A Cancer Battle Plan:
Ann Fonfa: Natural Breast Cancer Survivor Since ’93
Please tell us your name, what type of cancer you had, and when you were diagnosed: Ann E. Fonfa, Jan 1993 breast cancer, age 44
Describe your experience with conventional doctors and treatments:
Was suffering from multiple chemical sensitivity and ill often from exposures – usually had to stay in bed for days at a time.
Had an amazingly (I thought) unsympathetic oncologist who suggested chemo and told me it didn’t matter when I explained my problems with reactions to smells, and chemicals.
I walked out and did not return. Refused radiation, then hormonal treatment. But I consented to lots of small surgeries as I had five years of local recurrence (even after mastectomy).
What alternative therapies did you do and which ones helped you the most?
Started with metabolic enzyme therapy, changed eating to all organic, no meat, chicken or turkey. Occasional fish, no dairy but yogurt rarely.
Tried 714X (Nessons), had applied kinesiology, acupuncture, many supplements. Went to Gerson Therapy clinic in Mexico.
Never developed metastatic disease even after 5 years of tumors on the left side.
Used Maitake Mushroom D-Fraction Extract and high-dose vit A which both also reduced tumors. Eventually began taking (April 1999 – August 2001) Chinese herbs from Dr. George Wong. Never got another tumor, chemical sensitivity symptom changed immediately, and intensity reduced by (my estimate) 60%.
What books, products, and supplements do you recommend?
I founded the Annie Appleseed Project, online since 1999. We’ve linked to thousands of useful pages, posted information for everyone regardless of what they are doing – complementary and alternative therapies.
What are the Right Treatment Options!!!
Treatment options are truly unique to each patient’s case. Most diseases are the result of a long process of living in an unhealthy (unbalanced) state. While the resulting disease will be in a single category, such as cancer, the process that caused that disease to develop is unique to each person. Biological Medicine focuses on interrupting the disease process and restoring the body’s ability to heal itself. Our treatment options are unique to each patient’s case.
A ‘one size fits all’ treatment does not work any better than a ‘one drug cures all’ treatment.
Biological Medicine & Treatment Options
Our diagnosis does not focus solely on the disease; we study the internal biological process that is unique to each person. Biological Medicine doesn’t treat cancer (or any chronic disease), it treats the unhealthy state that has allowed the cancer to survive in the body. The American Center for Biological Medicine uses many different forms of treatment.
Every day most patients receive a standard protocol of Biological Medicine treatments as well as treatments specific to their condition.
The following is a list of the Treatment Options available to our patients:
Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is a non-invasive breast cancer (stage 0). … With DCIS, the abnormal cells have not left the milk ducts to invade nearby breast tissue’
If you have DCIS, experts such as Dr Samuel Epstein, a world authority on cancer, favour the watch-and-wait approach, then frequent monitoring; only consider treatment if it turns into true cancer. If it does, many alternative treatments are highly successful. The following are recommended by the US charity People Against Cancer (www.peopleagainstcancer.com):
A strict wholefood, unprocessed diet * Exclude sugary and fatty foods, dairy products and wheat
* Include an intensive nutritional-supplement programme: high-dose vitamin C, beta-carotene, vitamin B-complex, selenium, zinc, coenzyme Q10, fish oils and vitamin B17 (apricot kernels).
An intensive detoxification programme * Eliminate mercury from amalgam fillings and from anywhere else in the body. Most cancer patients have high levels of this heavy metal
* Coffee enemas, which will stimulate the liver to excrete toxins.
Gentler anticancer therapies * Short-term high-dose hormone blockers. Dr Axel Weber, in Bavaria, gives the hormone-blocker busarelin at 20-40 times the usual dosage for no longer than 12 weeks. This is one of the more promising regimes, says People Against Cancer
* Intravenous hydrogen peroxide
* High-dose vitamin C treatment offers at least a 16-fold increase in life expectancy (J Ortho Med, 1990; 5: 143-4)
* Heat therapy (hyperthermia) applies heat to the breast-cancer tumour using highly focused radiowaves, raising the tumour temperature to about 44 degrees C. This kills cancerous cells, but not healthy ones
* Infusions of laetrile (the anticancer compound derived from apricot kernels) and/or melatonin (an antioestrogen)
* Ozone therapy enriches the patient’s blood with ozone to ‘activate’ the red and white cells, stimulating the immune system to cure itself
* THX/Thymex-L, a thymus extract believed to boost the immune system
* Low-dose interleukin-2, an immune booster, with or without antihormone therapy
* Immune augmentation therapy, in which anticancer ‘immune complexes’, harvested from the blood of healthy donors, are infused into the cancer patient.
* Modern medicine knows the potency of Herbs. The new chemo called Yondelis. Delivered once every 21 days and you go home with the machine and it pumped the chemo in you for 24 hours straight. It’s supposed to be the latest and greatest
new up-and-coming thing out there for sarcomas is made from sea cucumbers.
Herbs That Can Fight Breast Cancer,
Says Dartmouth Speaker…
(U-WIRE) HANOVER, N.H. — Each year, approximately 192,000 women are diagnosed with breast cancer, and 40,000 die from the disease. Conventional treatments aren’t helping. Is there a way to decrease this number?
Dr. George Wong, the Director of Preventive Oncology Research for the Strang Cancer Prevention Center, says there is. He uses herbal remedies in the fight against breast cancer.
Wong immigrated from Hong Kong to the United States when he was 19. He earned his undergraduate degree from Rice University in 1969 and his doctorate from Harvard Medical School in 1978.
Since 1982, Wong, a full professor at the Cornell Medical School, has put lecturing on hold and has devoted his time to breast cancer research at Strang, a non-profit organization affiliated with the Cornell Medical Center
Wong’s cancer prevention program uses Chinese herbs of a “nutritious nature” to strengthen the defense system, improve appetite and soothe nausea, among other things.
Those herbs include ginseng, estragulas, rashi mushrooms and dong guai, among many others.
Due to U.S. law and potential liability, Wong does not use herbs as the primary form of treatment. Rather, he works with oncologists and administers the herbs to patients who are also undergoing chemotherapy and radiation. Located in the same place as the Cornell Medical Center, Wong’s remedies are integrated with those of conventional medicine.
Patients who go to Wong are thus patients elsewhere and have to pay extra for the Strang program. In comparison with chemotherapy and radiation fees, however, the base rate of $100 per month is nominal.
Those who see Wong are usually referrals, although not from his co-workers in the Cornell Medical Center. His colleagues, says Wong, are largely ignorant of the benefits of herbal remedies and are fearful that the treatments would be ineffective and they would be held responsible.
The majority of the referrals come from workers at SHARE, a breast cancer support group located in the tri-state area. Due to the same fear of liability, insurance companies do not cover Wong’s program. As a result, Strang loses money. To Wong, this financial loss is secondary to cancer prevention and the establishment of his program. “I’d rather sacrifice profit for a program I can build up,” he said.
Wong notes that due to the recent hype over herbs such as gingko biloba, there is “more awareness as compared with two years ago.” Yet patients are still cautious.
Wong has no off-hand statistics regarding the effectiveness of herbal remedies, in part because U.S. law does not allow the treatment of breast cancer through herbs alone. The majority of scientific studies on herbal treatment are published outside of this country. Wong points to the endurance of herbal remedies for 5,000 years in China as verification of their value. He notes also that instances of breast cancer were much higher in Japanese women in Hawaii versus those in Japan.
Wong discussed primary (pre-diagnosis) and secondary (post-treatment) prevention as well. He likened conventional Western cancer monitoring to roulette, saying that a patient goes to a doctor any number of times and is told that she doesn’t have cancer, but then one time, “you have it.”
In the way of primary prevention, Wong thus recommends herbs, noting that breast cancer prevention is “not only a physical prevention but a mental one as well.”
He cautions, though, that “when it comes to herbs, you have to be careful, because an herb might not be appropriate for a particular individual,” due to varying energy levels and different forms of stress.
From Healthy.net
Here’s what’s needed to survive cancer
To survive cancer, Jeannine said you need passion and purpose: “At the age of 24, as I faced my own mortality, I realized that it’s a gift to look at death as a way to awaken to life. I thought, ‘What do I want to do with my time? Why am I here? What’s most important to me?’ I realized I could make some changes and really awaken to life more fully. That’s how I try to live.”
Another panelist, Jonny Imerman, survived testicular cancer. He noticed that many cancer patients — adults and children — are without hope. Many of them receive few or no visits from friends or family. Because he has an encouraging story of survival, he started visiting these patients to talk to them, cheer them up, and encourage them. His enthusiasm for this ministry attracted other cancer survivors to join him.
His group is called “Imerman’s Angels.” Jonny tries to match his angels to patients who have the same kind of cancer. The best person to encourage a brain cancer patient, for example, is a brain cancer survivor.
The last panelist was Nancy Henry, who has had breast cancer for 10 years. At the age of 52 she had two mastectomies, but the surgery didn’t get rid of the lung lesions. She has lived for the last seven years with stage four cancer, metastasized to the lungs. And she appears to be in good health!
In other words, Nancy is in the state known as “stable disease.” Her immune system and her cancer are in a Mexican standoff, with neither gaining the upper hand. People can live for years in a similar state of stable disease, and it can be considered a victory over cancer as long as cancer doesn’t get the upper hand.
Nancy uses Dr. Wong’s Chinese herbs and has also been helped by an anthroposophical doctor who gives her mistletoe extract, which she injects herself. The top cancer doctors in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland are influenced by anthroposophical medicine. For a description of the most reputable clinics, including contact information, see my Special Report German Cancer Breakthrough.
Nancy also uses Rife technology, and practically swears by the Model A Rife machine by JW Labs, which she calls the “real deal.” According to the theory, when Rife technology is attuned to the frequency of a pathogen, such as a cancer cell, it can “vibrate” the pathogen to death in the same way that an opera singer can shatter glass by matching its frequency. Each type of microbe — each strain of virus or bacteria — has its own Rife frequency that will vibrate it to death.
There are number of competing Rife machines, as the original invention from the 1930s was reportedly destroyed after the inventor, Royal Rife, was subjected to fierce persecution by the government and the American Medical Association. Strange as the theory sound, many experienced cancer survivors and crusaders swear by it.
Nancy explained to the audience that she “dialogues” with her tumors. She has learned to love them while not approving of their behavior. And she tells her tumors the stark truth: “If I go, you go too!”
Stay tuned for Part II of this report, coming in the next issue: “Here’s what you do for the ‘ugly cancers’.”
And meanwhile, more news about the safety of our drinking water: The most dangerous chemical often found in water is NOT what you think. If you missed this story last Wednesday, scroll down and read it now. . . http://www.cancerdefeated.com/newsletters/What-is-chemo-brain-and-how-to-avoid-it.html
The Globalization of Traditional Chinese Medicine and its Integration with Conventional Medical Treatments
Posted by DUJS / In News / May 8, 2012
This past Thursday, Dr. George Y. C. Wong gave the keynote address on the globalization of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), a colloquium sponsored by the department of Asian & Middle Eastern Languages & Literatures. Wong is a fourth generation TCM practitioner and senior research scientist at the Beth Israel Medical Center in New York City who specializes in cancer. He presented the history of TCM, a medical practice that has persisted for four thousand to five thousand years.
In explaining the underlying theories of TCM, Wong emphasized the connection between the mind and the body and the importance of categorizing symptoms through narratives. Wong stated that TCM differentiated between external and internal causes of disease. The six external causes were wind, cold, heat, damp, dryness, and summer heat. He also said that there are two internal causes, which can be divided between emotional and endogenous disorders. He listed the seven categories of emotional imbalances as unrestrained happiness, anger, anxiety, pensiveness, grief, fear and fright.
Also the endogenous causes were improper diet, excessive physical challenge, and injuries.
In contrast to Western Medicine, Wong said, TCM provides a more individualized method of diagnosis. The four methods of diagnosis include taking the medical data, smell and sound, visual inspection, especially an in depth inspection of the tongue, and pulse diagnosis of the patient. He went on to explain the pulse uniquely identifies the individual and pulse recognition takes years to master. The TCM belief is that energy flows in channels throughout the body, and there are three positions on each arm that correspond to the major organ systems: heart, liver, digestive system, lung, kidney, focused on the adrenal gland, and the vital gate, through which flows vital energy. Wong said that there are twenty-seven patterns reflecting either inherent or abnormal energies, in which multiple patterns overlap.
He ascribed TCM with having a very complex and logical system of diagnosis. The TCM practitioner identifies the person’s diagnostic type according to the eight principles of diagnosis: problems with interior or exterior and yin and yang, problems within the nature of hot or cold, and problems with weak or strong constitution. Then, the practitioner would assign herbs according to the five tastes and five colors: sour and cyan for the liver, bitter and red for the heart, sweet and yellow for the digestive system, spicy and white for the lung, and salty and black for the kidney. Wong said the characteristic of the herbs have an affinity for the body parts, texture and cooling and warming abilities. The types of TCM therapy include acupuncture, massage therapy, herbal medicine and nutrition therapy, he said.
Wong went on to describe the negative aspects of Chinese medicine, saying that that the success and practice of TCM are hard to assess by scientific means, that diagnosis and treatment are subjective and lastly that it is hard to obtain good quality herbs since the herbs are indigenous to certain areas. He also stated that TCM is more effective in the treatment and prevention of chronic illnesses since the process of improvement is very slow and steady.
In his own research in breast cancer at the Strang Cancer Prevention Center, which closed in 2008, Wong studied the effects of natural breast cancer prevention with the levels of estrogen in the body. In estrogen-responsive breast cancer, the Western medical approach is to prescribe tamoxifen to pre-menopausal women and an aromatase inhibitor to menopausal women to inhibit the role of estrogen in the tumorous breast tissue. According to Wong, both these medications potentially have severe long-term side effects.
Also, in the body, endogenous estrogen estradiol (E2) is dangerous, while estrone (E1) and estriol (E3) are healthy. The main estrogen metabolites, 2-hydroxyestrone (2-OH1) is protective in the body, while 16alpha hydroxyestrone (16a-OH1) is damaging, and the ratio between the two is a biomarker for breast cancer risk. Using TCM methods as treatment, Wong’s research group found that lyceum barbarum, a goji berry, regulates 2-OH1/16alpha-OH1 and detoxifies E2 into E3 in his publication Nutrition and Cancer in 2009. He also found similar results with cornus officinalis in his Molecular Medicine Reports in 2012.
Wong explained that it is routine in China to integrate TCM into conventional cancer treatment. Researchers in San Anselmo, California published Integrative Cancer Therapies in 2011 showing that TCM in addition to supplements to conventional treatment significantly improved survival in a ten-year follow-up on 193 colon cancer patients at different stages. The same research term published that TCM cancer treatments and supplements for 235 stage-3 and stage-4 lung cancer patients significantly improved survival over a ten-year follow-up period.
Wong argued that the integration of TCM with Western Medicine would reduce medication requirements and minimize side effects. He stated that TCM is effective in treating cardiovascular disease, diabetes and its complications, viral Hepatitis B and C, lung diseases, digestive issues, autoimmune disorders, mental issues, and the health concerns specific to men and women. In his own work with cancer, Wong explained that TCM is not powerful enough to bring about a remission, but can slow down the progress by helping to regulate the body while aiding the patient in maintaining a reasonable performance status, especially with the reduction of side effects of chemotherapy and radiation.
As for the integration of TCM with Western Medicine, Wong advised that both TCM and Western Medicine practitioners be patient in explaining the nature of their respective medical treatments to each other, keep each other informed of the patient’s progress, and be cautious while keeping an open mind of alternative medical treatments.
*********** http://www.thehealthsite.com/diseases-conditions/beating-cancer-with-naturopathy-and-herbal-medicine/
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