Ruth Heidrich Defeats Arthritis. Cancer and Osteoporosis…
For all my 47 years, I thought I was extremely healthy! After all, at that time (1982), I’d been a daily runner for 14 years, had run 3 marathons, and ate what I considered a very healthy diet — lots of chicken, fish, and low-fat dairy.
I’d have been heavily involved in my career as a military logistician. In fact, as a management-level female in a male-dominated world, I was also being groomed for a top-level position in the Pentagon. Little did I know. . . .there was an insidious cancer growing in my right breast. When it grew to the size of a golf ball, I was rushed into surgery. Even then, I was sure it couldn’t be cancer because I felt so healthy. A frozen section was done immediately; I was then told it was invasive cancer, and later, that it had spread, not only throughout the whole breast but also involved my bones and one lung.
While recovering from the surgery I saw a newspaper item asking for volunteers for a breast cancer/diet research study. I ran to the phone, was told to get my medical records, and got in to see Dr. McDougall right away. After being shown the results of the breast cancer/diet research thus far, I was convinced that Dr. McDougall was on the right track and left his office a low-fat vegan. I also decided against chemotherapy and radiation, electing to use the vegan diet as my sole weapon against the cancer.
I found the dietary changes very easy to implement. I already loved brown rice, whole wheat bread and oatmeal. I just had to add veggies to replace the chicken, fish, and dairy. My body responded immediately. The next morning I discovered I’d been constipated all my life but didn’t know it!
Preview cancer free (only human)

Because I was concerned about a strong family history of osteoporosis, I tracked my bone density and found that from the age of 47 to my last test at 64, my bone density INCREASED significantly with each test. I was obviously getting enough calcium on this diet! I was also very pleasantly surprised to discover that my arthritis disappeared, that I could stop taking Naprosyn. This was the drug that had been prescribed for my arthritis which I’d been told I would have to take for the rest of my life! My joints today not only are not arthritic, but are very supportive of my running. Running obviously doesn’t wear out your joints since I’ve now been a daily runner for 34 years. And, this diet obviously provides all the nutrients that I need since I’ve been extremely healthy for 20 years now.
My future plans are to keep on running (and winning) races. My book, A Race For Life, (Lantern Books, NY,N.Y. 2000), covers the theory of how the diet and exercise program works, how to put it into practice, and details how I went from a cancer patient to a world-class triathlete, winning trophies in Japan, New Zealand, Thailand, Canada, Russia plus all over the U.S. With this diet and exercise program, I feel that anyone, at any age, can avoid most of the diseases afflicting us, heart disease, cancer, diabetes, arthritis, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, obesity, and even impotence! And, speaking of age, this program also comes as close as possible to reversing the aging process!
Ruth Heidrich demonstrates the miraculous healing properties of the body with the right diet, exercise program, and supportive environment. I know many of you believe that you are incurably ill. After over 25 years of practice, I can say without hesitation I have never seen anyone fail to improve their health when they changed from the typical American diet to the McDougall diet. The principles are too basic to be unsuccessful. It would equivalent to seeing a smoker’s health not improve after giving up 2 packages of cigarettes a day, or an alcoholic failing to become healthy after drying out.
Ruth achieved three dramatic benefits from a healthy diet and exercise program that are rarely talked about: “cure” of her cancer, cure of her arthritis and reversal of her bone loss. The McDougall Program for Women book discusses in great detail the benefits of a healthy diet and exercise program for women with breast cancer. Essentially, the rich American diet is the most important controllable cause of breast cancer according to many experts. If you believe this, then it makes no sense to “throw gasoline on a fire.”
In other words, once you get a dietary-caused cancer one of your fundamental treatments must be a change to a healthy diet. I published the first study on the dietary treatment of breast cancer in a medical journal in the early 1980s (the results of the study Ruth mentioned above). I was considered radical back then. Over the past 20 years there have been many similar research papers published in the world’s best medical journals that come to the same conclusion: women who get breast cancer and eat healthier live longer (you will find most of these papers cited in The McDougall Program for Women).
Preview Does Sugar Cause Cancer? Dr John McDougall

Let Ruth Heidrich be an inspiration for those of you who have little hope and so much to live for. The greatest medical miracle ever experienced is the human body properly supported by the right foods and surrounding environment. Don’t delay; you will never have the opportunity to live today over again.
You can find information on the cure of arthritis on my web site under “Diet: Only Hope for Arthritis.”
The McDougall Program for Women book will provide information on the most important and controversial medical issues facing women today. The McDougall Quick and Easy Cookbook may be the best recipe book investment you have ever made. If you need the motivation to get going, then don’t hesitate to get the 6-video tape series, “Dr. McDougall’s Total Health Solution for the 21st Century.” This is $5000 worth of education –- the very lectures Mary and John McDougall gave at their 12 Day live-in hospital-based program. See for ordering information.
Galit Goldfarb begins with her own story — becoming bulimic as a teen, and determining to learn all she could about science and nutrition in college, and yet still not achieving health. She studied medical science, opening a clinic after her return. But everyone she treated felt better only in the short-term. She was also diagnosed with cancer. She began to learn all about human health, reading from all the scientific fields until she was able to understand the answer: the guerilla diet (food choices that fight back against everything she had learned!). What she also learned was that a stressful life is a root cause to ALL disease
Goldfarb takes us through ancient human history, demonstrating evidence of the earliest humans’ health and diet (living into their 70s and eating plants, nuts, fruits, and legumes) and how humans moved shortsightedly away from that diet. Cancer free (without radiation), her final argument is simple — while an “omnivore” diet may in the short term taste better, in the long term, it is unhealthy, not only for us but for our planet.
Galit Goldfarb has worked within the health field for over 22 years. While working in different research laboratories and with many private clients, Galit has written eight books in the fields of health and personal development, including the #1 International Bestseller “The Guerrilla Diet & Lifestyle Program” based on her in-depth research into the ideal diet for humans. Galit is a Professional member of the American Nutrition Association, and the American Society for Nutrition, and holds a BSc (honours) in Biochemistry and Nutrition, an MSc in Medical Science with Distinction, and studied Immunology for a Post Graduate Certificate. Galit is currently doing her PhD in Nutrition. Galit offers workshops, speaking engagements, online programs and coaching to help people achieve optimal health.
A highly scientific, impressively researched map to better health through a plant-based diet.
Speaking after her TEDxUCD 2016 talk Professor Michaela Higgins said, “We are seeing an exponential increase in cancer cases in the developing world as we improve the control of infant mortality rates and infectious diseases. 70% of all cancer deaths are occurring in Africa, Asia, Central and South America, yet nearly 90% of the $100 billion currently being used to treat cancers is spent in Europe, USA and Japan.”
“As I outlined in my TEDxUCD 2016 talk to reduce this imbalance, and taking into account that most cancers have a lifestyle or environmental cause, we need to stop smoking, eat healthily and vaccinate against common cancer-causing viruses.”Prior to Professor Higgins current appointment, Michaela was an Assistant Professor of Medicine at Harvard Medical School and a Consultant Physician at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston.
While in Boston, Michaela was involved with the development of a small oncology service over an 18-month period, at Hôpital Universitaire de Mirebalais in Haiti. This was with support from Partners in Health, a not-for-profit corporation working to bring the benefits of modern medical science to those most in need, in Haiti and around the world.
She is a member of Cancer Research UK’s Clinical Trials Awards and Advisory Committee and the Mater Hospital Lung Cancer Working Group. She serves on the UCD Clinical Research Centre Executive Committee. Michaela is enthusiastic about teaching the next generation of medical doctors, and is particularly interested in global oncology.
Preview Ruth Heidrich Beat Cancer by Changing Diet, Interview