The Cancer Whisperer

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This is Sophie Sabbage’s Story!!!!

On 13th October 2014 I was diagnosed with Stage 4 ‘terminal’ cancer – multiple tumours in my lungs, lymph nodes, bones and brain. I was 48 years old.

Eight years previously I married John, the love of my life, and our daughter, who I waited many years to have and conceived against considerable odds, was nearly five years old when we received this news. To be faced with leaving her at such a young age is a source of unimaginable grief and longing. I’ve been told I’m going to die, but I want to live, to raise her, to stay here. I want more time.

Within days of diagnosis the survival plan began, the grasping at a future I wasn’t ready to relinquish and the instinctive need to keep it quiet for as long as possible. To hold it close.

There is no more direct an encounter with your vulnerability than being told your time is up – and even then we tend to talk about the disease, but not our experience of having the disease (let alone of facing death).

My doctors ask me how my body feels, but not what my heart feels. Stoic silence hangs  like a fog ….over the waiting room…. at my local oncology centre where a diverse group of people sit with the same disease, the same fears and dreams and pangs of sorrow, keeping themselves to themselves. Not connecting. Not talking. Not encouraging one another.    Not wailing in unison for the fading light.

This is the culture I live in: don’t talk about it, except in private; keep the pain and fear in. I have worked in the field of personal development for over twenty years and know what not talking about it costs. That which is unnamed and unacknowledged within us festers into dis-ease – mental, spiritual, emotional and, yes, physical. Keeping the pain and fear  in also keeps the joy and wonder out. Silence it for long enough and it can consume you.

So, three months after my diagnosis, I am starting this blog. I have been cautioned by some who care about me not to place this most private, personal journey in this most public, impersonal domain.

But here’s the thing. Vulnerability is the gateway to healing and the cornerstone of wellness. It’s the most accurate indicator of my humanity, authenticity and ability to      love and be loved. It’s how I know I’m really here. To refuse vulnerability when my           life is on the line would be to refuse my best chance at feeling fully alive in whatever       time I have left.

We need to talk about cancer. We need to talk about suffering. We need to talk about      our deep down fear of dying, chiseled by a culture that celebrates all things young and shiny and perfectly formed. We need to grieve the thousand losses, big and small, that we’ve collected since childhood and silenced for safekeeping. We need to become emotionally and spiritually well.

I am under no illusions about the gravity of my situation, but I am not willing to accept  the limited options available in the UK or the cautious mindset and legal system that prevent doctors being able to experiment and innovate with terminally ill patients.

So I am doing all I can to integrate the best of orthodox and complementary treatments   to maximum effect.

In a very short space of time I have felt the life force leaving my body at a terrifying       pace and return with surprising force.  Strangely,  as I write this,  I have never felt more alive. I am harvesting wellness from ‘terminal’ illness – wellness of mind, heart, spirit and, for now at least, of body.  I am discovering  it is possible  to be well even  when you feel ill and to live boldly even when – perhaps especially when – you’re told you’re going to die.

One way or another this story will have a juicy ending and I hope telling it will make a difference to others. Meantime my task is to inhabit the rarefied space between my fierce will to live and necessary willingness to die,  the place where I am determined however not expectant, at cause but not in control.  And in the midst of all this uncertainty  I have been certain about one thing from the beginning – that I have cancer, but cancer does not have me.

Mostly I want to greet this challenge as I have tried to greet all those that came before – with fire in my eyes, faith in my pocket and my heart emblazoned on my sleeve.

Experiencing a loss of health so severe that it impairs your ability to work, be a Mom         or even function in society is completely devastating. We know that despair first hand       &  it has radically changed our lives, both personally and professionally. Unfortunately, although most practitioners are well meaning, they do not have the knowledge and training necessary to help patients truly heal an autoimmune diagnosis. It’s especially heartbreaking when children suffer and are similarly given medication as a solution and told there is no real path to healing.
 As Moms ourselves, we understand that the health of our children is vital to our own.        Our mission is to empower and educate women to learn to trust in their bodies, connect with their spirit and reclaim the joy and freedom that is given to each and every one of us. We’ve both been where you are and have no doubt in your ability to completely heal and regain control of your life. We look forward to being here for you every step of the way.

Welcome! We are two gals who’ve taken our lives back from the prison of chronic illness. Not too long ago, we were told by the medical community that we’d have to         take medication for life while constantly managing an autoimmune diagnosis.

We have successfully defied that prognosis and are both living happy, full; disease free lives with a passion to help others do the same. We believe that God created an amazing    & miraculous body that when given what it needs, knows exactly how to heal itself. After spending thousands of dollars on testing, doctors and protocols, bwe finally healed using the information from Anthony William,” Medical Medium.” You can read more of our story and learn about our coaching services at

This group was created to be a community of support, resources and a place to keep each other motivated and inspired while healing using the specific recommendations provided by Anthony/Spirit.

In order to keep this group focused and on the right path, we ask that you please read     the book  “Medical Medium”,  before posting or commenting with recommendations,  please refrain  from giving advice  not supported by the book.  Feel free to ask questions, post about protocol friendly foods and meal ideas and most of all, encourage each other! We are group focused on positivity, hope and true healing. We’re so glad you’ve found us <3

Fear also serves to block the action of love, which is Flow from higher densities/realms.
It the primary way the negatives use to discourage people coming together to form community. The opposite of Love is not hate, it is fear; an Emotion that results in IMbalance. If humans should be considered as atoms in the fractal structure of the universe, we can say that humanity is unstable collectively.
Why? Because the ones of the fear are afraid to lose their position and they keep a double agenda to screw themselves to the chair as long as possible, meanwhile they do something to cover the appearances for the divine.
 The situation on this planet is hilarious and dramatic at the same time, it’s the manifestation of the dichotomy of duality in full expression.
It’s like a truck driver pretending to pilot an airplane, ignoring the training in the flight simulator. It’s difficult for the ego mind controlling the world to become spiritually conscious, depending of the divine presence to learn spirituality. Apparently the communication between divine and human is still a handicap for humanity, especially if the apprentice side, still dwells in the comfort zone of the cognitive dissonance.

How To Let Cancer Heal Your Life

Sophie Sabbage The Cancer Whisperer- How To Let Cancer Heal Your Life
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