The Raven ‘Nevermore’

US Vice President and Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris smiles during a presidential debate with former US President and Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump at the National Constitution Center in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on September 10, 2024. Historian Allan Lichtman has said polls may be underestimating Democratic voting strength. Saul Loeb/AFP via Getty Images 

US Election ‘Nostradamus’ says Polls Underestimating Kamala Harris Support

US Election ‘Nostradamus’ Hits Back at Criticism of His Predictions (

Story by Joe Edwards

The raven is a symbol of intelligence, wisdom, prophecy, and the unknown123

It is a symbol of death, loss, and grief 3 4 5In the “The Raven” by Edgar Allan Poe, the raven represents the speaker’s unending grief over the loss of Lenore, and his inability to escape his fate 4 5The raven also contrasts with the bust of Pallas, a symbol of reason and logic, in the speaker’s chamber, a symbol of his isolation and despair 5.

WASHINGTON (AP) — Vice President Kamala Harris engaged in a combative first interview with Fox News on Wednesday, sparring on immigration policy and shifting policy positions while asserting that if elected, she would not represent a continuation of Joe Biden’s presidency.

Harris’ interview with Fox’s Bret Baier marked her first foray onto the network, which is popular with conservative viewers, as she looked to broaden her outreach to GOP-leaning voters with less than three weeks until Election Day. Her nearly-30-minute sit-down with Baier repeatedly grew heated, with the two talking over each other, as he pressed her on immigration and her changing policy stances since her first run for president in 2020. 

 60 Minute Interview – Videos

Kamala Harris Sits Down with Bret Baier in Exclusive interview (

4 takeaways from Harris’s interview on Fox News (

Watch the explosive exclusive interview where Fox News’ Bret Baier puts Kamala Harris on the hot seat! The Vice President squirms under pressure as Baier grills her on the toughest issues facing the nation. From border control to economic policy, no topic is off-limits in this shocking exchange. You won’t want to miss this rare glimpse into the VP’s unfiltered thoughts and reactions. Tune in for the full, unedited conversation that’s got everyone talking!

Her nearly-30 minute sitdown with Baier repeatedly grew heated, with the two talking over each other, as he pressed her on immigration and her changing policy stances since her first run for president in 2020. When Baier kept talking as Harris tried to respond to his challenges on immigration, Harris told him, “May I please finish. … You have to let me finish please.”  

Harris tried repeatedly to pivot the conversation to attacking Donald Trump. 

But she also had plenty to say about herself. A week after saying she couldn’t think of any move made by Biden that she would have done differently, Harris asserted that “My presidency will not be a continuation of Joe Biden’s presidency.” 

Harris did not offer specifics, but said, “Like every new president that comes into office, I will bring my life experiences, and my professional experiences and fresh and new ideas.”  Asked to clarify her assertion that she wants to “turn the page,” though Democrats currently hold the White House, Harris said she is running on “turning the page from the last decade in which we have been burdened with the kind of rhetoric coming from Donald Trump.”

On immigration, Harris expressed regret over the deaths of women who were killed by people who were detained and then released after crossing into the U.S. illegally during the Biden administration, but she criticized Trump for his role in blocking a bipartisan immigration bill earlier this year that would have boosted border funding.

“I am so sorry for her loss, sincerely,” Harris said after Baier played footage of the mother of Jocelyn Nungaray blaming Biden and Harris for her daughter’s death. Harris indicated she no longer supports decriminalizing crossing the border illegally, as she did in 2019.

“That was five years ago and I am very clear that I will follow the law,” she said. She gave the same answer about proposals to allow those in the U.S. illegally to get driver’s licenses and subsidized healthcare. Of Trump, she said, “People are exhausted with someone who professes to be a leader and who spends full time demeaning and engaging in personal grievances.” She added, “He’s not stable.”

She also sought to focus Fox viewers on Trump’s talk of “the enemy within” and threats to punish political rivals.Baier challenged Harris over her attestations to Biden’s mental stamina after his disastrous debate with Trump in June that forced his exit from the 2024 presidential race and her elevation to the top of the ticket.

She again defended Biden, but added, “Joe Biden is not on the ballot and Donald Trump is.” Trump’s campaign spokesperson Karoline Leavitt said Harris was “angry, defensive, and once again abdicated any responsibility for the problems Americans are facing.” She added that if “Kamala can’t handle the pressure of an interview with Fox News—she certainly can’t handle the pressure of being president of the United States.”

Pushing back against Baier’s line of questioning at times, Harris at one point told her interviewer, “I would like it if we could have a conversation that is grounded in a full assessment of the facts.”

PolitiFact | Live fact-checking Kamala Harris’ interview with Fox News’ Bret Baier

Kamala Harris Says She Won’t Be ‘A Continuation’ Of Joe Biden In Combative Fox News Interview ( 

Harris’ interview with Fox News is marked by testy exchanges over immigration and more (

Kamala Harris ‘didn’t have answers’ for many questions put to her in Fox interview (

Democrats See 103 Percent Increase in Pennsylvania Voters Leaving the Party (

Victor Davis Hanson: Trump will beat radical Kamala Harris – YouTube

Kamala Harris held to account over southern border (

Presidential historian Allan Lichtman has suggested that polling is underestimating support for the Democratic Party and Vice President Kamala Harris. Replying to a question during one of his regular YouTube livestreams on whether reports that the Democratic Party was pulling ahead in terms of mail-in voting in some states (such as Pennsylvania, a key swing state) could be a sign they could win them, Lichtman said: 

“I can’t say it proves that states would be blue, but it’s certainly a sign that it’s likely that these states would be blue,” the American University professor said. “The polls in 2016 underestimated Republican voting strength. It’s my view based on what I saw from 2022-2024 that the polls are now underestimating Democratic voting strength.”

According to FiveThirtyEight, just 2.4 points separate the candidates as of Wednesday morning. “As we saw in the special election for the congressional seat in New York held by the disgraced George Santos, the Democrat outperformed the poll right before the election by seven points.”

Santos, a former Republican representative, pleaded guilty to two charges relating to campaign fraud in August. He represented the Third Congressional District of New York. Following a special election for his seat, he was replaced by Democratic Representative Tom Suozzi, who had previously held the seat.

Lichtman added: “Even if the polls are off by a point or two, the Democrats are going to do a point or two better than the polls—they will sweep Pennsylvania.” The latest aggregation of national polls currently show Harris narrowly leading the former president in the race for the White House.

Lichtman has earned the moniker “Nostradamus” for his impressive track record predicting the outcome of presidential elections using his model—”The Keys to the White House”—though the system is not without its critics. Lichtman has already predicted that Harris will win the 2024 presidential election, based on this model.

His system hinges on 13 keys, which evaluate the standing of the incumbent party based on a variety of factors, including the economy, foreign policy and domestic politics, including social unrest, major scandals and the presence of a major third-party candidate. If six or more of the 13 keys—all true/false statements—are false, the incumbent party is predicted to lose the election. 

Should five or fewer be false, it is expected to win.

The 13 keys, as set out by the historian in a 2012 article for the Social Education journal, are these:

  1. Party mandate: After the midterm elections, the incumbent party holds more seats in the U.S. House of Representatives than after the previous midterm elections.
  2. No primary contest: There is no serious contest for the incumbent party nomination.
  3. Incumbent seeking reelection: The incumbent party candidate is the sitting president.
  4. No third party: There is no significant third party or independent campaign.
  5. Strong short-term economy: The economy is not in recession during the election campaign.
  6. Strong long-term economy: Real per capita economic growth during the term equals or exceeds mean growth during the previous two terms.
  7. Major policy change: The incumbent administration effects major changes in national policy.
  8. No social unrest: There is no sustained social unrest during the term.
  9. No scandal: The incumbent administration is untainted by major scandal.
  10. No foreign or military failure: The incumbent administration suffers no major failure in foreign or military affairs.
  11. Major foreign or military success: The incumbent administration achieves a major success in foreign or military affairs.
  12. Charismatic incumbent: The incumbent party candidate is charismatic or a national hero.
  13. Uncharismatic challenger: The challenging party candidate is not charismatic or a national hero.

And Kamala is an accessory to the biggest lie told to the world.  Remember?  The one where they all told us Joe was at the top of the game and everyone else was wrong.  She was also appointed with no votes from constituents.

 I can’t believe Trump tried to overthrow our government by flooding our nation with millions and millions of illegals to change the electoral votes per state as well as provide amnesty and a pathway to citizenship so they can all vote for their saviors, all while we pay to support them. Then after bringing in all the illegals, he’s supporting states making Voter ID illegal! Can you believe it?

 I’m still mad at him about that! More Democrat Lies!! 🤔🤣

Don’t fall for the propaganda from the overtly biased media.

Verifiable facts: support for Harris in national polls fell to single digits before she dropped out of the 2020 race. Her approval rating as vice president was 28%, a HISTORIC LOW for any modern vice president. After democrats could no longer pretend to support Biden, they now embrace Harris after they previously rejected her and had no say in her recent nomination.

Democrats love to say Trump is a threat to democracy. But they are apparently OK with their party’s leaders not allowing voters to choose their own candidate. These people somehow managed to live through Trump’s first term (and probably enjoyed the prosperity of those years), and now believe that THIS time he will surely destroy democracy!

The United States suffered the embarrassment of having a puppet president for the last four years. We can’t allow another one with Harris. She has hidden voters. Kind of similar to what happened with Trump in 2016, but with opposite results. Many supporters (especially men) are laying low. But they’re going to vote. On top of this, Harris is underestimated as a fighter. She was raised by a determined and intelligent mom who taught her to fight like hell. “I love a good fight,” Kamala said last week with a capable grin…Oh baby, baby we ain’t seen nothin’ yet.

She is a political chameleon and she cackles afterwards like a psycho? . One need only examine her answers on various political issues in response to a 2019 ACLU questionnaire to the DNC’s presidential candidates. She has virtually turned a 180 on every single one of those answers. Why? Because it is no longer politically expedient or tenable.

She will say anything and do anything to be installed as president. But make no mistake about it, she is a mere empty suit, an avatar, who is not truly in control. Biden being forced into “retirement” within 48 hours after publicly declaring he would not budge, shows you that the true power lies outside the Oval Office, at least with DNC elected officials.

I’m not a believer in Lichtman’s “model”, per se.  But he is a good analyst and, with the polling adjustments made this year to counter the Trump undercounts of 20 and 16…plus the Harris ground game, with the voter registration and early voting numbers coming in, there are definitely silent blocks favoring Harris this go-round that could end up making Trumpers, who are convinced Trump is winning, feel like normal people felt after the election of 2016.

Trump is now the favorite amongst the professional oddsmakers.

In addition to their aggregate of pollsters, Real Clear Politics runs an aggregate of seven of the top odds makers as well. Their model had the oddsmakers preferring Harris +8.8 back on 8/15. As of this afternoon the model has Trump +16.4. A +25.2 swing for Trump in two months. He’s surging and Harris has three weeks to turn it around. Do oddsmakers get it wrong sometimes? 

Yes. Are they right more often than not? Absolutely.

It is true that in the Trump era polls have so far underestimated his support which should concern people who care about retaining our democracy.  However, due to a number of factors unique in this election, I believe they are underestimating Harris’s support. 

In particular, the unusually high numbers of undecided Republicans and African American voters.  Those are two constituencies that generally “come home” to their party in large numbers. The difference this year is the number of undecided Republicans is unusually high. 

My bet is because they can’t bring themselves to vote for Trump. 

Many of them are likely to stay home or even vote for Harris. On the other hand, it is not unusual to have a large number of black voter’s undecided at this point and they usually come home.  There is little reason to suggest that will not happen in this election especially with the existential threat posed by electing Trump again. 

Odds makers absolutely are the best source for predicting an outcome as math is the only objective foundation, and opinion and bias does not serve as a handicapper.  In fact, it costs them.  We can tell from Harris’s scrambling and Obama’s lecturing they don’t like what they’re seeing.

What is wrong with Lichtman?  Is he so damn egotist about his keys that he can’t stand the thought they are wrong and hence HE is wrong?  He was supporting Biden early on and even as Biden’s polls dropped beyond hope Lichtman’s model kept saying he should win.  And that tells you his model and theory only happens to have been working for many years as its missing data (it can’t account for incompetent candidates)!  

For example he keeps claiming the economic figure he uses is godly and the fact people are still underwater compared to the 23% inflation over the Biden years (total inflation) doesn’t matter.  And that inflation and how people still feel it in their wallets every day is playing a big part into perceptions driving the election.   And he simply refuses to look into this despite inflation of this level not having an effect on any elections since the Carter years.  He just refuses to adjust like any scientist would, taking their theory and model and when results do not predict out, you change it (scientific method).  And that shows he is more charlatan and showman than science related.

I don’t know about this one.  I know, in 2016, they certainly underestimated the support for Trump.  This was partially a result of Trump’s supporters’ mistrust of polling services leading to fewer respondents than would normally be expected.  Since Trump’s followers are no less wary of pollsters now (likely more so), I don’t see why the results would be skewed the other direction this time.

The Jan. 6, 2021, attack on the U.S. Capitol was the culmination of months of false claims about election fraud, including a litany recited by then-President Donald Trump in a speech shortly before a mob stormed the building, temporarily halting the counting of electoral votes in a joint session of Congress1To provide new clarity on the events of that day, EpochTV and The Epoch Times have produced a documentary, “The Real Story of January 6,” which takes a close look at the shooting of 35-year-old Air Force veteran Ashli Babbitt and the deaths of three other supporters of former President Donald J. Trump2.

The Real Story of January 6 Part 1 | [Documentary] 📺🙃 EpochTV (

The Real Story of January 6 Part 2: The Long Road Home |(

Plot to Overturn the Election (full documentary) | FRONTLINE (

Jan. 6, Three Years Later: 10 Documentaries to Watch | FRONTLINE (

Using Lichtman’s 13 keys to predict the election results Trump wins. His 13 keys are True or False questions with each true favoring the incumbent party.  

1. Incumbent party mandate – Joe did not have a mandate he was elected because he was not Trump and the Democrat party stole the election, the math does not add up.

2. The incumbent party has more seats in the House of Representatives – False 

3. There was no serious contest for the incumbent party’s nomination. – False, there was no primary for the incumbent party’s nominee at all. 

4. No significant challenge by a third party. – True 

5. The incumbent party had a strong short-term economy – False wages went down and inflation went up 

6. The incumbent party had a strong long-term Economy – False, it was neither particularly strong or weak. 

7. The incumbent party effects major policy change – True although it had arguably negative results especially on border policy changes. 

8. No Social unrest during incumbent party’s term – False College campuses taken over by pro-Palestinian demonstrators for several months and it is starting up again on some college campuses. 

9. Incumbent party has no scandal during term in office. – Falsely hiding of Biden’s senility and Cocaine in the White House and Hunter’s ties to Joe being part of his influence peddling schemes are definitive scandals as well as the immigration debacle. 

10.  No foreign or military failure. – False (Afghanistan was a total failure and embarrassment).  Joe pulled out leaving Americans behind…he actually left US citizens behind saying “you’re on your own”. Oh, and he left billions in military equipment for the Taliban 

11. Major foreign or military success. – False the world is on the brink of another world war; China is threatening Taiwan and Iran will soon threaten Israel with nukes. 

12. The incumbent is charismatic or a national hero. – False Harris is not a good speaker and she is not a national hero of any sort. 

13. Uncharismatic challenger and is not a national hero.  – Toss Up Could go either way depending on whether you believe Trump has charisma or not. However, for the sake of argument let’s just say True. In my estimation that is. But I tell everybody don’t listen to how he says it… but listen to what Trump says,

They say crime is down under Biden’s Term but don’t believe it for a second.

The FBI openly and publicly posted declining violent crime stats when it was in the news cycle and a topic at the presidential debates. Trump was “fact checked” by ABC moderators that crime actually declined from 2021 to 2022 when the issue was raised.

Now, just days ago, with the news cycle moved on to the next big thing, the FBI quietly revised its nationwide violent crime stats to show that crime did not decline but actually surged from 2021 to 2022, meaning that Trump was, in fact, correct. 

According to a criminologist professor Carly Moody at William & Mary, the FBI has never issued a revision so large, and what troubled Professor Moody more was that the FBI made this revision without any explanation and quietly. If you believe this is just some type of coincidence, I got a bridge to sell you. The “deep state” is real, and it is for Harris and against Trump. That’s why no poll matters. If Trump is winning, mail in ballots for Harris will just appear. If the deep state has the power to remove a sitting president (Biden) within 48 hours after he openly declared he would not budge, it can sure as heck install Harris.

I know for sure that the legal voting Immigrants, ( who don’t do polls), that have families and roots seeded in Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belorussia (now Belarus), Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kirgizija (now Kyrgyzstan), Latvia, Lithuania, Moldavia (now Moldova), Poland, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan are voting for Harris because they know Trump will pull out of NATO and then Putin will run wild!

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Oh brother, what does Edgar Allen Poe have to say about this is the Raven.

The Raven Edgar Allan Poe – Search Videos ( 

“The Raven” follows an unnamed narrator on a dreary night in December who sits reading “forgotten lore” by the remains of a fire[6] as a way to forget the death of his beloved Lenore. A “tapping at [his] chamber door”[6] reveals nothing, but excites his soul to “burning”.[7] The tapping is repeated, slightly louder, and he realizes it is coming from his window. When he goes to investigate, a raven flutters into his chamber. Paying no attention to the man, the raven perches on a bust of Pallas above the door.

Amused by the raven’s comically serious disposition, the man asks that the bird tell him its name. The raven’s only answer is “Nevermore”.[7]  The narrator is surprised that the raven can talk, though at this point it has said nothing further. The narrator remarks to himself that his “friend” the raven will soon fly out of his life, just as “other friends have flown before”[7] along with his previous hopes. As if answering, the raven responds again with “Nevermore”.[7] The narrator reasons that the bird learned the word “Nevermore” from some “unhappy master” and that it is the only word it knows.[7]

Even so, the narrator pulls his chair directly in front of the raven, determined to learn more about it. He thinks for a moment in silence, and his mind wanders back to his lost Lenore. He thinks the air grows denser and feels the presence of angels, and wonders if God is sending him a sign that he is to forget Lenore. The bird again replies in the negative, suggesting that he can never be free of his memories. The narrator becomes angry, calling the raven a “thing of evil” and a “prophet“.[8] 

Finally, he asks the raven whether he will be reunited with Lenore in Heaven. When the raven responds with its typical “Nevermore”, he is enraged, and, calling the bird a liar, commands it to return to the “Plutonian shore”[8]—but it does not move. At the time of the poem’s narration, the raven “still is sitting”[8] on the bust of Pallas. The raven casts a shadow on the chamber floor and the despondent narrator laments that out of this shadow his soul shall be “lifted ‘nevermore'”.[8]

Project 2025, Social Security and Medicare

Since Biden dropped out and endorsed her, Harris has delivered two speeches and both times she referred to Project 2025 — a conservative plan for remaking the federal government via the Heritage Foundation’s Project 2025 — as Trump’s plan, even though the former president has disavowed it.

And in both speeches, Harris cited Project 2025 as evidence that Trump wants to cut Social Security and Medicare, even though the former president has offered no plans to do so.

Harris, Wilmington, Delaware, July 22: He and his extreme Project 2025 will weaken the middle class and bring us backward — please do note that — back to the failed trickle-down policies that gave huge tax breaks to billionaires and big corporations and made working families pay the cost; back to policies that put Social Security and Medicare on the chopping block; back to policies that treat health care as only a privilege for the wealthy, instead of what we all know it should be, which is a right for every American.

Harris, Milwaukee, July 23: But Donald Trump wants to take our country backward. He and his extreme Project 2025 agenda will weaken the middle class. Like, we know we got to take this seriously. And can you believe they put that thing in writing? Read it here: 2025_MandateForLeadership_FULL.pdf (

But here’s the thing. When you read it, you will see Donald Trump intends to cut Social Security and Medicare. 

What is Project 2025? Project 2025 Explained | 5 Criticisms of Project 2025 (

Agenda 47  (styled by the Trump campaign as Agenda47) is the  manifesto of the Republican Party presidential candidate Donald Trump, which details policies that would be implemented upon his election as the 47th president of the United States.[a] Agenda 47 is a collection of formal policy plans of Donald Trump,[1][2] many of which would rely on executive orders and significantly expanded executive power.[3]

The platform has been criticized for its approach to climate change[4] and public health;[5] its legality and feasibility;[6] and the risk that it will increase inflation. Journalists have described it as fascist[7][8] or authoritarian.[9][10]

In September 2024, Trump’s campaign launched a tour called “Team Trump Agenda 47 Policy Tour” to promote Agenda 47.[11][12]

As we have said before, Trump says he has no plans to cut Social Security or Medicare.

In his four years as president, Trump did not propose cutting Social Security’s retirement benefits, and his budgets included bipartisan proposals to reduce the growth of Medicare without cutting benefits. (For more, see our February 2020 article “Competing Claims on Trump’s Budget and Seniors,” which details how Trump as president proposed cuts to the Social Security Disability Insurance and Supplemental Security Income programs, but not to retirement benefits.)

After leaving office, Trump has pledged not to cut Social Security, most recently on July 20 in his first joint campaign appearance with his running mate, Sen. JD Vance of Ohio. “We will not cut one penny from Social Security and Medicare,” Trump said in Grand Rapids, Michigan.

In January 2023, when House Republicans were discussing ways to cut government spending, Trump said in a video: “Under no circumstances should Republicans vote to cut a single penny from Medicare or Social Security to help pay for Joe Biden’s reckless spending spree.”

As for Project 2025, Trump described it at his Michigan rally as “seriously extreme.” He added, “I don’t know anything about it. I don’t want to know anything about it.” Project 2025 lays out “four goals and principles” for Medicare “reform,” but there is nothing in the 900-plus page document that calls for cutting Social Security, which the authors of the project call a “myth.”

Harris and the Democrats link the project and its agenda to Trump because, as CNN has reported, there are more than 100 people involved in the project who have worked in the Trump administration. Prominent figures such as Mark Meadows, who was Trump’s chief of staff, and Stephen Miller, a top aide who was involved in setting major immigration policy, are associated with conservative groups that advised the project.

Project 2025, which mentions Trump hundreds of times, includes concepts that Trump supports, including — as Harris alluded to — cutting business taxes and rewriting the nation’s health care laws. But it also proposes things that Trump did not do when he was president, such as setting just two individual tax brackets of 15% and 30% (down from seven) and eliminating or transforming entire government agencies.

There is no telling what parts of Project 2025 Trump would implement, if elected. 

But Project 2025 is not his “agenda” or “plan,” as Harris said.

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Climate Calamity Part 1

Earth’s ‘vital signs’ worsening as humanity’s impact deepens (

As 25 Earth vital signs worsen, scientists warn of ‘irreversible climate disaster’

Story by Mongabay

Earth’s climate system continues to rapidly deteriorate, with global temperatures on track to far overshoot 2° Celsius (3.6° Fahrenheit) of warming by the end of the century — a mere 75 years from nowThat warning comes from an international group of eminent climate researchers and Earth System scientists who reviewed the planet’s vital signs in the journal BioScience.

“We are on the brink of an irreversible climate disaster. This is a global emergency beyond any doubt. Much of the very fabric of life on Earth is imperiled,” the authors write. “The global failure to support a rapid and socially just fossil fuel phasedown has led to rapidly escalating climate-related impacts.”

The researchers evaluated 35 planetary vital signs. and found 25 are at record levels – Search ( driving a series of increasingly severe climate-linked disasters over the past year. These extreme events affected millions of people across the globe and included devastating floods in East Africarampant wildfires in the Amazon and Pantanal ecosystem, and heatwaves across Europe and Asia. Back-to-back Hurricanes Helene and Milton battered the U.S. Southeast — two more examples of supercharged storm systems.

“It’s very likely that climate change is making powerful hurricanes like Helene and Milton more common and devastating,” study author William Ripple, distinguished professor at Oregon State University and director of the Alliance of World Scientists, told Mongabay in an email.

 ▶️ Related Video: Coping with climate change (For Your Life) – Search (

“The climate crisis is becoming increasingly severe, and we are now faced with many climate-related disasters along with catastrophic risks in the longer term. We are continuing to go in the wrong direction, with enormous fossil fuel emissions and unsustainable consumption by the wealthy,” he added.

For Helen Adams, senior lecturer in Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Change Adaptation at King’s College London, who was not involved in the report, the science presented by the report in Bioscience is clear, though she takes issue with its tone.

“I don’t disagree with science, but for me the question is what do we gain with these doomsday narratives?” she says, adding that there is a need to strike a balance between detailing the gravity of the situation and motivating climate action. “We need to reclaim a more positive narrative that has, to an extent, been co-opted by oil and gas companies about a better future, about future possibilities.”

As 25 Earth vital signs worsen, scientists warn of ‘irreversible climate disaster’ © Mongabay

Arctic sea ice fragments float between two icebergs near Greenland. Researchers believe that climate change may be pushing the Greenland Ice Sheet perilously close to a tipping point. Image by Adam Sébire / Climate Visuals (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).

Earth’s deteriorating vital signs

The report authors assessed 35 planetary vital signs that indicate the current state of natural systems and human influences on them that, taken together, offer insight into how Earth’s climate is changing in response to human activities, says Milton.

That picture makes for grim reading.

The researchers note that consumption of fossil fuels (coal, oil and natural gas) grew by 1.5% in 2023, hitting an all-time high. Although renewable energy sources also grew, this is mostly attributed to increasing energy demand, with fossil fuel sources dwarfing alternatives by roughly 14 times.

Greenhouse gas emissions and atmospheric concentrations continue to climb with both carbon dioxide and methane at “record highs.” Increasing methane emissions are “troubling” as methane is a far more potent greenhouse gas than CO2, despite lasting only a decade in the atmosphere.

Earth surface temperatures also set new records, with 2024 on track to be the hottest on record (with 2023 setting the previous high), the report notes. Biodiversity continues to suffer with global forest loss of 28.4 mega hectares in 2023, compared to 22.8 mega hectares in 2022. Last year’s sea surface temperatures hit new heights and combined with record extremes of ocean acidity to stress marine life.

“We are concerned about recent trends in many planetary vital signs, including record-breaking greenhouse gas concentrations, tree cover loss due to wildfires and ice loss,” Ripple says. “We are especially troubled by global consumption of coal and oil reaching all-time highs in 2023.”

Numerous Dead Zones in the Oceans Around Us – Search (

Coral bleaching on the Great Barrier Reef. “Extraordinarily warm” ocean temperatures in 2023 and 2024 are driving the fourth global-scale bleaching event, the recent climate report states. Image by The Ocean Agency/ Ocean Image Bank.

The authors also cite the results of a large scale survey of 380 climate scientists, conducted by the Guardian newspaper, 80% of whom hold the bleak view that average global temperatures will increase 2.5° C (4.5° F) by the end of the century, echoing concerns of the 2023 UN Emissions Gap Report.

Climate change-fuelling emissions are likewise driving dangerous feedback loops, and the report references 28 that have now been observed, including thawing Arctic permafrost and methane emissions from tropical wetlands. These feedbacks add to human emissions and contribute to the looming threat of climate tipping points. Five of sixteen such potentially irreversible thresholds could be crossed with an increase of just 1.5° C (2.7° F), including the eventual loss of the Greenland and West Antarctic Ice Sheets, the report warns. Earth temperatures have already increased over pre industrial levels by 1.3° C.

“Overall, this points to a complex situation where climate controlling feedback loops and tipping point systems are interconnected in a way that could trigger self-perpetuating processes that amplify warming beyond human control,” the authors write. This severe and worsening climate scenario could ultimately help trigger “societal collapse”, a possibility that the report notes is the focus of increasing research, as climate change combines with other threats in a global polycrisis.

Adams, however, pushes back on this finding. 

“There isn’t the evidence to suggest that the impacts of climate change will lead to societal collapse,” she says, emphasizing that underlying drivers of inequality and social injustice must be addressed, in addition to climate change. In her view, the climate change discussion needs to be reframed around food prices, energy security, jobs, healthcare, and continuity in cultural practices to “focus on the things people care about.”

Amid the gloom there are bright spots. One of these, says Ripple, is the recent declines in deforestation in the Brazilian Amazon — a critically important biome that plays a vital role in both carbon and methane cycling globally.

“From climate and biodiversity perspectives, the Amazon rainforest is one of Earth’s most important ecosystems. So, we are encouraged by the declining deforestation rate in the Brazilian Amazon,” Ripple says. “Increasing solar and wind energy consumption is also a positive trend, although fossil fuel subsidies are likely slowing the adoption of renewables.”


As 25 Earth vital signs worsen, scientists warn of ‘irreversible climate disaster’  © Mongabay

Hurricane Milton on October 8, 2024 from the International Space Station. Scientists were astounded by Milton’s rapid intensification from a tropical depression to a category five hurricane — intensification also seen in Hurricane Helene and an effect caused by a dangerously warming world. Image by NASA Johnson via Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0).

Nothing short of “immediate, high 

, and socially just climate policies” are needed to avoid a further decline of Earth’s vital signs, says Ripple. The report authors describe a range of mitigation measures, with rapid phase down of fossil fuel use a priority.

“[R]educing methane emissions is critical,” as this greenhouse gas is responsible for an estimated 30% of current warming. Drastically cutting methane emissions could have an outsized impact on easing the climate crisis.

“In addition, the adoption of a sufficiently high global carbon price could help to dramatically reduce emissions while providing further funding for climate action,” Ripple notes.

Protecting, restoring, and rewilding ecosystems; reducing overconsumption; reforming food production; and inclusion of climate change in education curriculums are all encouraged.

The report also suggests “stabilizing and gradually reducing the human population,” by empowering education and rights for girls, a contentious and controversial viewpoint. “I would push back strongly on the population control point,” Adams says. “Unsustainable use and unequal distribution of resources are the problem, not overpopulation.”

The report authors say their aim is “to communicate directly to researchers, policymakers and the public” in order “to alert humanity to the growing threats that we face as clearly as possible and to show leadership in addressing them.”

Referring to the upcoming UN COP29 climate summit — scheduled to begin this November in Baku, Azerbaijan — Ripple says he hopes to see a binding agreement on global fossil fuel phaseout, along with a rapid timeline to kickstart climate action. “We also hope that wealthy countries will increase their climate finance pledges to better support the Global South in scaling up renewable energy capacity and adapting to climate change.”

Banner image: FWC officers assist to remove debris left by Hurricane Milton. Image by Florida Fish and Wildlife via Flickr (CC BY-NC-ND 2.0).

Citations: Ripple, W. J., Wolf, C., Gregg, J. W., Rockström, J., Mann, M. E., Oreskes, N., Lenton, T. M., Rahmstorf, S., Newsome, T. M., Xu, C., Svenning, J., Pereira, C. C., Law, B. E., & Crowther, T. W. (2024). The 2024 state of the climate report: Perilous times on Planet Earth. BioScience. doi:10.1093/biosci/biae087

This article was originally published on Mongabay

Coal excavator at sunset

A coal mine in Newcastle, New South Wales. Credit: Brendon Thorne/Bloomberg / Getty Images

An international team of scientists has warned the world is on “the brink of an irreversible climate disaster”.

Their annual report – the 2024 State of the Climate Report, published in BioScience, finds more of Earth’s vital signs are in extreme distress.

The team behind the report says that a global carbon price, renewable energy, ecosystem restoration and reductions in overconsumption are among the ways to address the emergency.

“It feels a bit like déjà vu as our report continues to confirm what scientists have been saying for decades, but also somewhat depressing as the trends we are plotting are mostly heading in the wrong direction,” report co-author Dr Thomas Newsome, an ecologist at the University of Sydney, tells Cosmos.

The report is part of an annual series. The first publication, in 2020, declared a “climate emergency” and was co-signed by 11,258 scientists from 153 countries.

“Our reports are intended to educate the public, policymakers, and researchers about the state of the climate crisis. We present the latest information on planetary vital signs, current and projected climate impacts, and policy recommendations,” lead author Professor William Ripple, an ecologist at Oregon State University, USA, tells Cosmos.

“We are motivated to publish these annual reports because Earth’s climate is changing rapidly and there are many new developments every year.”

“The paper is a very welcomed addition to the collection of annual assessments that are published by independent but very well-established groups of scientists,” says Dr Pep Canadell, a chief research scientist at CSIRO Environment and executive director of the Global Carbon Project, who wasn’t involved with the research.

“These rapid assessments are, in part, in response to the very slow cycles of updates by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and the fact that the key climate indicators are changing very rapidly.

“I praise most in this assessment the very up-to-date data which shows the remarkable times of change we are experiencing.”

As 25 Earth vital signs worsen, scientists warn of ‘irreversible climate disaster’ © Mongabay

A coal burning power plant in Poland. The recent report warns that immediate action must be taken to reduce fossil fuel emissions to avoid irreversible climate disaster. Image courtesy of Anna Liminowicz via Climate Visuals (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0).  Reversing destabilizing global trends

This year, the report highlights the 3 hottest days in recorded history, all this July, as well as annual emissions from energy generation exceeding 40 billion tonnes of CO2-equivalent for the first time in 2023.

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Read More

It also points out the UN Environment Programme’s estimate that current emissions policies will warm the world by 2.7°C in 2100, compared to preindustrial levels.

This is despite 195 countries being signatories to the Paris Agreement, which pledges to keep climate change to well below 2°C, aiming for 1.5°C.

“Tragically, we are failing to avoid serious impacts, and we can now only hope to limit the extent of the damage,” write the researchers.

The team has tracked 35 planetary vital signs, including metrics like ocean acidity, fossil fuel subsidies, greenhouse gas emissions, population, and tree cover loss.

Of these, 25 are at record levels.

The report comes as chairman of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Professor Jim Skea, said on the weekend that “1.5°C is slipping away from us” in an interview with the UK’s The Telegraph.

Skea emphasised the UN’s estimate of nearly 3°C by 2100, saying that even 2°C of warming was “a big ask”.

“In reviewing the state of Earth’s climate, it has become extremely clear that humanity is far off track with regard to climate action,” Ripple says.

“We are seeing a significant increase in scientific research on the topic of climate-related societal collapse. I am deeply troubled by both current climate-related disasters and such long-term catastrophic risks.”

The researchers say that the rapid phaseout of fossil fuels worldwide should be a top priority for addressing these risks, including: “a sufficiently high global carbon price that could restrain emissions by the wealthy while potentially providing funding for much-needed climate mitigation and adaptation programs”.

They also suggest that rapid cuts to methane emissions can slow heating in the short term, and drastic reductions to overconsumption and waste are necessary particularly among wealthy countries. “In a world with finite resources, unlimited growth is a perilous illusion,” write the researchers.

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Climate Calamity Part 2

Climate-related disasters shown in the report.

Top (L-R): Rescue of people stranded by floods in Canoas, Rio Grande do Sul (Brazil, 2024; Duda Fortes, Agência RBS); “Drought in Ethiopia due to rains unrealised” (Ethiopia, 2011; Oxfam East Africa; CC BY 2.0). Bottom: Firefighters contain a bushfire burning around the town of Aberdare (Australia, 2013; Quarrie Photography, Jeff Walsh, Cass Hodge; CC BY-NC-ND 2.0); The aftermath of Hurricane Matthew (Haiti, 2016; UN Photo / Logan Abassi; CC BY-NC-ND 2.0)

A new report from a team of international scientists has revealed harsh realities on Earth, with 25 of 35 planetary vital signs reaching record extremes. Without immediate action, scientists warn that these extremes could threaten life on Earth.

In the new study, published in the journal BioScience, scientists presented a stark look at the state of the climate crisis.

“We are on the brink of an irreversible climate disaster. This is a global emergency beyond any doubt. Much of the very fabric of life on Earth is imperiled. We are stepping into a critical and unpredictable new phase of the climate crisis,” the scientists wrote.

Scientists use 35 different planetary vital signs to track the effects of climate change, including human population, global tree cover loss, meat production per capita, energy consumption, carbon dioxide emissions, ice mass changes, glacier thickness and more.

Burning bush fire

(John Crux Photography/Moment/Getty Images)

Almost Half of Earth’s Vital Signs Are Now ‘Code Red’, Scientists Warn


By David Nield

A new report from a coalition of international scientists is unequivocal about the severity of the environmental crisis that we’re in, with 16 out of the 35 ‘vital signs’ used to track climate change now rated as code red – that is, they’re at record extremes. 

The number of climate-related disasters is escalating, the report warns, with related human suffering – already at levels that are difficult to quantify and imagine – set to keep on rising rapidly as well.

We’re now faced with a stark choice: make quick and meaningful changes to the way we live our lives and treat the planet, or face the very real possibility of global societal collapse further down the line.

“As we can see by the annual surges in climate disasters, we are now in the midst of a major climate crisis, with far worse to come if we keep doing things the way we’ve been doing them,” says ecologist Christopher Wolf from Oregon State University.

“We implore our fellow scientists to join us in advocating for research-based approaches to climate and environmental decision-making.”

Some of the issues that the team points towards include the increasing frequency of extreme heat events, rising global tree cover loss (with wildfires playing a major role in that), and more cases of the mosquito-borne dengue virus.

There’s also the matter of atmospheric carbon dioxide levels, which are now at their highest since records began: 418 parts per million. Meanwhile, 2022 is on track to be one of the hottest years on record. 

Other vital signs tracked by the researchers include surface temperature anomalies, Antarctica ice mass change, ocean acidity, and major floods in the US costing at least a billion dollars to clean up.

The report also mentions numerous climate change-related events that have occurred just this year: the worst drought in Europe in 500 years, for example; record-breaking rainfall on the east coast of Australia; a deadly heat wave in India and Pakistan; widespread dust storms in the Middle East; and a severe flood that destroyed roads in Yellowstone National Park in the US, to name a few.

“Climate change is not a standalone issue,” says sustainability scientist Saleemul Huq from Independent University, Bangladesh. “It is part of a larger systemic problem of ecological overshoot where human demand is exceeding the regenerative capacity of the biosphere.”

“To avoid more untold human suffering, we need to protect nature, eliminate most fossil fuel emissions and support socially just climate adaptations with a focus on low-income areas that are most vulnerable.”

Experts predict a rise of 3 degrees Celsius in terms of global warming by 2100, a temperature level that the planet hasn’t seen for some 3 million years. However, despite repeated warnings, many trends are still going in the wrong direction.

The researchers have put together a 35-minute documentary called The Scientist’s Warning to spur more action and increase awareness. They’re hoping that more and more scientists now make a stand about the urgent action that needs to be taken.

There is still hope. The researchers note an unprecedented numbers of scientists are speaking out about the climate crisis, and are calling for “massive-scale climate change mitigation and adaptation” to happen immediately for the sake of future generations.

“Look at all of these heat waves, fires, floods and massive storms,” says ecologist William Ripple, from Oregon State University. “The specter of climate change is at the door and pounding hard.”

The research has been published in BioScience.

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Twenty-five of these vital signs are already breaking records, including human population, coal and oil consumption, ruminant livestock populations, U.S. heat-related deaths, carbon emissions, methane levels, fossil fuel subsidies, ocean heat content changes, ocean acidification, glacier thickness and tree cover loss, among others.

The 25 planetary vital signs that have reached record levels, as reported by researchers, include:

1 Greenhouse Gas Concentrations: Levels of CO2 and other greenhouse gases are at all-time highs.

2 Global Surface Temperatures: Average temperatures are increasing rapidly.

3 Ocean Heat Content: Oceans are absorbing more heat, leading to rising sea temperatures.

4 Sea Level Rise: Global sea levels are rising due to melting ice and thermal expansion.

5 Forest Loss: Deforestation rates are increasing, leading to significant tree cover loss.

6 Biodiversity Decline: Many species are facing extinction at an alarming rate.

7 Fossil Fuel Consumption: The use of fossil fuels remains high, contributing to climate change.

8 Human Population: The global population continues to grow, putting more pressure on natural resources.

9 Energy Consumption: Overall energy use is increasing, often from non-renewable sources.

10 Ocean Acidification: Increased CO2 levels are making oceans more acidic.

11 Heat-Related Mortality: Deaths related to extreme heat are rising.

12 Global GDP: Economic activities continue to grow, often at the expense of the environment.

13 Livestock Numbers: The number of livestock is increasing, contributing to greenhouse gas emissions.

14 Food Production: Intensive agriculture is impacting the environment.

15 Government-Declared Climate Emergencies: More governments are recognizing the climate crisis.

16 Wildfires: The frequency and intensity of wildfires are increasing.

17 Floods: Severe flooding events are becoming more common.

18 Droughts: Prolonged droughts are affecting more regions.

19 Glacial Melting: Glaciers are melting at unprecedented rates.

20 Freshwater Availability: Access to clean freshwater is decreasing.

21 Air Quality: Pollution levels are worsening in many areas.

22 Plastic Pollution: Plastic waste is accumulating in oceans and landfills.

23 Soil Degradation: Soil quality is declining due to overuse and erosion.

24 Chemical Pollution: The use of harmful chemicals is impacting ecosystems.

25 Extreme Weather Events: The frequency and severity of extreme weather events are increasing.

These indicators highlight the urgent need for global action to address climate change and protect our planet. 

What are your thoughts on how we can tackle these issues?

According to the scientists, the human population is increasing by around 200,000 people per day, while ruminant livestock populations are increasing by around 170,000 animals per day. They also found that fossil fuel consumption increased 1.5% in 2023.

A separate report, the 2024 Forest Declaration Assessment, recently confirmed a decrease in tree cover, with 6.3 million hectares of land deforested in 2023.

Although the scientists did find that renewable energy consumption increased in 2023, renewables are still not overtaking fossil fuel demand enough to limit severe impacts of climate change.

Further, scientists warned that atmospheric carbon dioxide and methane concentrations have reached record highs, the average surface temperature of the Earth is at a record high, ocean acidity has broken records, ocean heating is at an all-time high, and global sea levels are at the highest amounts ever recorded. 

On the other hand, Greenland and Antarctic ice masses have reached record lows, and the average global glacier thickness is at an all-time low.

We are already seeing the devastating impacts of these vital signs hitting extremes, with a 117% increase in heat deaths in the U.S. from 1999 to 2023. Last year, areas across Asia experienced deadly heat waves that killed thousands of people, the report authors warned.

Now, the U.S. is facing two back-to-back hurricanes amid rising ocean temperatures, which have nearly doubled in the past two decades, a recent report from EU Copernicus found.

More From EcoWatch

The authors of the report on the planetary vital signs are warning that governments need to take immediate actions to protect life on Earth. They have recommended actions and policies such as establishing a global carbon price, replacing fossil fuels with renewables, limiting greenhouse gas emissions, encouraging plant-based eating, protecting and restoring ecosystems, and reducing overconsumption and waste, especially by the wealthy.

“A large portion of the very fabric of life on our planet is imperiled,” said William Ripple, a professor at Oregon State University College of Forestry, which led the study. “Ecological overshoot, taking more than the Earth can safely give, has pushed the planet into climatic conditions more threatening than anything witnessed even by our prehistoric relatives. We’re already in the midst of abrupt climate upheaval, which jeopardizes life on Earth like nothing humans have ever seen.”

Key climate indicators from greenhouse gas levels to ice loss have reached record levels this year in what researchers call a “critical and unpredictable new phase of the climate crisis”

By James Dinneen

8 October 2024

The Park Fire burns through the night on July 30, 2024 near Chico, California

A wildfire burns in California on 30 July 2024

David McNew/Getty Images

A growing number of the planet’s “vital signs” have reached record levels due to climate change and other environmental threats, according to a stark report by a group of prominent researchers.

“We are on the brink of an irreversible climate disaster,” write William Ripple at Oregon State University and his colleagues. “This is a global emergency beyond any doubt. Much of the very fabric of life on Earth is imperiled.”

Read more: Our plans to tackle climate change with carbon storage don’t add up

The report is the fifth annual State of the Climate report led by Ripple in an effort to present a clear warning of what the researchers say is a crisis given the extremes measured across key climate indicators, from greenhouse gas levels to tree cover loss.

“The climate crisis isn’t a distant threat, it’s a here-and-now crisis,” says Michael Mann at the University of Pennsylvania, one of several well-known co-authors of the report, which also includes historian Naomi Oreskes, Earth scientist Tim Lenton and oceanographer Stefan Rahmstorf.

The researchers assessed 35 “planetary vital signs”, including the amount of heat in the oceans and the thickness of glaciers. The vital signs also include measures of the human factors driving many of those changes, such as meat production per capita and subsidies for fossil fuels.

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Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet

Global Temperature – Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet

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Climate Change: Vital Signs of the Planet

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It doesn’t matter who we choose at this point, imo. The system is broken.

🗣️ “Will We Remain Silent as Our Republic Falls?” 🇺🇲

Red Skelton’s Pledge of Allegiance. 🙂

Insurrection Barbie on X: “There was a very important study done by the Media Research Center called Law and Disorder. It was a deep dive into how George and Alex Soros have transformed the American criminal justice system in just eight short years. This received barely any press coverage. Our criminal” / X

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Vice President Kamala Harris’ team has been discussing ways to clean up her responses to questions this week about how she would differentiate herself from President Joe Biden, NBC News White House Correspondent Monica Alba reports.

Our “Democracy”??? Hahaha. Hahaha.

They keep tossing that word out! What ever happened to our Republic??

I know… It gave its last death gasp in the 1920s and then was replaced with a Democracy! And then that was replaced with an Oligarchy! And now we’re on our way of losing our Constitution to the Socialist Matrix—with the likes of the Transhuman Prophets, at the helm!

“A passionate plea. The importance of civic engagement and informed decision-making can’t be overstated” That’s a strong sentiment and reflects a perspective that many share regarding political choices and their implications for democracy. Your dedication and hard work will pave the way to success.

Keep pushing forward.

History has shown us time and again that when power concentrates in one hand, it leads to societal catastrophe. From the fall of the Roman Empire to Weimar Germany, whenever democracy weakened, dictatorships swiftly followed. “If one person alone is expected to defend democracy, how secure is that democracy?”

…the question shall be: how secure is that democracy?” It seems like it’s already eradicated given the power of lobbyists to influence the policies. Democracy is just an illusion sold to the masses. When has it ever functioned as a true representation of the people’s will?

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The choice is a new Golden Age: Trump, J.D. Vance, RFK Jr, Nicole Shanahan, Tulsi Gabbard, Vivek Ramaswamy, and Elon Musk leading the way or a new Dark Age with Cackling Kamala Harris all the way down to the abyss.

It’s important to remember that democracy is about the power of the people, not just one individual. Every vote counts, regardless of who it’s for. Let’s focus on voting for what aligns with our values and beliefs, ensuring a strong democracy for all.

Philosophers from Plato to Montesquieu:

Have emphasized the importance of balancing power. As Montesquieu stated: “Power should be a check to power, or it will corrupt.” Today, we see how unchecked power threatens democracy everywhere. Across the globe—from Venezuela to Hungary—we witness the decline of democracy and the rise of authoritarian leaders. These leaders, instead of safeguarding democracy, manipulate it for their own interests, curtailing the people’s rights. Democracy should be upheld by the people, not by a single leader. 

As Desmond Tutu once said: “If you are neutral in situations of injustice, you have chosen the side of the oppressor.” Now is not the time to remain neutral—it’s time to raise our voices and defend democracy. Strong leadership isn’t just about protecting democracy; it’s about defending justice and human rights too. As the Quran reminds us: ‘Whoever saves a life, it is as if they saved all of humanity’ (Quran 5:32). Democracy is not merely a form of government; it’s the protection of human rights, justice, and freedom.


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Democracy is a fragile masterpiece, and without the right leadership, it could crumble!
“The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing” (Edmund Burke).Now is the time to stand up! 

A gov with open borders in today’s society betrays the fundamental responsibility to the American people. Remember, democracy is not only defended at the ballot box,

in everyday life! 🇺🇲💓🇺🇲🤍🇺🇲💙🇺🇲

Concerns about the direction of democracy can lead to passionate discussions about political candidates and their policies. It’s essential to consider various viewpoints and engage in dialogue about what democracy means and how it can be preserved. What aspects of Trump’s policies or approach do you think are most crucial for this debate?

Is voting for Trump truly a safeguard for democracy, or a capitulation to fear that overlooks the complexities of our political system. While it’s important to voice concerns, democracy thrives on diverse opinions and fair elections, not just supporting one candidate.


The country’s going to end up with nothing!
I get the appeal of wanting someone like Elon Musk’s so-called “efficiency” to streamline things, but the government isn’t a business. You don’t get to waltz in and run it like one. You need Congress on board, you need consensus, and you need leaders willing to act in the interest of the country, even if it goes against their own interests. That’s the major issue with our government—it’s packed with people who care more about reelection and their wallets than what’s good for the nation. 

Now, Kamala Harris isn’t perfect, that’s for sure. But Trump? He’s not the answer—he’s a whole new problem. Believing Trump will somehow fix the dysfunction is a fantasy. He’s only going to create more chaos, tear down what’s left of trust in the government, and leave us sifting through the wreckage. The Bolsheviks overthrew the corrupt czars, but what did they get in return? 

A corrupt system that starved 30 million people to death. You can want change, but if you don’t think carefully about how that change happens, you can end up with something much worse. As Aristotle wisely put it: “Anyone can become angry—that is easy. But to be angry with the right person, to the right degree, at the right time, for the right purpose, and in the right way—that is not within everyone’s power and is not easy.” 

It’s easy to be angry at the state of things right now, but letting that anger drive decisions without thinking through the consequences is how you end up burning the house down. If you want real change, you need people willing to do the hard work—speaking up, building consensus, and voting against self-interest for the betterment of the country. Voting for Trump is just trading dysfunction for disaster. What’s left in the ashes of his chaos is anyone’s guess.

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I remember this pic. Abe (Japan) appears to have a good relationship with POTUS#45.

Europe is in more trouble than they want to admit. multiple layers of government, endless regulation, infighting, immigration, climate malarky…they’re balkanizing themselves. The astronomical forces will resist in full force because there’s Trillions at Stake!

President Trump is the first President ever to make me interested in trade and how the economic pieces all come together. He is the GOAT! I’m so glad I lived to see a man like him in the office. That explanation was excellent.

Under the pilfered regime of Squatter Biden, The Dollar Tree (a store where everything was $1.) inflated to the $1.25 Tree. Filled with what I call Commie Process Foods. Now, their dubious merch is even chintzier! No one seems to care…I can see this going on for yonks…
Trump hasn’t forgotten what China had done to the world, by releasing the Wuhan Virus. As soon as he takes office Trump is going to drop the MOAB on the Chinese economy!

Then BRICS would do preemptive(s) economic damage control. This Xi & Vlad and company, we are talking about. 

Some way, somehow…they’ll get theirs. 

Rand Paul (subject matter) is already pushing for legislation so that Congress can reclaim their constitutional authority over trade. I expected higher import prices to create jobs since American products would be the cheaper alternative to imports, requiring US manufacturing jobs. If status quo’s kept and import costs fall, no job growth? Cheap prices are nice, but more income(s) to pay for things is better.

While Trump has strong supporters, the essence of democracy lies in healthy debates and ensuring everyone’s voice is heard.

And then we need to keep voting for whoever will work to preserve our constitutional republic at every election after that. Communists will just keep trying. A Constitutional Republic is a Law of the Land instead of being ruled by a MOB!!!


This is a truth that every American citizen should be aware of. Recognize reality.

This was never about the Democrats vs. the Republicans. This was always about the people vs. the globalists. Understand that the globalist agenda involves destroying the United States and turning control over to the United Nations. No more constitution. No more rights and no more elections.

All countries will be at risk, what happens in the USA actually affects all of the world.

We need a role model for governments in Europe, this role model is the American People. Democrats are ruining our democracy for power…and doing it in front of our faces in real time. Wake up America. Eventually this will not be good for anyone…

VOTE Trump ✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️✍️

Drill Baby Drill until we build a grid that cab handle the demand: 

We need to pump our own oil and stop funding our enemies’ military. 

This is exactly why Trump must and will redesign the military to a peace keeping force from the bullshit we have now … to a strong, strong fighting force designed to protect the homeland. When it comes to the use of economic leverage to create U.S. national security outcomes, we are a commanding lead and an economic master player. As The Fake media will do everything, they can stop people from realizing how effective President Trump is…


Here. Bookmark this for when Trump wins. 
Everyone who is a pragmatic critical thinker knows that China will devalue their currency to lower the impact of exports to the USA. Beijing controls the banks and they did this before. As a result, the dollar value increases and imports cost less. The Chinese imports then enter the USA at a lower price consistent with their cost estimate as a tariff offset. China takes in a lower price, but retains access.

That’s just how it works.

The importers pay the tariff with a lowered price and a higher valued dollar. Essentially statis for the time being. Then….. EU industrial products to Chinese manufacturing plants start to contract, due to China’s aggressive cost cutting initiatives. The EU gets angry about the impact on their economy. The EU then follows the same path and devalues their central bank currency; further pressuring the dollar to an upward price. 

Exports to the EU are now more expensive, and imports from the EU to the USA are now cheaper. Again, the EU goal is statis. Both scenarios create cheaper USA imports despite the tariffs. However, on the EU side Trump then ends the Marshall plan and executes “tariff reciprocity” against the EU. More frustration and gritted teeth by Brussels. 

[NOTE: Avoiding this squeeze also explains why U.K PM Starmer was all snuggly to Trump at Trump Tower a few weeks ago – he’s hedging.] Exports from the USA ultimately cost more because the dollar is stronger against EU and Asia currencies. 

However, a stronger dollar is an offset to BRICS leverage and allows Trump to play economic chess. Trump uses part of the tariff income to underwrite agriculture exports, but… here we have fun… if agriculture exports are impacted, domestic foodstuffs drop in price. Into this dynamic Trump turns to Mexico. We have a strong dollar, all those Western Union transfers to Mexico are more valuable. Leverage is created: 

The economic situation then overlays the secure border dynamic and if Mexico wants to retain trade access within the USMCA agreement, the part that no one discussed comes into play.

(1) DogeDesigner on X: “”If we don’t vote for Trump, I think we’re at a serious risk of losing our democracy.”” / X Unbeknownst to all those except those who watched Robert Lighthizer do it, the USA has first right of refusal to any trade agreement made by Mexico or Canada. That’s correct, Trump now controls a veto on trade agreements within USMCA partnered countries. 
Suddenly Xi Jinping is vulnerable in Mexico if Trump nixes the EV production. Beijing is financially exposed and vulnerable. Big Panda is not happy. How do we know this will happen? Good question. Answer: #1) This is what Trump did in 2017. #2) Because he said this is what he is going to do.

Don’t forget to bookmark: Fantastic 2-minute explanation of Trump’s economic policy and tariff strategy as leverage. – Search (

Make America Great Again!!!

 Now couple this with energy abundance domestically and the threat of tanking global energy prices by supplying through cheap exports and you not only get EU and overseas business but also decouple EU dependence from Russian gas. So, you hit Russia two ways- by reducing gas revenues by threatening credibly of reducing price per MMBTU or by cutting off their demand from the EU. Economic strength as the foundation of leveraging foreign policy. – Search Videos (


Illegal immigration is costing taxpayers billions! 

Yet Democrats shout “open borders” with no regard for the burden it puts on American families and states. How’s that for insanity, young man? When will they stop turning a blind eye? Time to put America first and protect our communities. Let’s stop the madness and fix this mess.


Cost of illegal immigrants per state in 2023:

Thread by @DefiyantlyFree on Thread Reader App – Thread Reader App

Total: $97.9 billion !Think of all of the school programs that could have been funded Aging bridges replaced Roads resurfaced Veterans housed Cancer patients treatments paid for Homeless people housed and retrained for the workforce

Imagine if this was spent on education, infrastructure, veteran services,

social services, public safety, or economic development…

Add up all of that, plus all of the money we are sending to other countries. Can you imagine what each state could have done with that money?! Meanwhile we have homeless vets and people without food.

Crystal Davis @CrystalDav8301

And this is why our property taxes went up over 50% in Illinois

Why does our government hate us?

Imagine what these BILLIONS could do for veterans, survivors of hurricanes, or just for healthcare, infrastructure for citizens….

No one voted for this….The dollar figures disclose the state governments that are heavily involved in the plan!

Is this counting how much it costs to keep foreign felons incarcerated?

It’s your money, America! “The government” doesn’t generate money, they take it from YOUR PAYCHECK. Did you want to spend your hard earned money this way??

California is the model to observe. Go to any SoCal town the first week of the month and visit shopping centers, banks, restaurants. I could try to describe it in detail, seeing it is the only way. Go to banks, stores, restaurants and parks and recreation areas. See who has ample money to spend while everything they have is new. Big vehicles, all have cell phones, everyone in new clothes, shoes, hats etc. with bags of new stuff. Every month.

Do you know how much a board-and-care costs for the elderly who are legal citizens and have paid taxes all their lives? And it is all out of pocket. Medicare does not cover a penny of it. Our government has NO MONEY FOR THEM!

TOTALLY Unacceptable for illegal immigrant invaders replacing American citizens, when there is natural born citizens homeless in the street, lack of their medical care, education of citizens children with negative learning effects and the cost of living rising for everything and anything American CITIZENS need …. etc. etc. etc. !!!

Randy Jones Jr @FR88DOMF8GHT8R

· Harris Left Canada at 18. She Doesn’t Often Look Back. (

Me and my family in NY are a perfect example of American citizens going without. We are struggling and hit rock bottom. Car is broke down. Lost a job. Got behind and now looking at eviction before winter. Went to the state for help and they are giving us $883 a month for rent and bills/

This is not sustainable.

#Kamala, that would have been a lot of fixed and new bridges, roads, high-speed trains, schools, people out of tents, rehabilitation facilities. Instead, you turned America into the third world and now ask what can only be described as schmucks to vote for you.

Kamala Harris accused of plagiarism in co-authored 2009 book on criminal reform (

After Trump is back in office, we must start with those illegals who have committed heinous crimes and continue from there. Deportation is the only way…Never was. Those who permitted this are globalists bent on destroying America. Trump to the rescue.

Wake up American voters. We can take our country back.

Toughest Times in United States History – Search (

It’s never too late. 💓🤍💙

Cycle Around Japan Highlights Discovering Japan by bicycle,

exploring a side of Japan not found in guidebooks.

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Kamala Harris Not Fooling Anyone

Harmeet Dhillon @pnjabanis underrated patriot. I’m glad Tucker had her on!

She’s been groomed by identity politics since before she registered to vote at age 29.
Harmeet Dhillon is a San Francisco lawyer who’s known Kamala Harris for more than 20 years.

Don’t forget Harmeet is doing this interview just months after the death of her beloved husband, and weeks after the death of her dad, whom she adored. She’s held corrupt Democrats accountable for many years now and won countless big cases.

Kamala Harris is a criminal for what she’s done to America. Specifically, for inviting 20 million illegals to invade our country. Kamala has committed treason. These are just SNIPPETS of this 2hr long interview with Harmeet Dhillon @pnjaban and Tucker.

These snippets only cover the first hour of the interview.

Exposes Kamala Harris for who she really is a Heartless Beyotch:
1) Kamala didn’t even register to vote until she was 29. Former colleague of Kamala (practicing lawyer of 30 yrs) brings receipts in a Tucker Carlson interview. HIGHLY suggest you watch in its entirety — her entire resume unravels. Link to interview is in post if you scroll down 👇🏼👇🏼

2) Kamala cheated campaign finance laws in California in her first race. She signed paperwork at a cap of money to be raised, and well she fell behind, TRIPLED the amount she was allowed to legally raise.

3) Kamala touts supporting the 2nd amendment, yet is/was notoriously harder on actual lawful gun owners (typically acting in self defense), than she was on illegal criminals committing murder (due to her sanctuary laws).

4) A lab, in which evidence was tested for thousands of cases was shown to be compromised. Kamala sat on this information that could have exonerated THOUSANDS, for THREE MONTHS, until a judge torched her office and had 1,400 cases dismissed. She was also notorious for civil rights violations for those not in “The Club”…

5) Kamala’s election to Attorney General of California was NOT a slam dunk win. In CA, voting starts 1 month out, and it’s illegal to ask for ID for voting. The eve of the Election, her competition had a comfortable lead — and it wasn’t until WEEKS after, she won by 2,000 +\- votes in a state of almost 40,000,000 voters 🤨

6) Notable “Fun Facts from the Interview” •Did NOT pass the Bar Exam on her first try •Has never been given a VIOLENT CRIME OR MURDER case to prosecute. •Kamala has never worked in the private sector. Every job she’s had within the “lawyer realm” was paid for by taxpayers •Willie Brown appointed Kamala to specific jobs, each giving her an additional $200K income, and also gifted her a BMW, while Mayor.

7) Kamala was the first person to PROSECUTE a journalist (whose case has been in limbo for the past SEVEN YEARS) over Free Speech. He utilized recordings in public spaces to ‘out’ the selling of fetal parts from organizations like Planned Parenthood. None of the organizations who’ve been exposed to selling parts has been investigated or charged.

8) Kamala has changed the pronunciation of her name 3-4 times over the last 20 yrs. Every Claim Harris Made We’ve Fact-Checked During 2024 Presidential Campaign.

Kamala Harris grew up in Westmount, Quebec, Canada Affluent Neighborhood,

Kamala Harris is a ‘liar’: US Vice President claims to have never been to Europe | Sky News Australia

In this interview with Tucker Carlson.

Harmeet verdict: Kamala Harris is a criminal.

Here are the details: (0:43) Who Really Is Kamala Harris? (2:41) Kamala and Willie Brown (22:17) How Does Kamala Pronounce Her Name? (32:23) Kamala’s Crimes (45:03) How Has Kamala Changed? (47:44) Corporate Media Covering for Kamala’s Gaffes (49:46) Kamala Protecting Criminals (1:06:11) What Kind of Attorney General Was Kamala? (1:09:10) Kamala’s Hatred for the Pro-Life Movement and Free Speech (1:18:14) Who Is Kamala’s Husband Doug Emhoff? (1:30:47) Kamala’s “Minority” Status (1:39:03) Voters Don’t Like Kamala (1:44:59) What Happens If Kamala Wins?


Harmeet Dhillon: The Shocking Origin Story of Kamala Harris and All the Crimes She’s Committed (

(1) Tucker Carlson on X: “Harmeet Dhillon is a San Francisco lawyer who’s known Kamala Harris for more than 20 years. Her verdict: Kamala Harris is a criminal.” / X

Kamala Harris is also literally an illegal alien. Parents arrived on student visas, which don’t have permanently domiciled status. That’s a requirement of the citizenship category SCOTUS created out of whole cloth in Ark v US. – Search (

(1) Ariel on X: “Kamala Harris: The Anchor Baby Birth parents have to have a permanent domicile and residence in the United States to be consumed citizens. No. student residence is not considered a permanent domicile/residence. Rather, for a college student. Example: A home residence is” / X

You stated that at the time of Kamala Harris’s birth, her parents were in the country on student visas, which did not grant them permanent legal domiciled status in the United States. You previously acknowledged that the Court reasoned that Wong Kim Ark’s parents, although of Chinese descent, were domiciled residents of the United States, having established and maintained a permanent residence in San Francisco. This legal and permanent domicile was a significant factor in the Court’s decision to affirm Wong Kim Ark’s citizenship. Therefore, it seems logical to conclude that Kamala Harris does not qualify for the birthright citizenship granted to Ark.

Answer by Grok

Yes, based on the information provided, it appears that Kamala Harris’s parents, who were in the country on visas at the time of her birth, did not have a legal and permanent domicile in the United States. This is a significant factor in determining birthright citizenship under the principles established in U.S. v. Wong Kim Ark. Therefore, is logical to conclude that Kamala Harris does not qualify for the birthright citizenship granted to Wong Kim Ark.

Why Kamala Harris Will Not Do Any Press Conferences | Victor Davis Hanson (

Read More:(1) Ariel on X: “Kamala Harris: The Anchor Baby Birth parents have to have a permanent domicile and residence in the United States to be consumed citizens. No. student residence is not considered a permanent domicile/residence. Rather, for a college student. Example: A home residence is” / X

More info on

A school in his father’s hometown of Kogelo, Kenya, has been renamed the Senator Obama Kogelo Secondary School.

In December 2008 and in 2012, Time magazine named Obama as its Person of the Year.

After law school, Obama became a civil rights lawyer with the firm Miner, Barnhill & Galland in Chicago.

He wrote Dreams from My Father (1995), The Audacity of Hope (2006), and Of Thee, I Sing: A Letter to My Daughters (2010).

Barack Obama was awarded a Nobel Peace Prize in October 2009 for his “extraordinary efforts” at international diplomacy and foreign policy, especially with the Muslim world.

The OBummer’s, Clinton’s, Corrupt TRAITOR Brandon’s, Kommie Kamala with Pelosi and Schumer have all committed Treason. Hence architects of intentional Globalization through open border policies. However, We the People aren’t supposed to notice the regular gaslighting from the White House. 

Vice President Kamala Harris on the Howard Stern Show (FULL INTERVIEW) (  🇺🇲

Sikh Lawyers Recall Kamala Harris’s Problematic Past as Attorney General (
“Kamala Harris has never shown any interest in the rights or needs of the Sikh community, and I would not expect her to start now, having gotten so far in her career with her numerous abuses of civil rights of multiple opposing parties for decades.”   

PodPulse – Harmeet Dhillon: The Shocking Origin Story of 

Kamala Harris and All the Crimes She’s Committed – The Tucker Carlson Show Podcast notes and takeaways

The 2024 Presidential Ticket; Belief in the Ballot | 60 Minutes Full Episodes (🤔


Jim Carrey cartoon angers Benito Mussolini’s granddaughter | SBS News

Jim Carrey cartoon enrages Benito Mussolini’s granddaughter Alessandra Mussolini,

 so she engages in Twitter war with his defenders – CBS News

Alessandra Mussolini Connection to Hollywood – Search (


Do Recent Wildfires Match Up ‘Exactly’ with California’s Proposed High Speed Railway?

Dianne Feinstein Nancy Pelosi California High Speed Rail Scam’ – Search (

The Choice 2024: Harris vs. Trump (full documentary) | FRONTLINE (


Barack Hussein Obama Supplied Guns to the Drug Cartel Connection Images 

Barack Hussein Obama Supplied Guns to the Drug Cartel Connection – Search 

Barack Hussein Obama Muslim Brotherhood Connection – Search (

Barack Hussein Obama Drug Cartel Connection – Search (

Joesph ” Robinhood” Biden Crime Family – Search (

Nancy Pelosi Baltimore Crime Family – Search (

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Can This Be End Times

“The pessimist complains about the wind; the optimist expects it to change; the realist adjusts the sails.”  Apocalypse Now: 6 Biblical Signs of the End Times

These are signs of hope, not despair.

While the Bible makes it clear that no one knows when the world will end, it also says there will be signs that Jesus’ return is approaching. Read this article to learn the six biblical signs of the end times.

In this article:

  1. Christ’s Second Coming
  2. Nation Against Nation
  3. False Prophets
  4. Moral Decay
  5. Signs in the Stars
  6. A Great Tribulation
  7. Earthquakes in Many Places

The Second Coming

The Bible presents a certain paradox when it comes to the end times. On one hand, we have Mark 13: 32, which tells us “But about that day or hour no one knows, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father.” So the angels in heaven don’t know when the end is coming. Not even Jesus, Himself, knows when He’s coming back, it seems.

Yet in Matthew 24: 5-8, Christ says, of the impending end of all things, that “For many will come in my name, saying, ‘I am the Christ,’ and they will lead many astray. And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars. See that you dare not alarmed, for this must take place, but the end is not yet. For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom, and there will be famines and earthquakes in various places. All these are but the beginning of the birth pains.”

So we’re told that we cannot know when the end will come, yet we are given definitive signs that foretell its coming.

How can we make sense of this?

One way in which these signs can be useful is if we, instead of trying to predict the end through them, simply take them as hope-filled reminders that Christ is going to return and redeem all of creation.

In this way, when we see these events transpiring, we can find hope instead of fear as we prepare ourselves to weather the storm. To help you see these events for what they are, let’s take a look at 6 Biblical signs of the end times.


Nation Against Nation

In Matthew 24:7, Christ gives us one of the signs, saying that, “Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.”

Since war has been raging ever since the Biblical Fall, we have to assume that this means something more—something far more destructive or significant than what we’ve yet seen. And knowing what we’ve already been through—things like WWII—it is difficult to imagine anything worse.

We may very well be about to enter this troublesome age. However, with world tensions again growing taut, and with most every country now possessing the most powerful weapons in history, this sign may be fast approaching.

Consider North Korea, and its boasts of nuclear retaliation. Think of Russia’s growing tension with the United States. Think of the myriad conflicts in the Middle East. And don’t forget that China, one of the world’s superpowers, is growing increasingly hostile with the West. With all that’s going on, we can’t help but be reminded of Christ’s return.


False Prophets

In Matthew 24:24, Jesus warns of another sign, saying “For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect.”

These “false christs” will look like the real deal—they’ll preach like a Christian, be charismatic, and draw in many, many followers.

Those followers will sincerely believe that, in following these people, they are doing the work of God.

But in reality, these false prophets are not of God at all. Their messages will be subtly corrupt. They’ll even perform miracles. This brings to mind many corrupt religious leaders.

But there is a way we can discern who is true from who is false—Christ, in John 14:21, says “Whoever has my commands and obeys them, he is the one who loves me. He who loves me will be loved by my Father, and I too will love him and show myself to him.”

If we steep ourselves in the study of Christ’s life, we can plainly point out those who are not like Him. So study up, and be prepared for the false prophets.


Explaining Morality with Critical Realism (Part 1) (

Moral Decay: friends arguing

In 2 Timothy 3:1-4, Paul writes of a sign: “But understand this, that in the last days there will come times of difficulty. For people will be lovers of self, lovers of money, proud, arrogant, abusive, disobedient to their parents, ungrateful, unholy, heartless, unappeasable, slanderous, without self-control, brutal, not loving good, treacherous, reckless, swollen with conceit, lovers of pleasure rather than lovers of God.”

Again, since human beings have always been all of these things, we must assume that these traits will occur at an unprecedented level—more brutal, more heartless, and more greedy and proud than ever. The fall from God-inspired morality to relativity is a mark of the postmodern age.

Ours is a society that has become suspicious of anything labeled “truth,” and this may very well be the beginning of this sign. Moral relativism allows for the creation of personal codes of morality, of personal interpretations of truth—everything is up to the individual. This may eventually allow for the extreme behaviors listed in this sign.
Remember the fruits of the spirit— love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Live by these, and you’ll avoid the trap of moral decay that so many are destined to fall into. In my continuing research on critical realism, I discovered a lecture by Steve Ash at the Centre for Critical Realism in which he presents the core concepts of his book, “Explaining Morality.” Contrary to popular theory, Ash presents a strong case for a universal, objective moral value within social morals that can be verified using a critical realism paradigm.


Signs in the Stars: space-stars-inspirational

In Luke 21:25-26, Christ speaks of the sky, saying, “And there will be signs in sun and moon and stars, and on the earth distress of nations in perplexity because of the roaring of the sea and the waves, people fainting with fear and with foreboding of what is coming on the world. For the powers of the heavens will be shaken.”

This is an interesting one, and appears in several places in the Gospels. Some of the other verses speak of “roaring” in the heavens, as well as some kind of trouble in the seas.

One thing that’s certain—this sign will not be one to be missed.

It’s possible that this sign is simply speaking of human weaponry—satellite-based defenses capable of firing on the planet, missiles and bombs that streak down from the sky, and whatever other objects of destruction the human mind will contrive in the coming years.

Alternatively, this could, as we see in Matthew 24:29-32, be the great sign that accompanies Christ’s return.

Whatever the case, when the sky darkens and the stars disappear and the moon becomes red as blood, you will know that Christ is near. Northern lights put on vibrant show in the skies across US | Watch (

When and where can you see the rare Comet? Details explored Comet Tsuchinshan-Atlas set to approach Earth (


Great Tribulation: depression-road-fig-tree

The Great Tribulation is a bit of a contentious sign. Some interpret surrounding scripture to mean that believers will be taken up into heaven and spared this difficult time. Others believe that they will not be taken up until after.

Of this time, Christ says that “For then there will be a Great Tribulation, such as has not occurred since the beginning of the world until now, nor ever shall.” This Tribulation will be set off by an action of the Antichrist and conclude with the coming of the true Christ.

The Book of Revelation gives us a few details about what this time period will entail: God’s wrath will be on the earth, the Beast will be revealed, and plagues and suffering will occur throughout the earth.

It may be that this Tribulation is the combined effect of all the other signs—a world torn by war, inhumanity, natural disasters, and heavenly disturbances would certainly qualify as a “tribulation.” Whatever the case, and whatever you believe about this troubling time, keep your eyes open for it, and make sure your heart is prepared for the coming of Christ.


What If the Yellowstone Volcano Erupted Tomorrow? | Watch (

Earthquakes in Many Places

Earthquakes play a big role in Biblical prophecy. In Matthew 24:6-7, Christ says that “there will be famines and earthquakes in various places” when the time is near for His return.

Notice the “various places.” We cannot point to every earthquake that happens and think the end is coming—this sign is something different, something more widespread.

Like many of the signs, this will be something we’re familiar with, but greatly intensified—these won’t be just any old earthquakes, but something that rocks the very foundations of the earth, and so do in many places at once.

These quakes are mentioned five times in the Book of Revelation, with the final earthquake corresponding with the seventh bowl of God’s wrath being poured out on the earth. This is described as “a great earthquake, such a mighty and great earthquake that had not occurred since men were on the earth. Now the great city was divided into three parts, and the cities of the nations fell.”

This is another sign that will be difficult to miss but take care to interpret it correctly. These signs are merely the “birth pains” of Christ’s return, as Christ, Himself, says. Even in these frightening times, there is hope for a better world. Humanity’s future depends on our ability to live in harmony with nature (


Are hurricanes getting worse? Here’s what you need to know  (
Experts warn ‘crazy busy’ Atlantic hurricane season is far from over


Updated 1:39 PM EDT, October 11, 2024

Millions of people in the southeastern U.S. still are reeling from the catastrophic damage caused by Hurricanes Helene and Milton, but scientists warn that the Atlantic hurricane season is far from over. “As far as hurricane landfalls in the U.S., it’s been crazy busy,” said Jeff Masters, meteorologist for Yale Climate Connections. So far five hurricanes have made landfall in the U.S. — and the record is six.

Masters said it’s possible that record will be matched since tropical cyclone activity is expected to be above-average for the rest of October and November. Hurricane season officially ends Nov. 30 and peaks from mid-August to mid-October due to warm ocean waters. Masters said the very active period will continue into November because of favorable upper level winds in the atmosphere as well as ocean temperatures remaining at record-high temperatures.

“I think probably two or three more named storms by the first week of November is a good bet with at least one of those being a hurricane,” said Masters. “The Gulf (of Mexico) remains fairly anomalously warm even at this point in the year, so we shouldn’t relax,” said Chris Horvat, assistant professor of earth, environment and planetary science at Brown University.

Warm ocean waters at 80 degrees Fahrenheit (26.6 Celsius) or higher fuel hurricanes, but other factors needed for hurricane formation, such as favorable upper level winds, will eventually cap when these monster storms can form. “The Caribbean is warm enough year-round to get hurricanes, but it’s the strong upper level winds that prevent it from happening in the winter,” said Masters.

Staying prepared through the latter part of hurricane season is essential. “Because of climate change making the oceans warmer, we should expect to see more high-end hurricanes and we should expect to also see them later in the season,” he said. 


Prepare, Don’t Despair: Cross on bridge

Christ tells us the importance of the signs when He says, “From the fig tree learn its lesson: as soon as its branch becomes tender and puts out its leaves, you know that summer is near.”

That’s it. That’s the essence of why we’ve been made aware of the signs—so that we might know that Christ is near and take heart, and so that we might also prepare ourselves. So, keep an eye out for these 6 major Biblical signs of Christ’s return—you might just be able to see a few already.

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How and where can I see the “Comet of the Century” in the US? Track C/2023 A3 today.

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Rare Northern Lights Seen in the New York Metro Area (Aurora Borealis)

Scientists discover the maximum age a human being can attain (

The Northern Lights put on a show last night, see the photos (

How To Get Ready For A Solar Storm Hitting Earth | Watch (

For Liberals, a Familiar Sinking Feeling Returns (

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Cancer Avoidance

Cancer Avoidance – Search Videos ( LAW Ho Ming/Moment RF/Getty Images

CNN — Nearly 1 in 5 new cancer cases among adults ages 30 and older in the US in 2019 could be attributed to smoking, according to a new study. About 40% of new cancer cases among adults ages 30 and older in the United States — and nearly half of deaths — could be attributed to preventable risk factors, according to a new study from the American Cancer Society.

“These are things that people can practically change how they live every single day to reduce their risk of cancer,” said Dr. Arif Kamal, chief patient officer with the American Cancer Society.

Smoking was the leading risk factor by far, the study found, contributing to nearly 1 in 5 cancer cases and nearly a third of cancer deaths. Other key risk factors included excess body weight, alcohol consumption, physical inactivity, diet and infections such as HPV.

Overall, researchers analyzed 18 modifiable risk factors across 30 types of cancer. In 2019, these lifestyle factors were linked to more than 700,000 new cancer cases and more than 262,000 deaths, the study found.

Cancer grows because of DNA damage or because it has a fuel source, Kamal said. Other things — such as genetics or environmental factors — can also create these biological conditions, but modifiable risks explain a significantly larger share of cancer cases and deaths than any other known factors. Exposure to sunlight can damage DNA and lead to skin cancer, for example, while fat cells produce hormones that can feed certain cancers.

“With cancer, it often feels like you have no control,” Kamal said.

“People think about bad luck or bad genetics, but people need to feel a sense of control and agency.” Certain cancers are more preventable than others, the new study suggests.

But modifiable risk factors: The 10 Commandments of Cancer Prevention.

There were 10 types of cancer where modifiable risk factors could be attributed to at least 80% of new cases, including more than 90% of melanoma cases linked to ultraviolet radiation and nearly all cases of cervical cancer linked to HPV infection, which can be prevented with a vaccine.

Lung cancer had the largest number of cases attributable to modifiable risk factors — more than 104,000 cases among men and 97,000 among women — and the vast majority were linked to smoking.

After smoking, excess body weight was the second largest contributor to cancer cases, linked to about 5% of new cases in men and nearly 11% of cases in women. It was associated with more than a third of deaths from cancer of the endometrium, gallbladder, esophagus, liver and kidney, the new study found.

Another recent study found that the risk for certain cancers was significantly reduced for people taking popular weight-loss and diabetes medications such as Ozempic and Wegovy.

“Obesity is emerging, in some ways, as just as potent of a risk for people as smoking is,” said Dr. Marcus Plescia, chief medical officer for the Association of State and Territorial Health Officials. He was not involved in the new study, but has prior experience working on cancer prevention initiatives.

▶️  Cancer incidence rising among adults under 50, new report finds, leaving doctors puzzled and worried | CNN

Intervening on a set of “core behavioral risk factors” — quitting smoking, eating well and exercising, for example — can make a “dramatic difference in the rates and outcomes of chronic diseases,” Plescia said. And cancer is one of those chronic diseases, just like heart disease or diabetes.

Policymakers and health officials should work to “create environments where it’s easier for people, where the healthy choice is the easy choice,” he said. And it’s particularly important for people who are living in historically disadvantaged neighborhoods, where it might not be safe to exercise or easy to get to a store with healthy food.

As rates of early-onset cancer rise in the US, it’s especially important to create healthy habits early, experts say. It’s harder to quit smoking once you’ve started or lose weight that you’ve gained.

But “it’s never too late to make these changes,” Plescia said. “Turning (health behaviors) around later in life can make a profound difference.”

And making lifestyle changes to minimize exposure to certain factors can reduce cancer risk relatively quickly, experts say.

“Cancer is something your body fights every single day as your cells divide,” Kamal said. “It’s a risk that you face every day, and that also means that the reduction of the risks can benefit you every day as well.”

There’s new evidence of the health benefits of avoiding smoking, excessive drinking and being dangerously overweight: they are the leading preventable causes of cancer in adults, a new study found.

An American Cancer Society study published this week estimates 40% of new cancer cases or 44% of cancer deaths in people 30 and over could be avoided if people cut out high-risk behaviors, such as smoking and drinking. Experts say the study provides fresh evidence for public health leaders to encourage people to adopt healthy lifestyles to reduce the risk of cancer and ample evidence that people should take action to prevent it.

The American Cancer Society study examined cancer cases and deaths that could have been prevented through behavior and diet changes or vaccines for HPV and hepatitis B, which reduce the risk of cancer-causing infections.

Behaviors that can raise cancer risk include smoking, exposure to second-hand smoke, drinking alcohol and being overweight. Consumption of too much red meat or processed meat and diets short on fruits and vegetables, dietary fiber or calcium also increase the odds of getting cancer. The study cited cancer risk from infections such as hepatitis B, Epstein-Barr virus, HIV, human papillomavirus and Kaposi sarcoma herpes virus.

To illustrate how cigarette smoking is still an issue in today’s society, about 160 students from Chillicothe High School’s Keys to Success program spent an hour Wednesday morning at Yoctangee Park picking up cigarette butts and replacing them with orange flag markers to help build momentum for the Great American Smokeout in November, which is sponsored by the American Cancer Society.   40a1997  To illustrate how cigarette smoking is still an issue in todays society, about 160 students from Chillicothe High Schools Keys to Success program spent an hour Wednesday morning at Yoctangee Park picking up cigarette butts and replacing them with orange flag markers to help build momentum for the Great American Smokeout in November, which is sponsored by the American Cancer Society.

To illustrate how cigarette smoking is still an issue in today’s society, about 160 students from Chillicothe High School’s … The Keys to Success program spent an hour Wednesday morning at Yoctangee Park picking up cigarette butts and replacing them with orange flag markers to help build momentum for the Great American Smoke out in November, which is sponsored by the American Cancer Society. 

Experts not involved in the population-level study said it’s an important reminder for public health agencies and decision makers to adopt policies to encourage healthy behaviors.

The findings amount to “a big opportunity for our country – really every country – to reduce cancer incidence and mortality by being more proactive in prioritizing prevention at a personal level and at a societal level,” said Ernest Hawk, vice president and head of cancer prevention and population sciences at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center.

Hawk said the purpose of a study like this is not to shame individuals who smoke or drink or engage in other high-risk behavior, but rather to inform and educate. “It’s hard to change one’s lifestyle immediately or consistently over time,” Hawk said. The goal is to help orient people “toward helpful behaviors and helpful policies that can assist them in making that choice easier.”

The study estimated that, in 2019, 40% of the nearly 1.8 million cancers in adults 30 and older were attributable to “potentially modifiable risk factors.” It examined 30 types of cancer and excluded non-melanoma skin cancers.

The causes of cancer the study said were preventable broke down like this:

∎ Cigarette smoking was the top risk factor, accounting for 19.3% of cases.

∎ Excess body weight was a risk factor in 7.6% of cases.

∎ Alcohol consumption was linked to 5.4% of cases.

∎ Ultraviolet radiation caused 4.6% of cases.

If you smoke and drink doubles your cancer risk – Search (

Smoking and drinking together significantly increase the risk of developing cancers in the aerodigestive tract, also including the mouth, pharynx, larynx, and esophagus1 2 3Drinking about 3.5 drinks a day can double or even triple the risk of cancer1 3.

Lung cancer had the largest number of cases tied to preventable risk factors assessed by researchers. The study found 104,410 preventable lung cancers in men and 97,250 in women. The next most common preventable cancer included 50,570 cases of skin melanoma and 44,310 colorectal cancers.

“Despite considerable declines in smoking prevalence during the past few decades, the number of lung cancer deaths attributable to cigarette smoking in the United States is alarming,” said said Farad Islami, the American Cancer Society’s senior scientific director of cancer disparity research and the study’s lead author.

Islami added the study shows the need for tobacco control policies in every state that encourage people to quit smoking. He also cited the need for early detection of lung cancer.

American Cancer Society officials also stressed the importance of vaccines for hepatitis B and human papillomavirus, or HPV. Hepatitis B causes liver cancer and HPV can lead to multiple types of cancer, including cervical, anal and genital cancers and cancer of the mouth and throat.

Earlier this year, the American Cancer Society projected U.S. cancer cases would eclipse 2 million for the first time this year. However, the report said lower smoking rates, earlier detection and improved treatments have lowered death rates over the past three decades.

This article originally appeared on USA TODAY:

 40% of cancers found to be preventable with these lifestyle changes

When Car-T Cell Cancer Therapy Hit the Market | Watch (

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How Can We Revive Planet Earth

What is an Environmental Scientist? – iamtheCODE

How we can revive Planet Earth in less than 20 years | Sean B. Carroll (

Environmental scientists play a crucial role in addressing the world’s most pressing environmental challenges. Their research and innovations help protect ecosystems, combat climate change, and promote sustainability. By making significant contributions in various fields, these scientists are shaping a healthier, more resilient planet for future generations.

21 Environmental Scientists Making a Global Impact

1. Jane Goodall

I am not deeply involved in Australian politics but I know there are prime ministers, governments around the world who are not acting responsibly in relation to climate change. Jane Goodall on the Arrogance of Humans | Watch (

Jane Goodall is one of the most well-known environmental scientists and conservationists, celebrated for her groundbreaking work with chimpanzees in Tanzania. Her detailed research on primates has changed how we understand animals and their behavior. Through the Jane Goodall Institute, she continues to promote animal welfare, environmental conservation, and human-animal connections. Her focus on sustainability and ecosystem protection has made her a global advocate for nature preservation.

Jane Goodall reveals what studying chimpanzees teaches us about human nature (

2. David Suzuki

We’re in a giant car heading towards a brick wall and everyones arguing over where they’re going to sit

David Suzuki, a geneticist and environmental activist from Canada, has spent decades advocating for environmental issues. As the co-founder of the David Suzuki Foundation, he has been a leading voice in the fight against climate change, the protection of biodiversity, and the promotion of clean energy. His work on linking science with environmental policy has been instrumental in shaping sustainable practices in Canada and beyond.

3. Wangari Maathai

I am working to make sure we don’t only protect the environment, we also improve governance.

Wangari Maathai was a Kenyan environmental and political activist who founded the Green Belt Movement, an organization dedicated to environmental conservation and women’s rights. She was the first African woman to receive the Nobel Peace Prize in 2004 for her efforts in promoting sustainable development, democracy, and peace. Her tree-planting campaigns helped combat deforestation and desertification, improving both the environment and the livelihoods of local communities.  

4.  Rachel Carson 

Rachel Carson [[Silent Spring]] Documentary (

Those who dwell, as scientists or laymen, among the beauties and mysteries of the earth, are never alone or weary of life.

Rachel Carson, an American marine biologist, is credited with launching the modern environmental movement through her influential book, Silent Spring. Her research highlighted the dangers of chemical pesticides like DDT and their adverse effects on ecosystems. Her advocacy led to policy changes and increased awareness of environmental hazards, particularly in regard to human health and the protection of wildlife.

5. E.O. Wilson

I had reached a point in my career in which I was ready to try something new in my writing, and the idea of a novel has always been in the back of my mind. E.O. Wilson has made significant contributions to our understanding of biodiversity and conservation12345

His research and advocacy focused on understanding and preserving the Earth’s biodiversity. He received numerous awards, including Pulitzer Prizes, for his books and contributions to the field of biology. 

His theory on island biogeography, which explains the distribution of species in isolated ecosystems, has been foundational for conservation biology. Wilson advocates for the preservation of global biodiversity, and his work has inspired efforts to protect habitats for endangered species.

POINT: ‘Green energy transition’ is a myth (

6. Sylvia Earle

 Sylvia Earle, known as “Her Deepness,” is a pioneering oceanographer and marine biologist. 

She has spent decades exploring the world’s oceans, advocating for the protection of marine ecosystems. Through Mission Blue, her nonprofit organization, she aims to protect ocean habitats and create marine protected areas, known as Hope Spots, around the world. Her work emphasizes the critical importance of healthy oceans to the planet’s overall health.

7. James Hansen

James Hansen, a climate scientist and former NASA researcher, is known for his work in the study of global warming. Hansen was one of the first scientists to bring public attention to the dangers of human-caused climate change in the 1980s. His continued efforts in climate modeling and advocacy for reducing carbon emissions have made him a leading figure in the fight against global warming.

BONUS: These maps will change how you see the world (

8. Vandana Shiva

Vandana Shiva, an Indian environmental activist and food sovereignty advocate, has worked tirelessly to protect biodiversity and promote sustainable agriculture. Through her organization, Navdanya, she promotes organic farming, seed saving, and indigenous knowledge systems. Shiva has been a strong opponent of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) and corporate control over agriculture, advocating for environmentally responsible farming practices.

9. Paul Hawken

Paul Hawken is an environmentalist, entrepreneur, and author focused on climate change solutions. His book Drawdown outlines 100 ways to reverse global warming, with a focus on sustainable practices and renewable energy solutions. Hawken’s work offers a practical and hopeful vision for reducing greenhouse gas emissions and mitigating climate impacts, making him a respected thought leader in the field.

10. Amory Lovins

Amory Lovins is an American physicist and co-founder of the Rocky Mountain Institute, an organization focused on energy efficiency and sustainable solutions. Lovins has been a leading voice in the push for renewable energy, emphasizing the economic and environmental benefits of transitioning away from fossil fuels. His work in sustainable architecture and energy-efficient technologies has had a profound impact on environmental science and green energy initiatives.

11. Sunita Narain

Indian environmentalist and director of the Centre for Science and Environment, Sunita Narain has been a key figure in advocating for climate justice, water conservation, and air quality improvement in India. She has been instrumental in shaping environmental policy, particularly in developing countries, ensuring that sustainable development practices are adopted at the local and national levels.

Scientists issue warning over new findings about Antarctica’s ice sheet: ‘Nothing can stop them or slow them down’ (

12. Naomi Klein

Naomi Klein: This Changes Everything live with Owen Jones – Full Length | Guardian Live (

Naomi Klein journalist and environmental activist known for her work on climate change and social justice. Her book This Changes Everything  argues that addressing climate change requires systemic changes to the global economy. Klein advocacy for climate action has highlighted the links between environmental degradation, corporate power, and inequality.

Taylor Swift – Everything Has Changed (feat. Ed Sheeran) (Taylor’s Version) (Lyric Video) (

13. Gro Harlem Brundtland

When public and private sectors combine intellectual and other resources, more can be achieved.

Gro Harlem Brundtland, a former Norwegian Prime Minister and environmental leader, chaired the World Commission on Environment and Development, which produced the influential Brundtland Report. The report introduced the concept of sustainable development, defining it as development that meets present needs without compromising future generations. Brundtland’s leadership has had a lasting impact on international environmental policies.

14. Bill McKibben

Bill McKibben is an environmentalist, author, and co-founder of, a global grassroots movement aiming to reduce carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere. His writing and activism focus on the need for urgent action to address climate change. McKibbens work has helped shape public discourse on renewable energy, divestment from fossil fuels, and global climate policy.

15. John Francis

 Known as The Planetwalker, John Francis stopped speaking for 17 years and walked across the United States to raise awareness about environmental issues. His commitment to non-motorized travel and sustainability has inspired many to rethink their relationship with nature. Today, Francis is an educator and advocate for environmental stewardship and sustainable living.

Researchers discover the beauty and majesty of North America’s 6th Great Lake (


The New Gaia Atlas of Planet Management – Search Videos ( 

16. Norman Myers

Norman Myers is a British environmental scientist recognized for his work on biodiversity hotspots. His research identified regions of the world with high biodiversity under threat, shaping global conservation priorities. Myers work has led to the protection of numerous ecosystems and endangered species, making him a vital figure in global biodiversity conservation.image.png

Designated hotspot areas around the World (Myers et al., 2000). 

Biodiversity loss, which is the most important point that is discussed in the popular and political arena, is classified into two groups that involve endangered species and vulnerable species. Endangered species are under threat of extinction in all or most of their distributions. Species that are predicted to be under threat in the future in all or most of their distributions are vulnerable species (Campbell and Reece, 2008). 

There is a positive relationship between biodiversity and ecosystem functioning (Loreau et al., 2001). Areas with high biodiversity are more resilient to environmental changes such as global climate change and better to invasive species that is one of the important ecological problems today. Loss of biodiversity makes ecosystems more sensitive (less resilient) to environmental conditions such as drought (Naeem et al., 1999). More species with different characteristics or individuals with different characteristics in a population provides a potential for ecosystem to tolerate environmental fluctuations 

One academic has stated that “my understanding is that Norman Myers looked at a map of the world, and he said which are the hotspots that we think are going to be affected by climate change; then he looked up the projected populations for those areas in 2010 and 2050 and added them up…. That’s how he got to such a figure, because he didn’t take into account that some people wouldn’t move.” Populations continue to rise in many regions, with one effect being attempts at migration. Other estimates place the number of climate refugees in the tens of thousands.

17. Michael Mann

Michael Mann, a climatologist and geophysicist, is well known for his work on the hockey stick and climate war, which shows the sharp rise in global temperatures due to human activity. His research on climate change has contributed to the understanding of how human actions are influencing the planet’s climate, and he remains a strong advocate for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

18. George Monbiot

George Monbiot ’s Regenesis takes as its subject no less than the entire world’s food production system and dares to imagine a world largely free of farming as we have known it.

George Monbiot is an environmental writer and activist who has used his platform to campaign for rewilding, biodiversity conservation, and climate action. His books and articles challenge conventional views on land use, and he advocates for restoring natural ecosystems to fight climate change and restore biodiversity.

19. Joan Martinez-Alier

Joan Martinez-Alier, an ecological economist, is known for his work on environmental justice, focusing on the intersection of economics, development, and environmental degradation. He has championed the concept of ecological debt and emphasized the need for equitable resource distribution and sustainable economic practices.

20. Tim Flannery

Tim Flannery, an Australian paleontologist and environmentalist, has been a leading voice on climate change and biodiversity conservation. His books, including The Weather Makers, focus on the scientific evidence behind climate change and advocate for urgent global action.

 “The Weather Makers: The History and Future Impact of Climate Change” is a book written by Australian environmentalist Tim Flannery in 200512.   The book discusses climate change, its scientific basis and effects, and potential solutions2.

 It is split into thirty-six brief essays and uses a variety of analytical methods to make projections about the course of climate change on several time scales1. Flannery’s work has shaped public policy and raised awareness about the need to protect Australia’s unique ecosystems.

21. Christiana Figueres

Christiana Figueres is a Costa Rican diplomat and former Executive Secretary of the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). She played a critical role in the Paris Agreement, the most significant international effort to combat climate change. Figueres continues to advocate for global cooperation in addressing environmental challenges, promoting climate resilience and sustainability.

This article originally appeared on UnifyCosmos.

I Tried to Find A Kamala Harris Voter in Alabama. I Gave Up.

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Florida power outage map: 3 million Floridians without power following Hurricane Milton (

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Destruction, death and heroism emerge in the wake of Hurricane Milton (

North Carolina maker of high-purity quartz back operating post-Helene (

To Predict Effects Of Global Warming, Scientists Looked Back 20,000 Years : NPR

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Mega Hurricane Milton

W….T….F…… to put this into comparison, the sustained winds are a constant EF4 category tornado speed with gusts of EF5+.if you are in Florida I strongly urge you to leave.

 🚨 Weather modification at its best. 🚨

FIRST!!!  To my friends who say they are not evacuating, I truly wish you the best and I pray for you and your family. That is absolutely no judgement on my part. ZERO. I love you all and I just want you all safe!!!

As for any comments on here that have made this political, neither side reflects my thoughts or feelings. I AM NOT A DEMOCRAT OR A REPUBLICAN. I am Libertarian !!!! Both wings come from the same bird and both wings took 3/4 of my life from me and my entire page is exposing the truth. The government doesn’t care about you. 

They don’t care if you are sick. They don’t care if you are personally dying of an illness that actually has a root cause but western medicine fails to address the root causes. 

The Biden Administration only gives you $750 and doesn’t help you in your time of need with money nor food, nor bills. Not only do they not help you during this time of need when your family is finding ways to scrape money together to go to the store and buy food, but they have their hand out collecting property taxes and saying you will go to jail if you don’t pay. THEREBY, Stop being a slave of the OLIGARCHY!!! – Search (

 I expose the truth, it’s up to you to research and confirm it, don’t just blindly believe WHAT YOU READ. MOST WHAT I POST, MOST VISITANTS WILL TELL ME AFTER FURTHER RESEARCH OF MY BLOGS, THEY BELIEVE IT TO BE TRUE!! 5 takeaways from Kamala Harris’ one-on-one interview with ‘60 Minutes’ | CNN Politics

Kamala Harris: The 2024 60 Minutes Full Interview (

Kamala Harris appeared on ’60 Minutes:’ What did she say?

Watch as Vice President Kamala Harris discusses the economy, immigration, the ongoing war in the Mideast, and the differences between herself and former President Trump during a 2024 election interview. “60 Minutes” is the most successful television broadcast in history.   Microsoft Bing Travel – Westmount, Quebec (Kamala Harris Affluent Neighborhood She Grew Up In.)You Can’t Believe a Word She SAYS.

Offering hard-hitting investigative reports, interviews, feature segments and profiles of people in the news, the broadcast began in 1968 and is still a hit, over 50 seasons later, regularly making Nielsen’s Top 10. Watch full episodes:

Category 3 Hurricanes Hit This Specific Place More Than Anywhere Else (

Likely, not surprisingly, 29 of the 50 places on the list are in Florida, though several are part of Miami-Dade County. This is the case with other communities on the list, which tend to be in the same general geographical area. Following Florida, nine of the places on the list are in Texas, eight are in Louisiana, and four are in Mississippi.

Areas in Texas are often slammed with hurricanes. Some cities nationwide tend to experience many more hurricanes than others, and some also experience more powerful ones than others. To determine the cities with the most Category 3 and above hurricanes, 24/7 Wall St. reviewed data on historical hurricane tracks from 1842 to 2022 from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, ranking census places by the number of such hurricanes within their boundaries.

Hurricanes are the most damaging natural disasters in the United States, responsible for trillions of dollars in damages and thousands of lives. While destruction is the worst when hurricanes land, they can go far inland or cause considerable damage in their aftermath, such as tropical storms. Knowing an area’s propensity to be in the path of such destructive forces is good.  

Climate change has made extremely active Atlantic hurricane seasons much more likely than they were in the 1980s. Since March 2023, average sea surface temperatures around the world have hit record-shattering highs, giving storms like Milton and Helene an extra boost before they make landfall.

“Milton is the 3rd Atlantic storm to become a major hurricane since September 26 (Helene, Kirk),” Philip Klotzbach, a meteorologist at Colorado State University, wrote on X. “This is the most on record for the Atlantic between September 26 – October 7, breaking the old record of 2 set in 1893, 1941 and 1959.”   

The worst hurricanes to ever hit Florida include1 2 3 4 5:

  • Lake Okeechobee Hurricane (1928): A strong Category 4 storm that cost over 4,078 lives, making it the second most deadly hurricane in U.S. history.
  • Hurricane Andrew (1992): Caused $30 billion in damage and claimed 26 lives directly in southern Florida.
  • Hurricane Katrina (2005): While most of its damage was in New Orleans, it remains the deadliest and most expensive hurricane in modern U.S. history.
  • Helene (2024): The deadliest tropical cyclone to strike the mainland United States since 2005.
  • Other costly hurricanes: Florida Keys Hurricane (1919), Hurricane Charley (2004), Hurricane Wilma (2005), and Hurricane Michael (2018).

‘This is the most impactful storm we have faced’: ‘Major’ storm Hurricane Milton to make landfall as Florida reels from Helene (

List of United States Hurricanes – Wikipedia

4 Florida Towns That Are Proving to Be Hurricane-Proof | Watch (

As hurricanes intensify, some Florida towns are fighting back with innovative designs. Storms may have met their match in communities strengthened by new technology and smart planning. Earth temperature through the decades (

Chris Kissell • October 7, 2024  

Cortez beach on Anna Maria Island, Florida

Hurricane Helene’s path of destruction across the eastern U.S. is another reminder of how tropical tempests can uproot homes — and lives — overnight. As the U.S. population has grown and more people have chosen to live in harm’s way, larger numbers of homeowners face the threat of destructive storms.

Unfortunately, many communities are not up to the task of surviving hurricane-force winds. But that is not true everywhere. A handful of developments specifically built to withstand hurricanes appear to be performing splendidly. Here are some Florida towns that are proving to be hurricane-proof. 


Cortez, Florida

As Hurricane Helene whipped through northern Florida.

The lights stayed on — and homes remained dry — in the Hunters Point neighborhood of the town of Cortez. Since homeowners began moving into the new community in 2002, Hunters Point has stared down three hurricanes and hasn’t blinked.

Built to survive a Category 5 storm, the homes in the Gulf Coast community feature steel straps that connect each floor together. The first floor is made of concrete, thicker lumber is used in framing and roofs are made of steel.

The homes themselves sit in a flood zone, but the first floor of each sits 16 feet off the ground. As soon as the power went out during Helene, homes in Hunters Point automatically switched to battery power. Water filled a retention system pond 7 feet deep, helping to keep floodwaters away from the community’s homes.

Babcock Ranch

City of Babcock Ranch in Florida

At Babcock Ranch, Hurricane Ian met its match.

Like Helene, Hurricane Ian was a Category 4 storm when it crashed into southwest Florida in 2022. It was one of the state’s deadliest and costliest storms, but the 5,000 residents of Babcock Ranch emerged almost completely unscathed.

The development was the first built in Florida specifically to survive hurricanes. A few miles inland from Fort Myers, the community runs almost exclusively on solar energy, and stormwater-control features surround the homes. Tough-as-nails hardened infrastructure also presents a formidable front to incoming storms.

During Ian, nobody in Babcock Ranch lost their power, suffered flooding or lost access to clean water. More importantly, there were no casualties in the development.

Las Olas Isles

Las Olas Isles in Fort Lauderdale, Florida

When a strong hurricane moves in, people can quickly lose their power. 

It’s not unusual in Florida for millions of residents to see their homes go dark in a storm. Hurricane Helene was a monster storm that caused folks living all across the state to lose power. But in Fort Lauderdale, on the Atlantic coast, residents of the community of Las Olas Isles were secure in the knowledge that they were likely to remain powered up despite the storm’s fury.

That is because homeowners in Las Olas Isles had fought to get their utility lines buried. Soon, power poles made way for transformer boxes on the ground. A hurricane can huff and puff, but there are no power lines to blow down in Las Olas Isles.

The cost of making the change was high: One resident estimated that if you spread out the expense over 30 years, each homeowner would pay $1,700 per year over that span. But at least 90% of homeowners in Las Olas Isles voted in favor of the initiative.


Worker installing solar panels

Hurricane Ian was such a fierce storm that about 2.7 million Floridians lost power in its wake. But lights continued to burn brightly in the 37 homes in the Medley at Southshore Bay community in Wimauma, a suburb of Tampa on the state’s west coast.

In Medley, a backup microgrid system has the ability to power homes. A network of batteries in the homes stores solar power gathered from panels on rooftops.

When Ian struck, homes quickly disconnected from the main power grid and turned to their batteries. The microgrid system — dubbed BlockEnergy and developed by Emera Technologies — is part of a pilot project that could eventually spread to other communities. 

 UPDATE: Hurricane Milton Threatens Florida’s West Coast: Expected Landfall Wednesday Night (  


Love the model data on your website

‘This is the most impactful storm we have faced’: ‘Major’ storm Hurricane Milton to make landfall as Florida reels from Helene (

Tampa mayor issues dire warning before Hurricane Milton: ‘If you choose to stay … you are going to die’ | Watch (

Hurricane Milton morphed into a Category 5 in 2 days. Take a look at the storm’s rapid evolution from space. (

‘You’re Gonna Die’: Tampa Mayor Sounds the Alarm for Those in Evacuation Zones as Milton Approaches (

Biden cancels overseas trip as Milton bears down on Florida; DeSantis tells VP ‘it’s not about you Kamala’ (

Here’s how much Trump and Harris are projected to add to the national debt, according to analysts (

WATCH: East Asheville community bands together after Helene washed out access road | Watch (

Climate report warns of escalating crisis, urges immediate action as UN summit nears (

Latest news as Hurricane Milton targets Florida – Search (

President Biden has canceled his trip to Germany and Africa as Hurricane Milton threatens the west coast of Florida with catastrophic storm surges and winds. CBS News has the latest on the Category 4 storm.  In pictures: Monster Hurricane Milton takes aim at Florida’s battered Gulf Coast (  


The 06z 08 Oct 2024 ECMWF ensemble model tracks for 🌊MILTON  


Milton Update: Florida braces for monster hurricane and ‘deadly storm surge’ | Watch

Hurricane Milton’s Storm Surge Puts Florida Condos and DeSantis’ Law on Collision Course (

Bryan Norcross: Plan to be where you’ll ride out the storm by Wednesday morning | Watch (

FEMA administrator pushes back on Trump claims on hurricane recovery efforts

Clearwater couple say they will ‘wait it out’ in their home as Milton nears | Watch (

I’m on the East Coast in Daytona Beach- about 3/4 miles west of Intercoastal Waterway (Halifax River), which if you cross, you’ll be on the Beachside. How bad do you anticipate the backend being?

The one thing I fear is that the current ERC does cycle out before Miltie traverses the Loop Current Eddy of hot water, because that could possibly give him enough oomph on the post-ERC restrengthening to delay the inevitable weakening due to the westerly shear and dry air before final approach to land.

Could mean the difference between Tampa Bay getting Cat 1 and Cat 3 winds.

The eye of a hurricane always travels around the central periphery of a counterclockwise current. If it’s path is between both clockwise and counterclockwise currents, the counterclockwise current shall always prevail and steer regardless of the other current being superior.

I want to make something EXTREMELY clear: 

Toss out the “what category will it be at landfall?” right now. Throw it out. Why? Categories are for WIND not SURGE. You want a category that you can relate to? Assume the surge will inflict catastrophic damage; AKA CAT 5 damage. Do not wait and see if it weakens below some threshold that makes you more comfortable. The storm surge will be unlike anything Floridians have ever seen. And….it will be at night. Category: NIGHTMARE.

Famous Frank Pharma Czar™ Stated

Agreed. Katrina (supposedly) weakened from a Cat 5 to a Cat 3 at landfall. Surge was still Cat 5 level. Parents house had 26 feet of water, completely submerged. (Water level is confirmed by the water line on the 2-story house next door.) What was the elevation of the property below sea level before the levees failed? 5 feet below sea level.

So the water was 21 feet higher than sea level. 21 ft surge in St Bernard Parish which is east of New Orleans. The eastern end of the parish is on the water. They were on the western end, within levees but the surge overtopped the levees. The water was still 26 feet deep. I am quite aware that the levees in NOLA broke. The levees in St Bernard on the MRGO were overtopped. St Bernard and the 9th ward flooded way before the rest of the city. 

Check Out Hurricane Milton 2024.

Milton’s storm surge is a threat that could be devastating far beyond the Tampa Bay region (

Tampa is located in Hillsborough County, Florida, United States. The average elevation of Tampa is 36 ft, with a minimum elevation of -10 ft and a maximum elevation of 148 ft1The latitude of Tampa is 27.950575, and the elevation is 6m / 20feet2.

The surge is going to be 15 feet.

Tens of thousands of people and homes were affected. On the other hand, a Cat 5 hitting land in Tampa and then sliding up through Orlando would directly affect upwards of six million people. Hope for a Cat 3. If there’s no ocean or large bodies of water in the middle of the state then what are we supposed to pay attention to? You people only care about coastal destruction. It’s annoying as hell for us who don’t live there.

National Hurricane Center · @NHC_Atlantic

Hurricane #Milton Advisory 14A: Air Force Reserve Hurricane Hunters Find That Milton’S Intensity Has Rebounded. Today is the Last Full Day For Florida Residents to Get Their Families and Homes Ready and Evacuate If Told to Do So.

It’s worth mentioning too that #Milton has a slight chance to do (something else) unprecedented here. We have yet to observe an Atlantic hurricane w/ a sub-900mb peak re-intensify and see its central pressure fall back below 900mb a 2nd time. The closest we came to this was Hurricane Allen (1980) when it reached 899mb at peak then re-intensified back into a 909mb 155 kt category 5 hurricane in the Gulf of Mexico.


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Biden Was Bought Off

Hurricane Milton: Spaghetti models track the storm’s path (

Joe Biden has been a failure his entire career: Mark Levin | Fox News Video

A look at Biden’s nearly 50 years in political office (

July 21, 2024 3:40 PM

U.S. President Joe Biden, who announced Sunday that he would not seek reelection in this year’s presidential race, has served in Washington for nearly half a century — in the Senate, as vice president and, lastly, in the Oval Office.

When Biden leaves the White House in January, he will have spent almost his entire career in national politics. Turning 82 in November, Biden will have been in public life longer than some of his Democratic colleagues have been alive.

Questions about Biden’s age have bookended his Washington career.

In 1972, he surprised Democrats by winning a long-shot Senate race at the age of 29, becoming the sixth-youngest senator in American history. Now his advancing age is one of the key reasons that led Democratic leaders to urge him to withdraw from the November presidential race, with polls showing that most Americans believe he is too old to serve another presidential term.

Biden’s decades as a public elected official have led to a long record of both career successes and setbacks. Here is a look at key moments in his career.

Presidential years

Biden’s years as president were marked by numerous global challenges, among them the grueling COVID-19 pandemic, the Russian invasion of Ukraine, a newly emboldened China and the economic and social fallout of all of those.

Domestically, Biden struggled to address rising inflation — the highest in four decades — that sharply boosted the cost of living for Americans, as well as deal with rising migration along southern U.S. border and issues of social, racial and gender justice.

Biden, as a presidential candidate in 2020, promised to restore civility to the White House after former President Donald Trump’s administration, marked almost daily by his vitriolic tweets targeting Democrats, his political foes in the Republican Party and the national news media. Biden pledged to work across the political divide in Congress to achieve legislative success.

To an extent, Biden was successful, winning a smattering of Republican votes for key pieces of legislation to spend billions of dollars to repair the country’s aging and deteriorating roads and bridges, promote the American production of computer chips, and install new gun controls — the first enacted in nearly three decades in the United States.

FILE - President Joe Biden speaks during a Cabinet meeting in the Cabinet Room of the White House in Washington, March 3, 2022.

FILE – President Joe Biden speaks during a Cabinet meeting in the Cabinet Room of the White House in Washington, March 3, 2022.

In separate legislation, Democrats, over unified Republican opposition, approved a coronavirus economic relief bill and later, a $369 billion plan to help control the effects of climate change, the biggest such U.S. allocation ever to help protect the environment.

The substantial government spending, however, has proved problematic, with some economists blaming it for the rampant increase in U.S. consumer prices that have yet to totally recede.

In perhaps his biggest foreign policy achievement, Biden led a coalition of Western nations that sent billions of dollars’ worth of armaments to Ukraine to help Kyiv’s military fend off Russian forces that had initially been expected to overrun the capital within days of their February 2022 invasion. However, even with Biden’s unwavering support, the war has become a stalemate with no easy end in sight.

Also on the foreign front, Biden’s approval ratings declined sharply after 13 U.S. soldiers were killed in the withdrawal of U.S. and allied forces from Afghanistan.

The Israel-Hamas conflict also led to challenges for Biden, who stood by Israel even after pro-Palestinian protests erupted on U.S. college campuses. As the war has dragged on, now in its 10th month, Biden has called for it to end and has grown critical of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s conduct of the conflict.

Vice presidency

Before Biden ran for the White House in 2020, he was a top adviser to President Barack Obama during his eight years as vice president, beginning in 2009.

Biden was put in charge of many large projects, including the withdrawal of U.S. troops from Iraq and the distribution of hundreds of billions of federal dollars to state and local governments to help the economy recover from the Great Recession, while working closely with the-Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell to avoid government shutdowns and debt defaults.

When Obama surprises Biden in 2017 with the nation’s highest civilian honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom, Obama described him as “the best vice president America ever had.”

FILE - President Barack Obama laughs with Vice President Joe Biden during a ceremony in the State Dining Room of the White House in Washington, Jan. 12, 2017.

FILE – President Barack Obama laughs with Vice President Joe Biden during a ceremony in the State Dining Room of the White House in Washington, Jan. 12, 2017.

The two men were famously affectionate, chronicled in countless internet memes, and their families were also close, including a friendship between first lady Michelle Obama and second lady Jill Biden as well friendships between Obama’s daughters and Biden’s granddaughters.

Obama chose Biden as his vice presidential running mate in large part because of Biden’s long experience on the international stage as a U.S. senator, which Obama hoped would balance his own limited experience in that area.

Biden was long thought of as a possible successor to Obama, but he did not run for president in 2016, citing his family’s grief following the death of his son, Beau, from brain cancer at the age of 46. However, reporting in 2019 by The New York Times said Obama had discouraged Biden from running for president in 2016 because he believed then-front runner Hillary Clinton had the best chance of winning the general election.

Senate years

After Biden won his Senate race to represent Delaware in 1972, he spent the next 36 years in the chamber, commuting by train most days over a hundred miles between Wilmington and Washington. He rose through the Democratic ranks and twice served as the head of the powerful Foreign Relations Committee and once as the chairman of the coveted Senate Judiciary Committee.

Known as someone who could work across the aisle with Republicans such as John McCain and Chuck Hagel, Biden had always advocated for bipartisanship. However, despite his ties with Republican lawmakers, he struggled to parlay his relationships into legislative successes when he came to the Oval Office.

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CNN senior data reporter Harry Enten breaks down recent polling in battleground states. 

FILE - U.S. President Bill Clinton talks with Senator Joseph Biden at a meeting with law enforcement officers at the Alexandria, Virginia, Jan. 14, 1999.

FILE – U.S. President Bill Clinton talks with Senator Joseph Biden at a meeting with law enforcement officers at the Alexandria, Virginia, Jan. 14, 1999.

Biden’s successes in the Senate included sponsoring the Violence Against Women Act, which made it easier to prosecute domestic violence, sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking. He was also instrumental in helping to pass the Brady Bill, which required background checks for the purchase of most firearms.

Critics say that in retrospect, some of his votes were failures. Biden has expressed regret for several of his Senate decisions, including supporting the 1994 crime bill that contributed to higher incarceration rates of African Americans and his vote to authorize the invasion of Iraq in 2003.

He was also criticized for his role as chairman of the 1991 confirmation hearings for Supreme Court justice Clarence Thomas, who was accused of sexual harassment by Anita Hill. In 2019, Biden offered an apology — not his first — about the situation, saying “To this day, I regret I couldn’t come up with a way to get [Hill] the kind of hearing she deserved.” Hill and her supporters have blamed Biden for not doing enough to protect her from being vilified during the hearing.

Presidential runs

Before his successful presidential run in 2020, Biden had twice earlier run for the presidency, failing in 1988 and 2008, to gain the nomination of his Democratic party.

He eventually won the national election in 2020 against Trump, who has refused to recognize Biden’s victory and continues to claim falsely that he was cheated out of reelection by voter fraud and vote-counting irregularities. Biden won the election by narrowly capturing several political battleground states to win the Electoral College by a 306-232 margin, the same total that Trump declared was a “landslide” when he won the presidency in 2016.

Biden won 7 million more votes than Trump, but U.S. presidents actually win office in state-by-state elections, with the most populous states having the most votes in the Electoral College and thus the most sway in the determining the national outcome.

When he took office as president on January 20, 2021, Biden, at 78, became the country’s oldest chief executive, surpassing Trump, who was 70 when he entered the White House in 2017.

  1. CNN…Promises Kamala Harris has made so far in her campaign – CNN WEB Sept. 29, 2024 · In policy proposals, speeches and rallies, Vice President Kamala Harris has voiced support for continuing many of President Joe Biden’s measures, but Harris is expected to put her own stamp and …

VIDEO: Capito Highlights Three Years of Failure from President Biden and his Administration

“Our country cannot continue to accept the level of failure that this administration has made normal over the past three years.” – Senator Capito

Click here or on the image above to watch Senator Capito’s floor speech.

WASHINGTON, D.C. — Today, U.S. Senator Shelley Moore Capito (R-W.Va.), Vice Chairman of the Senate Republican Conference, delivered remarks on the Senate Floor highlighting the failures of President Biden’s three years in the White House. Saturday, January 20, marked the third anniversary of President Biden’s inauguration.

During her remarks, Senator Capito outlined the consequences of the Biden administration’s border policy, weak foreign policy record, and disastrous action regarding the economy.

Senator Capito’s remarks, as prepared for delivery, are included below:

“Mr/Madam President—

“This past Saturday, January 20th, marked three years since President Biden took his oath of office. Since then, President Biden has had nearly 1,100 days in the White House to enact the policies that he campaigned on and I can tell you what is clear:

“The lives of Americans are not better now than they were three years ago. Our country is not safer than it was three years ago. And, the state of our union is not stronger than it was three years ago.

“Time and time again, President Biden has let his tenure be defined by weakness instead of strength. This lack of leadership has had negative implications across a variety of sectors of American life, and left millions of people across our country and world in situations that were avoidable.

“It doesn’t have to be this way, Mr. President.

“Perhaps none of the Biden administration’s failures is as glaringly obvious as the southern border and the continued fallout we’re seeing as the result of a president who is asleep at the switch on the issue.

“There have been 6.7 million illegal encounters at the southern border under President Biden’s watch. It’s hard to imagine the scope of 6.7 million encounters – but think of it this way: Only 17 U.S. states have a population higher than 6.7 million. This massive flow of humanity is the equivalent of adding another state to our country that is nearly four times the size of my home state of West Virginia.

“But, President Biden’s border failure doesn’t stop there. Since Fiscal Year 2021, U.S. Customs and Border Protection has seized 536,000 pounds of meth, 256,000 pounds of cocaine, and 56,000 pounds of deadly fentanyl.

“With hundreds of thousands of admitted got-aways, it’s impossible to know the amount of illegal narcotics that have made it across the border and into our homeland. When it comes to the southern border, the only thing that President Biden has improved is the business of cartels, who are receiving cover to continue their crimes every day that we don’t respond to this crisis.

“The list of consequences as a result of President Biden’s inaction on the border is long and it has led to everything from violent crimes committed by individuals not lawfully in our country, to our hospitals and health clinics being pushed to the brink. To our children forced to vacate their schools and remote learn to make room for migrant shelters, and even calls from the leaders of blue states, who sent a letter on Monday asking for federal assistance to handle this crisis.

“Rather than properly defending our homeland, President Biden has incentivized a crisis that urgently needs a solution. “Unfortunately for this administration, when it comes to failures, the border is just the beginning. Let’s look at the economy, and where the unrelenting pursuit of ‘Bidenomics’ has taken us.

“President Biden and his supporters want the American public to believe that some positive trends are a sign that his policies are working. But, if you have spent any time in middle-class America over the past three years, you would know that our families are continuously being squeezed by high prices and businesses are being taxed and regulated out of operation.

“The quality of life for American families is defined by their ability to put food on the table, to earn an honest living, and to put a roof over their heads, not by broad macroeconomic indicators and unfortunately, there is no relief in-sight for American families under ‘Bidenomics.’

“Since January 2021: Cumulative overall prices have risen 17%. Food prices have increased 20%. Energy prices have increased 32%. And, rent prices have increased 19%. All while average weekly earnings for all employees decreased by 4.5%. The basic truth is that under this president: Americans are spending more and getting less.

“Additionally, these policies defined by ‘Bidenomics’ are failing our small businesses and manufactures as well. Small and medium manufacturing companies continue to have historically lower levels of optimism. And, 23% of small business owners reported that inflation was their single most important problem to their business operations.

“Another area in which this administration has continued to fail is our national security, and the standing of our country on the world stage. The same president who vowed that ‘America is Back’ in one of his first addresses has instead come to own a foreign policy record that is marred by botched withdrawals, open displays of weakness, and regretful decision-making.

“Look no further than the United States’ disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan in 2021, which undoubtedly has damaged the trust between our allies, broadcasted weakness on the world stage, and displayed a lack of resolve that emboldened our adversaries.

“When it comes to Iran and the Middle East, President Biden has made disastrous decisions: Like the decision to de-list the Houthis as an FTO, the same Iranian-backed terror group that has perpetrated more than 30 attacks on vessels transiting the Red Sea. Or the administration’s willingness to be strung along by Iran on fruitless nuclear negotiations. Today, it is clear that these negotiations were a waste of time – with Iran now rapidly increasing its production of highly enriched uranium. And how could we forget the decision to unfreeze $6 billion in assets to Iran, and to do so on 9/11 of all days.

“The foreign policy of President Biden has been defined by skyrocketing attacks on U.S. troops by foreign adversaries, a large scale ground war in Europe, and the unprecedented buildup of China’s military amid concerns about the health of our own defense industrial base here at home.

“While there is an undeniable lack of American leadership in our executive branch, we must remind ourselves that it is not too late to reverse course. And while Congressional Republicans did not create these issues at hand, we accept the responsibility of attempting to solve them.

“That is why Republicans stand for solutions that change the border policies that have allowed this crisis to thrive, rein in wasteful Washington spending, support our small businesses, manufactures, and middle-class families, unleash American energy, and that prove the true strength and standing of the United States of America on the world stage.

“Our country cannot continue to accept the level of failure that this administration has made normal over the past three years.

“With that, I yield the floor.”

VIDEO: Capito Highlights Three Years of Failure from President Biden and his Administration ( What has Kamala Harris accomplished as VP? Here’s a look.

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FACT SHEET: Biden-Harris Administration Accomplishments at the United Nations | The White House

Republicans Criticize White House’s ‘Talking Points’ List of Biden’s ’Top Accomplishments’ | The Epoch Times

The American People Are Smart They Know Joe Biden Is A Failed President

Washington, January 26, 2024 Tags: Biden’s National Security Crisis , Biden’s Culture Crisis , Biden’s Economic Crisis , Biden’s Border Crisis , National Security , Foreign Affairs , An Economy That’s Strong , A Government That’s Accountable , A Future That’s Built On Freedom , A Nation That’s Safe

Biden Failed on All Accounts to the American People.

Joe Biden’s average job approval rating during his third year in office was the lowest of any president since Jimmy Carter. This is unsurprising given the numerous crises Americans face because of Biden’s failed Far Left policies. 

According to Gallup: 

During President Joe Biden’s third full year in office, spanning Jan. 20, 2023, to Jan. 19, 2024, an average of 39.8% of Americans approved of his job performance. Among prior presidents in the Gallup polling era who were elected to their first term, only Jimmy Carter fared worse in his third year.”

MAKE NO MISTAKE: The American people know that Joe Biden is a failed president. Biden’s reckless Far Left policies are directly responsible for our historic border crisis, which has resulted in over 3 million illegal immigrants being released into our country in FY23 alone by the Biden Administration. Bidenomics continues to fail the American people, costing the average American worker a paycheck and a half per year and the typical American household over $11,400 more a year to buy the basics. Joe Biden’s weakness on the world stage has plunged the world into chaos as our adversaries in Beijing, Moscow, Tehran, and around the world have become emboldened. 


  • Since Joe Biden took office:
    • There have been 8 million illegal crossings nationwide. 
    • There have been OVER 6.7 MILLION illegal crossings of our Southern Border.
    • There have been 1.7 million known gotaways who evaded U.S. Border Patrol.  
  • In November, there were 242,418 illegal immigrants encountered at the Southern Border.
    • This is a 236% increase from November 2020. 
    • November was the 33rd straight month, where monthly illegal immigrant encounters have been higher than even the highest month seen under President Trump. 
  • In November, 18 more individuals whose names appear on the terrorist watchlist were stopped trying to cross the U.S.-Mexico border between ports of entry. 
  • So far under Biden, 312 of these individuals whose names appear on the terrorist watchlist were stopped trying to cross the Southern Border.
  • In FY23, 169 people whose names appear on the terrorist watchlist were stopped trying to cross the Southern Border, an all time record.
    • This total is more than the encounters in all FY17, FY18, FY19, FY20, FY21, and FY22 combined. 
  • Biden’s Far Left open border policies are to blame for this historic crisis.
    • During Biden’s first 100 days in office, he took 94 executive actions on immigration, including halting the construction of the border wall. 
    • In August 2022, Biden and his Administration decided to make the border crisis WORSE by formally ending former President Trump’s successful ‘Remain in Mexico’ program.
    • The Biden Administration announced on May 10, 2023, that it would allow for the release of some migrants into the U.S. with no way to track them.
      • Biden’s Department of Homeland Security has now admitted that 40 percent of catch-and-release migrants have disappeared. 
  • Despite this historic crisis Joe Biden has only visited the southern border ONCE, and it was widely panned as nothing more than a photo-op.     


  • Inflation is a tax on ALL Americans. 
  • When Joe Biden took office, inflation was at just 1.4%. 
  • Since Joe Biden took office inflation has risen by 17.2%
    • Electricity is UP 26.6% since Biden took office.
    • Motor vehicle insurance is UP 20.3% since Biden took office.
    • Food prices are UP 20.2% since Biden took office.
  • Americans are paying more for just about everything because of inflation:
    • Frozen noncarbonated juices and drinks are UP 19.1%
    • Rent prices are UP 18.6%
    • Food from vending machines and mobile vendors is UP 13.1%
    • Uncooked beef steaks are UP 11.2%
    • Motor vehicle repair is UP 10.3%
    • Transportation services are UP 9.7%
    • Uncooked beef roasts are UP 8.9%
    • Nonprescription drugs are UP 8.3%
    • Crackers, bread, and cracker products are UP 7.7%
    • Baby food and formula is UP 7.3%
    • Sugar and sugar substitutes are UP 6.9%
    • Rent of primary residence is UP 6.5%
    • Shelter is UP 6.2%
    • Frozen vegetables are UP 6.1%
    • Food away from home is UP 5.2%
    • Pet food is UP 5.1%
  • Under Joe Biden’s failed economic agenda, Americans are spending $11,400 more annually to buy the basics.   


  • Joe Biden has failed to stand up to our adversaries in Beijing, Tehran, and Moscow. 
  • Iranian-backed terrorists have launched numerous missile strikes on American servicemembers stationed in the Middle East.
    • These strikes have injured multiple American servicemembers. 
  • While American servicemembers were under attack, Iranian-backed terrorist Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin was MIA, and Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks was on vacation in Puerto Rico.
    • On January 1, 2024, Austin was hospitalized. The Department of Defense did not disclose Austin’s hospitalization to President Biden, Congress, senior Defense Department officials, or senior White House national security staff for several days. 
    • Deputy Secretary of Defense Kathleen Hicks was not informed of Austin’s hospitalization when she assumed his duties and was on vacation in Puerto Rico.
    • In the chain of command, the Secretary of Defense serves as the connection through which the President commands and controls our armed forces; it is unknown who was calling the shots while Austin was hospitalized. 
    • The House Committee on Armed Services, under the leadership of Chairman Mike Rogers (R-AL) has launched a formal inquiry into Secretary Austin’s failure to disclose his hospitalization and incapacitation.
  • The Biden Administration allowed a Chinese surveillance balloon to traverse the entire continental U.S. over the course of 7 days,gathering intelligence and flying over sensitive military sites, before taking action.
    • The balloon entered U.S. airspace on January 28th over the Aleutian Islands in Alaska.
    • Despite President Biden knowing of the threat and invasion of U.S. airspace violating our national sovereignty, he waited 5 days before issuing an order to shoot down the balloon.
    • The American people deserve to know why Joe Biden allowed this national security threat for so long, why he tried to hide it from the American people, and what information our foreign adversaries were gathering. 
  • Biden’s disastrous withdrawal from Afghanistan resulted in:
    • OVER 1,000 Americans were abandoned behind enemy lines for months at the mercy of the Taliban and $7 billion in U.S. military equipment was left behind. 
  • Under Biden, the U.S. Army fell 15,000 soldiers short of their recruitment goal for FY22, missing by 25%.
  • According to the Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Military Personnel Policy, who testified before the Senate Armed Services Personnel Subcommittee, “This constitutes an unprecedented mission gap.”
  • The Army projects the number of active duty soldiers could drop by as much as 6% in FY23, below the branch’s budgeted target request for the year. 

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