In the United States I could have went to prison for how I healed from Lyme disease naturally. For those that don’t know Lyme Disease it can be just as dreadful as cancer. It’s a virtual death sentence and I really want to share with you a couple of things I learned along my pathway to wellness.
The first is a test called a CEDSA. How it works is very similar to a lie detector test. It scans your body or more specifically your Central Nervous System (either in person or DNA, with saliva and hair samples). It then produces a test result that shows what organs or parts of your body are failing and then lists why. From there it suggests the supplements that you need to correct these ailments. It detects bacteria such as Lyme, parasites, heavy metals, cancer (up to three years before it’s medically detectible), Thyroid function, Adrenal Function, Heart Function, ADD/ADHD, Herpes Virus and almost everything else you can imagine.
The second thing I learned is there are no conventional cures for Lyme. So my wonderful doctors who performed the CEDSA test on me and finally determined I had Lyme recommended a True Rife Machine. I am in the process of being a Certified Trainer and have talked to the owner a number of times especially while trying to save my dad’s life. Funny thing is that before my dad had radiation, in a three week time frame, his liver tumor shrank from 6.2 cm to 4.7 cm.
Since the doctors had no explanation they decided the first measurement was inaccurate. I obviously believe it was the Rife that produced that result as my dad had purchased one and was using it faithfully. Without a doubt in my mind, I believe had he done just the True Rife and supplements he would have lived many more years.
Since I have frequent CEDSA tests to determine where I am with my Lyme and healing the rest of my body. I am able to find out things others would never know. Like the fact I had completely eliminated my Lyme and all co-infections except one using the Rife, but I’ve also been reinfected by a mosquito 2 times since. Once in Tulum Mexico last September and the most recent about six weeks ago in Southern Utah while attending to my mother who was also hospitalized. The test is very affordable, only $150 and is 94% accurate.
What I have learned from the owner of True Rife, is that of 200+ units he has sold specifically for cancer patients, he has had an 80% cure rate. You won’t find this information published anywhere and to me it feels very much like an underground society. I’m fine with that except for the fact so many people have no idea of this technology and could benefit so greatly from it. You may already know about it, however, for the common layperson like myself here’s how I explain it:
“Every living organism on the planet has a frequency. All bacteria, virus, cancer, etc. if you can determine that frequency, you can write a program, or in this case a frequency to destroy it.”
That’s how it works. The really amazing thing about True Rife is, not only does it come pre-programmed with over 2,000 pre-written programs for everything you could imagine it treating. You also get free updates for life. That’s all really amazing, but the very best part is that it comes with detox footbaths called Ion Pro-Waves. Which help detoxify all these dying organisms from your body so there is nearly zero herx or healing crisis.
I’m of the opinion that every household in the country should own one. They also have really cool things to add on. I have a Silver maker, Ozonated water for complete blood oxygenation, special bulbs for specific treatments, etc. Again, you may not remember, but you did give me amazing advice for my dad. For that I’ll be forever grateful. He just chose the wrong path.
Warmest Regards