Patterns similar to the living condition were elicited by chemical and electrical probes within coronal and sagittal sections of human temporal lobe structures that had been maintained in ethanol-formalin-acetic acid. […] These results suggest that portions of the post-mortem human brain may retain latent capacities to respond with potential life-like and virtual properties.
The authors also noted that injecting the brains with ketamine and nicotine likewise restored similar levels of lifelike cognitive activity. Yeah, that’s pretty weird. But it gets weirder – much weirder. The researchers found with the addition of glutamate, one of the twenty amino acids that make up human proteins, brains preserved in the common biological preservative ethanol-formalin-acetic acid (EFA) began emitting photons:
By simply applying glutamate at concentrations typically encountered within living brain tissue, photons were emitted from human tissue that had been fixed in EFA for decades. […] This flux density is the same order of magnitude that was measured from the right hemispheres (at the level of the temporal lobe) when people sitting in very dark rooms engaged in vivid imagination about white light.
In other words, researchers found that just by giving the dead brains an amino acid that living brains receive, those “dead” brains emitted the same amount of photons – light – as would the brains of living people sitting in a dark room imagining a white light.
This study has touched upon some of the higher mysteries and longstanding questions about the mind.
In their discussion, the authors present some really out-there theories about the nature of consciousness, reality, and the universe:
The physical bases to “consciousness” and cognition with the implication of a more ubiquitous property that may occur throughout the universe would be consistent with the philosophy […] that the behaviour of any part of the universe (“cosmos”) is determined by all of its parts.
Whew. I’m gonna need a nap after this one. While it’s still impossible to determine just what level of consciousness could be restored in these dead brains, researchers definitively state that the dead brains “express some capacity for cognitive activation.” The potential implications and applications of this research boggle the mind.
Welcome to the new afterlife.
This study could finally lend credence to the dreams of a techno-afterlife presaged by transhumanists, or even confirm some longer-held theories of the spirit passed down by the world’s religions. The implications of this research – that photons might hold the key to consciousness and our connection with the universe – go far beyond neuroscience and unite many metaphysical, spiritual, and quantum theories. It’s a great time to be alive – or immortal – even if you are just a brain in a jar.
Consciousness, matter, energy, time and space are all one. Watch Wisdom Teachings
You might wonder, at some point today, what’s going on in another person’s mind. You may compliment someone’s great mind, or say they are out of their mind. You may even try to expand or free your own mind.
But what is a mind? Defining the concept is a surprisingly slippery task. The mind is the seat of consciousness, the essence of your being. Without a mind, you cannot be considered meaningfully alive. So what exactly, and where precisely, is it?
How to Access Superconsciousness English ` HD Version Full Movie A Scientific Defense of spiritual & religious faith | Tony Jack | TEDxCLE Documentary about Consciousness and Reality | Scientific Evidence Cancer’s Last Stand? The Genome Solution Cracking the Code Of Life | PBS Nova | 2001 Secrets of the Mind Nova HD 1080p Does Consciousness need a Brain? Consciousness Science Kept Hidden How to Access Superconsciousness
Traditionally, scientists have tried to define the mind as the product of brain activity: The brain is the physical substance, and the mind is the conscious product of those firing neurons, according to the classic argument. But growing evidence shows that the mind goes far beyond the physical workings of your brain.
No doubt, the brain plays an incredibly important role. But our mind cannot be confined to what’s inside our skull, or even our body, according to a definition first put forward by Dan Siegel, a professor of psychiatry at UCLA School of Medicine and the author of a recently published book, Mind: A Journey to the Heart of Being Human.
He first came up with the definition more than two decades ago, at a meeting of 40 scientists across disciplines, including neuroscientists, physicists, sociologists, and anthropologists. The aim was to come to an understanding of the mind that would appeal to common ground and satisfy those wrestling with the question across these fields.
After much discussion, they decided that a key component of the mind is: “the emergent self-organizing process, both embodied and relational, that regulates energy flow within and among us.” It’s not catchy. But it is interesting, and with meaningful implications.
The most immediately shocking element of this definition is that our mind extends beyond our physical selves. In other words, our mind is not simply our perception of experiences, but those experiences themselves. Siegel argues that it’s impossible to completely disentangle our subjective view of the world from our interactions.
For example you arise in the morning and notice some pain in your elbow.
There are Two Purposes interlocked for this pain… One to get you to stop doing the action that is causing the Pain and second and the less obvious reason: Pain is there to draw your attention to that part of your body needing EXTRA GOOD WILL.
It is always ….that we should speak of things that are not as though they are when we are Creating, while standing in the lack. That being said you would speak of the elbow working perfectly with out pain, of it being perfectly Healthy While in this reality & at this time it is hurting. This is the teaching that humans do so poorly at applying. They have a tendency to confess what they have, not what they want created…… BIG MISTAKE, that in turn only strengthens the hold over them by the things they don’t want that presently do have power over them. Remember: “ By your WORDS you are JUSTIFIED and by your WORDS you are CONDEMNED.” Stay JUSTIFIED !!
While we are talking about Pain and it purposes view this :

F. Batmanghelidj M.D. – Health Miracles in Water and Salt
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