This pass week while working at my own job. I started talking to Scott about his willingness to self improve every single day. I told him most people are usually expected to accept the daily norm of everything being normal. So why are you different are you the perfectionist of all perfection. He stated back,”no he isn’t its within his common sense to be like that.”
Quality of life means living life to the fullest and is a simple concept that we take for granted every day. If life were to change tomorrow and you or a loved one had to move to a nursing home to be cared for — how happy would you be? Giving up the life – you once knew can be devastating and many individuals living in nursing homes do just that—they give up their personal possessions, their homes, their friends, their schedules, and their social activities.
Why do epigenetic changes accumulate with age?
It remains somewhat of a mystery, but the unifying feature that could explain this epigenetic damage is the number of times a cell has divided. As we age our stem cells divide more and more to replenish tissue damage. The cells within these tissues live for only a few weeks, a few months in some cases. They need to be replenished. It turns out that our cells are not perfect from an epigenetic point of view. If they divide more than a given number of times—say if they divide hundreds of times—then these epigenetic patterns will show subtle shifts that increase with age.
Aging is really counted as how many times our stem cells have had to divide. And because each time a stem cell divides there is a finite chance of some sort of epigenetic damage, what we find is that in older people there’s been an accumulation of these epigenetic events that is easily measurable in DNA.
How does this relate to cancer?
Well, if you count age as how many times a stem cell has divided, then cancers are awfully old tissues. If you think of a 60-year-old patient, the epigenetic changes in that cancer would reflect the actual age of that DNA, which might be 200 or 300 years depending on how long the cancer has been dividing incessantly in that particular case. This leads to the realization that anything that might injure tissues might lead to epigenetic damage. The single unifying factor is tissue damage, inflammation, and the need for stem cells to repair that injury. Every time a stem cell has to repair injury, it is aging a little more. So a person who has been exposed to a lot of things that injure tissues is a person who is older than a person who has never been exposed to things that injure tissues.
Doctors say you have liver, kidney, brain, or heart disease, but this approach to naming disease tells you nothing about the cause.
Instead of asking what disease you have and what drug should be used to treat it, we must ask WHY the disease has occurred. What are the underlying causes that lead to illness?
Modern medicine approaches illness like a mechanic trying to diagnose what’s wrong with your car by listening to the noises it makes and never looking inside to see what’s going on. ” Read on … this is a great article on TRUE HEALTH CARE!

QUITE Often of Facebook and through the interesting thread from other groups I read interesting snippets that only add to the confusion of knowing what works:Have a look at these encouraging studies using erucin and lapatinib , these are isothiocyanates extracted from cruciferous veg. Also, are you using liver tonics, digestive enzymes (to dissolve fibrin coatings) and supporting gut bacteria with probiotics. Also, have a look at Active Hexose Correlated Compound (AHCC fermented mushrooms) and Fucoidan (seaweed extract) and Beta Glucans, powerful immune modulators?…/
In the above article ND Barbara MacDonald recommends that post-treatment patients with ER+ breast cancer consider:
Whole foods multivitamin/mineral complex without iron (such as Innate’s Iron-free one daily)
Selenium, 400 mcg from food (100 mg per Brazil nut) and supplementation combined
Vitamin D3 to achieve serum concentration of 50-60 ng/mL
Green tea at 5+ cups a day or the equivalent in capsules (two 300mg capsules of Vitanica’s Green tea which include 50 mg of whole plant (95% polyphenols,80% catechins, 55% EGCg, 10% caffeine)
Coriolus versicolor mushroom extracts from JHS Natural Products (five 600 mg capsules daily in divided doses) x 6 months minimum and either add or put in quarterly rotation with therapeutic dosages of Curcumin, Artemesia, Astragalus, AHCC, or arabinogalactan, etc. Melatonin, 20 mg at bed (or could use ZMA which provides magnesium precursors for melatonin + zinc and Vit B6 as a direct melatonin supplements have some issues with long term use )
Here’s a study using Laptinib and Fucoidan supplement.
Lapatinib, a targeted therapy that acts as a tyrosine kinase inhibitor, is extensively used to treat advanced HER2-positive breast cancer as well as other cancers. Tyrosine kinases are plasma membrane proteins that signal cells to divide and grow. Lapatinib blocks signals from these proteins which help to slow cancer cell growth
. In particular, lapatinib interferes with protein tyrosine kinases, epidermal growth factor receptor type 1 (EGFR (ERBB1)), and human epidermal receptor type 2 (HER (ERBB2)). Lapatinib, administered orally as active small molecules, interferes with the growth of cancer cells and potentially with the growth of normal cells.
Fucoidan, one kind of DS, has been reported to exhibit anti-inflammatory, antibacterial, antiviral, immunomodulating, antiangiogenesis, and antitumor activities. Fucoidan, a sulfated polysaccharide found in cell walls of various species of brown and green seaweeds, is known to contain large proportions of L-fucose and sulfate along with low amounts of xylose, uronic acid, and galactose. Seaweed and marine algae have been used as food and medicine for over a thousand years in Asia and in some parts of northern Europe. Recently, the antitumor effect of fucoidan has been studied intensively. Studies have reported that the intake of seaweed is associated with a lower incidence of breast cancer.
**It was within this CANCER UPDATE that gave me thoughts of affordability**
Oncologist appt today!!!! All my cancer markers are NORMAL, WITHIN RANGE!! No matastatis, my doctor was actually in shock that my tumors are at least HALF the size in about two months!!!! I’m treating stage three breast cancer. It was inflammatory and about to explode out of my nipple. I used black salve to clear that up. I have been doing Gerson and the supplements strictly for months. As I found out it’s wasn’t aggressive enough and it was very hard to stay on it without cheating. I started adding essiac tea, started doing ozone enemas twice a day, and added the turmeric pills also frank & myrrh gum in capsules…. Within days of that, they shrunk and got softer. I have witnesses, all this within days
Although The ozone equipment was an investment. About $800 one time purchase, then about $20 a month for oxygen. A months supply of Essiac tea is $26. The turmeric you can buy anywhere this protocol is penny’s on the dollar compared to other therapies and treatments that work. Ken this is my protocol: ~ Saundra Alma~
Ozone Against Cancer:
Low concentrations of ozone have been proven to increase alpha interferon. Interferon is an anti-cancer substance that laboratories ail over the country are trying to reproduce, but with ozone, the body will make its own. Once interferon production is initiated, interleuken-2, another anti-cancer agent, is increased. This sets in motion a cascade of immunological events. Specifically, tumor necrosis factor, macrophages, and phagocytes increase, and immunoglobulin processes, such as IgA, IgE, and IgM, activate. Dr. Beyerle elaborates on how he uses ozone in treating cancer:
“When I treat cancer, I want the body’s immune response to take care of it and activate the immunological properties, and this is what we see with cancer. We can work right into AIDS with this because what we’re looking at is immunological stimulation.” Dr. Beyerle treats prostate cancer with an ozone protocol that he reports has yielded phenomenal results. His treatment includes taking 5 cc of the patient’s blood, mixing it with 5 cc of ozone at a low concentration, shaking it up, aerating it, making sure it is saturated, and then reinjecting it back into the prostate. He performs five treatments over the course of 20 days, and the program helps prostatic tumors to shrink dramatically.
Beyerle states that most prostate cancer is contained within a capsule until it is biopsied, and he attributes the overuse of biopsies to the spread of cancer within the body. He prefers to check the prostate with ultrasound, as opposed to biopsies, which he asserts are “overused and one of the very worst procedures that can possibly be done …. I can prove beyond a doubt that is one of the causative agents of spreading cancer.” So he feels that a big advantage of ozone is that it successfully treats this cancer while it is still encapsulated.
Beyerle reports major improvement with other types of cancers too, using ozone, including tonsillar, throat, ovarian, colon, and breast cancer. “I have three breast cancer patients now who were supposed to be dead a year ago,” he says. Also, he is seeing improvement in breast cancer patients where there is metastasis to the bones, liver, and spinal column:
“We are seeing patients who were bedridden two years ago and sent home to die. They are becoming ambulatory. Their energy level is coming up. They are gaining weight. And we see these spontaneous fractures in the spine are gradually disappearing. Strength is returning to the musculature. There is no spinal pain.”
Beyerle’s cancer protocol is not limited to ozone; like most practitioners who use this modality, he combines it with others, and he pays attention to lifestyle factors. So, for instance, he includes immune stimulating botanicals, such as the maitake mushroom. Beyerle also uses ozone to treat noncancerous conditions than can eventually become cancerous, such as fibroids and benign prostatic hypertrophy!!!!

I was just reading this information from another group? With a few of the members chatting about the one members experience to Germany.
Also Internal Medicine specialist Doctor Wolfgang May has degrees in physical & rehabilitation medicine, naturopathy, homeopathy and also advanced training in acupuncture and environmental medicine. His diagnostic skills and warm caring manner make him a favorite with the patients at Hufeland Klinik. When I inquired about the Klinik in Germany I was told it would cost about $12k for the 2 of us to go, which covers everything except airfare (includes transportation to/from airport, spa- like lodgings, and all meals).
They also claim a 95% success rate with the other 5% needing a second treatment. I would guess that the more aggressive or metastasized cancer patients have to do a second round. They work with an organization that will, later, attempt to recoup some of that from your insurance company.
My hubby has a very aggressive prostate cancer that we have been working with and he may have to do a second treatment at a higher temperature and other protocols that the Dr. wants to introduce as well. We’ll know after testing in the new year if a second trip to Germany is necessary and this treatment does one of two things. We know the protective protein coating that the cancer cells build around themselves.
Well this coating is their armour and the German treatment not only heats, it also has a very high ultrasonic vibration that shatters the protein coating therefore allowing the heat to get into the cell and kill the cancer. This technology was created in Canada and big pharma banned it. So the Germans bought the technology in a heart beat. With the Marinus website stating between 5000 – 6000 euros including food and lodging for 8 days. Everything included even picked up at the airport. So thats about 5500 to 6500 US dollars. I dont think any insurance plans would cover it. but who knows.
Use your life insurance policy to pay for your cancer treatment expenses. With a Living Benefit Loan you can receive up to 50% of your life insurance policy’s death benefit which you can use to pay for your cancer treatment expenses.
You will never be required to make loan payments or incur any out-of-pocket expenses. The loan is ultimately repaid by your life insurance policy’s death benefit and the remaining proceeds go to your family. If you have at least $75,000 of life insurance, you may qualify for a loan. Phone: 888 274 1777

New Cancer Cure Found!” For decades, headlines such as this have attempted to grab public attention by announcing that cancer has been eradicated, cured, and terminated. Typically these sensational statements are nothing more than slick public relations ploys.
However, when certain methods and modalities continue to demonstrate their effectiveness with proof, credentials, and staying power to back up such claims, it is important to pay attention.
A Promise in a Protein?
One such promising treatment is a protein named PNC-273 that has managed to fly under the radar since its inception around 2006. While accruing a vast library of medical research in its favor, PNC-27 has proven itself as an effective therapy when included in certain anti-cancer regimes. The protein has shown effectiveness in selectively targeting a broad range of cancers including melanoma, leukemia, pancreatic, breast, and other cancer cell lines.
This non-toxic cancer treatment causes cell death, specifically to fast growing and dividing cells, while leaving all others completely unharmed. To accomplish this, the PNC-27 protein attaches to the membranes of cancerous cells creating holes in them. These membrane holes cause rapid implosion and subsequent cancer cell death due to the osmotic pressure difference from the inside to the outside of the cells.
Cancerous cells possess… within their cell membrane and a protein called HDM-2. Once introduced internally, the PNC-27 protein travels directly to the HDM-2 protein within the cancer cell membrane. It then rapidly begins forming pores which starts what is known as membraneolysis, or death of the cancer cell’s membrane.
Why Americans Don’t Know About this Treatment!!!!
PNC-27 has shown major promise in completed studies with rats, mice, and primates. Human studies completed outside the United States have received similar accolades. However, due to political constraints and drug company monopolies, PNC-27 has been unable to gain footing as a treatment within the United States.
A Decade of Promising Research
To fully appreciate the effectiveness at which this treatment has been clinically proven, it is helpful to look at some key research from the past decade.
Laboratory research began to look at targeted cancer therapies using proteins from the HDM-2 binding site in 2006. Although PNC-27 had not been discovered yet, the 2006 study of the protein and peptide sequence, later called PNC-27, reported the following:
“Surprisingly, we have found that these peptides induce 100 percent tumor cell necrosis, not apoptosis, in 13 different human cancer cell lines but have no effect on normal pancreatic acinar cells, breast epithelial cells, and human stem cells.”
A study in The Annals of Clinical and Laboratory Science from the summer 2014 looked at the effectiveness of PNC-27 against human leukemia cell lines (K562) and concluded: “PNC-27 is selectively cytotoxic to K562 cells, inducing nearly 100 percent cell killing…”
A 2010 study in the Journal of Chemotherapy and Pharmacology looked at PNC-27’s effect on breast cancer cells and concluded the following: “PNC-27 induces cancer cell membrane lysis…” (lysis refers to breaking down the cell membrane.)
Is PNC-27 Better Than Radiation & Chemo?
The advantages that PNC-27 has over conventional chemotherapy and radiation therapy are as follows:
•Highly selective damage to only rapid dividing, cancerous cells
•Has its own built-in delivery mechanism
•Highly unique and effective method to kill cancer cells
•Has no effect on other bodily systems (immune, digestive, respiratory, etc.)
PNC-27’s effectiveness is further backed-up by several patents throughout its discovery. There is even a TEDx presentation covering PNC-27’s mechanisms titled Targeted Cancer Therapy given by Dr. Ehsan Yazdi.
Is Cancer the Result of Diminished Pancreatic Enzymes?
This systemic use of enzymes is just now taking off in the United States, but the use of enzymes to treat cancer has its roots all the way back to 1911 with John Beard’s The Enzyme Treatment of Cancer and Its Scientific Basis. Beard believed cancer was a result of diminished pancreatic enzymes, impairing your immune response. A study in 1999 which suggests he may have been right on target.
Ten patients with inoperable pancreatic cancer were treated with large doses of oral pancreatic enzymes (along with detoxification and an organic diet), and their survival rates were 3 to 4 times higher than patients receiving conventional treatment. Proteolytic enzymes can be helpful in treating cancer because they help restore balance to your immune system. Dr. Nick Gonzalez in New York City, NY has also done a lot of work on enzymes in cancer treatment and has written a book on the subject.v
Some of the ways proteolytic enzymes can be helpful in the fight against cancer are:vi
•Boosting cytokines, particularly interferon and tumor necrosis factor, which are very important warriors in destroying cancer cells.
•Decreasing inflammation.
•Dissolving fibrin: Cancer cells hide under a cloak of fibrin to escape detection. Once the cancer cells are “uncloaked,” they can be spotted and attacked by your immune system. It is also thought that fibrin makes cancer cells “stick together,” which increases the chance for metastases.
•German studies have shown that systemic enzymes increase the potency of macrophages and killer cells 12-fold.
Fortunately, you get (or should be getting) many systemic enzymes from the foods you consume—particularly, raw foods. These also directly help with your digestive process. The more raw foods you eat, the lower the burden on your body to produce the enzymes it needs, not only for digestion, but for practically everything. Whatever enzymes are not used up in digestion are then available to help with other important physiological processes.
This is one of the reasons why it is so important to eat a diet rich in fresh, organic, raw foods. You may even want to try juicing some of your vegetables, and the core of your pineapple, as a way of getting more nutrients—and enzymes—into your body. In the event you use enzymes in supplement form, it is crucial that, in order for enzymes to be used systemically, they must be consumed on an empty stomach. Otherwise, your body will use them for digesting your food, instead of being absorbed into the blood and doing their work there.
Looking for another Alternative to Chemo for Cancer Treatment?
How does immunotherapy fight cancer? If you take the brakes off the immune system, you can unleash an attack on cancer cells. That’s the theory behind PD-1/PD-L1, a vitally important immunotherapy discovery illustrated in this video. This animation created by Nature Reviews Cancer and Nature Reviews Immunology illustrates how tumour cells are sensed and destroyed by cells of the immune system and how tumours can evolve to evade immune-mediated elimination. Scientists are developing new immunotherapies that help the immune system to ‘fight back’ — the animation explains how these exciting new drugs work.
Or Dr. Nicholas Gonzalez was on the front lines and actively engaged in helping people by coaching them with natural alternatives instead of toxic drugs and radiation for cancer. I also would personally …. not hesitate to recommend him to a family member or a friend diagnosed with cancer. His website,, also contains information on how to become a patient, and everything a potential patient needs to know.
Another source for more information about alternative cancer treatments in general is Suzanne Somers’ book, Knockout. She reviews Dr. Gonzalez’ work in one chapter, and Dr. Gonzalez personally recommends the book as a well-researched resource for anyone interested in getting more information.
Additionally, Dr. Gonzalez has written a series of books, two of which have already been published and received five-star reviews: The Trophoblast and the Origins of Cancer and One Man Alone: An Investigation of Nutrition, Cancer, and William Donald Kelley. Three others are in the works, one of which will contain 100 of Dr. Gonzalez’ case reports of patients with advanced cancer who successfully recovered on his program.
David Wolfe explains the importance of enzymes and how they can found in large quantities in raw foods.
How does immunotherapy fight cancer? If you take the brakes off the immune system, you can unleash an attack on cancer cells. That’s the theory behind PD-1/PD-L1, a vitally important immunotherapy discovery illustrated in this video. This animation created by Nature Reviews Cancer and Nature Reviews Immunology illustrates how tumour cells are sensed and destroyed by cells of the immune system and how tumours can evolve to evade immune-mediated elimination. Scientists are developing new immunotherapies that help the immune system to ‘fight back’ — the animation explains how these exciting new drugs work.
How a high-fruit diet can reverse cancer: The science behind the NORI Protocol
In my last interview, I introduced you to Candice-Marie Fox, a woman who used the NORI Protocol to heal stage 4 thyroid cancer after surgery and radiation failed her.
In this interview you’ll meet Mark Simon, the man who helped her get well.
Mark’s background is in neuroscience and biomedical engineering, and he has been studying nutritional science for the last three decades. He is the founder of the Nutritional Oncology Research Institute, and developer of the NORI Protocol, a nutritional strategy centered around starving cancer cells with a methionine-restricted diet.
Fun Fact: Cancer cells are dependent on the amino acid methionine to survive.
Can you guess which foods don’t contain methionine?
Many cancer patients I encounter are afraid to eat fruit because they heard that “sugar feeds cancer”. This interview will provide you with clarity about that misunderstood idea, and details on this healing strategy (see the show notes).
Methionine is an essential amino acid with many key roles in mammalian metabolism such as protein synthesis, methylation of DNA and polyamine synthesis. Restriction of methionine may be an important strategy in cancer growth control particularly in cancers that exhibit dependence on methionine for proliferation. Methionine dependence also in cancer may be due to one or a combination of deletions, polymorphisms or alterations in expression of genes in the methionine de… novo and salvage pathways. Cancer cells with these defects are unable to regenerate methionine via these pathways. Defects in the metabolism of folate may also contribute to the methionine dependence phenotype in cancer.
Selective killing of methionine dependent cancer cells in co-culture with normal cells has been demonstrated using culture media deficient in methionine. Several animal studies utilizing a methionine restricted diet have reported inhibition of cancer growth and extension of a healthy life-span. In humans, vegan diets, which can be low in methionine, may prove to be a useful nutritional strategy in cancer growth control. The development of methioninase which depletes circulating levels of methionine may be another useful strategy in limiting cancer growth. The application of nutritional methionine restriction and methioninase in combination with chemotherapeutic regimens is the current focus of clinical studies.…

Methionine restriction—best achieved through a plant-based diet—may prove to have a major impact on patients with cancer because unlike normal tissues, many human tumors require the amino acid methionine to grow. http://www.naturalhealth365.

How a high-fruit diet can reverse cancer: The science behind the NORI Protocol
In my last interview, I introduced you to Candice-Marie Fox, a woman who used the NORI Protocol to heal stage 4 thyroid cancer after surgery and radiation failed her.
In this interview you’ll meet Mark Simon, the man who helped her get well.
Mark’s background is in neuroscience and biomedical engineering, and he has been studying nutritional science for the last three decades. He is the founder of the Nutritional Oncology Research Institute, and developer of the NORI Protocol, a nutritional strategy centered around starving cancer cells with a methionine-restricted diet.
Fun Fact: Cancer cells are dependent on the amino acid methionine to survive.
Can you guess which foods don’t contain methionine?
Many cancer patients I encounter are afraid to eat fruit because they heard that “sugar feeds cancer”. This interview will provide you with clarity about that misunderstood idea, and details on this healing strategy (see the show notes).
SOoo ….If I had cancer what would I do: Journaling is 1 of my beliefs I like to write so it organizes my thoughts. Also basic foundations to start with would be proven ways Budwig or Bill Henderson Protocol and Gerson Therapy….. I would gain a lot of nutrients by eating right and avoiding ingredients found in crap food. I would take close watch of my vitamin and minerals and also would add plenty of omega 3s to my diet (is important.) I would juice green vegetables, carrot and bee…t root. I would drink orange juice with Aloe Vera Juice and also take a great probiotic with enzymes. Cure Your Gut First.
While taking stock of my life and the negative emotions I have in it. Nothing positive comes from being negative. I have also heard good things about Essiac Tea, Kangen Water. Modified Citrus Pectin and Graviola. Milk Thistle for a healthy liver which is a necessity for good health. Red Clover to purify the blood. Its the Mind, the Body in Spirit. Exercise creates sweat which eliminates toxins as well. One must detox the foul out … to allow good health in ???? Apricot Seeds Works As Well !!!!!!!!!!!! Seeking cannabis oil only before chemo and realizing cannabis varies in standardization processes. Use the Everclear as your solvent.
Chemo in conjunction with cannabis oil: if you have access to the oil you have no need to continue with chemo. The oil is cancer specific, truly targeted, non-toxic medicine. Chemo is more like killing the village to save the village … That said, if you decide to continue with chemo, doing the oil along side will likely save your life, offering some level of protection against the onslaught of chemo drugs …
However if you continue with the two be aware that initially you …may feel pretty lousy from the toxins released by the combination of cannabis and chemo killing tumor(s). It`s called herxing and my observation of many people’s reports online is that herxing is much more prevalent in people who are doing cannabis and conventional combined. Also be aware of a similar and potentially life threatening condition known as TLS (Tumor Lysis Syndrome) that theoretically is more probable with both ….
Oncologist appt today!!!! All my cancer markers are NORMAL, WITHIN RANGE!! No matastatis, my doctor was actually in shock that my tumors are at least HALF the size in about two months!!!! It appears Saundra has been Gerson and there supplemnets strictly for months. It wasn’t aggressive enough and it was very hard to stay on it without cheating.
Saundra started adding essiac tea, started doing ozone enemas twice a day, and added the turmeric and frankincence & myrrh gum in capsules. The ozone equipment which she said was an investment. About $800 one time purchase, that’s about $20 a month for oxygen. A months supply of Essiac tea is $26. AND Within days of that, the tumor shrunk and got softer. I have witnesses, all this within days ~ Saundra Alma~

Resiliency is the ability to bounce back with the answer from a search for the next step in the process. Amy Regenstreif is an example of which I consider the X – factor. A survivor of Retroperitonial Leiomyosarcoma since 2001, under – going 11 surgeries, while removing 25 tumors with four bouts of chemotherapy and countless radiation treatments. She is a survivor helping others through cancer survivorship from experience.
While Phil Kerslake is a seven time lymphoma survivor over 33 years and author of the best selling support resource “Life, Happiness & Cancer.” Phil is a compassionate soul for patients whom play an active role in their treatments and recoveries. While particularly employing psychosocial support measures tactically to help them cope and prevail. Remember it’s always important to be willing to find your own answer to cancer nobody else will help you decipher the many options you have.
Alicia Staley is a three time cancer survivor committed to making a difference in the health care community. Starting the Staley Foundation which serves as a way to provide education, advocacy, and assistance to those affected by cancer as patients, caregivers, family or friends. She shares her passion and enthusiasm for the cancer community, by also contributing to the http://www.
Preview YouTube video Survivorship – The Art of Resiliency

Preview YouTube video Resilience: The X-Factor in Fighting Cancer; Phil Kerslake — Part 1 of 4

Preview YouTube video Measuring psychosocial outcomes in AYAs with cancer – Video abstract: 29735

Preview YouTube video Alicia Staley / #BCSM

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