Imbalances of the Gut Flora in the GI Tract…. or Dysbiosis
Your Microbiome May Hold Key Pieces 0f the Puzzle The answer to cancer has always been inside you all along!
Each microbiome is a snowflake “In an Invisible Worlds”….
Bill Nye the wacky science guy explores the human body from the inside out. Check your pulse and join him as he explores the real human anatomy!!!!
Today, the field of oncology is exploring new and diverse ways to fight cancer, from antibodies to vaccines to cracking the genetic code. All of these biological elements affect how cancer starts and how doctors can treat it. But according to a review published today in Science, the bacteria living in and around our bodies may hold keys to more effective cancer treatment in the near future.
Human bodies host a staggering number of bacteria, living inside and outside our bodies in the intestines or on the skin. In recent years, these communities of bacteria, called microbiomes, have gotten much more attention, linked to many aspects of health.
The microbiome has also been shown to play a role in cancer. Many bacteria have evolved to change the DNA of other cells as a defense mechanism, which can lead to cancer’s onset or its treatment. Some types of bacteria have been shown to cause cancer under certain conditions.
The parts of the body…. where bacteria are most populous….. are particularly hardy, effective at protecting the bacteria from penetrating the boundary into more sensitive parts of the body where they could cause harm. However, if there’s a breach of normal protections and some of these particular kinds of bacteria get through, they can be carcinogenic.
Bacteria can affect cancer in 33 ways: by changing how much human cells reproduce, by affecting the immune system, and by influencing cell metabolism. When in a new environment, bacteria can turn off our cells’ immune responses, or also turn them on unnecessarily, creating inflammation and autoimmune conditions that break down tissues.
Diets heavy in fiber or fat might change how intestinal bacteria metabolize energy, creating an acid as a byproduct…. that can make colon cancer more likely to happen, though studies so far have come to conflicting conclusions. The tools are getting better. Tumor cells can be genetically sequenced to see if bacteria have affected them and, if so, the role that bacteria play in the microbiome.
Oncologists can now engineer bacteria to kickstart the immune system to help combat certain kinds of cancer or other cancer-causing bacteria, or to turn off the genes causing the cells to grow out of control in the first place. Treatments that can act as heat-seeking missiles, treating only the cancer and not poisoning the entire body, can work better with boosts from the local microbiome.
Now that they understand some of the basic ways in which bacteria can play a role in cancer, researchers still have a lot of questions. They want to know other ways that bacteria might affect cancer, if they can make different types of treatments more or less effective, if single microbes can make a difference or if they need to be in a particular configuration.
They want to know the role of diet in understanding gastrointestinal cancers like colon cancer, or why immunotherapy works better in some microbiomes (like on the skin or in the stomach) than others (like the colon), and why the efficacy of these treatments vary from person to person.
Future research… will also look… at how to use bacteria to diagnose cancer and identify those patients most susceptible to side effects and complications. Though the microbiome requires a lot of interdisciplinary research, says this review, ridding yourself of toxsick byproducts could hold the important key answers to fighting and understanding many different types of cancer.
A Weakened Immune System Leads To Cancer… A Strong Immune System Seeks Out And Destroys Cancer Cells.
For most of your life, your immune system successfully fought cancerous cells, killing them as they developed. That’s its job. In fact, the only job Natural Killer cells have is to kill cancer cells and viruses. For cancer to develop, your immune system must either be worn out, ineffective, unabl…e to kill cancer cells as fast as they normally develop, or you must be exposed to a mass of cancer causing toxins, radiation or some such thing, that increase the rate of development of cancer cells to an abnormally high level that your immune system can’t handle.
Either way, it’s vital to strengthen the immune system in your battle against cancer . Especially if you are getting medical treatments that wipe out your immune system.
That’s why we must feed our body what it needs, not the unhealthy junk food and chemicals that are in our fake foods. People will spend $300 on a leather jacket but buy crappy processed food, that are loaded with who knows what that you can’t even pronounce, because it’s cheaper than organic. They spend more on their exterior body than their inner body? Doesn’t make any sense!
Some people say good nutritious organic food is too expensive but what about disease? How expensive is that considering Hospital bills, doctor visits, worthless damaging pharmaceutical drugs, time wasted, feeling like shit? When you change your perspective, considering everything & look at food as healing, preventive medicine, in that aspect it’s very inexpensive. Thanks Angel Howerton & Cancer Cures From Heaven
IF YOUR BUTYRATE IS LOW YOUR CANCER RISK IS HIGH and THE BEST KNOWN WAY TO OBTAIN BUTYRATE IS THROUGH DIET. There are two main ways…. to get butyrate and other short-chain fatty acids. The first is to eat fiber and let your intestinal bacteria do the rest. Whole plant foods such as sweet potatoes, properly prepared whole grains, beans, vegetables, fruit and nuts are good sources of fiber. The second know way is Hmm, I wonder where the name BUTYR-ate came from? Butter perhaps? Butter is 3-4 percent butyrate, the richest known source.
Changing the mindset of the people is an individual responsibility. Some people may not understand this video and find it in negative manner. But its like “teaching a child to walk while in crawling stage.” This is in of my own opinion the humanity speech..