Energy Medicine

    Rather it be supporting  Traditional Chinese Medicineriding a bicycle      or running the Boston marathon. It’s that  feel good  feeling you gain  from that second wind that gets you to the finish line. Could this phenomenon be the same as  “Energy Medicine.” We as a society on the whole would rather fulfill our pizza addiction, rather than riding a bicycle for 1/2 hour daily to avoid the statins.

Finding  the  importance  of  cardio exercises at  fifty to provide a  fountain      of  youth?   Although  the  second  wind  phenomenon  hasn’t  been  studied extensively  as  to  date.  Dr.  Burch Oglesby,  an associate professor in the Health  and Human Performance Department  at University of  Tennessee  at Chattanooga reasons.

    The “second wind”  could be the result of  the body achieving a state of  euphoria,  an  equilibrium  at which muscles  are  at optimal temperature (slightly  higher  than  98.6  degrees)   and  the  body’s  oxygen  needs  are greater than the demands of  the runners pace.  Therefore, when the body properly regulates respiration to meet the long term demands of steady – state exercise.

    Muscles begin operating more efficiently,  breathing  evens  out  and   fatigue is decreased,  compared to earlier in the run.  Dr.  Oglesby thinks  this sensation  is  generally achieved  as  a result of  conditioning.  Which causes the muscles to become more efficient and heart undergoes change that increases blood  flow ( for example a stronger heart muscle.)

     Whereas  those new to running may not experience this sensation at      first  because  they’re  always over exerting themselves,  incurring  more  oxygen debt  than they pay off.  As the body learns  how  best  to regulate itself  to  meet  the  rigors of  a  runners pace.  The  chances  of  gaining  a second wind intensifies and since running only consumes 100 calories @ mile ran  and there are  3500 calories to a pound.

     Therefore is running short  amounts  really  feasible  for weight lost?      That question…. is not really why  I am including  this blog…. in blog roll.  My main question, however is,  does the euphoria of exercise equate to the same principle  as Energy Medicine.  “Energy Medicine”  awakens energy  that brings vitality,  joy  and enthusiasm  to your life.

    Energy Medicine  —  is about balancing the body,  the mind and spirit!!!      Its about regulating body chemistry, your hormones that which helps you feel better,  think better  while keeping  you strong  and resilient.

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