I’m fortunate not having Lyme Disease which includes fibromyalgia like symptoms, as well joint pain, extreme fatigue and neurological symptoms. For those that do – trying everything under the sun – to feel better is how they spend their daily grind. This blog post will, hopefully, give them a few ideas to help them feel better. What About…. S E R R A P E P T A S E??
I read one person on one of my favorite Facebook groups page state, that by trying bee venom therapy despite an intense bee phobia. Ended up stunned by the result…. the symptoms disappeared within days. Bee venom contains an anti – inflammatory 100xs stronger then cortisone. While also wondering the impact morphine has on your body, taking it sometimes five times 8 milligrams each time. What are the benefits of Astaxanthin?
When dealing with fibromyalgia one must know the alternatives because so often the medicine doesn’t work. Also just chronic pain being a major sore spot in our society. The number one reason people go to a chiropractor with 85% of there office visits being lower back pain. With NOT all Chiropractors being created equal some are better than others… it can be a hard fought pain in the back.
Often people, however, with Fibromyaglia soon realize pain medicine, anti – inflammatories like Arthotec doesn’t work. While breaching out on their own to find the solution to their pain. Some might consider cellular nutrition, while some start realizing Essential Oils and doTerra’s DeepBlue rub version being awesome and the oil version working wonders. I would like to state I don’t make money off doTerra but they have great information worthy of some research toward assisting cancer patients?
Also what doTerra offers Valor, Peppermint, Lavender, Lemongrass and Frankincense oils. With Vitality Trio Vitamin Supplement pack scoring big as well. Healing the gut is most important, c hanging your diet, taking Aloe Vera Juice to cure the digestive tract, while magnesium and Apple Cider Vinegar… sometimes proving beneficial (watch your gluten and nuts.) Also turmeric needs to be 95% curcuminoids combined with vitamin D3?
With the Secret Life of Plants proving scientifically that plants have a consciousness. A High Plant Based, lean omnivore elimination diet while supplementing with magnesium has its benefits. Also one might consider an acupuncturist that muscle test or does NAET, and also Osteopathic Manupulation Medicine are a chiropractor of muscles and don’t forget those Apitherapist.