In Ty Bollinger’s series called “The Global Quest for The Cures”; it will highlight many of the fundamental issues I discuss here on this website. This show also went live April 12th, 2016.
In this 9 episode documentary, Ty travels all over the world interviewing 131 doctors, researchers, and several cancer survivors to address their preferred methods of holistic care.
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The Truth About Cancer: The Highlights
Magic Bullets
The search for a “cure” for cancer is the greatest epic in the history of science. It spans centuries and continents and is full of its share of heroes, villains, and sudden vertiginous twists. This episode follows that centuries-long search, but centers on the story of Sidney Farber, who, defying conventional wisdom in the late 1940s, introduces the modern era of chemotherapy, eventually galvanizing a full-scale national “war on cancer.”
Interwoven with Farber’s narrative is the contemporary story of little Olivia Blair, who at 14-months old is diagnosed with T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia, which spreads to her brain and spinal column. The film follows her as she and her parents struggle with the many hardships and decisions foisted upon a cancer patient. She remains in full remission a year after her diagnosis, but is still on her journey to finish her three-year treatment plan.
Preview [Documentary] Cancer: The Emperor of All Maladies Ep 1 – Magic Bullets HDTV

What really happens when someone has cancer therapy and they get home? What do their friends and family say? What happens when they try to eat an organic diet when no one else at home is? What happens when the whole family wants to go to Burger King and you stay home?
Rick Hill knows what this is like and more because he underwent alternative cancer therapy 38 years ago after being diagnosed with stage three, high-grade embryonal cell carcinoma (cancer of the lymph system). Hill tells it like it is in this engaging video and offers real solutions to long term health.
Most of all, he challenges cancer survivors to find a meaningful crusade in their life once returning home to make their life count. “After all,” Rick says, “we didn’t survive terminal cancer to make daisy chains…”
To learn more about alternative cancer treatments at Oasis of Hope, or to request a free consultation visit
Preview YouTube video How I survived terminal cancer w/ alternative cancer treatments

Elyn Jacobs chat with Dr Axel Weber from Klinik Marinus, a Hospital in Branneburg Germany, about the safer way to treat prostate cancer. Find out how you can treat the cancer without damaging the prostate — preserving both quantity and quality of life.
Survive and Live Well via
Preview YouTube video Hyperthermia for Prostate Cancer

Preview YouTube video Modulating Hormones with Diet and Supplements

Preview YouTube video Can Lung Cancer be Beat? Carl O Helvie

After graduating from medical school at the Autonomous University of Mexico in Toluca, Dr. Contreras specialized in surgical oncology at the University of Vienna in Austria, where he graduated with honors. Dr. Contreras has authored and co-authored several books concerning integrative therapy including 50 Critical Cancer Answers, The Hope of Living Cancer Free, The Coming Cancer Cure, Beating Cancer and Dismantling Cancer. Mpre information is available at:
It all started with a string of mind shattering headaches, Ryan says, followed by swollen lymph nodes and horrible night sweats that made life unbearable.
Nevertheless, Ryan “toughed” it out, like he always did, attributing the symptoms to perhaps a virus.
4 months would pass until he would seek medical advice.
On 9/16/2015 the headaches became so unbearable that Ryan was crippled with pain and nothing would bring relief. Upon a friend’s persistence Ryan began medical evaluation and MRIs of the brain, neck and abdomen.
n Lung Cancer be Beat? Carl O Helvie Sats Yes!