothing like the guys you see in the Geico commercials. The species known as AUSTRALOPITHECUS AFARENSIS is an extinct hominid which lived (if you want an exact year, put BC after the 3.9 million.) They were the first “hominid”– or man-like being– to walk on both feet, and not live in trees. From analysis it has been thought that A. afarensis was ancestral to both the genus Australopithecus and the genus Homo, which includes the modern human species. Homo sapiens. Australopithecus afarensis fossils have only been discovered within eastern Africa–Ethiopia and Kenya to be exact. This site— shows a picture of one of mankind’s earliest ancestors. This one, shows a reconstruction of a female Australopithecus afarensis, going by what the fossils for “Lucy”–what the first discovered skeleton of this type was named–shows.
Australopithecus afarensis was a long-lived species that may have given rise to the several lineages of early human that appeared in both eastern and southern Africa between two and three million years ago.
It is a species that exhibits many cranial features which are reminiscent of our ape ancestry, such as a forward protruding face, cheek teeth parallel in rows to each other similar to an ape & a small brain case that averages only 430cc in size (not significantly larger than a modern chimpanzee).
Whether we like to admit it or not, just like every other animal species, mankind has under gone evolution. To understand human evolution one must understand where humans fit in relation to other forms of life. Modern humans belong to the group of mammals known as Primates. This is the scientific category describing such diverse creatures as lemurs, lorises, tarsiers, the monkeys of the New World and Old World, and also the apes. As primates we all share many characteristics, such as overlapping fields of vision caused by forward looking eyes (this allows for greater 3D vision), fine ability to grasp and handle objects in our hands, with enlarged brains relative to body size. The evolution of the Primates started in the early part of the Eocene epoch (about 55 million years ago). By comparing humans – other living species, scientists have learned that humans are most similar to the large apes of Africa and Asia. Among all animals, humans and apes are the most alike in brain and body form, by having a complex social life, and in many other major and minor features, including the lack of a tail. Comparisons of DNA shows our closest living relatives are the ape species of Africa, and most studies by geneticists show that chimpanzees and humans are more closely related to each other — 98% genetic similarities — than either is to gorillas. However, it must be stressed that humans did NOT evolve from living chimpanzees.
Dear Friends of Natural Healing,
Dabbler in the Philosophy of Mind, “Intended evolution”– life perceives its environment and alters itself.
An amazing thing about perception versus reality: if you would step outside and look around and pick out the first five thing you see and realize the reason you picked them out. Those same reason are the same impression you cast of yourself to other people and that is how people view you.
You’ve probably heard a variation of this complaint hundreds of times.
“I feel so tired and ill. And nothing I do is making me better. What’s wrong with me?”
You have discovered the hard way that today´s popular medical approach on how to fix the body just isn´t working.
That’s because modern medicine gives you medicine to fix the issue. While limiting focus only on trying to correct the biology and biochemistry of your cells. They do NOTHING to address the most important force in your body… your body’s bioenergy field – the very source of your
health and vitality. And sadly as a result, so many people don’t get the long-term healing solutions they need.
Nature made the human body to be an incredibly efficient healing machine.
A healthy body easily neutralizes viruses as well as other invaders and environmental toxins.
So what’s happening that causes biology and biochemistry in the human body to break down?
As a natural healer, you already know that every living thing is surrounded by energy.
.And everyone generates their own “Body-Field” of energy.
But what you may not know is that researchers have discovered this Body-Field acts as a control system managing the self-healing power of the body.
When energy is low, blocked or disrupted, biology and biochemistry can break down causing the body’s own self-healing power to lapse. That’s why the common complaint you often hear from anyone with illness is “I’m tired”.
It’s the first sense most people have that something is wrong. Now what if you could go straight to the source to find out why they’re so tired?
What if you could look deep into your client’s energy fields for the true healing solution?
Well now you can.
And in just a moment I’m going to show you the amazing new scanning technology you can use to see your client’s entire human body field
–And it takes just seconds!
The Science Behind Healing With Sound
NOUN the study of the transformation of energy in living organisms. a system of alternative psychotherapy based on the belief that emotional healing can be aided through resolution of bodily tension.
What are Brainwaves?
At the root of all our thoughts, emotions and behaviors is the communication between neurons within our brains. Brainwaves are produced by synchronized electrical pulses from masses of neurons communicating with each other.
Brainwaves are detected using sensors placed on the scalp. They are divided into bandwidths to describe their functions (below), but are best thought of as a continuous spectrum of consciousness; from slow, loud and functional – to fast, subtle, and complex.
It is a handy analogy to think of brainwaves as musical notes – the low frequency waves are like a deeply penetrating drum beat, while the higher frequency brainwaves are more like a subtle high pitched flute. Like a symphony, the higher and lower frequencies link and cohere with each other through harmonics.
Our brainwaves change according to what we’re doing and feeling. When slower brainwaves are dominant we can feel tired, slow, sluggish, or dreamy. The higher frequencies are dominant when we feel wired, or hyper-alert.
The descriptions that follow are only broad descriptions – in practice things are far more complex, and brainwaves reflect different aspects when they occur in different locations in the brain.
Brainwave speed is measured in Hertz (cycles per second) and they are divided into ands delineating slow, moderate, and fast waves. The 5 brain frequencies have its own characteristics representing a specific level of brain activity – a state of consciousness:
If you find this interesting, please see the whole article HERE
Other Religions New Age / Metaphysical
The Power of Theta Brainwave to Heal
“What we are today comes from our thoughts of yesterday, and our present thoughts build our life of tomorrow. Our life is the creation of our mind.”
What is the difference between perception and consciousness?
“Perception” is a useful word. It’s also systematically misleading. This is because the term suggests that each of us enjoys direct access to our local surroundings, including one’s extra-cranial body. “Cross-modally matched real-time egocentric world-simulation” might be more apt; alas, it’s a mouthful. Either way, the external environment may be inferred; it’s not accessed. The mind-independent world powerfully selects the subjective content of one’s waking world-simulation; the mind-independent world doesn’t create it.
Perhaps compare immersive VR or dreaming, especially lucid dreaming. “Perceptual” experience during dreams is (almost) uncontroversial mind-dependent. While you are dreaming, virtual rocks and mountains, virtual chairs and tables, and your virtual body-image (etc.) are properties of your conscious mind – patterns of neuronal firings in the CNS. Dreams may be intensely lifelike. However, you can’t read the text of virtual books while dreaming, nor use a virtual calculator to multiply ten-digit numbers. If you want to check whether you might be dreaming, you can test.
What happens when you wake up?
Perceptual direct realists believe that, upon waking, the virtual sunsets and virtual symphonies and virtual body-images of their dream worlds are somehow replaced by direct access to their extra-cranial surroundings. By contrast, inferential realists about perception recognize that their “awakened” minds still consist, for the most part, of a world-simulation run by the CNS. Unlike dream world consciousness, your waking world-simulation typically consists of a tightly law-governed virtual universe that causally covaries with your local extra-cranial environment and extra-cranial body. Thus right now, you can read the text of virtual books, and use a virtual calculator to perform feats beyond the cognitive capacity of human toddlers and nonhuman animals. In other words, inferential realism is not a skeptical or solipsistic stance. Also, unlike life in your dreams, stepping in front of a virtual bus when you are awake will bring your world-simulation to a definitive end.
Understanding the Secrets of Human Perception
In common usage, “perception” has two distinct but similar meanings, according to mental context. At a basic level, it is about the experience of some sensation. At a more considered level, it is about interpretation of some abstract pattern. At least, that’s my perception.
Perceptions can be logically or evidentially wrong. These are called misperceptions. The physics of the basic level of perception – the one that doesn’t require thought – is fairly well known and grasped (so far as we believe).
Consciousness by contrast is about a state of being generally aware and capable of reaction (which I suggest is how we detect it). For example, more than simply seeing something, but knowing that one is seeing something, and possibly interpreting that, and possibly engendering an action based on that.
I’m conscious that this definition is shifting the goalposts into a question of “awareness” (common parlance). It’s moot whether thought is involved in this process – again, as there are several kinds of “thought”. Consciousness is still open question, both philosophically and in natural sciences.
Does consciousness have an analogous possibility for error? It can be altered, expanded, it can be added to, but consciousness cannot be inherently mistaken. Interpretation of sensory information in order to represent and understand the presented information, or the environment. All perception involves signals that go through the nervous system, which in turn -can also- result from physical or chemical stimulation of the sensory system.
Link: Perception – Wikipedia
Consciousness is the state or quality of awareness, or, of being aware of an external object or something within oneself.
It has been defined variously in terms of sentience, awareness, qualia, subjectivity, the ability to experience or to feel, wakefulness, having a sense of selfhood or soul, the fact that there is something “that it is like” to “have” or “be” it, and the executive control system of the mind.
Link: Consciousness – Wikipedia
Creation and perception are far more intimately connected than any of our scientists realize.
It is quite true that our physical senses create the reality that they perceive. A tree is something far different to a microbe, a bird, an insect, and a man who stand beneath it. I am not saying that the tree only appears to be different. It is different. We perceive its reality through one set of highly specialized senses. This does not mean that its reality exists in that form in any more basic way. . . . than it exists in the form perceived by the microbe, insect, or bird. We cannot perceive the quite valid reality of that tree in any context but our own. This applies to anything within the physical system that we know.
It is not that physical reality is false.
It is that the physical picture is simply one of an infinite number of ways of perceiving the various guises through which consciousness expresses itself. The physical senses force us to translate experience into physical perception. The inner senses open our range of perceptions, allow us to interpret experience in a far freer manner and to create new forms and new channels through which we, or any consciousness, can know itself.
The word “perception” is tricky, because different people use it to mean different things. For some people, perception is equivalent to conscious perception. For others, the concept of unconscious perception is meaningful.
Unconscious perception means that the brain is responding to a stimulus, but the person is unaware of their own neural response. We might go further, and say that unconscious perception can sometimes be inferred from a person’s behavior. A person might not be consciously aware that there is an insect on their hand, but they might still move their hand. It is entirely possible that many of our behavioral tics and quirks are ‘responses’ to unconsciously perceived stimuli.
Perception is “Consciousness-of”. Perception arises from signaling outside or inside the body. One can perceive cold water or a stomach ache. The brain is a perception organ. Like a sixth sense. It creates thoughts that are an amalgamation of, say, 1% of incoming signals every second. We express the brains perceptions with words. In other words, thoughts and words are an extension of our sensory (Perceptive) process.
Before “consciousness-of” comes consciousness. It cannot be described with words since it is not part of the perceptive process. So, analogies will have to do. For example, think of consciousness as being what is behind some avatar in a game. Another example: If we consider the body as a window into the earth, then consciousness is what’s looking through that window.
Not so much. Perception is taking some pieces of information primarily about your external environment (the internal one is important but not as much as the first one) and summarize it for a cerebral ganglion/brain.
9 Benefits of Binaural Beats (Sleep, Focus, Meditation)
Consciousness is a meta-process (process built on other processes):
taking some pieces of information about lower processes (memory, reasoning, body, time) to build another process (the advantages of being conscious are easy to understand). The common point is lying. The system lies to itself because… it’s necessary and efficient.
Perception is rooted in faculties of recognition and reasoning that are based upon one of the five senses.
Consciousness is rooted the human faculty of self awareness of oneself and the environment around that is purely
based on one’s own experience. I’m not sure there is one… but I guess it all depends on defining “consciousness”. You might like this:
The earth’s natural electromagnetic field has a frequency measured as about 7.8 HZ or Hertz. This is the well known and documented Schumann Resonance measured daily in seismology laboratories. There is much concern now among scientists about the damage caused by civilization’s pollution of the earth. There is also monitoring of the normally occurring changes in the universe.
When people meditate and calm their brain chatter, their brains emit alpha frequencies of 7 to 9 Hz. The human brain in a relaxed state then has the same frequency of vibration as the energy field of the earth. When humans live close to nature, their energy fields are in synchrony with the energy field of the earth, so they experience balance & better health.
Before the invention of electricity, people lived in harmony with the earth and her daily and seasonal cycles. Also Technology advances have added tremendous levels of electromagnetic energy millions of times higher than before … microwaves, x-rays, cell phones, television, radio frequencies, high tension wires, etc.
Dr. Robert Becker is a world renowned expert on electromagnetic fields (EMF).
He said, “At the present time, the greatest polluting element…in the earth’s environment is the proliferation of EMF’s.” In addition – the energy field of the earth interacts with the energy fields of other planets and constellations. Those changes then reflect on the energy fields of living bodies including humans. The energy fields… then as the interface connect all living matter … humans, plant, animal, and the earth.
Why Marianne Williamson Suggested ‘Prayer’ Could Shift Hurricane Dorian – Published on September 6, 2019 By Joe Martino
The Facts: Marianne Williamson suggested that ‘prayer’ could help shift hurricane Dorian away from land. The mainstream media and popular influencers did not take this very well, mainly because they didn’t understand it.
Reflect On: Are we really going to see deep truths and understandings about our reality come from the mainstream? Don’t we need conscious media to grow and become more popular so these conversations can be had on a larger scale to create change?
Marianne Williamson tweeted how prayer and the power of the mind could potentially shift hurricane Dorian away from land and the media went a little haywire.
Her exact tweet, before she deleted it, read as follows, “The Bahamas, Florida, Georgia and the Carolinas…may all be in our prayers now. Millions of us seeing Dorian turn away from land is not a wacky idea; it is creative use of the power of the mind. Two minutes of prayer, visualization, meditation for those in the way of the storm.”
The truth is, at least in my research, is that Marianne was referring to the power of consciousness and human intention which is widely recognized in scientific study as something that has merit. The US public and mainstream culture is fairly ignorant to this fact, but it doesn’t mean it’s not true.
My only feedback on how Williamson handled this was that perhaps this was a time to bring some of that research and evidence forward to enter into the public space as there is plenty of credible peer-reviewed research to go off of.
In the segment below I discuss in detail:
– What happened when Marianne made the Tweet
– The negative feedback she received and who it was from
– The science behind what she is referring to
– How this is an important time to shift culture in the West to understand the true nature of our reality
– How mainstream media is just keeping people stuck in a false reality.
The Takeaway
It’s not a bad thing that the mainstream culture does not understand what Marianne was getting at, it just shows what is. What’s important however is that by having Marianne run she is creating conversations that CAN open people’s minds providing this more extended discussion happens. If we let the mainstream media control this conversation and ridicule her without providing a deeper analysis and the facts, then the culture will remain the same.
It is up to the collective to take responsibility for the state of our world and begin making conscious media the media of the future. Otherwise, the same narratives will be said over and over and over again. You can watch the full segment
The Key to Happiness is the Ability to Change
Schumann Resonance, Earth Breathing and Alpha Brainwaves
by Author: Nataša Pantovi
Surround yourself with the dreamers and the doers,
the believers and the thinkers, but most of all surround
yourself with those who see greatness within you,
even when you don’t see it yourself.
Schumann Resonance, Earth Breathing and Alpha Brainwaves
The earth is surrounded by air, and the ionosphere, and it is a wonderfully resonant system. Any energy trapped within this earth–ionosphere cavity, like lightning storms, etc., will cause it to ring like a bell. This frequency was first time calculated and detected by the German physicist Schumann in 1952.
He mathematically predicted that the most predominant standing wave resonates around 7.8 Hz. The amazing fact is that this frequency is identical to the Alfa spectrum of human brain waves.
When a person is meditating, praying or deeply relaxed his brain resonates within Alpha and Theta rhythms range of 4-8 Hz. During this relaxed state of mind, waves of Alpha and Theta frequencies cascade across our entire brain, making it possible for the human being and our dear planet Earth to come into resonance. Was this the vibration that ancient sages of India called AUM (Om), the sacred sound of creation? Or perhaps the original Sound of God that was mentioned in Bible? The scientists believe that these waves help regulate our bodies’ internal clock, improve sleep patterns, and hormonal secretion.
Schumann Resonance and Healers!!!
For a decade, Dr. Robert Beck from US researched the brain wave activity of healers from various backgrounds. He examined Christian healers, shamans, dowsers, wicca practitioners, etc. and each exhibited ‘nearly identical EEG signatures’ during healing of a 7.8-8Hz brainwave activity. It appears…. the basic earth’s frequency of 7.8Hz can enhance growth, improve immune responses & generally rebalance the human body.
Schumann Resonance and Learning
Various spiritual practices, paths and rituals are designed to allow the magical alfa meditative range to rain. Bells ringing, shamanic drumming, mantra chanting, trance dance, meditation, healing dances, Christian singing, also bolsters the human brain’s ancient harmonization with the planetary field. Entrainment happens when vibrations of one object cause the vibrations of another object to oscillate at the same rate. Our brain waves are also prone to this synchronization, with external rhythms having a direct effect on our mood, thoughts, emotions and re-action. Alpha waves (7-13 cycles per second) are present during dreaming, deep relaxation, and meditation. Scientists claim that in Alpha, we are more open to the wealth of creativity, regenerated, and we feel happier and more in tune. C.M. Anderson, M.D. (1998) of Harvard links a persistent internally generated sound of ‘humming insects’ that many people experience within Churches or Temples, during meditation or during deep intense experiences, to the Alpha 10Hz rhythm. Indian Yogis, gurus & sages associate this sound to deep meditation and Samadhi experiences.
Just to give you an idea of other frequencies, Delta waves are the slowest but highest in amplitude (between 0-4 Hz) and Theta waves (4-7 cycles per second) are abundant in deep dreamless sleep and in the deep meditation. Theta has also been identified as the gateway to learning and memory, it-is-the-slow-activity often connected with creativity, intuition, trance, and unconsciousness. It is the state of mind where we focus inwardly experiencing contemplation and silence. Everything is Electricity!!!
What happens when your doctor says that your fine but you just don’t feel healthy. How To Heal Your Mind And Body With Meditation When You’re Sick!!!
What can You do?
Functional illness is that grey area between optimal health and disease. Many people have some signs of functional illness such as fatigue, headaches, indigestion, back pain, allergies, and other complaints which interfere with their quality of life. The real problem arises when this imbalance is ignored and/or remains undetected for prolonged periods of time. This may then lead to a state of actual disease. Disease implies pathological changes that can be evaluated by standard medical tests. If your medical doctor — has ruled out the presence of a disease causing your symptoms, then you are left with a functional problem which may not have a name. Early and proper response to an imbalance is essential for optimal health.
What is Electro-Dermal Screening?
In the late 1940s, Dr. Reinold Voll of Germany observed that traditional acupuncture points had a lower electrical resistance than other skin points. He developed a device to measure the skin’s resistance at these points and found that each point had a standard measurement for all healthy people. He concluded increases from this normal reading meant there was tissue inflammation associated with that point. Decreases from the normal reading indicated there was fatigue or tissue degeneration associated with that point. This outstanding advancement in scientific technology is a modern form of biological-energetic science discovered by Dr. Voll known as Electro-Dermal Screening.
Dr. Voll made an interesting discovery when evaluating a fellow doctor who had a history of prostate problems. Dr. Voll measured the doctor’s prostate point and found it lower than the expected normal reading. Later that day, he measured the point again and found it to be in the normal range. At the second evaluation, the doctor had a natural remedy (homeopathic Echinacea) in his pocket. Dr. Reinhard Voll discovered abnormal readings could be corrected when a supplement was held by the person he was measuring. This allowed Dr. Voll not only to find what organs were energetically unhealthy, but also what natural supplement would correct the imbalance, e.g. homeopathic, botanical, nutritional, etc.
Why should I get an Electro-Dermal Screening?
Modern living exposes the body to a wide array of potential toxins in the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat. Although the body is designed to rid itself of any harmful elements, it cannot always do so with complete efficiency and toxins accumulate. Over time, toxins may also build up in concentrations that are high enough to negatively impact health. Even the most careful and health-conscious among us are subjected to the rising level of environmental toxicity. Americans are experiencing a greater toxic burden than ever seen before, and it is nearly impossible for our natural body systems to handle this incoming flow.
Electro-Dermal Screening (EDS). Which screens the root cause and addresses balancing physical and emotional aspects of health. Professional strength homeopathics, radionics, herbals, flower remedies, enzymes, essential oils, vitamins and minerals that are uniquely selected by your body during an EDS session are used. We all know. . .that each person is unique and to be able to customize healing protocols to the person will create outstanding results. The main objective of EDS is to eliminate imbalances in the body that is caused by modern living, lifestyle, diet and habits.