Insights Into Paradoxical Q

   If  Stress  can cause Palmar Hyperhidrosis than what impact does it       play on your health.  Recently much has been reported about stress, it’s relationship to depression  and also suppression of  the immune system. While increasing your chance of  becoming ill  or altering the course of        an illness if  you already have illness.  Feeling depressed  ( pessimistic,  hopeless and helpless) is a common reaction to stress/belly  fat?

    When  these  symptoms  are  temporary  they’re simply  a reflection              of  life’s  ups  and downs.  However,  if  they persist  for  a long period of   time,  especially  after the stressful situation  has passed.  They often are linked to many troublesome psychological and physiological conditionsHow you react to stress:  what it does  to the body  while  it  can  have  a   long term impact on your body down the road….  Life Has Rules!!!

    In particular…. it  has  been  implicated  as playing  a role in cancer.  While some studies  have shown that relaxing  and listening to soothing music  enhances  immune system  function.  According to a study   from Pennsylvania State University,  that  some researchers  published in the  Journal Annals of  Behavioral Medicine;  findings that people who were anxious about the stresses of  life or stress out easily story of  HOPE.

    In turn,  are more likely to have chronic health conditions,  10 years       later compared with people who view things rationally. Researchers at     the  University  of  Miami,   in  a  clinical  report,  that  was  also labeled Stress Management  Improves Breast Cancer Outcomes.   Details  those cancer  patients  whom  undergo Behavorial  Stress  Management  have         a  positive effect  that  mitigates the influence to stress  from  treatment    and  promotes recovery….. The Stress Cancer Link?

   People do not understand,  “how”  their destructive behavior (moods, thoughtsand  emotions affect  the cerebro – spinal system  and through  that eventually  the intestinal organs  to  the  degree of  creating poisons within those organs.)  It’s  not enough  to  take care  of  yourself  through diet  and  eliminating  foods  which  are harmful  to physical health.

    It’s equally necessary  to take care  of  thoughts  and   feelings,  and to eliminate all those which are harmful both to your spiritual and physical health  as  well …to  the  endth  degree.  ( Healing  of  the  Self/The  Negatives ~       The  Notebooks  of  Paul  Brunton….  Vol:7)     The Quest… Knowledge  for Life!!!

    With Professor Anil Sood  of   M.D. Anderson Cancer Center,  Houston           Texas.  Speaks  about  the  research  into  human ovarian cancer cell lines   and tumor specimens indicating stress hormones, especially epinephrine and  norepinephrine can contribute to tumor progression  and metastasis      in patients with ovarian cancer. The data indicates targeting these stress hormones, signaling pathways that might be of  benefit to cancer patients    as is glutamine metabolism  is crucial  for cancer cell growth.

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