Sandi Rog
Dear Mr. Biden:
This seems unreal. I can’t believe I have this opportunity to share my story. I hope and pray you’ll actually read it! I don’t know how much space I have in this window, so I’ll cut to the chase, and please forgive me if I sound cold and blunt. This is a story that is heavy on my heart because it nearly destroyed my family.
I’m a mother of four and got cancer from an MS drug (an autoimmune disease they’re curing in Mexico, by the way). My step-dad and I battled the same “rare” cancer (non-Hodgkin’s Lymphoma) at the very same time: he died, and I survived (imagine how awful this time was for my mother). When all the traditional treatments failed, I finally beat cancer with a vitamin. Vitamin B17 (a.k.a. Laetrile/Amygdalin) is a concentrated form of apricot kernels (that’s assuming the fruit didn’t come from Monsanto, but that’s another story about GMOs).
Please Note:
if you have a case of the suicidal munchies, 30 apricot kernels will be the starting point to get you looking down the tunnel towards the light. Thirty kernels probably won’t kill you, but you’ll be in a very bad state where you’ll most likely be vomiting and hyperventilate with abdominal pains as you slowly suffocate which will cause you a great deal of anxiety.

The fatal dose of hydrogen cyanide for an adult is about 50 mg. To get that from apple seeds you’d need to eat 60 g to 100 g of seeds in a fairly short time period (say, twelve hours). And you should crush them up first to ensure the hydrogen cyanide is absorbed – otherwise there’s a chance they’d pass through you mostly undigested. This is the common core math
How to kill yourself with apple seeds.
Apple seeds average around 0.6mg hydrogen cyanide (HCN) per gram of dry seed…. Since the lethal dose of HCN is estimated to be around 50mg, you will need around 85 grams of dry seeds. This is around half a cup… it requires a lot of apples.
1. Plants are variable; eat enough – at least 3 times the minimum dose; Cyanide is not a drug on which to skimp, since it can cause brain damage in sublethal doses.
2. The HCN must be liberated from the sugar it’s chemically attached to. This occurs when the moistened seed is crushed, releasing an enzyme, emulsin, which does the job. You need to crush and eat the seeds fairly quickly, both to avoid evapouration of cyanide from the crushed seeds and so as not to lose consciousness before ingesting a lethal dose. A blender or a coffee grinder would be a good way to break up the seeds.
3. Effects are fastest if the stomach is empty and gastric acidity high.
With minimally lethal doses, death may take up to an hour.
4. Some claim death by cyanide is painless and quick, Cyanide is commonly used by suicidal chemists but rarely by suicidal physicians.
I am CANCER FREE because of Vitamin B17
Learn about B17: http://www.worldwithoutcancer.
Genesis 1:29 Then God said, “Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you.”
I’ve been a cancer patient for two years. If you want to save your life, you need to take the reins into your own hands. Do the research! You can start by looking up the book WORLD WITHOUT CANCER by G. Edward Griffin on Amazon.
The first time I was on B17, my cancer went into remission. When I got off it because of the “cyanide scare” my cancer came back. After discovering that B17 is a concentrated form of apricot kernels, I have learned it can’t be dangerous if taken in the appropriate doses. So, I refused chemo (which is FAR MORE DANGEROUS than B17, by the way). After two months passed with no conventional treatments at all, I got back on the B17. WITHIN TEN WEEKS of taking 500 mg twice a day, the B17 wiped out FIVE tumors, and I am now CANCER FREE! A..anoynmous
Dr. Krebs MD [who discovered B17] says “yes”. Cancer cells all have the exact same characteristics. Cancer cells, no matter the type of cancer, are known as Trophoblasts. These cells contain an enzyme called Beta-glucosidase, also known as the unlocking enzyme. When Laetrile [B17] comes in contact with the enzyme beta-glucosidase, the Laetrile is broken down to form two molecules of glucose, one molecule of benzaldehyde and one molecule of hydrogen cyanide (HCN).
Within the body, the cancer cell-and only the cancer cell-contains that enzyme. The key word here is that the HCN must be FORMED. It is not floating around freely in the Laetrile and then released. It must be manufactured. The enzyme beta-glucosidase, and only that enzyme, is capable of manufacturing the HCN from Laetrile thereby affecting the cancer cell-and only the cancer cell. If there are no cancer cells in the body, there is no beta-glucosidase. If there is no beta-glucosidase, no HCN will be formed from the Laetrile (
B17 is NOT FDA approved!!! Therefore, you can’t buy it in the “land of the free.” Here’s where I get mine. It comes out of Mexico.
The regime that saved my life:
B17 (500mg 2 times a day)
Zinc Citrate (take 30mg with B17; this is the “driver” for the B17)
B15 (highest dose on the bottle; cancer can’t survive around oxygen)
Pancreatic Enzymes (these break down the protein in and around the cancer cell; these can also upset the stomach; if that happens, I wouldn’t take it)
Vit. C (helps the immune system get into the cancer cell when the protein is broken down)
Ginseng (B17 lowers the blood pressure, and because I have low blood pressure, this keeps my BP from dropping)
If you can’t take all of these, I’ve heard of folks who’ve only taken the B17 and Zinc Citrate.
You can learn more here:
I do not work for these people, I do not know them personally, nor am I selling any products. I just want you or your child to be HEALED. ~Sandi Rog