I Release and I Let GO

Bitterness is more than just a nasty taste in the mouth. Some psychologists think long-term resentment can become a psychological disorder . And studies suggest bitterness, and the feelings of anger and depression that accompany it and may be linked to health issues like cardiovascular problems and a weak immune system!!
Bitterness usually originates in a negative life change, like getting a divorce or losing a  job The psychopathology of posttraumatic embitterment disorders. Linden, M., Baumann,  K., Rotter, M.,  Research Group Psychosomatic Rehabilitation,  Charité,  University Medicine and the Department of Behavioral and Psychosomatic Medicine, BfA Rehabilitation Center Seehof, Teltow, Berlin, Germany. Psychopathology. 2007;40(3):159-65. Epub 2007 Feb 2..

Psychologists think bitterness combines emotions like resentment and hostility (roommate left the dirty dishes out again?) and blaming other people for problems.
And while a bad mood may disappear after a cup of coffee, some research suggests prolonged bitterness can turn into an adjustment disorder called post — traumatic embitterment disorder (PTED).

PTED is not yet a recognized medical disorder, but studies suggest the condition involves feelings of embitterment and injustice as well as invasive memories of significant events . Most people who suffer from embitterment disorders also experience anxiety, depression, and rage.

However, chronic bitterness goes beyond acting like a grump. Research suggests constant bitterness can actually have negative effects on our physical health. Bitterness may predict adverse changes in metabolism, immune system function, and organ function. And while forgiveness is usually the better option, scowling is sometimes beneficial for our health and happiness.

Jack Kungel states: the mind is a powerful thing. . . .it is larger than the universe…. if you get lost in you mind no one can help you find your way back…only you can…your mind can kill you with your own thought…so be careful what you think…because what you think is exactly what happens…

Forgive and Forget — Your Action Plan
Chronic bitterness may take its toll on the body, but in the short term, bitterness may actually boost self-esteem by allowing us to blame others for our problems. Better say someone else caused that scratch on the car— studies suggest pointing fingers at others makes us feel good temporarily because we can protect our own self-image.

But, in the long term, moving on may be a better alternative to bitterness. People can reduce stress by letting go of unattainable goals, which may actually decrease levels of    the stress hormone cortisol. Getting rid of grudges may also reduce anxiety and lower blood pressure; in some people, forgiveness may even improve cardiovascular health.

And it might be time to forgive the boyfriend for forgetting the anniversary, and since moving on can result in healthier relationships. Other research suggests people who    show forgiveness aren’t the same ones putting away a bottle of wine on a weeknight,    since they tend to use alcohol and medication less often.

So take a lesson from Oprah: Let go of resentment and find positive ways to get revenge. At least if you’re going to get back by hacking into someone’s computer, and try not to get caught!

The Takeaway
Long-term bitterness can have serious health consequences, like hurting the immune system. But forgiveness can reduce stress, making us feel healthier and happier!

The Damaging Effects of Resentment
Resentment may feel involuntary – it may feel as if you have no choice but to feel resentful – however, the truth is it is a choice, and there is a way to let it go. Feeling resentful has a powerful effect on your physical, emotional and mental health. The effects of resentment are also detrimental to all other areas of your life. Feelings of resentment affect the choices and decisions you make, the actions you take, the way you communicate with others, and the results you achieve in business.

The Effects of Resentment on Your Physical Health
When you feel resentful, your body is in a stressed state – a state of emergency  known as “fight, freeze or flight”. While you are feeling resentment, stress hormones such as cortisol and adrenaline are coursing through your bloodstream. In fact, it is these chemicals that are causing the sensation of resentment.

In addition to the stress chemicals, the effects on your body include an increase in heart-rate,  blood being redirected from the organs to the limbs (for fighting or running away), and certain systems are minimized or shut down.

The digestive system, healing process and immune system are all negatively impacted when the state of fight or flight is prolonged. The body was designed for this emergency state to be short-lived – just long enough to ensure your survival in the event of a real physical threat to your life.

However, since the brain and body do not know the difference between reality and imagination, when you think of something that bothers you, your body will go into          the same state it would if you were being threatened by a predator.

Fighting or running away from a physical threat means the body is in that emergency state for a limited amount of time.  Living with resentment means your body is under that state of emergency long-term – and this causes significant damage.  Also the prolonged state of emergency can result in illness and disease;  a reduced ability to heal effectively;  and lack of energy and stamina. It means the immune system and digestive system are not working properly and that the organs are not receiving the amount of blood flow they need.

In addition to this, it affects the amount of nutrition the cells of the body are able to absorb. There are many other ways resentment impacts the body negatively, but these    are the main effects.

The Emotional Effects of Resentment
While you are feeling resentment, your body is flooded with matching stress chemicals. These will dilute endorphins and other feel-good chemicals. A person. . . .who is feeling resentment will generally find it more difficult  to enjoy themselves and appreciate the things that others appreciate. They will find it more difficult to feel love, gratitude and kindness since the stress hormones are literally flooding their system. This means that emotional reactions and communication with others are all negatively affected by the  state of resentment.

The Mental Effects of Resentment
The “fight or flight” emergency state that accompanies feelings of resentment causes the prefrontal cortex of the brain to shut down. This means cognitive thinking is impacted, and the person is unable to think clearly. Since cognitive thinking is not needed in order to fight or run away from a threat the body is designed to minimize activity in the prefrontal cortex while it is in this emergency state. This affects problem solving, the ability to see opportunities, the ability to understand intellectually, and so much more.

The Solution
While resentment is an overwhelming emotion,  there is a way to free yourself from it quickly and permanently. But you do need to make the decision and choose to do what it takes. The FasterEFT technique is the quickest, most effective way to get rid of resentment since it works by changing the original cause – the subconscious record that is resulting in the automatic response of resentment. AVOID THOSE WHO CONSTANTLY COMPLAIN!!
Source: https://fastereft.com/blog/the-damaging-effects-of-resentment/


If you seek to be more in sync with your inner sense and are ready to explore spirituality pay heed to these instructions.

1. Be prepared to never stop learning.
When you are discovering your Spirituality, the biggest mistake you can possibly make is to think that you know enough. Learning is a continuous process and none of us is perfect. We should always remain open to new ideas and ready to discard old ones which no longer serve any purpose.
2. Don’t think that you are competing with someone.
Everyone is here by their own choice, and everyone’s pace is different. Don’t compare your journey with someone else and don’t despair if you haven’t reached the milestones others have.
3. Do not try to resist what you are learning.
Don’t think the process will be very smooth. Do not suppress or ignore any emotions you feel. For your evolution you need to introspect and come to terms with all your feelings
4. Don’t be afraid of change.
Don’t think that if you change you will become a different person. Stop thinking of change as something bad. Everyone changes and evolves and when you are on a quest to expand your consciousness then change is inevitable.
5. Look for people who vibe with you.
On your quest to know yourself better and to raise your consciousness to a higher level, you will meet many others who are on the same journey as you. Welcome these kindred spirits as part of your own family. Be each other’s teachers and learners. Treasure this support system, you’ll need them.

Vibes: the energy your immediate surroundings give off. A concept people toss around,  but don’t truly understand. Whether or not you will click with someone else is completely dependent upon the vibes you both are eliciting.  When you try and connect with another person and he or she is not on the same wavelength as you. . . .you will find that the vibes   you both are giving off are opposite in nature. The conversation will not flow naturally; it will be as if you are pulling teeth — it’s forced. https://www.elitedaily.com/life/life-vibes

Do we fight or do we surrender to what is? I’m going with surrendering, because fighting the inevitable and gets me no where…so with all the passion I contain, I’m free falling onto my path, landing peacefully. I can feel it so deeply sound in my heart and gut and that feels pretty damn good. ~Elizabeth April

DNA Upgrade: Abundance & Manifestation

Thoughts. They have the power to heal and the power to destroy.
How many hours have I wasted dwelling on things I have no control over! The future, current circumstances, unrealized dreams, unfulfilled promises…can you relate?
God plainly says it:
“Don’t worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need,    and thank him for all he has done.” (Philippians 4:6)
We accept it, and even do it.

Oh God, please make this happen. Pleaaase. Help me out here. Please fulfill this.        Please give me a sign. Amen    http://proverbs31gal.com/prayingdifferently/
Unresolved anger, an unforgiving … joy, and peace from the Holy Spirit. Study the following 7 Bible verses to help overcome bitterness: John 16:33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. … encourage, and energize And don’t sin by letting anger control you. Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry, for anger gives a foothold to the devil. -Ephesians 4:26-27. So you’re angry. Don’t let the sun go down while you are still angry.  Find a way to work out the anger,  pray through the    anger, move past the anger before you give the devil an in-road to your psyche.

How to Stop Regretting Your Decisions. Regret is something we all experience from      time to time. While regret has some benefits to your personal growth and development, ruminating too long on the past can have negative impacts on your. Only remorse leads    to a real apology and change. It creates a sense of guilt and sorrow for hurting someone else, and leads to confession and true apology. It  moves the remorseful person to avoid doing the hurtful action again. Regret leads a person to avoid punishment in the future, while remorse leads to avoiding hurtful actions towards others in the future. God gives    us His Word to help us…to set us free and to help remove the guilt and regret that can weigh us down.. “…

Identify your feelings of regret. These may be different from person to person, but feelings of regret include: sadness, loss, remorse, anger, shame, and anxiety. Identify these feelings related to regret.

Director Kelly Noonan’s documentary takes us on a scientific and spiritual journey where we discover that our thoughts, beliefs, and emotions have a huge impact on our health and ability to heal. The latest science reveals that we are not victims of unchangeable genes, nor should we buy into a scary prognosis. The fact is we have more control over our health and life than we have been taught to believe. This film will empower you with a new understanding of the miraculous nature of the human body and the extraordinary healer within us all.
HEAL not only taps into the brilliant mind’s of leading scientists and spiritual teachers, but follows three people on actual high stakes healing journeys. Healing can be extremely complex and deeply personal, but it can also happen spontaneously in a moment.                  Through these inspiring and emotional stories we find out what works, what doesn’t, and why. It’s amazing how emotions can affect our body organs and your overall happiness. Feat. Dr. Deepak Chopra, Anita Moorjani, Marianne Williamson, Dr. Michael Beckwith… A documentary film that takes us on a scientific and spiritual journey where  we discover that by changing one’s perceptions, the human body can heal itself from any dis-ease. ..

I was not expecting the enthusiasm of Rev. Michael Gott and I DID feel HIS Spirit!!! AWESOME  LOVE!! Overcomes Fear

Chris Tomlin-Indescribable (You are amazing God.)

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