Healing Lung Cancer Naturally with Dr. Carl O Helvie, RN, Dr. PH with Physical, Mental and Spiritual Aspects of the Body as well the Environmental, Relationship and Political Components of Health. http://www.chrisbeatcancer.com/carl-helvie-longest-living-lung-cancer-survivor/
Dr Carl O. Helvie is a Registered Nurse with a Masters Degree in Public Health Nursing from the University of California, a Masters Degree in Public Health and Wellness and a Doctorate in Public Health and Wellness both from Johns Hopkins University and continued Post Doctoral study in the Divinity School at Duke University.
Given just 6 months to live by conventional medicine when diagnosed—in 1975, Carl O. Helvie subsequently used all natural holistic interventions including laetrile, pancreatic enzymes, digestive aids, therapeutic doses of vitamins, minerals, and supplements and a vegan type diet.
Carl also used prayer, meditation, visualization, affirmations, service to others and additional mental and spiritual interventions. Following a modified lifestyle plan after overcoming cancer, I never had a recurrence and at age 84 I am free of chronic diseases for 41 years and prescribed medications.
“It’s been 38 years since I overcame cancer and I have never had a reoccurrence.”
Dr. Carl O Helvie has 60+ years experience as a nurse practitioner, educator, author and researcher, during which time, he has helped thousands of patients to improve their health. He has taught more than 4,000 graduate and undergraduate nursing students. Dr. Helvie retired from academia in 2000.
In this interview Dr. Carl Helvie shares his innate wisdom about healing and specifics about:
- how he healed from lung cancer
- the recommended cancer diet which he followed
- what supplements he took while actively healing
- the foods he eats now to maintain his health and prevent reoccurrence
- the importance of raw food
- what percentage of your diet as raw, is ideal for healing
- what supplement he believes was crucial in reducing his PSA from 12 to under four in just four months, helping him to avoid Prostate Cancer
- nutrients that help Laetrile to be more effective at killing cancer cells
- how many Apricot Pits he consumed every day when actively healing from lung cancer
“Wait a minute, I don’t make snap decisions, I go home, I pray about it, I make a rational decision and I may or I may not be back.”
“If I make that decision, then I am responsible for my life.”
“I looked at man, physical, mental, spiritual, I also looked at the environment, I looked at relationships and I looked at politics because all of these things influence health.”
“I think a lot of people really need more raw fruit and vegetables than they get.”
“It’s been 38 years since I overcome cancer and I have never had a reoccurrence.”
“It just seemed natural to use the natural approach, but most of my support system didn’t agree with me.”
“It was wonderful to have Ursula as a support system because she supported my decision, and everyone else, even though they didn’t intend to, they were putting doubt in my mind.”
“I think the patient should decide what they want for their treatment, not the doctor, not the family, not anyone else.”
“It’s empowering to a person to be able to make their own decision about what they want and also to have the support of people for that decision once it’s made.”
“I think we need to support people in their decision no matter, whether we agree with it or not.”
How Can A Person Heal?
Resources and Links
Books By Dr. Carl O Helvie
You Can Beat Lung Cancer Using Alternative Integrative Interventions
”This is one of the most comprehensive books available on alternative treatments for lung cancer. It explains the treatments used successfully by a health professional/cancer survivor of 38 years and by some of the leading medical and health practitioners currently in the field. It will be useful, not just for the lay reader, but also for therapists and others with a scientific background.” ~G. Edward Griffin, Author of World Without Cancer, The Politics of Cancer Therapy, and other books and films. Recipient of the Telly Award for Excellence in Television Production. President of American Media.
Healthy Holistic Aging: A Blueprint for Success
“What is exemplary about Healthy Holistic Aging is that the book not only provides an easy to follow blueprint for health and holistic aging, but the author is an exceptional role model for his program. Can you live a healthy and independent life to the age of 100? Can you enjoy positive relationships? Can you maintain a healthy environment? Carl Helvie says you can and at age 74, he’s a perfect example of the right things to do.
He has no chronic illnesses and is among the 11% of the age 65-and-overs who take no prescribed medications. As a professor emeritus and a doctor of public health, he knows whereof he speaks and cites overwhelming scientific evidence that good diet, exercise, adequate sleep, prayer, meditation, positive relationship with others and a clean and safe environment can ensure successful aging. I just hope all of us will listen”. ~Carolyn Chambers Clark, RN, EdD, Author, Living Well with Anxiety.
Advanced Practice Nursing In The Community
In this new text-reference, Carl Helvie explores the realm of community health care for advanced practice nurses who are currently working in community care and for anyone else who requires an understanding of the issues involved.
In Carl’s interview on his radio show “Holistic Health Show” with Klaus Pertl (partner of Lothar Hirneise, wrote Chemo Cures Cancer and the World is Flat.)
In Lothar’s book he details visit’s 100 cancer centers and based their cancer center on those experiences as well as 4 years with Dr Johanna Budwig.
He says most people do not understand how to use the Budwig Diet.
In this interview with Carl, Klaus talks about some of those experiences.

His Natural Cure on Conversations with Rich Television

Preview Can Lung Cancer be Beat? Carl O Helvie Says Yes!