My Number #1 Cancer Question

Over the last 4 years in my Facebook Group the number #1 Question is: How do you    make Cannabis OIL,  which solvent is the best to use  and best strains of weed for the various types of cancer?  https://www.marijuanadoctors.comTreatable Conditions.

Image may contain: sky, cloud, outdoor and naturePeople around the world. . . . are becoming increasingly aware of natural remedies and alternative medicine.  Why We Grow · Mykal Rose · Mendo Dope


Cannabis by Elizabeth Ella 🙂

However, this does not change the attitude of Big Pharma to enforce their drugs on a open-mouthed public despite their numerous and well documented, harsh side-effects.

The almighty health benefits of cannabis are becoming increasingly accepted in mainstream society and are being bolstered by numerous recent studies.

The Foria Relief Company has even invented a vaginal suppository, based on aromatic cocoa butter, which is a perfect substitution for Vicodin, Midol, and Ibuprofen.

It effectively treats menstrual cramps by relaxing the muscles. Additionally, it does          not lead to psychotropic property.

It is produced from pesticide and additive-free cannabis. Therefore, their active ingredients are used in a process without microbials and are combined with exact       doses; 60 mg of tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and 10 mg of cannabidiol (CBD).

The pain is blocked by the THC, which inhabits the pleasure areas to the brains cannabinoid system. CBD relaxes the muscles, treats the spasms, and has a favorable  effect on inflammatory mechanisms within the body.

According to a woman who tried the vaginal suppository, it relaxed her clenched and cramped muscles and soothed the pain in her midriff. She explained that she felt the     area below the waist to the thighs “as if floating in some other galaxy”.

Yet, this amazing remedy is only sold in California and is still not approved by the FDA. However, if you decide to use it, make sure you consult your doctor beforehand, even though there have been no complaints from people who have tried it.

This Man’s Cannabis Oil Recipe Has Healed Thousands of People of Their Cancerous Tumors Within 90 Days of Use!!!

Note: It establishes with Rick Simpson’s instructions followed to the letter, it persist that naphtha in the extract at unsafe levels for human consumption. Cannabis extraction  is a complex issue with no easy answers,  except to make safety…the highest priority.

 At Extractohol, we prefer to use the term Full Extraction Cannabis Oil (FECO),            or just  (Cannabis Oil). Rick Simpson advocates the use of toxic solvents such           as Naphtha & denatured alcohol (toxins have been added to prevent consumption)          like isopropyl alcohol.

Please Note:   Doctors gave Corrie Yelland  only  2 to 4 months  to  live six years ago     after being diagnosed with anal canal cancer. Ian and Corrie talk about her diagnosis, her healing and the day she was cleared of cancer. She also talks about her work helping others learn about and use cannabis oil to either save a life or greatly improve the quality of life remaining for late stage terminal cancer patients. At the 12:00 minute mark Corrie Yelland states Rick Simpson does not sell oil and if you get a friend request from him on Facebook wanting to sell you oil …its a scam!

Preview  Episode 180: 6 Years ago Corrie Yelland Was

Diagnosed With Cancer And Given A Death Sentence

Cannabis is a naturally growing herb that has been used for thousands of years to treat health conditions. The term cannabis is used to describe a product of the of the cannabis Sativa plant that is bred for its potent, sticky glands that are known as trichomes. These trichomes contain high amounts of tetrahydrocannabinol(THC), which is the cannabinoid most known for its psychoactive properties.

Hemp oil is obtained by pressing benefit-rich hemp seeds, is slightly different than cannabis oil, although they both come from the same genus, cannabis, and the same species, cannabis Sativa. The term hemp is used to describe a cannabis Sativa plant that contains only trace amounts of THC. Hemp is a high-growing plant that is commonly grown for industrial uses, such as oils and topical ointments, as well as fiber for clothes, construction, paper and more.

There is a lot of controversy surrounding cannabis oil, but the therapeutic value of cannabinoids is too high to put aside. It does amazing things for numerous diseases such as anorexia, emesis, pain, inflammation, multiple sclerosis, neurodegenerative disorders, epilepsy, glaucoma, osteoporosis, schizophrenia, cardiovascular disorders, cancer, obesity and metabolic syndrome-related disorders are being treated or have the potential to be treated by cannabis oil and other cannabinoid compounds.

Rick Simpson, a pioneer in the medical cannabis field has mastered the art of cannabis oil production and released his technique to the world for free. Start with one ounce of dried herb; one ounce will typically produce 3-4 grams of oil although the amount of oil will vary strain to strain. A pound of dried material will yield about two ounces of high-quality oil.

Caution! These instructions are summarized from Rick Simpson’s website.

Be very careful when boiling solvent off, the fumes are EXTREMELY flammable, AVOID smoking, sparks, stove tops, and red-hot heating elements. Set up a fan to blow fumes away from the pot, and set up in                 a well-ventilated area for the whole process.


  • Place the completely dry material in a plastic bucket.
  • Dampen the material with the solvent you are using. Many solvents can be used.       You can use naphtha, ether, butane, or 99% isopropyl alcohol. Two gallons of solvent   is required to extract the THC from one pound,  and 500ml is enough for one ounce.
  • Crush the plant material using a clean, untreated wood or any other similar device. Although the material will be damp, it will still be relevantly easy to crush up because  it is so dry.
  • Continue to crush the material with the stick, while adding solvent until the plant material is completely covered and soaked. Remain stirring the mixture for about  three minutes. As you do this, the THC is dissolved off the material into the solvent.
  • Pour the solvent-oil mixture off the plant material into another bucket. At this point, you have stripped the material of about 80% of its THC.
  • Second wash: again add solvent to the mixture and work for another three minutes     to extract the remaining THC.
  • Pour this solvent-oil mix into the bucket containing the first mix that was previously poured out.
  • Discard the twice washed plant material.
  • Pout the solvent-oil mixture through a coffee filter into a clean container.
  • Boil the solvent off: a rice cooker will boil the solvent off nicely, and will hold over         a half gallon of solvent mixture. CAUTION: avoid stove-tops, red-hot elements,    sparks, cigarettes and open flames as the fumes are VERY flammable.
  • Add the solvent to a rice cooker until it is about ¾ full and turn on HIGH heat. Make sure you are in a well-ventilated area and set up a fan to carry the solvent fumes away. Continue to add mixture to cooker as the solvent evaporates until you have added it all to the cooker.
  • As the level in the rice cooker decreases for the last time, add a few drops of water.  This will help to release the solvent residue, and protect the oil from too much heat.
  • When there is one inch of solvent-water mixture in the rice cooker, put on your oven mitts and pick the unit up and swirl the contents until the solvent has finished boiling off.
  • Keep your oven mitts on and remove the pot containing the oil from the rice cooker. Gently pour the oil into stainless steel container.
  • Place the stainless steel container in a dehydrator, or put it on a gentle heating device such as a coffee warmer. It may take a few hours but the water and volatile terpenes will be evaporated from the oil. When there is no longer any surface activity on the oil, it is ready for use.
  • Suck the oil up in a plastic syringe, or in any other container you see fit. A syringe     will make the oil easy to dispense. When the oil cools completely it will have the consistency of thick grease.

For dosage information, you can check out more on Rick’s website.

1 in 2 people are expected to develop cancer in their lifetime, this information could be potentially lifesaving. Please share this article to spread the important information around.

Welcome back for another how-to video here at Total Herbal Care ! We are a medicinal cultivation company with 17 years of combined industry experience among 4 states! We are aiming to spread our knowledge to anyone wanting to grow quality cannabis at home! Help us become the main resource for patients and cultivators world wide (local legalities permitting)!
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