Following are Hippocrates unique views on understanding God and the universe: Hippocrates emphasized that we humans did not have the mental compacity to understand God, we probably needed a completely new way of thinking. We might have to believe that this is possible that something exist without a beginning or end. The very word existance might be foreign to God. It is possible that something could be without a purpose. It is possible that understanding itself does not exist with God. We humans can’t possibly understand God within these limits. But all is not hopeless, it isn’t that God wanted his ways in doing things in secret for he has given us a way to what we call understanding. That way is this: It is through love. Love is one thing that God and humans have in common. But it is not a love that you experience just in poetry and romance. Hippocrates says it is a love that has to be researched and studied as if it was a human element, though a element it is not. Finally God gives those who would find such research and study dffficult he gives us faith. Hippocrates concludes by saying that if we had faith in love we may indeed understand God and the ![]() |
This weekends blog post will be who the Hell was Hippocrates and what the heck did he know: Our bodies rely upon proper enzymes and healthy microbes …. to work with pathogenic bacteria and to produce anti-bacterial cultures in order to strengthen the intestinal walls and to support our immune system.
Today we are challenged on many fronts: lifestyle and diet, , stress, toxic chemicals in our food/water/environment, deficientintestinal flora, consumption of alcohol, and frequent use of antibiotics all deplete our healthy supply of beneficial enzymes and bacteria. This allows disease to take hold beginning with yeast strains. Supplementing with friendly bacteria help keep harmful bacteria from multiplying in our intestines

Life and works
A wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessings, and learn how by his own thought to derive benefit from his illnesses. Hippocrates
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Technical medical science developed in the Hellenistic period and after. Surgery, pharmacy, and anatomy advanced; physiology became the subject of serious speculation; and philosophic criticism improved the logic of medical theories. Competing schools in medicine (first Empiricism and later Rationalism) claimed Hippocrates as the origin and inspiration of their doctrines.
In the 2nd century ad, the physician Galen of Pergamum developed his magnificent medical system, a synthesis of preceding work and his own additions that became the basis of European and Arabic medicine into the Renaissance. Galen was argumentative and long-winded, often abusive of contemporaries and earlier physicians, but at the same time, with exaggerated reverence that ignored five centuries of progress, he claimed that Hippocrates was the source of all that he himself knew and practiced. For later physicians, Hippocrates stood as the inspirational source, while the more difficult Galen offered the substantial details.