The Miraculous Willow Star Story

I’m Willow Star and I’m reintroducing myself here. Facebook

Living and thriving with stage 4 breast cancer (
I’ve been thriving after being diagnosed with stage 4 cancer 7.5 years ago.
I’m so grateful to be here to share his healing from stage 4 metastatic breast cancer.

It is very simple. and yet not easy.
I believe we need to get to the root cause of “why” cancer came to us. I believe we need to be our own healer and get support from others. I believe we need to think outside the box. I believe we have to believe we can heal. I’m here to inspire. support. educate.

Healing is inevitable when we listen to our inner wisdom.

Willow star (@meetwillowstar) I’ve been pondering- why are we so mad at cancer?
Cancer is the messenger to let us know our body is sick. Cancer isn’t trying to kill us.
In my experience & understanding it’s a warning.

About our toxic environment and foods along with repressed emotions are some of the things making us sick. Chemo and radiation make us sick, while giving us a clean slate. 
If we don’t heal – why- the cancer came in the first place it generally returns.

Still cancer was just the messenger.
We are canaries in the coal mine. We have to actually work towards freeing ourselves
of all of the toxicity in our lives so we can PREVENT cancer. Only 10% of cancer is genetic.
90% is environmental. When our bodies are healthy, we generally will not manifest cancer.

I thought I was pretty healthy before my diagnosis. especially compared to others,
I learned from looking back I was far from healthy. I was so sick and broken.

Today I encourage you to take inventory. Where can you take small (or big if you are really ready!) steps to create a healthy environment for your physical, emotional, and spiritual body to thrive in?

I am committing to moving my body 20 mins a day 5 of the 7 days to follow. there.
I said it out loud! It’s been a challenge. and I know it’s important. they say 20 mins of exercise 5-6 times a week lowers your chances of getting cancer by half!!

Hello friends!
It’s been a while so I thought I would stop by to say hello and reintroduce myself to y’all.
I am willow star (formerly Keri Vaca) and I am 7.5 years out from being diagnosed with stage 4 MBC with liver Mets. I have been tumor free for more than 6 years! This cancer diagnosis was the gift I needed to put myself first and to truly HEAL all parts of me.
I can say I am living my best life and that cancer has been the biggest gift.

What I contribute to my healing:
I left my marriage (we are great friends), take cannabis daily for tumor shrinking, high dose medicinal mushrooms (chaga, turkey tail and reishi) did the Rife machine, breath work, cold plunge, black seed oil, apricot seeds, soursop tea, tons of green juice, plant forward diet, no fragrance or artificial scents in my home, therapy to address anger and resentment, micro dosing psilocybin, dance multiple times a week, meditation, cacao, parasite cleanse, intermittent fasting, no alcohol, rarely eat sugary treats, no tv or radio, rebounder, positive mindset and FAITH i would be ok!!

From Western Meds: I was in
Ibrance for 6.5 years, now off.
Zoladex for 5 years, now I am off

Currently my only western med is faslodex and I plan to be off of it soon.
I had a shrinking tumor in every tumor before starting western medicine,
so, I know my protocols worked!

My mindset has been a huge part of my healing.
The words I speak, the people I connect with, the way I live my life all support a positive vibe. I share this to inspire anyone having a hard time in their healing/diagnosis.
Know you can heal. Know you are loved. Know you are not alone.

This was a huge breakthrough with me and my oncologist. This is one of my most important videos I have made. I have wanted to share about estrogen disruptors for years. I can hold back as I know the things, I share can be triggering to some and to others they disengage and avoid me.

I now know I have to share, even when it feels scary or hard.
I had my estrogen spike for a few months. my numbers were sporadic and didn’t make sense. My oncologist wanted to put me back on the drug I went off of almost a year ago.
I said I wanted to understand WHY my estrogen spiked….and I found the culprit! She was shocked, I was not. This was a huge breakthrough with me and my oncologist.

This is one of my most important videos I have made.

Please watch and share.

Fragrance and Estrogen Disruption- my experience (

As Noted: Fragrance and Estrogen – Search (

I am also looking for info on natural hormone suppression.
Here’s a general list though the best way to know what works
for YOU is an RGCC natural agents’ panel:

• Fresh Ground Flaxseed Meal (must be fresh – goes rancid in 3 hrs.)
• Probiotics – Saccharomyces boulardii
• Melatonin – *ApothoCherry® & *BiomeMedic®
• I3C
• Chrysin
• Grape Seed Extract
• Apigenin
• Curcumin
• Cat’s Claw
• Calcium d-Glucarate
• Aromat8-PN (by Xymogen)
• Genistein (soy-free)
• Pinus Silvestrus – essential oil

I am Curious if your Oncologist Recommended any complementary therapies for you

Dina VanDecker- Tibbs
My oncologists work with a board-certified oncology naturopath as part of the team. I was so blessed for my team. The Cancer center offers all kinds of holistic care including mental health for current patients and survivors. Plus ongoing support and meetings. Now that I am clear I plan on putting in a proposal to volunteer my time, not sure which modality yet. I have studied a lot. The Biggest reco was 10,000 iu vitamin D because of all the research on links between Breast Cancer and deficient Vit D. Vitamin D Shadow Test – Search ( Also mushroom complex, collagen, liposomal c (after radiation) and some more specific to my needs.

Bethany Webb
Yes, both of my oncologists (TX and CO) have recommended acupuncture, yoga, nutrition, massage, Reiki, humor, writing….they admit it’s not in their wheelhouse and I also bring ideas (especially supplements) to them and they either say “yes, that sounds great” or they give me a valid research-based reason why it would conflict with my medications.
My cancer center has an integrative wing with many of these complementary therapies too. I also work with a naturopathic oncologist who is $$$ and not covered by insurance.
While I LOVE seeing that medicine is moving into a more integrative direction – it still does have a long way to go!

How do you test for vitamin deficiencies?
Blood test for Vitamin and Mineral Deficiency The sample is then analyzed by a lab.
In some cases, a hair or saliva sample may be collected and anal… Is there a blood test
to see what vitamins, you are lacking? See more!

The 7 Critical Blood Tests EVERYONE Should Get – YouTube

Bonus from September 12, 2021: 5 Lessons – From the Passing of a Fellow Cancer Thriver (
Thank you, Tara Coyote, for creating this space! This group was a lifeline for me in the beginning. I don’t know where I would be today without it. I look forward to posting here more.

Root Cause to Illness & Symptoms: An Intro to German New Medicine (
I’m a Neurodivergent Psychologist & These 5 Things Get My ADHD Brain Into Gear (
There are 5 core principles of the gut-brain connection (inspired by the 5 Biological Laws of German New Medicine), explaining how this whole gut-brain thing works at a mental, emotional and physiological level.
101-3-steps-to-rewire-the-gut-brain-connection-heal/ – Search (

Alternative Cancer, Lyme, Chronic Disease Advice
October 21, 2019 · 
Unresolved trauma or shock is an important cause of cancer.
Germany’s famous Surgeon and Cancer Specialist Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer was studying psychological aspects of cancer and treatment for ten years. He examined and tested over 40,000 cancer patients. He was amazed at why cancer of an organ does not spread to neighboring organs, e.g. he never saw cancer cervix and cancer uterus in the same patient. He also noted that each of his cancer patients suffered psychological stress or shock during the last 3 to 5 years prior to diagnosis and he was not able to come out of that trauma (Puna Wai Ora Mind-Body Cancer Clinic , 2006-2014 ).

Each patient of Dr. Hamer also underwent a CT scan of the head and in all cases he noticed some dark shadow or concentric circles somewhere in the brain. These dark circles would be in exactly the same place in the brain for the particular types of cancer. There was also a 100% correlation between the location of dark circles in the brain, the location of the cancer in the body and the specific type of unresolved conflict. It was very astonishing. Opponent radiologists said that the spots in the CT scans were machine errors (Artifacts). But Siemens Company which made the machine also admitted that these spots are not Artifacts (Hamer).

Thus Dr. Hamer concludes that when we are in a stressful conflict which is not resolved, the emotional reflex center in the brain which corresponds to the experienced emotion (e.g. anger, frustration, grief) will slowly break down. Each of these emotional centers are also connected to a specific organ. When a centre breaks down, it starts sending wrong signals to the organ it controls, resulting in the formation of deformed cells in the tissues, cancer cells. He also suggests that metastasis is not the SAME cancer spreading. It is the result of new conflicts that might be brought upon by the very stress of cancer diagnosis or of invasive and painful therapies.

Dr. Hamer started to give psychotherapy to his patients along with the treatment.
He felt that as soon as psychotherapy shows its effect, the patient is out of this shock (Psychosomatic), cancer cells stop multiplying and the dark circles of brain start to disappear instantly. X-rays of the brain now showed a healing edema around the damaged emotional centre as the brain tissue began to repair the affected point. There was once again normal communication between the brain and body. A similar healing edema could also be seen around the now inactive cancer tissue. Eventually, the cancer would become encapsulated, discharged or dealt with by the natural action of the body. Diseased tissue would disappear, and normal tissue would then again appear.
This way Dr. Hamer proved that unavoidable stress or conflict is the cause of cancer and other diseases. The paragraph below shows different psychosomatic trauma or shock and the corresponding cancer it causes.

Organ affected by Cancer and Type of Stress connection
Bone – Lack of self-worth, inferiority feeling
Bladder -Ugly conflict, dirty tricks
Breast, right -Conflict with husband or partner
Breast, left -Conflict concerning child, home, and mother
Cervix -Severe frustration
Colon – Ugly indigestible conflict
Esophagus -Cannot have it or swallow it
Lung – Fear of dying or suffocation, including fear for someone else
Kidneys -Not wanting to live, water or fluid conflict
Liver – Fear of starvation
Testes and Ovaries – Loss conflict
Breast milk gland -Involving care or disharmony
Breast milk duct -Separation conflict
Intestines – Indigestible chunk of anger
Uterus – Sexual conflict
Gall Bladder -Rivalry conflict
Adrenal cortex -Wrong direction, gone astray
Larynx -Conflict of fear and fright
Bronchioles -Territorial conflict
Skin – Loss of integrity
Prostate -Ugly conflict with sexual connections or connotations
Melanoma -feeling dirty, soiled, defiled
Pancreas -Anxiety-anger conflict with family members, inheritance
Spleen – Shock of being physically or emotionally wounded
Rectum -Fear of being useless
Stomach-Indigestible anger, swallowed too much
Thyroid -Feeling powerless
Mouth -Cannot chew or hold it
Lymph glands -Loss of self-worth associated with the location.

Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer – A controversial doctor
A great innovative scientist Ryke Geerd Hamer was born on May 17, 1935, in Maltman, Germany and grew up in Friesland. At 18, he started a medical and Theology studies in Tübingen University, where he fell in love with a medical student named Sigrid Oldenburg whom he married a year later.
He completed his degree in Theology and completed studies of Medicine in 1962 and he got his medical registration in 1963. In 1972 he received the Doctor of Medicine degree in internal medicine and began treating cancer patients in the Tübingen University clinic.
He was very intelligent, and he made many inventions, including the non-traumatic Scalpel (which was 20 times sharper than the ordinary razor blade), bone cutting saws for plastic surgery and automated massage tables, etc.

He earned a lot of money from these inventions and started a clinic in Rome. On August 18, 1978 early morning, a rampaging Italian Prince Victor Emanuel of Savoy shot his son Dirk, who slept unaware in a boat. He was badly injured. Father took care of his son day and night. But on December 7, 1978 Dirk ultimately died in his arms. This was a big shock for the parents. He suffered a loss of confidence and after three years he developed cancer in testes. After a few months his wife also developed breast cancer. He thought it was the result of the shock of his son’s death. Dr. Hamer later named this type of shock, the “Dirk Hamer Syndrome” or DHS.

He researched cancer patients for many years and proved that each disease is caused by some mental trauma or shock. He experimented on 40,000 patients and based on these experiences, made the five rules of the New German Medicine. The results caused a furor among the doctors but they were not ready to accept these findings. His research did not see any benefits.
Finally, in 1981, he presented his research at the University of Tübingen for verification. He wanted that his research should be taught in medical schools, so that the patient could be benefited by this research. But the university refused to even review his research.

There was deep conspiracy against Dr. Hamer; he was sued in 1986 by the University and court ordered to confiscate his medical registration. Though his research papers could not be denied in the court. But he did not give up and fought for the truth and science for whole life. His wife could not come out of son’s death agony and eventually died in 1985.
In 1997, he was accused of examining three patients without charging any fee and sent to jail for 19 months as he had no Medical Registration that time. Police took all his research papers and books when he was arrested. His research, study and treatment was so effective that the Public Prosecutor had to admit in the court that 6500 late-stage cancer patients were treated by him, five years later 6,000 of them were still alive.

September 9, 2004 he was arrested again at his residence in Spain, and sent to prison in France. This time he was accused that some French patients died after they read his book, while he never met and consulted these patients. He was released from prison in February, 2006 and in March 2007, he was sent to Sendiyard, Norway. Today he has been living in exile in Norway. This is the price he paid for truly serving humanity.
Journalists and medical experts portray Dr. Hamer as a quack, a self-acclaimed miracle healer, a cult leader, or an insane criminal who denied cancer patients the “lifesaving” conventional treatments.

Stages of Cancer Development

Phase 1: Inescapable Shock
Phase 1 starts about 18-24 months prior to cancer diagnosis. This is where the person with cancer experiences an unavoidable and prolonged emotional stress or trauma, affecting deep sleep and the production of melatonin. Melatonin, a hormone produced in the pineal gland of the brain during deep sleep, is essential for inhibiting growth of cancer cell and is the primary hormone which regulates the immune system; particularly production of interleukin-2 which controls white blood cell immune functions and protects against microbial infection. Without enough melatonin cancer cells flourish. Dr Hamer proved that every cancer has a specific psycho-emotional cause and a part of the emotional reflex centre in the brain is damaged due to the prolonged stress. And as each part of the emotional reflex centre in the brain controls and is connected to a particular organ of the body. When the emotional centre in the brain breaks down, the organ it controls gets wrong and incomplete signals, becomes cancerous.

Phase 2: Adrenaline Depletion
In phase 2, stress hormone cortisol levels are raised which deplete adrenaline levels.
There are limited reserves of adrenaline in the body and when a person is under constant psycho-emotional stress these reserves are depleted quickly. While insulin helps to shift glucose into cells, the adrenaline is crucial for cell respiration and for converting this glucose into ATP energy for the body and for healthy cell division (which occurs via the metabolic pathway known as Oxidative Phosphorylation and via the Krebs’ Citric Acid Cycle in the mitochondria of the cell).
Without adrenaline to stimulate production of the GDP molecule (which is essential for mitochondrial cell respiration and glucose conversion), the cells Krebs’ Cycle and Oxidative Phosphorylation metabolic pathway is broken and the cell is starts to ferment glucose instead as a means to obtain some amounts of ATP energy (via Glycolysis), which creates lactic acid state in the body and a low pH environment in the cell. This sets the stage for the cancer-fungus to evolve in phase 3 to ferment rising glucose and lactic acid, causing cell mutation.

Phase 3: The Cancer Fungus
In phase 3, somatids (small microorganisms essential for life) that live in our cells pleomorphic into yeast-like-fungus to ferment excess glucose and produce lactic acid in cells (due to the cell fermenting glucose for energy caused by a broken Krebs’ Cycle). In a healthy person, somatids have 3 stages in their life cycle – somatid, spore, double spore. However, in a highly acidic low pH lactic acid environment, somatids pleomorphism into a further 13 stages. These stages include viral-bacterial-yeast-like-fungus forms which ferment excess glucose and produce lactic acid in the cell.
These fungal pathogenic forms then shift to the cell nucleus to produce waste products called mycotoxins, inhibiting repair of cell DNA and also inhibiting the very important tumor suppressor genes. Without this gene p53 which regulates cell death (apoptosis), the cell mutation starts beyond repair, and ‘cell-growth regulating’ proto-oncogenes turn into oncogenes, causing normal cells to mutate into cancer cells.

Phase 4: Niacin Deficiency
In phase 4, depleted adrenaline (epinephrine) levels cause a depletion of dopamine in
the brain. Adrenaline is made by dopamine, and as more and more dopamine is used up during stress, the amino-acid tryptophan creates serotonin to please the depressed mood. This causes a depletion of tryptophan which is required to produce niacin/niacinamide (vitamin B3) for cell respiration. Normally tryptophan converts niacin and NAD coenzymes which are then required by the Krebs’ Citric Acid Cycle in the mitochondria for cell respiration, glucose conversion and the creation of ATP energy. Without niacin and NAD coenzymes, the Krebs’s Citric Acid Cycle is broken, causing the cell to ferment glucose for energy, resulting in cell mutation and the formation of cancer.

Phase 5: Vitamin C Deficiency
In phase 5, depleted adrenaline levels cause a depletion of ascorbic acid (vitamin C) in the adrenal glands. Ascorbic acid is the important substance used by dopamine to make noradrenaline in the adrenal glands, which is then converted to adrenaline. During prolonged stress more and more adrenaline is depleted, meaning more and more ascorbic acid is used up in the creation of adrenaline. During chronic stress the adrenal glands also release ascorbic acid into the body to diminish the stressful impact of adrenaline on the heart and blood pressure. Ascorbic acid is essential for preventing cell DNA damage caused by “oxidative stress”, converting oxygen waste products superoxide and hydrogen peroxide into oxygen and water within the cell mitochondria throughout the Oxidative Phosphorylation. The continual loss of ascorbic acid (during prolonged chronic stress) thereby increases DNA damage and mutation in cell mitochondria, causing normal cells to turn into cancer.

Phase 6: Immune Suppression
In phase 6, the immune system becomes weaker by a subconscious desire to “exit life”; due to elevated stress hormone cortisol levels depleting serotonin and dopamine levels in the brain that cause internal depression. An individual experiencing prolonged stress becomes tired of life and wants to come out of the never-ending stress and pain of life, by sending messages to the immune system to shut down. This occurs at the subconscious level where the immune system receives signals to stop production of interleukin-2- producing T cells, B cells, natural killer cells, macrophages and neutrophils. Without immune defenses, viral-bacterial-yeast-like-fungus that have pleomorphism within cells in phase 3 continue to grow and newly produced cancer cells go on multiplying.

How to Heal the Psycho-Emotional Trauma
The diagnosis of cancer is not a death certificate; it just shows you that your physical, emotional, mental and spiritual bodies are out of balance. It is a simple warning to you that you have not healed old wounds. These should be identified and healed. Hammer suggested the following treatments to resolve the Psycho-Emotional conflict:
1) You can consult an experienced healer/therapist to heal these wounds. Many CDs and guides are available to help you in healing deeper layers of buried emotions in your subconscious mind.
2) According to Lothar Hirneise, 100% of all late stage ‘miracle’ cancer survivors had
all made considerable “systems change” in their lives. This means they had all either left their stressful jobs, ended troubled marriages, shifted to other places or countries for the purpose of removing all stress from their lives.
3) Cancer patients often do not have proper sleep and thus do not produce enough Melatonin. Remember that melatonin is also produced during meditation.
So meditate for at least 30 minutes a day or take melatonin orally.
4) High stress hormone cortisol levels deplete adrenaline reserves in the body.
It is essential to include one daily activity to relax your mind, for the purpose of reducing stress hormone cortisol levels. Optimally spend 2 hours per day in relaxation. This can include walking on the beach, sitting amongst nature, undertaking yoga, yoga nidra or divine sleep, massage, meditation or visualization.
5) High stress hormone cortisol, low melatonin levels, parasites, pathogenic microbes, chemotherapy and radiation all weaken the immunity. So it is very important to support the immune system during recovery from cancer. We recommend you incorporate at least one therapy to boost and support your immune system. High dose Vitamin C therapy can be used. Visualization helps boost your Immunity. Consider graviola fruit to prevent side-effects of chemotherapy or radiation. Remember that graviola is not compatible with the Budwig Diet.
6) Removing the Cancer-Fungus, without which Cancer could not exist.
Prolonged psycho-emotional stress suppresses the immune power. When the immunity is suppressed, somatids – change from harmless to pathogenic viral-bacterial-yeast-like-fungus forms. Cancer cannot exist without this viral-bacterial-yeast-like fungus. They travel to the cell nucleus and release “mycotoxins” which causes cell DNA damage and the mutation of normal cells into cancer cells, and ferment the glucose in cancer cells. They provide a natural growth factor for cancer cells to metastasize in the body. It is highly recommended you include at least one of the following to remove the cancer-fungus from your body: Apple Cider Vinegar, Garlic, and Soda bicarb, Essiac Tea or Hyperthermia.
7) Toxins which include “mycotoxins” or acidic waste products caused by the cancer-fungus, poor diet, chemicals, alcohol, tobacco, antibiotics, chemo-therapy, fermentation, poor exercise causing build-up of lactic acid, and dead microbes, parasites and cancer cells. These toxins accumulate in the liver which is the master immune system organ. When the liver is flooded with these toxins, the immune system is weakened and you
feel sick, and cancer cells, viral-bacterial-yeast-like-fungus thrives.
It is very important to detox the liver, colon (the intestinal immune system), as well as the gall bladder and kidneys, to prevent toxin build up within your body. When you are killing the cancer-fungus or cancer cells using an alternative or orthodox approach, you should detox the body at the same time, because your liver cannot remove all the dead microbes and cancer cells being killed in the process from the body. We suggest you to include at least one therapy to detox the liver and colon on a regular basis e.g. Liver-Colon Cleanse and Coffee Enema. Ozonated Water should be strongly considered for it is a super body detoxifier, except lung cancer patients or lung disease.
😎 Niacin (Vitamin B3) is a critical element needed by the body’s cells to function in a healthy way. Without niacin, the Krebs’ Cycle of cells is broken or impaired, and the cell reverts to glycolysis and the fermentation of glucose to obtain energy, causing cancer to develop. Vitamin C can be given 12 grams per day without much difficulty.
500 mg to 1500 mg Niacin (Tab. Neasyn-SR 500) is prescribed per day.
9) Cancer cells can only survive in low pH or acidic environments caused by the
lactic acid produced during fermentation and by viral-bacterial-yeast-like-fungus excreting “mycotoxins” within cells. As cancer cells find it difficult to survive in an alkaline environment of 7.5 or greater, so it is essential to include a 3-step program to restore correct cell pH, which includes: 1) alkaline foods, 2) the removal of lactic-acid forming emotional stress and 3) the dextrorotatory lactic acid which is a key ingredient in sauerkraut and cottage cheese.
10) Cancer sometimes manifests as a direct result of a subconscious desire to “exit life”, caused by the individual feeling overwhelmed by the pains of life and no longer having a strong desire to live. This desire to exit life sends messages to the immune system to shut down. This subconscious desire to exit life must be reversed in order to survive cancer. Visualization and guided-imagery tools help to both heal and reverse this subconscious death wish
11) Prayer connects you to God and helps to overcome the subconscious death wish.
When we asked what is the best option to cure last stage cancer, the first reply was a prayer. Ask God to forgive you for any wrong-doings, Tell Him to fill your life with love, health and happiness and diminish pain.
12) Alkaline Water: Ask Health Professionals (

Every cancer is unique – why different cancers require different treatments, and how evolution drives drug resistance (
Cancer patients see results with exercise oncology, a growing field embraced in Pittsburgh,
Depression linked to altered brain responses to different types of gestures, study finds.
Physical Activity Has Powerful Effects on Colon Cancer Risk, Research Suggests.
Couples With the Strongest Relationships Have These 13 Things in Common (
‘Very high’: Map shows just how many people are finishing 2023 feeling sick (
How physical exercise is key to the treatment of breast cancer (
Root Cause to Illness & Symptoms: An Intro to German New Medicine.
Healthy habits may reduce risk of breast cancer recurrence (
The soup recipe loved by the world’s longest-living family (

Yolk: Ask Health Professionals ( 💯
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How Viruses Cause Cancer?

The two most important questions in science are “what can I know”
and “How can I Know?”

Science and Religion, in fact part ways over the first question, what each can know. Religion and to some extent philosophy, believes it can know, or at least address the question “why?” For example, religion answers to this question ultimately comes down to the way God ordered it. Religion is inherently conservative; even one proposing a new God creates a New order. The question “why” is too deep for science. Science believes it can only learn “how something occurs.”
Indeed, methodology matters more than anything else, methodology subsumes, for example, Thomas Kuhn’s well-known theory of how science advances. Kuhn gave the word “paradigm” wide usage by arguing that at any given point in time a particular paradigm.
A kind of perceived truth will dominate the thinking in any science.  According to Kuhn, the prevailing tends to freeze progress, indirectly by creating a mental obstacle to creative ideas and directly blocking research from going to truly new ideas, especially if they conflict with the paradigm theory.

Thomas Samuel Kuhn (/kuːn/; July 18, 1922 – June 17, 1996) was an American historian and philosopher of science whose 1962 book The Structure of Scientific Revolutions was influential in both academic and popular circles, introducing the term paradigm shift, which has since become an English-language idiom.
Thomas Kuhn made several claims concerning the progress of scientific knowledge: that scientific fields undergo periodic “paradigm shifts” rather than solely progressing in a linear and continuous way, and that these paradigm shifts open up new approaches to understanding what scientists would never have considered valid before; and that the notion of scientific truth, at any given moment, cannot be established solely by objective criteria but is defined by a consensus of a scientific community. Competing paradigms are frequently incommensurable; that is, they are competing and irreconcilable accounts of reality. Thus, our comprehension of science can never rely wholly upon “objectivity” alone. Science must account for subjective perspectives as well, since all objective conclusions are ultimately founded upon the subjective conditioning/worldview of its researchers and participants.
The Structure of Scientific Revolutions (SSR) was originally printed as an article in the International Encyclopedia of Unified Science, published by the logical positivists of the Vienna Circle. In this book, heavily influenced by the fundamental work of Ludwik Fleck, Kuhn argued that science does not progress via a linear accumulation of new knowledge, but undergoes periodic revolutions, also called “paradigm shifts” (although he did not coin the phrase, he did contribute to its increase in popularity),[15] in which the nature of scientific inquiry within a particular field is abruptly transformed. In general, science is broken up into three distinct stages. Prescience, which lacks a central paradigm, comes first. This is followed by “normal science“, when scientists attempt to enlarge the central paradigm by “puzzle-solving”.[6]: 35–42  Guided by the paradigm, normal science is extremely productive: “when the paradigm is successful, the profession will have solved problems that its members could scarcely have imagined and would never have undertaken without commitment to the paradigm”.[6]: 24–25 

Thomas Kuhn’s theory on paradigm shift 

Thomas Kuhn’s theory of scientific revolution 

Thomas Kuhn’s theory of scientific change


Galen of Kos – Biography, Facts and Pictures (famous

In medicine, Galen tried expanding upon the work of Hippocrates, the ancient Greek physician who was born in the 5th century BC on the island of Kos. He was so influential that many of his works were among the first to be retranslated from Arabic and Greek and printed after the appearance of the printing press. Galen’s influence was profound. Galen points, for example, to the ‘egg’ that statues of Asclepius hold in the hand, 54 symbolizing the earth and the universe, and indicating ‘that the whole world needs medicine’.


Hippocrates of Kos (/hɪˈpɒkrətiːz/Greek: Ἱπποκράτης ὁ Κῷος, translit. 

Hippokrátēs ho Kôios; c. 460 – c. 370 BC), also known as Hippocrates II, was a Greek physician of the classical period who is considered one of the most outstanding figures in the history of medicine. He is traditionally referred to as the “Father of Medicine” in recognition of his lasting contributions to the field, such as the use of prognosis and clinical observation, the systematic categorization of diseases, or the formulation of humoral theory. The Hippocratic school of medicine revolutionized ancient Greek medicine, establishing it as a discipline distinct from other fields with which it had traditionally been associated (theurgy and philosophy), thus establishing medicine as a profession

For instance, Aelius Galenus or Claudius Galenus[2] (Greek: Κλαύδιος Γαληνός; September 129 – 216 AD), often anglicized as Galen (/ˈɡeɪlən/) or Galen of Pergamon,[3] was a Roman Greek physiciansurgeon and philosopher.[4][5][6] Considered to be one of the most accomplished of all   medical researchers of antiquity, Galen influenced the development of various scientific disciplines, including anatomy,[7] physiologypathology,[8]   pharmacology,[9] and neurology, as well as philosophy[10] and logic.

Galen’s understanding of anatomy and medicine was principally influenced by the then-current theory of the four humors: black bile, yellow bile, blood, and phlegm, as first advanced by the author of On the Nature of Man in the Hippocratic corpus.[11] Galen’s views dominated and influenced  Western medical science for more than 1,300 years. Galen believed that illness was essentially the result of an imbalance in the body. He believed that balance could be restored by intervention; thus a physician would treat a disease successfully.

If there was a [poison in the body] that poison would be removed by evacuation, sweating, urinating and vomiting were all ways to restore balance.
Deep into the nineteenth century, Hippocrates and most of those who followed him also believed that natural processes should not be interfered with. 
The various kinds of purging were meant to augment and accelerate natural processes, not resist them. 

Steven Rosenberg M.D. PH.D., a Natural Cancer Institute Scientist who was the first person to stimulate the immune system to cure cancer. Led a team that preferred the first human gene therapy treatment experiments, points out that for years chemotherapy was recommended to virtually all victims of pancreatic  cancer patients. Even though not a single chemotherapy regime had ever been shown to prolong their lives for one day. 

Frederick Gates not related to Bill Gates, pointed out that in the book The New Testament to Homeopathic Medicine by Samuel Hahnemann’ – Bing video

Cancers make their own luck: theories of cancer origins
Cancer has been a leading cause of death for decades. This dismal statistic has increased efforts to prevent the disease or to detect it early, when treatment is less invasive, relatively inexpensive and more likely to cure. But precisely how tissues are transformed continues to provoke controversy and debate, hindering cancer prevention and early intervention strategies. Various theories of cancer origins have emerged, including the suggestion that it is ‘bad luck’: the inevitable consequence of random mutations in proliferating stem cells. In this Review, we discuss the principal theories of cancer origins and the relative importance of the factors that underpin them. The body of available evidence suggests that developing and ageing tissues ‘walk a tightrope’, retaining adequate levels of cell plasticity to generate and maintain tissues while avoiding overstepping into transformation. Rather than viewing cancer as ‘bad luck’, understanding the complex choreography of cell intrinsic and extrinsic factors that characterize transformation holds promise to discover effective new ways to prevent, detect and stop cancer before it becomes incurable.

Like cancer, viruses are themselves “an enigma” that exist on the edges of life that are not small bacteria. Bacteria consist of only one cell, but are fully alive, each has a metabolism that requires food, produces waste and reproduces by division. Whereas, viruses on the other hand, do not eat or burn oxygen for energy. They do not engage in any process that could be considered metabolic. They do not produce waste or engage in sex. They have no side effects, by accident or design. They do not even reproduce independently.  

They are less than a fully living living organism but more than an inert collection of chemicals. Several theories of their origin exist and these theories are not mutually exclusive. Evidence exists to support all of them and different viruses may have developed in different ways. Whatever the origin, a virus has only one function and that is to replicate itself. Thereby, it invades other cells that have energy and then like a foreign alien puppet master it subverts them, takes over and forces them to make thousands and in some cases hundreds of thousands of new viruses (the power of this lies within their genes.)

DNA and RNA are strings of these chemicals, in effect they are very long sequences of letters. Sometimes these letters do not form words that make any sense. 
In fact, 97 percent of human DNA does not contain genes and is referred to as “non sense” of “junk” DNA. But when the letters spell out a sentence, then that or sequence is by definition a gene. When a gene in a cell is activated it orders the cell to make particular proteins. 

Proteins can be used to be bricks as building blocks for tissues. Thereby the proteins that one eats generally do end up building tissues. But protein also plays crucial roles in most chemical reactions within the body, as well as carrying messages to “start” and “stop” different processes. Insulin for example, is a hormone but also a protein that helps regulate metabolism and particularly affects blood glucose.  

Louis Sullivan understands viruses and when a virus successfully invades a cell, it inserts its own genes into the cells genome and the viral genes seize control from the cells own genes. The cell’s internal machinery then begins producing what the viral gene demands instead of what the cell needs for itself. So the cell turns out hundreds of thousands of viral proteins, which bind together with copies of the viral genome to form new viruses. Then new viruses occur, therefore, in this process the host cell almost always dies. Usually when the new viral particles burst through the cell surface to invade other cells. 

Is Cancer Just a Virus – Bing video

Oncogenic viruses can cause cancer through different mechanisms, which can include:
alteration of cellular genes, either by mutation or by tampering with how genes are expressed, suppressi ng or disrupting the immune system and causing long-term inflammation.
It’s important to remember that not all viral infections lead to cancer. There are several factors that can influence whether infection with an oncogenic virus will progress to cancer. These can include things like the health of your immune system, genetics, and environment.
Cancer is also a complex disease with many factors that can affect its development. This makes it tricky to say that a virus directly causes cancer. It’s more accurate to think of viruses as one contributing factor in the development of cancer. 

Prevention tips
There are several things you can do to reduce your risk of contracting an oncogenic virus.
You can avoid two oncogenic viruses by getting vaccinated:
The HBV vaccine is recommended for all infants, children, and adolescents. It’s also recommended for adults who may be at risk of HBV infection. The vaccine is given in a series of shots, so you need to get the entire series for full protection.
The vaccine Gardasil 9 protects against nine types of HPV, including seven high-risk HPVs. It’s also given in a series and is recommended for children aged 11 or 12 or adults up to age 26.

Other tips
In addition to getting vaccinated, you can do several other things to help prevent viral infection, such as: washing your hands frequently, particularly before eating, after using the bathroom, and before touching your face, mouth, or nose not sharing personal items containing saliva or blood, including drinking glasses, toothbrushes, and razors using barrier protection, such as condoms or dental dams, during sexual activity
getting regularly screened for HPV if you have a vagina
getting regularly screened for HIV and HCV
not sharing needles
being cautious when getting tattoos or piercings, ensuring that only new, sterile needles are used

The bottom line
Several viruses, known as oncogenic viruses, are associated with cancer. These viruses can cause mutations, affect gene expression, or lead to chronic inflammation.
Keep in mind that having an infection by an oncogenic virus doesn’t mean you’ll develop cancer. It simply means you may have a higher risk than someone who’s never had the infection.

8 Viruses That Can Increase Your Cancer Risk


Viruses are tiny, infectious microbes. They’re technically parasites because they require a host cell to reproduce. Upon entry, the virus uses components of the host cell to complete its life cycle.

Some viruses can cause or contribute to the development of cancer. These viruses are called oncogenic viruses.
Unlike other viruses, such as influenza viruses, that cause an acute infection, oncogenic viruses often cause long-term, persistent infections.
It’s estimated that viruses account for about 20 percent of cancers. And there may be more oncogenic viruses that experts aren’t aware of yet.
1. Epstein-Barr virus (EBV)
EBV is a type of herpes virus. You may be familiar with it as the cause of infectious mononucleosis, or mono.
EBV is most often spread through saliva. It can be contracted through coughing, sneezing, and close contact, such as kissing or sharing personal items.
The virus can also be spread through blood and semen. This means you can encounter it through sexual contact, blood transfusions, or organ transplants.
Most EBV infections occur during childhood, although not everyone who contracts the virus has symptoms. Once you’ve contracted it, it remains in your body for the rest of your life. But it eventually lies dormant in your body.
Mutations that occur in cells due to EBV infection may contribute to certain rare cancers, including:
Burkitt’s lymphoma
nasopharyngeal cancer
Hodgkin’s lymphoma
stomach cancer

2. Hepatitis B virus (HBV)
HBV causes viral hepatitis. Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver. Many people with HBV go on to recover following an acute infection. However, some develop a chronic (long-term) HBV infection.
The virus spreads through bodily fluids, including blood, semen, and vaginal secretions.
Common ways infection can occur include having unprotected sexual activity with someone who has the virus sharing needles, sharing personal items that could contain blood, including razors and toothbrushes.
Transmitting the virus to an infant during birth, if the mother has HBV
Having a chronic HBV infection leads to liver inflammation and damage, which are risk factors for liver cancer

3. Hepatitis C virus (HCV)
Like HBV, HCV also causes viral hepatitis.
According to the American Cancer SocietyTrusted Source, HCV is less likely than HBV to cause symptoms. But it’s more likely to cause a chronic infection. As a result, some people may have an HCV infection and not know it.
HCV spreads the same way HBV does. However, sexual activity seems to be a slightly less common cause of HCV transmission.
Similarly, to HBV, a chronic HCV infection can lead to prolonged liver inflammation and damage, increasing a person’s risk of liver cancer. 

4. Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV)
HIV is a retrovirus that can lead to the development of AIDS.
HIV infects and destroys cells in the immune system called helper T cells. As the numbers of these cells decline, the immune system has a harder time fighting infections.
HIV spreads through bodily fluids, including blood, semen, and vaginal fluids.
Some ways that transmission can occur include:
unprotected sexual activity with someone who has the virus
sharing needles
sharing personal items that could contain blood, including razors and toothbrushes
transmitting the virus to an infant during birth, if the mother has HIV
It’s important to note that HIV doesn’t cause cancer by itself. The immune system is important in both fighting infections and in finding and attacking cancerous cells.
The weakening of the immune system caused by HIV infection can increase the risk of developing certain types of cancer, such as Kaposi sarcoma, non-Hodgkin lymphoma, and cervical cancer. 

5. Human herpesvirus 8 (HHV-8)
You may sometimes see HHV-8 referred to as Kaposi sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV). Like EBV, it’s a type of herpes virus.
Infection with HHV-8 is rare. It’s estimated that less than 10 percentTrusted Source of people in the United States develop an infection.
HHV-8 is mostly spread by saliva, although it can also be transmitted through sexual contact, organ transplants, and blood transfusions.

What virus causes sarcoma’s – Search (
It causes a rare type of cancer called Kaposi sarcoma. This cancer affects the lining of blood vessels and lymph vessels. HHV-8 can be found in the cells of these tissues.
Normally, the immune system keeps the virus under control. As a result, most people with an infection don’t have any symptoms or develop Kaposi sarcoma.
However, people who have a weakened immune system, due to HIV for example, are at an increased risk for developing Kaposi sarcoma. This is because their immune system may not be able to keep the HHV-8 in check. 

6. Human papillomavirus (HPV)
According to the National Cancer Institute, there are more than 200 Trusted Source types of HPV. Some types cause warts to form on the skin, while others cause warts to form on the genitalsthroat, or anus. However, HPV infection may not always cause symptoms.
Many types of HPV are spread through skin-to-skin contact during vaginal, anal, or oral sex. Because the virus can spread through skin contact, condom and dental dam use can lower, but not completely prevent, the chances of transmission.

Many people with an HPV infection eventually go on to clear it. However, in some cases long-term HPV infection can lead to cellular changes that can contribute to the development of several cancers, including those of the:
Strains of HPV that can cause these cancers are called high-risk HPVs. There are 14 high-risk strains of HPV, although HPV16 and HPV18 are responsible for most cancers.

7. Human T-lymphotropic virus (HTLV)
Like HIV, HTLV is also a retrovirus. It’s more common outside of the United States in areas such as Japan, the Caribbean, Africa, the Middle East, and South America.
HTLV spreads through blood. Potential means of transmission include:
unprotected sexual activity
needling sharing
blood transfusions
As a retrovirus, part of the HTLV life cycle involves integrating viral genes into the those of the host cell. This may affect how the cell grows or expresses its genes and can potentially lead to cancer.
Many people with HTLV infections have no symptoms. However, HTLV infection is associated with an aggressive type of cancer called acute T-cell leukemia/lymphoma (ATL). It’s estimated that 2 to 5 percent of people with the virus will develop ATL. 

8. Merkel cell polyomavirus (MCV)
MCV is a recently discovered virus. Most people contract the virus during childhood and don’t have any symptoms.
It’s unclear how MCV is transmitted, though experts think skin-to-skin contact is a likely culprit, along with coming into contact with contaminated objects or surfaces.
MCV was first identified in cell samples from a type of cancer called Merkel cell carcinoma, a rare type of skin cancer. It’s now believed that MCV causes nearly all cases of Merkel cell carcinoma.

Fasting kills viruses – Search (

Is intermittent fasting or restricting calories better for weight loss? New study offers answer (

The Healthy Habits of People Who’ve Aged Gracefully (

What To Know About Stress—and How It Affects Your Health (

The Red Flags Of Excessive Stress: How To Recognize And Address It (

Does Stress feed – Search (

Healthy Ways to De-Stress Daily (

11 Ways to Reduce Stress (

Anxiety symptoms: What to understand about the condition and how to calm anxiety. (

Can stress cause viral infections – Search (

  • Does stress feed cancer.
  • Does stress feel like heart attack?
  • Does stress speed up metabolism.
  • Does stress speed up aging.
The Great Influenza: The Story Of The Deadliest Pandemic In History By Barry, John M. By Thriftbooks
Great Source of Information…
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The Real Christmas Story


MATTHEW 1 & 2, LUKE 1 & 2
By Dr. Tom Sexton Pastor

The most famous event in all of human history is the birth of CHRIST. Down through the centuries, this amazing event has been played out and told by people all around the world. Christmas is a wonderful time of the year for millions of people. Go with me as we travel back centuries ago and revisit the time when “the WORD was made flesh, and dwelt among us.” (John 1:14a)

The following text is taken from the WORD of GOD in the order in which
the events occurred. No words or comments have been added to the text.

Every WORD is from the WORD of GOD.

Now the birth of JESUS CHRIST was on this wise.

(Matthew 1:18) The angel Gabriel was sent from GOD unto a city of Galilee, named Nazareth, to a virgin espoused to a man whose name was Joseph, of the house of David; and the virgin’s name was Mary. And the angel came in unto her, and said, Hail, thou that art highly favoured, the LORD is with thee: blessed art thou among women.
And when she saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and cast in her mind what manner of salutation this should be. And the angel said unto her, Fear not, Mary: for thou hast found favor with GOD. And behold, thou shalt conceive in thy womb, and bring forth a SON, and shalt call HIS name JESUS. HE shall be great and shall be called the SON of the HIGHEST: and the LORD GOD shall give unto HIM the throne of HIS father David: and HE shall reign over the house of Jacob forever; and of HIS kingdom there shall be no end.

Then said Mary unto the angel, how shall this be, seeing I know not a man?
And the angel answered and said unto her, The HOLY GHOST shall come upon thee,
and the power of the HIGHEST shall overshadow thee: therefore, that HOLY THING which shall be born of thee shall be called the SON of GOD. And behold, thy cousin Elisabeth, she hath also conceived a son in her old age: and this is the sixth month
with her, who was called barren. For with GOD nothing shall be impossible.
And Mary said, Behold the handmaid of the LORD; be it unto me according to thy word. And the angel departed from her. (Luke 1:26-38)


And Mary arose in those days, and went into the hill country with haste, into a city of Juda; and entered into the house of Zacharias, and saluted Elisabeth. And it came to pass, that, when Elisabeth heard the salutation of Mary, the babe leaped in her womb; and Elisabeth was filled with the HOLY GHOST: and she spoke out with a loud voice, and said, Blessed art thou among women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb.

And whence is this to me, that the mother of my LORD should come to me?
For, lo, as soon as the voice of thy salutation sounded in mine ears, the babe leaped in my womb for joy. And blessed is she that believed: for there shall be a performance of those things which were told her from the LORD.

And Mary said, My soul doth magnify the LORD,
And my spirit hath rejoiced in GOD my SAVIOUR.

For HE hath regarded the low estate of HIS handmaiden: for, behold, from henceforth
all generations shall call me blessed. For HE that is mighty hath done to me great things;
and Holy is HIS name. And HIS mercy is on them that fear HIM from generation to generation. HE hath showed strength with HIS arm; HE hath scattered the proud in the imagination of their hearts. HE hath put down the mighty from their seats, and exalted them of low degree. HE hath filled the hungry with good things; and the rich HE
hath sent empty away. HE hath holden HIS servant Israel, in remembrance of HIS mercy;
As HE spoke to our fathers, to Abraham, and to his seed forever. And Mary abode
with her about three months and returned to her own house. (Luke 1:39-56)


When. . .Mary was espoused to Joseph, before they came together, she was found with child of the HOLY GHOST. Then Joseph her husband, being a just man, and not willing
to make her a public example, was minded to put her away privily.

But while he thought on these things, behold, the angel of the LORD appeared unto him
in a dream, saying, Joseph, thou son of David, fear not to take unto thee Mary thy wife:
for that which is conceived in her is of the HOLY GHOST.
And she shall bring forth a SON, and thou shalt call HIS name JESUS: for HE shall save HIS people from their sins. Now all this was done, that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the LORD by the prophet, saying, Behold, a virgin shall be with child, and shall bring forth a SON, and they shall call HIS name EMMANUEL, which being interpreted is, GOD with us.

Then Joseph being raised from sleep did as the angel of the LORD had bidden him,
and took unto him his wife: And knew her not till she brought forth her firstborn SON.
(Matthew 1:18-25)


And it came to pass in those days, that there was a decree from Caesar Augustus,
that all the world should be taxed. (And this taxing was first made when Cyrenius
was Governor of Syria.) And all went to be taxed, everyone into his own city.
And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Nazareth, into Judaea, unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem; (because he was of the house and lineage of David:) to be taxed with Mary his espoused wife, being great with child. (Luke 2:1-5)

And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that she should
be delivered. And she brought forth her firstborn SON, and wrapped HIM in swaddling clothes, and laid HIM in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.
(Luke 2:6-7) And he called HIS name JESUS. (Matthew 1:25)


And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping watch over their flock by night.
And, lo, the angel of the LORD came upon them, and the glory of the LORD shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.
And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people. For unto you is born this day in the city of David a SAVIOUR, which is CHRIST the LORD. And this shall be a sign unto you; YE shall find the babe wrapped in swaddling clothes, lying in a manger.
And suddenly there was with the angel a multitude of the heavenly host praising GOD,
and saying, Glory to GOD in the highest, and on Earth peace, good will toward men.
(Luke 2:8-14)


And it came to pass, as the angels were gone away from them into Heaven,
the shepherds said one to another, Let us now go even unto Bethlehem, and
see this thing which is come to pass, which the LORD hath made known unto us.
And they came with haste, and found Mary, and Joseph, and the babe lying in a manger.
And when they had seen it, they made known abroad the saying which was told them concerning this child. And all they that heard it wondered at those things which
were told them by the shepherds. (Luke 2:15-18)


And when eight days were accomplished for the circumcision of the child, HIS name was called JESUS, which was so named of the angel before HE was conceived in the womb. And when the days of her purification according to the Law of Moses were accomplished, they brought HIM to Jerusalem, to present HIM to the LORD; (As it is written in the Law of the LORD, Every male that openeth the womb shall be called holy to the LORD;) and to offer a sacrifice according to that which is said in the Law of the LORD, A pair of turtledoves, or two young pigeons.

And, behold, there was a man in Jerusalem, whose name was Simeon; and the same man was just and devout, waiting for the consolation of Israel: and the HOLY GHOST was upon him. And it was revealed unto him by the HOLY GHOST, that he should not see death, before he had seen the LORD’s CHRIST.
And he came by the SPIRIT into the temple: and when the parents brought in the CHILD JESUS, to do for HIM after the custom of the Law then took HE HIM up in his arms, and blessed GOD, and said, LORD, now Lettes THOU THY servant depart in peace, according to THY WORD: for mine eyes have seen THY salvation, which THOU hast prepared before the face of all people; a LIGHT to lighten the Gentiles, and the glory of THY people Israel. And Joseph and HIS mother marveled at those things which were spoken of HIM.

And Simeon blessed them, and said unto Mary HIS mother, Behold, this CHILD is set for the fall and rising again of many in Israel; and for a sign which shall be spoken against; (Yea, a sword shall pierce through thy own soul also,) that the thoughts of many hearts may be revealed. And there was one Anna, a prophetess, the daughter Phanuel, of the tribe of Aser: she was of a great age, and had lived with an husband seven years from her virginity; and she was a widow of about fourscore and four years, which departed not from the temple, but served GOD with fastings and prayers night and day. And she coming in that instant gave thanks likewise unto the LORD, and spake of HIM to all them that looked for redemption in Jerusalem. (Luke 2:21-38)


Now when JESUS was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the King, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem, saying, Where is HE that is born KING of the Jews ? for we have seen HIS star in the east, and are come to worship HIM. When Herod the King had heard these things, he was troubled, and all Jerusalem with him.
And when he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people together, he demanded of them where CHRIST should be born. And they said unto him, In Bethlehem of Judaea: for thus it is written by the prophet, And thou Bethlehem, in the land of Juda, art not the least among the princes of Juda: for out of thee shall come a GOVERNOR,
that shall rule MY people Israel.

Then Herod, when he had privily called the wise men, enquired of them diligently what time the star appeared. And he sent them to Bethlehem, and said, Go and search diligently for the young CHILD; and when ye have found HIM, bring me word again, that I may come and worship HIM also. When they had heard the King, they departed; and, lo, the star, which they saw in the east, went before them, till it came and stood over where the young CHILD was. When they saw the star, they rejoiced with exceeding great joy.

And when they were come into the house, they saw the young CHILD with Mary HIS mother, and fell down, and worshipped HIM: and when they had opened their treasures, they presented unto HIM gifts; gold, and frankincense, and myrrh. And being warned of GOD in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed into their own country another way. (Matthew 2:1-12)

And when they were departed, behold, the angel of the LORD appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the young CHILD and HIS mother, and flee into Egypt,
be thou there until I bring thee word: for Herod will seek the young CHILD to destroy HIM. When he arose, he took the young CHILD and HIS mother by night, and departed into Egypt: and was there until the death of Herod: that it might be fulfilled which was spoken of the LORD by the prophet, saying, Out of Egypt have I called MY SON.

Then Herod, when he saw that he was mocked of the wise men, was exceeding wroth, and sent forth, and slew all the children that were in Bethlehem, and in all the coasts thereof, from two years old and under, according to the time which he had diligently enquired of the wise men. (Matthew 2:13-16)


Birthplace of Jesus: Church of the Nativity in Bethlehem – Search (

Conception, Birth of Jesus Timeline (bible

The Bible says, “In the fulness of time GOD sent HIS SON.” (Galatians 4:4) GOD foretold of the birth of CHRIST centuries before the LORD was born. When the wise men came to Jerusalem, Herod asked the religious leaders where CHRIST was to be born. It is amazing that they could tell Herod the very place that CHRIST was born. This is important because we can trust what GOD says in HIS WORD. What GOD says about life, death, and things to come is true. When and where CHRIST was born is important.


The Bible says “But when the fulness of the time was come, GOD sent forth HIS SON, made of a woman, made under the Law.” (Galatians 4:4) It is important to know that the LORD JESUS did not have an earthly father. HE is GOD’s only begotten SON. The reason it is so important to know how CHRIST was born is because HE did not inherit the same sinful nature we inherited from Adam.
The Bible says that “By one man sin entered into the world and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men for all have sinned.” (Romans 5:12) The only person that death did not pass upon was the LORD JESUS. HE was sinless and therefore owed no sin debt.
We, on the other hand, are born sinners. We inherited from Adam a sinful nature.
We are all sinners. Our sin does not make us sinners; our sin proves that we are sinners.
My oldest grandson, just before his third birthday, dug all the dirt out of a potted plant in our living room. I was supposed to have been watching him. I found him by the pot with a wooden spoon in his hand and dirt all over him. I asked the dumbest question. I said, “Did you do this?” He looked at me and said, “No.” Where did he learn to lie?
Did his grandmother teach him to lie? No, children have it in them. The best of kids does the dumbest things. And yes, they even lie. Watching children helps us understand that we are born sinners. Our sin does not make us sinners; it proves that we are sinners.
The LORD JESUS was not born like other men.
HE did not inherit from Adam what we all inherited. HE was sinless.
The Bible says that “the wage of sin is death,” (Romans 6:23a) but CHRIST did not owe a sin debt. HE did not have to die. It is important to know when and where JESUS was born, but it is more important to know why HE was born.


The most important thing to know about the birth of CHRIST is why HE was born.
Most people do not understand why CHRIST was born. The Bible says, “But when the fulness of the time was come, GOD sent forth HIS SON, made of a woman, made under
the Law, to redeem them that were under the Law, that we might receive the adoption of sons.” (Galatians 4:4-5)
Why did JESUS come into this world? HE came to “redeem” us.
The Bible says, “to redeem them that were under the Law.” (Galatians 4:4-5)
We are all part of the “them” for which CHRIST came. The most important thing about the birth of CHRIST is why HE came. HE came to die for our sins. When JESUS died, HE died for your sins, and HE died for all our sin. The Bible says that GOD “made HIM to be sin for us, WHO knew no sin; that we might be made the righteousness of GOD in HIM.” (2nd.Corinthians 5:21)
The LORD JESUS told the woman at the well that if she would ask, HE would give her everlasting life. GOD has given us the same promise. The Bible says, “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the LORD shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13)

You may ask, “How can I receive GOD’s promise of eternal life ?”

It is as simple as A-B-C.

Acknowledge that you are a sinner. “For all have sinned and come short of the glory of GOD” (Romans 3:23)

Believe that the LORD JESUS died for you. “CHRIST died for our sins according to the Scriptures and that HE was buried and that HE rose again the third day according to the Scriptures.” (1st.Corinthians 15:3b-4)

Call upon the LORD to save you. “For whosoever shall call upon the name of the LORD shall be saved.” (Romans 10:13)

If you would be willing to turn to CHRIST in repentance and faith, pray this simple prayer of salvation.


” LORD, I know that I am a sinner, and I believe YOU died and rose again for me.
I trust YOU to forgive me, and help me to live for YOU always. In JESUS’ name, AMEN.”


The LORD JESUS said, “I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish”.
(John 12:28). everlasting life is ours when we receive CHRIST as our personal SAVIOUR.

Dear Friend, as you have just read The Real Christmas Story, there is no greater gift than what GOD gave the world. “For GOD so loved the world, that HE gave HIS only begotten SON, that whosoever believeth in HIM should not perish, but have everlasting life”
(John 3:16). This great Bible verse reveals four truths from the heart of GOD about HIS Christmas gift to the world.

Receiving GOD’s
Christmas Gift


GOD wants you to know that you are loved. The LORD JESUS said, “For GOD so loved the world” (John 3:16a). You are a part of this world, and GOD loves you. GOD loves you and gave HIS SON for you. HE wants you “to know the love of CHRIST” (Ephesians 3:19)


The LORD also wants you to know that you are of worth. You are so dear to GOD that “HE gave HIS only begotten SON” (John 3:16b). HE gave HIS precious SON, JESUS CHRIST, to pay your sin debt. The Bible teaches us that we are all sinners. “For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of GOD” (Romans 3:23).
Sin must be paid for. “For the wages of sin is death” (Romans 6:23).
The good news is that the LORD JESUS paid your sin debt in full when HE died on the cross. “For HE that made HIM to be sin for us” (2nd.Corinthians 5:21). CHRIST loves you and gave HIMSELF for you as payment for your sin. You may ask, “How can GOD forgive sin ?” HE can do that because of what JESUS did for you. “While we were yet sinners, CHRIST died for us” (Romans 5:8).


GOD wants you to know that you can have hope. HE said “that whosoever believeth in HIM should not perish” (John 3:16c). The LORD does not want anyone to be separated from GOD. We were created to spend eternity with HIM.


GOD wants you to know that you can have purpose in life. HE desires that you “should
not perish but have everlasting life” (John 3:16d). “And this is the promise that HE hath promised us, even eternal life” (1st.John 2:25). Everlasting life is yours when you turn to GOD in repentance and faith and receive the LORD JESUS CHRIST as your personal SAVIOUR.

Dear Friend, if you have never received the LORD JESUS — GOD’s gift to the world — as your personal SAVIOUR, our Heavenly FATHER wants to give you the best Christmas gift ever. HE wants to give you eternal life. HE said, “I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish” (John 10:28).

The Holy Land – Bing video

When was Jesus actually born month – Bing video

In the midst of my research, I also read Reversing Hermon by Dr. Michael Heiser. In chapter 4, Heiser puts forth his theory about the Bethlehem star. He believes that the star was the conjunction of the planet Jupiter and the star Regulus, a series of conjunctions which occurred in 3 BC, one of them being on September 11, 3 BC (1 Tishrei 3759).
Heiser believes that this is Yeshua’s true birthdate.12 This view is based on his use of astronomical software and his calculation dating the death of King Herod to 1 BCE as opposed to 4 BCE, thereby opposing the predominant stance of modern scholarship. Although they don’t agree on the date of his death, all biblical scholars agree that Herod was alive and the reigning monarch at the time of Jesus’ birth.
While both of these scholars present intriguing research, their theories are unpersuasive unless you know another piece of the puzzle: the sign of Virgo.

The Sign of Virgo
In Revelation 12, what the author John describes is considered by a number of Bible theologians to be a description of the heavens when Messiah was born:
And a great sign appeared in heaven: a woman clothed with the sun, with the moon under her feet, and on her head a crown of twelve stars. She was pregnant and was crying out in birth pains and the agony of giving birth. (Revelation 12:1–2)
This is not just obscure symbolism, but an arrangement in the constellations that actually occurred – twice, in fact, within the years 7–1 BC – the timeframe in which the historical person Yeshua was born. The “woman” John is referring to is the constellation Virgo. As meteorologist and Bible researcher Ernest Martin writes, “The word ‘sign’ used by the author of the Book of Revelation to describe this celestial display was the same one used by the ancients to denote the zodiacal constellations.”13
Martin dated the phenomenon to September 11, 3 BC (1 Tishrei 3759) based on his astronomical software calculations. The program indeed proved that on that date, the
sun appeared in Virgo’s center, clothing her, with the moon under her feet.
“In the year 3 B.C.E., these two factors came to precise agreement for about an hour and a half… in the twilight period of September 11th the relationship began about 6:15 p.m. (sunset), and lasted until around 7:45 p.m. (moonset). This is the only day in the whole year that the astronomical phenomenon described in the twelfth chapter of Revelation could take place.”14
Heiser and Martin are in agreement on the date of September 11, 3 BC.
However, Dr. Nicholl is very persuasive that Herod died in 4 BC, and that the most updated astronomy software proves that in the timeframe of 7–1 BC (the only probable years for Yeshua’s birth), “Revelation 12:1 is compatible with September 15, 6 BCE.”15 
He claims that in 3 BC, the moon was not precisely under Virgo’s feet, and only in 6 BC
did the correct positioning occur.
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Gruesome Newsome

That’s what the world needs. Global Serotonin Syndrome. 

Elementary, Watson: Lithium is not a problem,
Lack of Brains – that is a problem:

What to expect from Leftists Globalists Idiots: ???
With the Cali lock downs and restrictions it’s becoming difficult.

To drill a water well. Let Alone Mine for Lithium
It’s against Their worthless Governor’s policy 
To poke a hole in Mother Earth.

California has enough lithium to supply the world, but can it open a new mine?
Those selfish bastards will never help anyone. With that devil Nooshim as their governor, they are America’s biggest hypocrites and hate the USA. They love evil. They love China. They just can’t help themselves. It’s mostly LA and North that’s fucked up. San Diego to Orange County still has good people. They are merging people with machines.
The USA should decouple from CALI asap. They are too dangerous for us.

The Existential Threat Hits Home – EPautos – Libertarian Car Talk (
My fear, that anyone living in CA, is that Newsom will make a nice deal with the CCP. Sell them the land and then they will own all the lithium on it and own California. They do own quite a bit now. Newsom probably sold the land AND the rights to CHINA already! 

We must vote out the China loving communists ASAP. Interesting!
NOW we know why the globalist scumbag, Newsome, wants to push for all EVs, etc… Problem is, the state can’t even meet their current energy needs, how the heck are they gonna charge 20 million car batteries every day?

That’s a stupid question to ask a demonrats because America has more oil and natural gas reserves than ANY country in the world and dems Don’t want to use it, there is no political will in CA to support industry. That will NEVER happen, unless it is under the boot of a #democrat that benefits from it.

Environmentalists, govt shakedowns, permits, licenses, court challenges likely
derail any industry project in the state. I don’t know – can we frack? Can we drill for oil?
Can we stop selling our water to China? Lithium is 10x more polluting than Fossil Fuels…
Right after 2024 elections when their California greaser is installed as President…

That’s why China owns California… There’s trillions in minerals there.
However, When Grusome’s Newsome new bff Xi and his buddies come back to Commiefornia, they will drill the mess out of it and the demonkkkrats will love it! 

Prices haven’t dropped, they have only slowed the rate of increase.

These people, the progressives, are not capitalists. Capitalists produce products that consumers demand. That’s why auto dealerships are saying they don’t want electric vehicles on their lot because consumers don’t want them. Demand drives sales in capitalism.

Inflation up 17.1% since 2021 but as of last month we’re great coming down to 3.75%
Gotta to remember how we got to 17.1 2020 1.4 2021 7% 2022 6.5% 2023 3.2 %

What bill did he sign to make everything rise in price?

This is ABSOLUTELY true… since Briben was installed prices have doubled… not really seeing the 30% reduction much tho’, Biden signed EO’s to get rid of fossil fuels was a Biggy. Remember he’s taking credit for jobs just like Obummer that was already there
but were shut down both of them actually created negative jobs. 

The Omnibus spending bill was a huge one. This administration is spending $2T more than our GDP. You can easily do the research yourself. It’s policies and spending bills. Spending money we don’t have = inflation. Inflation is nothing more than confiscation
of wealth in a 2-class system.

Democrats want to get rid of the middle class so they can control us more. That’s why
they want to confiscate our firearms. Cmon, snap. Democrats have gone waaay too far left. Take this experimental drug, and you won’t pass on the virus. Lie! Wear your paper mask.

Of 4 sure but few things dropped. My electricity was 10 cents per KW under Trump.
Now it’s 17 cents. My water was 3 cents per gallon under Trump. Now it’s 10 cents per gal.
No drop on water or electricity.


Ok MTG, so you pulled back on your motion to vacate.
I think that was good; however, you need to file a new motion based on
the RINO resistance you have correctly anticipated on vacating Mayorkas.

But you must use the RINOs own words against them: “Policy differences do not constitute grounds for impeachment.” Fine; REINSTITUTE the POLICIES that were WORKING before Mayorkas – TRUMP’S border POLICY. They have absolutely no excuse for not putting all of them back into effect. KEEP SHINING THE LIGHT ON THEM. US

The Existential Threat Hits Home – EPautos – Libertarian Car Talk (
Climate alarmism is a lie. We Don’t need lithium. Neither Covid Nor Climate Where/Are Existential Threats. The permanent establishment lied to force us to give up our liberty.  #ResistTyranny


California has enough lithium to supply the world, but can it open a new mine?…..
Yeah, it can when we get an actual president. They will make sure that all funding
to California is cut to nothing. I think that will shift their attitude. 

I haven’t even gotten into the investigations the DOJ will do to them.
They will definitely change their hoity-toity minds.

Global Crisis. The Responsibility | International Online Forum. December 2, 2023 ( Right now, America’s patriots are making an important statement
about the future of the country! Plug into what M.A.G.A. is saying before Biden
blocks the airwaves.

 #california #florida #illinois #texas #dallas #creativesociety
#breakingnews #climatechange #climatecrisis #climatereport

Nancy Pelosi said they need illegals coming in to pick the crops..

Her words. Illegals can now dig by hand in the lithium mines of California.
Perfect …. California has enough oil and probably enough of everything
else needed that meets all of our energy needs (edited)

Conservatives prepare to take aim at Johnson over defense bill – POLITICO
How about we just shove the worthless pile EVs where the sun doesn’t shine.
California is an inflamed pimple on the buttocks of the United States. (edited)

These ruthless politicians are destroying our country. Save America 

This 🐂💩  was bought and paid for by G Soros.

Go fuck yourselves.

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What is Your Reality²

Reality is the sum or aggregate of all that is real or existent within a system.

What Is Reality? [Official Film] – YouTube
It refers to the ontological status of things, indicating their existence. Reality is the things in life that are commonly observed and verified to exist. It is something that is perceived
as real and is physically experienced by the senses. Reality means everything that appears to our five senses. Bing images

Only You Can Heal Yourself | Cancer Quick Facts (

When I am given the question do you know the answer to cancer.
My initial response is always: if I did I would be a millionaire and not a starving blogger. But through the last two decades of researching this topic, chatting with people in social media and actually going to Portland Oregon to learn the Science of Cannabis Oil | Cancer Quick Facts ( and actually going to Hampton Virginia to meet my mentor and good friend Carl O Helvie who would not say he is a cancer genius but had an inquisitive mind when it was about cancer. 

I don’t know that we manifest a thing, but I think that we ourselves change our mind,
our outlook, our beliefs surrounding a situation and those changes make it reality. 
I believe you can manifest much, but there are still things out of our control.
Like we manifested a new house, but we have to build it because it becomes
reality for the owners until they find a new house. 

Yessss  like Neville Goddard said God is our own beautiful human imagination.
Quantum physics and the akashic records are both in agreement that it’s not only entirely possible, but also quite probable that we do in fact have a dramatic influence in our lives and our perceived universe. The universe says moderately… while it is in our control and the first universal law to make decisions and choices…we are unable to change our higher self or soul. 

🔆The man doesn’t know that there is a snake underneath.
🔆The woman doesn’t know that there is a stone crushing the man.
🔆The woman thinks: “I am going to fall! And I can’t climb because
the snake is going to bite me! 
Why can’t the man use a little more strength and pull me up!”
🔆The man thinks: “I am in so much pain! Yet I’m still pulling you as much as I can! 
Why don’t you try and climb a little harder!?”🥲
☀️The moral is— you can’t see the pressure the other person is under,
and the other person can’t see the pain you’re in.👍
This is life, whether it’s with work, family, feelings or friends,
we should try to understand each other.☝️👍
Learn to think differently, perhaps more clearly and communicate better.
A little thought and patience goes a long way. 💓

We are light beings possessing different vibrations and frequencies. 
That you cannot change and are our true selves. Aha! So yes you can manipulate
the illusion and make whatever worldly 4th dimensional show you feel comfortable in
but in truth you cannot change who you are, what you are or how you serve. Instead of manipulating the illusion it’s really comforting to know you can find more satisfaction
by leaving the material pursuits alone and just BE!!! Eventually that is the end result

as you return to your original holy self… I think 🤔 

or others will think 👉💩🐂👈IMO 🙄 

Phoenix McPeek
Christ Follower, Mother, Homemaker, Meditator, Follower of Natural Law and The Way.


Therefore, I tell you, whatever you ask for in prayer,
believe that you have received it, and it will be yours. Mark 11:24
We still pray for these things, Jesus is our foundation, but he said many things about believing and receiving, and more especially if you read your Bible and the books,
they left out of our English versions🖤

Would you mind sharing which Bible you read?
Well for most regular New Testament stuff, I will read the Recovery version (not recovery as in drug or alcohol, it was called recovery because they did a brand-new original translation, a “recovery” of the true language and messages) or just NKJV, NIV, NASB… but the books I’m talking about are only included in Ethiopian bibles and some are called the Lost Books. I started with Enoch, then a collection of the lost books, then the Book of Thomas specifically.

This is the one I got, a few years ago they ran a “pay shipping, get the book for free” promotion, so I did it. New Testament Recovery Version (Black, Economy w/footnotes,
Softbound, 6 3/4″ x 4 1/2″) (

It’s not a question of can, it’s a question of how we do. 
And the two most powerful words we can speak to manifest ourselves is:
I AM……. In every moment we are manifesting reality. I say I am here… that
invites my higher self into my manifestation and behold all things are new.

It’s really the best summary regardless of beliefs that ironically makes sense to everyone.

The left meets the right and harmony is created therein,

I literally write it out, repeat it daily and it happens! Yes you can manifest it!!

Absolutely 💯 thoughts have proven to have frequency and energy 🙏❤️

The Spirit of Water | Cancer Quick Facts (
The body responds to the mind and words alter water so there’s that. It’s proven real … how it works on a bigger scale in terms of manifesting I am not sure. But you can manifest illness with toxic words and thoughts. You have from the second you were born, whether you realize it or not, the key is to consciously create, 
the outcome that is in your heart 🤍

We do have that power within ourselves.

The Bible says give thanks in all circumstances.
When we go and research what gratefulness and positive mindset shifts do to our actual brain chemistry – we most definitely control what takes place. And we have electrical impulses inside of our body.

They are definitely affected by how well our cells communicate on a micro level. 
Low vibes- bad feelings – cells move slower. Less healing. Our body builds up toxins.
Higher vibes – positive – thankfulness. Worship prayer. Etc etc dancing. 

Movement — our cells communicate better. We heal faster.
It’s a broad topic. But yes, we definitely do exist on a giant rock
that has frequencies all around us.

Only You Can Heal Yourself | Cancer Quick Facts (

The Initial Steps 
If You or a Loved One Has Cancer
Don’t guess, TEST for what YOUR BODY needs to be healthy. – Search (

When you are digesting and absorbing macros/micros,
inflammation goes BYE-BYE and your body, skin and hair look & feel healthy.
I take a digestive enzyme formula based on my lab results, this formula has
the enzymes that I need for what I have difficulty digesting.

Healthy Hair- I absorb healthy protein, omega 3’s, Essential Fatty Acids and
support a healthy microbiome; I have difficulty digesting proteins and fats 🙃 
this is why enzymes are essential for good health!
When you give your body what it needs, to restore and repair,
you’ll see & feel the difference!

No Botox – I absorb MACRO/MICROnutrients and use great skincare/
I can digest and absorb more protein than ever before and it shows.

I take supplements based on my 24hr UA and my HTMA, 3x a day.

No Filler – I absorb healthy protein, omega 3s, and essential fats.
I look and feel my best when I get 5 small meals a day.

Beyond the MD

Here Are 10 Effective, Natural Strategies to Defeat This Deadly Disease

1.   Get tested for the type of cancer, stage and grade. – Search (

2.   Mine for the emotional Root Cause of cancer. – Search ( | Chart Bing images
This German New Medicine website, created by Caroline Markolin, Ph.D., is dedicated to the teachings of the original scientific discoveries of Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer. GERMAN NEW MEDICINE®  Emotional root causes of cancer German new medicine – Bing video

(12) John Holledauer – To deepen the general understanding of Dr. Hamer… | Facebook

What Emotion causes which cancer type – Search (

RICHPLANET Show 280: Dr. Ryke Geerd Hamer and the Psychological Link of Cancer – YouTube

3.   Fearing Death Suppresses the Immune System

4.  Go from fearing the outcome to loving life. – Search (

Loving Life Enhances Your Immune System – Search (

5.  Get Over Feeling Sorry For Yourself. – Bing video

50 Jaw breaking Food Additives – Search (

6.  Detox Your Body and a parasite cleanse. – Search (
7.  Do a blood analysis – Search (
8.  Correct Vitamin & Mineral Deficiencies. – Search (
9.  Work on a healthy state of mind. – Search (
10. Mind Body Within Spirit. – Bing video


Here are some Bible verses about having faith in God:


Isaiah 12:2 – “Behold, God is my salvation. 

I will trust, and not be afraid: for the LORD GOD is
my strength and my song; he also is my salvation.”

Romans 1:17 – is a verse in the Bible. 

That explains how the gospel reveals the righteousness of God 123.
 The righteousness of God refers to the way God justifies or makes right those who believe in Jesus Christ 124. It is contrasted with the righteousness of men, which is insufficient to please God 4. It is also called the righteousness of faith, because it is received by faith and leads to faith 13. The verse quotes an Old Testament passage, Habakkuk 2:4, to show that the just or righteous ones will live by faith 35. “For therein is the righteousness of God revealed from faith to faith: as it is written, the just shall live by faith.”

Mark 11:22-24 – “And Jesus answered them,

“Have faith in God. Truly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be taken up and thrown into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him. Therefore, I tell you, whatever you ask in prayer, believe that you have received it, and it will be yours.”

Hebrews 11:1 –

“Now faith is the assurance of things hoped for, the conviction of things not seen.”

Ephesians 2:8-9 –

“For by grace you have been saved through faith.

And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God, not a result of works,
so that no one may boast.” 1
What Is Faith in God? How Can We Increase Our Faith?

What does the bible say about fearing death – Search (

Bible verses about not fearing death – Search (

Quotes about not fearing death – Search (

Verses about not fearing death – Search (

How to stop fearing death – Search (

Fearing death anxiety – Search (

The Vitamin D shadow test – Bing video
Study researchers followed 30,000 women 25 to 64 over a period of 20 years, collecting information about personal sun exposure, activities like sunbathing (winter and summer), and asking whether they consciously chose “sun vacations” and if they used tanning beds. 

Except for tanning-bed users, just about everyone used sunblock, helpful to prevent sunburn and premature skin aging, but as we’ll soon see, completely ineffective for skin cancer prevention. Based on their own reporting, the 30,000 women were divided into five groups, ranging from Group 0 (deliberate avoidance of sun) to Group 4 (greatest sun exposure).

After 20 years, to everyone’s surprise, Group 4 was statistically the healthiest. They had developed the fewest chronic illnesses, especially heart disease, and had the lowest death rate. In Group 4, there was also a slightly higher rate of cancers of all types, but this was attributed to the fact that they were living longer than those in the other groups rather than to sun exposure itself.

As sun exposure declined, health stats worsened.
Group 0 (with the least sun exposure) had the highest amount of chronic illness and a death rate virtually equal to that of cigarette smokers. The authors’ startling conclusion: when it comes to serious health risks, sun avoidance joins obesity, smoking, and sedentary life as a harbinger of ill health.

“But” you’re tempted to splutter, “What about skin cancer?
Aren’t these Group-4 bronzed goddesses dying of skin cancer?”

It turned out that the five groups of women developed skin cancer about equally, but among those who got the potentially fatal skin cancer melanoma, those with the most sun exposure were the least likely to die from the disease. That curious fact is attributed to the higher vitamin D levels in Group 4. Melanoma patients with high levels of D have a lower rate of cancer spreading throughout the body.

A diagnosis of cancer is most fearful. You reflect on friends or family who died of cancer. Of celebrities who got cancer and died. TV shows or movies featuring someone with cancer who dies at the end. It’s no wonder research shows that cancer is the most feared disease in the world. It is the most feared word too.

Cancer may not be quite as fearful if you’ve been told to come here to read this information – by someone who beat their cancer using the strategies covered here.
Otherwise, it’s no wonder that you’re afraid and skeptical. How could you not be?
“….I would like to thank you for making a difference in my mom’s battle of stage 4 breast cancer the 2nd time. This time it metastasized into her lymph nodes and liver and bones. She was given 2 months to live if she did not do the chemo. She is in her 8th week of chemo which has been spaced out in a period of 3 months and has been on your company’s supplements for 8 weeks or more.

Went Monday and had her PET scan and met with her doctor this past Wednesday and he read it. Conservatively speaking the doc said, “90 to 95 % of her cancer is gone”. He was amazed and has been for the last 3 weeks and even told her the last 2 weeks she is going to beat this, because her blood work has continued to improve from being a severe anemic when they found the recurrence of her breast cancer. 
Without anything the doctor was doing, she in 3 weeks of being on your supplements
has a red blood cell count of a healthy person. From what I have learned, being anemic
is not a condition that any person battling stage 4 cancer needs to have. She lost 8 pounds in 2 weeks in the beginning. After that she has held her weight steady and in the last 2 weeks gained 3 pounds.

When her blood work continued to improve, I knew these products were working. 
I was very skeptical about the claims you make in the beginning and thought why doctors are not telling cancer patients about this. After much research here and other places
I found out why they would not. I realize the supplements my mom is taking,
I can also take to make my inner environment healthier and cancer proof.

I cannot say thank you enough. We definitely supercharged my mom’s chemo.
I believe in the next 4 treatments with the supplements my mom will be cancer free.
She has been taking BLA, BLA Enhancer, Zeolite Enhanced, Liver Plus …. and also
OxyDHQ religiously and it has worked!” 

READ MORE: Cancer fighting – Underlying Causes Of Cancer
In fact, the knowledge in this report is at such odds with what your doctor tells you about cancer, most people reading this page will not go on to read this entire report. It sounds too good to be true. So one of the biggest issues that you have to wrap your mind around
is the obvious thought, “If the information in this report, and the supplements recommended, are so good, why isn’t everyone using them.”

It’s a good question. 
The answer at its most fundamental level is money and secondarily, that it takes a great deal of time for new ways to fight disease to be accepted. Dr. Samuel S. Epstein writes about this in several books which you may want to read. He is an internationally recognized authority on the causes of cancer, particularly carcinogen exposure from food, air, water, household products, cosmetics, prescription drugs or industrial carcinogens in the workplace.
It may take quite a bit to get to the point where you realize that just doing what your doctors put you through is not adequate. Unfortunately, for many people this point comes at the end, when it is clear that medicine has failed and they are dying a painful and slow death.

It doesn’t have to be this way. 
One reason we make this report as long as we do is that the more you understand, the more ways you learn to beat cancer, the more testimonials you read, the more this will sink into you. So the first thing I want to communicate to you is that there is hope. In fact, there is a whole lot of hope. The overwhelming feedback from our research is that when the right actions are taken, even aggressive, tough cancers can be defeated.

This information has been compiled over the course of ten years. 
It is continually being updated as we find better supplements or learn about new effective cancer fighting procedures. This report will tell you about the most effective cancer fighting supplements we have found in our research. Supplements that work on their own, or in conjunction with chemotherapy or radiation therapy, to defeat cancer.
And because we believe everyone should have access to this information, we’re offering it at no charge. We’ve compiled the overwhelming amount of information on the causes of cancer and natural cancer treatments, and condensed it into this report.

Well, actually, it’s the size of a book.
Better still, we’ve tested most of the cancer fighting supplements and rated them for you on their cancer fighting ability. This will prevent the mistake of using supplements that sound good but aren’t good enough in all too many cases, to beat a tough cancer. So you won’t waste money or your life on supplements that are marginally effective.
Many readers have told us this report is the best information they have found on cancer.
It is written in an easy-to-read style a lay-person can understand.

Much of this is information your doctor can’t tell you, or doesn’t know. 
For example, you’ll learn about a 14-month informal study of one type of supplement where 51 out of 65 patients with stage 4 cancer become cancer-free when they add it
onto their regime. 
You’ll learn what the underlying causes of cancer really are (each section covers a different cause). You’ll learn what to do to counteract those causes. This report will prioritize the most effective actions you can take to defeat cancer. 

Finally, you’ll learn what to do to keep the cancer from coming back.
This information applies to all types of cancer—because the fundamental causes of cancers are the same. It is not that all cancers have the same cause. They don’t. But your cancer is caused by at least a few of the 11 causes we cover in this report.

The cancer prevention diet: 6 smart tips from a nutritionist on what to eat and why — and what to avoid (

Click on the Protocols link and you’ll be able to get to a specific protocol for your particular cancer.
You will learn which are the best supplements to use for that cancer. The top supplements are usually the same, but we optimize them for you.    If You Only Do 5 Exercises, a Physical Therapist Says These Are the Most Effective for Keeping You Pain-Free (
6 Exercises You Need To Do Regularly in Your 60s To Stay in Shape (

The Crucial Muscular Endurance Exercises You Should Do After 60 (

5 Top Age-Defying Strength Workouts for Men Over 60 (

  Literally thousands of people have walked this path before you, and have used the recommendations in this report to beat their cancer and live happy normal lives. 
Take a look at these stories of hope on the next page.

READ MORE: Cancer fighting – Underlying Causes Of Cancer

MUST WATCH: United States Navy Medical Service Corps officer reveals Department of Defence data that shows massive heart related issues after the Covid-19 vaccine in fixed wing and helicopter pilots. “Myocarditis is up 151%, hypertensive disease is up 36%, Ischemic heart disease is up 69%, pulmonary heart disease is up 62%, heart failure is up 973%, other forms of heart disease are up 63%, and cardiomyopathy is up 152%.”  

iran is going to tip us currency – Search (
 New US sanctions target illicit financial networks aiding Iran, military. US Treasury Department says Iran relies on brokers, front companies to finance proxies across the region, including Hamas.  iran is going to tip us currency – Search (

How to reduce your risk of cancer: 7 lifestyle recommendations from scientists (

12 Potential Natural Cancer Treatments to Consider – Dr. Axe (

These Are the 15 Most Unhappy States in the US (

How to Treat Cancer Naturally – Search Videos ( 

🎶✨Fly me to the moon.
Let me play among the stars

Music is life🧚🏻‍♀️

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Lady Gaga Nurtec Story

Lady Gaga Saturday Night Live Performance – Bing video

Lady Gaga has been dealing with migraine for most of her life
“I was diagnosed with migraine when I was 14.

My experience with migraine was debilitating. 
I would miss school, and be in bed for days with tremendous pain in my head, behind my eyes, and all throughout my face. I couldn’t read or have any lights on, and I needed to be alone in a quiet room for hours that could lead to days until the pain subsided. I was always frustrated getting them because I didn’t want to get behind in school or miss rehearsals for after school musicals.
The truth is I was grateful that they happened maybe once a month and not all the time, however by the time I was 25, I was dealing with other medical conditions along with my migraine. The combination of pain from migraines and managing these other conditions had become so difficult that I was barely functional. And the migraines were now much more present. The hardest part about dealing with this change in my life is that it was now not once a month that I was getting migraines, but much more frequently.”

The never-ending cycle of migraine.
“Through a lot of intense work my other conditions got better over time, but the one thing that almost never went away were my migraines. And these migraines were different. They were duller than the ones when I was younger, but much more frequent and they persisted all day long. As a result, they became part of my life in a much bigger way.
I even found that my migraines would be so distracting it would cause stress, which would make everything worse for me. I woke up several days a week with a headache that would not go away. It was a never-ending cycle. I can’t tell you how many primary care doctors visits I’ve cried through when they ask me how I’ve been feeling.”

I was so glad I found relief. I wondered if other people could have the same experience
I have. I’m so grateful to my family, friends, and fans for going on this journey with me throughout the years so I can share my story and hopefully it will help more people find the relief they need.

Lady Gaga, Actual Nurtec ODT Patient Performing On Stage
Lady Gaga Songs list – Search (

Nurtec ODT helped Lady Gaga find relief from migraine pain.
“When I tried Nurtec for the first time I’ll never forget wishing I had found it sooner.
My migraine was gone quickly*, and I was so glad I found relief. I wondered if other
people could have the same experience I have.
I’m so grateful to my family, friends, and fans for going on this journey with me throughout the years so I can share my story and hopefully it will help more people find the relief they need. And I am grateful to the team who made Nurtec because they care so much about helping people with such a debilitating condition. I’m so happy to say between doctors, therapies, and good medicines including Nurtec ODT, that I’m able to live relatively pain-free without opioids or narcotics**—which are not an option for someone like me.”

*Provided freedom from migraine pain at 2 hours in 21% of people
taking Nurtec ODT compared to 11% taking the placebo.

**Opioids and narcotics are not recommended treatments for people with migraines.
Reference: Headache: The Journal of Head and Face Pain April 2012


Lady Gaga has drawn a mixed response online after teaming up with the pharmaceutical giant Pfizer to promote a migraine drug. The singer, 37, posted an Instagram photo of herself performing live with the branding for the drug, Nurtec, overlaid on the image.

 The post included two slides with safety information about the drug which is the top prescribed migraine medicine in its class in the U.S., according to Nick Lagunowich,
the global president of Pfizer Emerging Markets.

Lady Gaga attended the 28th Annual Screen Actors Guild Awards on February 27, 2022,
in Santa Monica, California. She has come under fire for promoting a pharmaceutical drug.
(Photo by Axelle/Bauer-Griffin/FilmMagic)


 “Ever since childhood, I’ve dealt with migraine pain. When I tried Nurtec® ODT (rimegepant) 75 mg for the first time, I’ll never forget wishing I had found it sooner,”
the ad said. “That’s why I’m proud to partner with Nurtec ODT. 💜 
We’re in this together … INTENDED FOR US AUDIENCES ONLY,” the caption read.  
Lady Gaga fans said the concert photo in the Instagram post was from her world tour in 2022 titled The Chromatica Ball.
The star also narrated a TV ad for Nurtec which showed videos of her performing live and described Lady Gaga as an “actual patient.”
“I know what it’s like to perform through pain. If you’re like me, one of the millions suffering from pain caused by migraine, Nurtec ODT might help. It’s the only medication that can treat a migraine when it strikes and prevent migraine attacks,” she says. 
“Treat and prevent all in one… we’re in this together. Talk to a doctor about Nurtec ODT.”

Lady Gaga’s Chromatica Ball footage featured in new Pfizer Nurtec ad 

Nurtec Lady Gaga – Bing video — (1) Gaga Daily (@gagadaily) / X (

A number of people took to the comments section of the Instagram
post to slam Lady Gaga for teaming up with a Big Pharma brand. 

 “Wtf is wrong with this account? Where is Gaga? Who’s doing this?
How come our Mother Monster would sponsor for… medicine?

This is unsane [sic],” commented one user on the Instagram post.
Another wrote: “Healthcare is a human right, not a commodity to exploit for the sake of greed and wealth. I know you are compassionate, intelligent, and thoughtful. I hope you will show that through the ways you use your platform and privilege moving forward.

This ain’t it. [sic]” 
 Others rushed to the singer’s defense and pointed out she has been
vocal about her chronic illnesses, including the severe pain she endures.

Newsweek contacted Lady Gaga’s representatives via email for comment.
“Little monsters [the name for Gaga’s fandom] when they realize that Gaga, who wrote
a whole album about being in pain, who has also been telling us for over a decade about
her chronic pain illness, and who has had to cancel entire tours due to her relentless pain,
may actually be in pain,” tweeted one fan. 

A second user wrote on Twitter: “Crazy how hypocritical this fandom is after recognizing the chronic pains Gaga suffers from the narrative of Chromatica and crucifying her for a migraine pill in the absence of their concert film. 😭

Gaga has previously spoken about living with chronic pain due to having fibromyalgia,
a pain disorder caused by how pain signals are processed in the central nervous system. 
She has also opened up about the pain she experienced after breaking her hip during
her 2013 “Born This Way” tour, which forced her to cancel the remaining dates.

She also cancelled 10 dates on her “Joanne” tour in 2018.
“It’s like the whole right side of my body is in a spasm,” she said in her documentary, 
Five Foot Two. “It feels like there’s a rope that’s pulling from my first toe, right up my
leg and then around my first rib and to my shoulder and then my neck, head, jaw.

Tony Bennett & Lady Gaga @ Jazz at Lincoln Center • New York • [Juillet 2014]
Lady Gaga & Tony Bennett Interview on 60 Minutes Australia Sept 21 Full Video

Gaga Five Foot Two 2017 Part 1 – video Dailymotion
Gaga Five Foot Two 2017 Part 2 – video Dailymotion

5 2 documentary – Bing video
5 2 documentary – Bing video
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The Scary Highway

Rapists and kidnappers increasingly targeting migrants crossing Darién Gap
Global development | The Guardian

RAV’s Ben Berquam and Oscar Ramirez ; Michael Yon and other brave souls have reported this for years—it’s now the superhighway for the invasion from South America.  The United States armed forces should be targeting the foreign invaders with lethal and deadly force before they attempt to enter illegally into the United States!!!

For years? How about 45 years?
Because the US Territory, Canal Zone, which the State Department along with the Uniparty gave to Panama in 1979, was once America’s most Southern Border. Now the Former Canal Zone houses NGOs, that along with Mayorkas’ DHS, US State Department and Panamanian Government are spearheading illegal immigration into the US through the Darien Gap/Panama, – Search ( including, Hizb’allah operatives arrested
in the U.S.


🛑 Do you believe Nancy Pelosi orchestrated the January 6 Capitol Riot?

We need a huge house cleaning folks.

Pelosi’s not smart enough to come up with the plan.

She IS A SEDITIOUS TRAITOR and definitely had a hand in it!
She is a very evil woman! the speaker of the house is responsible for security at the Capitol….. all orchestrated to cover up the real insurrection on November 3, 2020! 
I have always believed she set up the January 6th cabal with the FBI, Bowser,
The corrupt Capitol Police, Antifa, BLM and Ray Epps. They were desperate
to stop the Electoral votes being sent back to the states for investigation.

They had to Install Obiden! Along with Schumer, Biden, Obama, Soros and Hillary. 
Piglosi along with her DOJ partners in the biggest and most powerful Mafia in the
world disguised as the US government. All Zionist mainstream media face people
are corrupted. They lie to the people so often nobody notices anymore.

I don’t know how they can look in the mirror.
Soon they’ll have AI robots doing their dirty work.

I only hope they have to explain to their kids and grandkids because they helped spread such hate and evil vitriol. And pushing their Zelensky Genocidal agenda for a communist takeover of the world grain & fertilizer supply and selling out our Military to Russia and China.

George H Bush CIA Career – Search (
60 years ago, was when this movement began to overthrow the United States Government.
When America’s youngest President John F. Kennedy was assassinated on Nov. 22, 1963, in Dallas, Texas, Kennedy Assassinations 1964 timeline – Search (
George H Bush New World Order Speech – Search (

List of left-handed presidents of the United States – Wikipedia
James A. Garfield (March 4, 1881 – September 19, 1881) was ambidextrous;[10] 
he was the only known left-handed president prior to the 20th century. [3]
Herbert Hoover (March 4, 1929 – March 4, 1933) was known to be left-handed.[3]
Harry S. Truman (April 12, 1945 – January 20, 1953) was left-handed as a child,[3] 
he wrote with his right hand and used his left for most other activities.[11][12]
Gerald Ford (August 9, 1974 – January 20, 1977) was left-handed.
Ronald Reagan (January 20, 1981 – January 20, 1989)
was naturally left-handed but wrote with his right hand.[11][8]
George H. W. Bush (January 20, 1989 – January 20, 1993) was left-handed.
All three major candidates for president in 1992 were left-handed: Bill Clinton won.[5]
Bill Clinton (January 20, 1993 – January 20, 2001) is left-handed.[13]
Barack Obama (January 20, 2009 – January 20, 2017) is left-handed.[14][15]

Other presidents who demonstrated left-handed ability.
Thomas Jefferson (March 4, 1801 – March 4, 1809) was right-handed but after an injury to his right wrist, he wrote with his left hand.[16] He was said to have been ambidextrous, and he could write equally well with either hand.[17]
Woodrow Wilson (March 4, 1913 – March 4, 1921) was right-handed but after a stroke Wilson was able to use his left hand to write “perfectly legible well formed characters”.
His ability was called “remarkable neurologically”.[18]


How about the Guillotine for Politicians?

Don’t you just love how the mainstream and ‘progressive’ media “breaks” stories that are, like, two years old already? When you want up to date information, don’t go to the legacy media. They only report it when they can’t cover it up anymore.

Yep – reported for years and years. For many years I don’t even watch border reports anymore (I began in 2005). Everything is getting worse and worse and more dangerous but nothing will be done. Abbott will use a “look busy” tactic and citizens of Texas will not protest. Places like NY are a mess because red states with party line GOP voting leave the doors open,

Tens of thousands of children have been sent alone to cross the border and many of the young girls are on birth control because these people know what lies ahead for these kids. What kind of parents would do that? What kind of person do we want to live here?
They aren’t refugees of war and they aren’t in need of asylum. They come for an easier life loaded with freebies and perks in the land of the bleeding hearts. My sympathy is at an all time low for these people. They are destroying the country and unlike a century ago most of them do not wish to assimilate and become Americans.

America’s Greatest Idea:
U.S. National Parks: 14 Road Trips To Explore The Best Of America’s Natural Beauty.
12 Absolutely Incredible Road Trips You Can Take in the United States (
20 of the Most Beautiful Places in the World (Time To Update Your Bucket List)
10 Best Road Trips To Take In The USA That Are Bucket-List Worthy (
America’s 12 Longest Roads Are Long Enough to Circle the Planet (
Ultimate Hiking Bucket List: 14 Best Hikes You Can Do In The U.S. (
12 Natural Wonders of The U.S. That Are Seriously Stunning (
Stunning Natural Wonders Throughout The United States (
10 Natural Wonders Worth Seeing In The USA (
20 Best National Parks to Drive Through (


China ships virus connected to a bio-weapon throughout the world The vax bio-weapon concocted to affect western women’s fertility, kill fit young men & everyone else WEF, WHO, US Tech Oligarchs & US Govt Agy’s lockdown the US & slow the economy to 0 FDA CDC & NAIAD approve a vax proven to kill or maim anyone All Above done to mandate mail-in ballots for election of the world’s most powerful man- the US President FJB steals election, shuts down US energy dominance, invites the world’s aspiring-illegal aliens to walk over our southern border, claim free anything, & replace US citizens FJB frames the real American President & his voters visa visa fedsurrection, declares them domestic terrorists FJB starts 2 foreign wars US broke JUST STOP IT(edited)

Like Andrew Wilkow on SiriusXM Patriot channel says, “… you can’t bring there,
here, without here becoming there.” Very profound in its logical simplicity.

America is destined to become just another third world shit hole, unless we begin the biggest mass deportations the world has ever seen. It’s time. They’re NOT “migrants.” They’re ILLEGAL ALIEN INVADERS… and FUCK YOU for calling them “migrants” because you’re playing the DEMTRASH WORD GAME. The Global Marxists know
that our system will collapse. All Marxists must be taken out. .(edited)
Obama is a Marxist Muslim – Search (

Inflation soars, frustration brute, with Trump returning, hearts will follow.

God bless Trump and keep him safe,

Trump’s return is eagerly anticipated by many.
People believe that Trump is a strong leader who can solve the problems in their lives.
One of Trump’s most notable economic achievements was the passage of the Tax Cuts & Jobs Act of 2017. This law reduced taxes for businesses and individuals, which led to increased investment and hiring.

As a result, the U.S. economy grew at an average rate of 2.3% during Trump’s presidency, the fastest pace since the 1980s. Unemployment also fell to a 50-year low of 3.5%.
In addition, Trump signed into law a number of other measures that were designed
to boost the economy. We very much believe that Trump will lead the US economy
to prosperity again.

Trump’s economic policies were a common sense business like approach, but don’t worry, Bidenomics is here to save the day. With his brilliant economic strategies and extensive knowledge of the market, Crooked Joe will surely turn things around and provide relief for hardworking illegals. Say goodbye to stagnant wages and unequal distribution of wealth because Bidenomics is the answer we’ve all been waiting for. Trust me, you won’t be disappointed.

It’s all disgusting and sad, how can a government and administration on both sides destroy its own country. Don’t these idiots in government think that with this large of an invasion it’s going to affect them too. Has money & hatred blinded them that. These Democrats and Rino’s are nothing like the politicians of old. That are robbers & haters of the USA

HEY CONGRESS…..DON’T JUST DO SOMETHIN TO EARN THE $41,000 A YEAR RAISE YA SECRETLY GAVE YOURSELVES TWO WEEKS AGO…..SIT THERE…..And the evil is being let in unvetted. Not talking about families searching for a better life—illegally thanks to the Biden Regime—talking about the criminals we should shoot the moment they step foot on our border. That would slow this invasion. Let’s continue doing nothing to discourage the invasion. Just brilliant. People are coming from the most illiterate, unsuccessful, violent countries in the world who we will have to babysit…  

These Are the Most Educated States Ranked | Vacation 1st

Blue States Right 😂🤣


NYC Mayor Cuts Migrant Funds to Spare NYPD, FDNY, Sani. Dept. |
New York City Mayor Eric Adams is dropping another round of budget cuts on the city,
but this time he will largely cut migrant funding in order to spare the NYPD, FDNY, and sanitation department. So, NYC won’t be able to pay the Pakistani owned hotels millions of dollars to house these invaders? 

It’s getting cold in the rotten apple. 
Great, I am so glad to hear that you are actually cutting migrant funding.
Because it shouldn’t be allowed. They are illegal citizens that shouldn’t be here. That should be sent back to their f****** country. Budget cuts for those who are uninvited, unsustainable, illegal invaders that ran over an unsecured, unprotected border.

Who would have thought that we’d be Cancelling

Adams awoke from the migrant/border crises, but the Biden Administration used
their tools (FBI) to beat him back inline, detaining his fundraising head, & her electronic devices in search of a crime, for Adams speaking against the narrative, he returned to NY & got back in line for Biden, now his citizens are turning on him for selling out to threats (Budget cuts) to aid migrants, while the tax paying citizens have to carry the burden…. This is going to get worse; Adams best move is stepping down to save his own ass, either the population or Biden will crush him, He cannot come out of this unscathed! (edited)

When Trump left we had a country called the United States of America but the day biden moved in, we NO longer had a country because Every country on the planet protects its borders and citizens and biden doesn’t. We got Maorkus who is head of homeland security and what a joke he is because there is NO security with open borders.

Welcome to America, Here’s a Shed for you before winter hits….

Chicago may give migrants ‘MicroHomes’ with no running water, report says
by JACKSON WALKER | The National DeskTue, November 21st 2023, 12:29 PM EST
CHICAGO (TND) — Chicago company pushes micro homes, in an effort to get migrants
off the street as winter approaches, is reportedly offering a unique solution to the city’s
growing housing crisis.

Inherent Homes CEO Tim Swanson told Axios his company developed a prototype “MicroHome” that aims to offer more stability to those currently camping on city sidewalks and under bridges. The properties, which measure 80 square feet,
offering 5 feet in headspace, a lofted bed and a composting toilet.

Each “MicroHome” can accommodate six individuals.
Though the “MicroHomes” reportedly do not offer running water
or kitchen appliances, they do provide heating and “a system for fresh air.”

A single MicroHome costs $20,000.
Chicago will spend nearly $100k per month on land for migrant tent city, report says
The initial prototype was funded by philanthropic funds, but Inherent Homes hopes it can continue to make more to sell throughout Chicago. The properties can also be relocated, something Swanson told Axios was a major appeal.

“Looks like a house, acts like a house, feels like a house,”
Swanson said. “It can be set here, and then moved somewhere else. 
We can reposition these things.”  Chicago leaders, however, reportedly
feel a more permanent solution needs to be available for migrants.
“Migrants aren’t going to stay in these micro houses forever,”
Alderman Walter Burnett said. “So, what are we going to do after they leave? 
We can use these houses for something else.”

Chicago residents grill city council over sanctuary status: ‘Do you want a race war?’
If given the green light to produce the homes for the city, Swanson said he could begin producing homes in less than a month and could develop several on a monthly basis. Chicago’s migrant crisis has grown into a contentious issue in the city.

A meeting of the Chicago City Council was forced to recess earlier this month after heated debate broke out over the crisis. The concept of micro housing has been tried before in cities nationwide to combat homelessness. In Portland, Oregon, a city group constructed
a “micro village” on church property to help underserved communities.

Chicago Company Pushes “Micro Homes” for Migrants and the “Unhoused” | The Gateway Pundit | by Brian Lupo | Micro homes could help house migrants in Chicago (
They are Not Undocumented Americans; they are illegal aliens and US taxpayers pay the federal gov to protect our border and keep illegals out. Calling the millions Biden has
let in “migrants” is like calling Bruce Jenner a woman.

You can tell Chicago does not have hurricanes. These tiny little boxes would be the first thing to go tumbling down the street in a Cat 3 storm. No housing for migrants let them suffer and die in Chicago winter. How long till they are broken into, destroyed or sold to others…

This should have been offered. The illegals are sent to replace you and me, 
Micro Homes = Pods = 15 minute cities and complete control. Agenda 2030.

The illegals aren’t going to be happy with “Micro Homes “. with no running water, no heat, just what a human being needs to keep his dignity, They had better houses in their own countries. They expect luxury at the American taxpayer’s expense. They will be demanding better accommodations. Nothing is ever good enough for freeloaders. Deportation would be a lot easier and cheaper for the taxpayers.

So I wonder what donors are paying the bill! This is all just a bunch of bullshit, deport these illegals immediately! This is just a payoff to the donors, I wonder who’s getting the money to build these stupid homes, only Democrat companies I’m sure! What a crime. Like Ukraine this is just a racket for Democrats and their donors, funnel money into their pockets.

Those are YARD SHEDS. NO yard sheds for illegals.

The USA is broke. Take care of our veterans and citizens.

They’re garden sheds. God, people are stupid.

+++The Civil War President Lincoln and Springfield Illinois – Search Videos (
Springfield Illinois and Lincoln’s Library – Search Videos (


More like the undeserving get 1st dibs on whatever they want in this country!
What about American homeless people? ARE DEMOCRATS NUTS??
Be Thankful that Common Sense May Soon Prevail ASAP.

 Migrants Get Free Turkeys for Thanksgiving Ahead of Low-Income New Yorkers.

Decades Long Turkey Pardon White House Tradition – One America News Network.

Biden Pardons Two Thanksgiving Turkeys (Joe & Hunter)- Search (


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Dave Roever Ministries

Dave Roever Wikipedia Bio – Who Is He? – Search (

Acts 4:12
There is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved. So thankful for saving grace.

The Dave Roever Story – YouTube
He inspires military personnel worldwide, even in war zones such as Kosovo, Iraq, and Afghanistan. The people who are inspired by the former U.S. Navy Veteran want to know about Dave Roever Wikipedia details. Dave is an influential and uplifting public speaker who uses engaging humor to share his powerful story. He also delivers inspirational speeches to a range of audiences, including churches, public schools, youth groups, and men’s and business conventions.

Since 2007, he has led an organization called Operation Warrior RECONnect, which helps restore hope, provide tools for success, and offer training to wounded warriors, ensuring they have a meaningful future.Dave’s organization runs two Eagles Summit Ranch facilities in Colorado and south Texas to support this mission.

As per the sources, before he joined the United States Navy, he used to study at Bible College; however, there is no proof of him passing any exams that year.

Dave Roever grew up in a minister’s family in South Texas. At the height of the Vietnam War, Dave received his draft notice. Rather than serving in the infantry, he joined the U.S. Navy. He served as a riverboat gunner in the elite Brown Water Black Beret in Vietnam.
Eight months into his tour of duty in Vietnam, Roever was burned beyond recognition when a phosphorus grenade he was poised to throw exploded in his hand. The ordeal left him hospitalized for fourteen months, where he underwent numerous major surgeries.
His survival and life are miraculous.
Today with his humorous style, Roever is enthusiastically received both nationally and internationally as a public speaker. He is a superb communicator and speaks in a variety
of settings including churches, public schools; business, men’s and youth conventions; and military installations around the world. Roever has also been a frequent guest on national television talk shows. He established compassionate, ongoing missions work in Vietnam and is involved in other nations.
In every setting, Roever’s message is one of truth and hope.
Using his life as an example, he addresses issues relevant to his audience and
presents concrete solutions to life’s problems. Often drawing upon his war experiences of loneliness, peer pressure, disfigurement, and pain, as well as life’s triumphs, Roever weaves together a message of courage, commitment, and survival that touches and transforms those who hear him.
Thirty-four years after his injuries, the U. S. Department of the Navy corrected its oversight by awarding Roever his Purple Heart, along with several other service medals. Because of his wartime experience of service, injury, and recovery, he is uniquely qualified to speak to the needs of military personnel. He is called upon regularly to address troops on domestic military bases as well as those deployed around the globe. Roever is no stranger to the War on Terror, having done multiple tours in the Middle East.
In May 2005, Dave was awarded an honorary doctorate degree in recognition of his remarkable life and service. In April 2012, he was awarded The Outstanding Civilian Service Medal by the U.S. Department of the Army. In 2019, Dave and his wife Brenda celebrated 50 years of full-time ministry.
Roever is founder and president of three non-profit corporations: Roever Evangelistic Association, Roever Foundation, and REAP International, based in Fort Worth, Texas. Dave and his wife Brenda are co-founders of Eagles Summit Ranch in Colorado, as well
as Eagles Summit Ranch in Texas, where they help physically and emotionally injured servicemen and women “find their way home.”

Brenda Louise (Draper) Roever

June 13, 1949 – February 26, 2021
Fort Worth, Texas – Brenda Louise Draper was born June 13, 1949 to Verdell & Helen Draper in the small town of Boswell, Oklahoma. In the early 1950’s, the Draper family relocated to the community of Lake Worth, Texas, and found a church home at Lake Worth Assembly of God. Constantly pursued, and eventually wooed by the pastor’s son, Dave & Brenda would become sweethearts for life. 

Davey and Benny Lou were married July 15, 1967, when they said, “I do; for better or worse, in sickness and in health.” They would walk through a crucible of fire to endure
the horror of war and the long journey of recovery as no other couple could. Endurance, patience, and steadfast spirits would be the requirements for survival. Through it all,
that three-stranded cord would never be broken. 

Brenda was quiet and steady yet had a backbone of strength that her entire family and ministry leaned on. Her favorite thing in life was being “Grammy” to her four grandkids. They brightened her world with all their hugs, kisses, calls and text messages.
Each grandkid is individual and unique, and each had a special relationship
with her that is full of wonderful memories.

Brenda loved to ride her own Harley-Davidson motorcycle. She loved watching Perry Mason. She loved Blue Bell and wanted to hijack the ice cream truck. She loved the warm sun and beaches of Hawaii. There were a lot of things she loved, but her greatest adoration in this life was her family.
Brenda quietly passed from this earth into the loving arms of Jesus on February 26, 2021 at Harris Methodist Hospital in Fort Worth, Texas. She was preceded in death by her father and mother, Verdell and Helen Draper; her sister, Willie Williams; her brother and sister-in-law, Wilburn and Linda Draper; her niece, Sheryl Williams; and her nephew, Robert Sens.

Her beautiful life will forever be cherished by her surviving family:
her adoring husband of 53 years, Milton David Roever of Fort Worth, Texas; her son and daughter-in-law, Matthew and Jaime Roever of Junction, Texas; her daughter and son-in-law, Kimberly and Philip Chapin of Monument, Colorado; and her grandchildren, Kali Chapin, Colby Roever, Austin Roever and Kennedi Chapin.
She will also be missed by her brothers-in-law and sisters-in-law; Al and Arneta Roever, Beverly Squires, and Travis Williams. Her nephews and nieces: Gary Sens, Dale Sens, Steven Williams, Al Roever IV, Anthony Roever, Will Draper, Andrea Roever and Kellee Draper Kirkpatrick. She is also remembered by a host of in-laws and out-laws, extended family and loving employees with whom she shared her life and love.

Viewing and visitation were held on Friday, March 5, 2021
from 4 pm – 8 pm at Biggers Funeral Chapel. A private service will be held Saturday.
Friends are invited to a Celebration of Life service on March 13, 2021 at 10 am at
Bethesda Community Church, 4700 N Beach St, Haltom City, Texas 76137.
The Memorial Gifts may be made to: The Roever Foundation,
P.O. Box 136130, Fort Worth, Texas 76136.

Published by Star-Telegram from Mar. 3 to Mar. 4, 2021.
On Friday morning, after two weeks in the hospital, Brenda Roever, the wife of AG evangelist Dave Roever, died from complications linked to COVID-19 and entered
into the presence of Christ. She was 71.

Brenda was co-founder with Dave of The Eagle’s Summit Ranch ministries in Colorado and Texas. There they and their team train wounded warriors in areas of specific focus such as public speaking and marital and emotional recovery after devastating injury. However, Brenda was perhaps best known for her faithfulness in her marriage to Dave, her husband of 53 years, and being a key part of Dave’s testimony messages.

In 1969, a phosphorous grenade exploded in Roever’s hand when it was struck by a bullet during a battle in Vietnam. Roever’s face and body were so severely burned — literally still burning due to the phosphorus — and damaged, medics initially tagged him as KIA (killed in action). Burned beyond recognition, he was shipped home where he witnessed another burn victim’s wife take off her ring, toss it on the veteran’s bed, and walk away.

Dreading and expecting the same, Dave was stunned when Brenda came to his bedside, looked him in his remaining eye, and told him that she loved him.

God’s provision and Brenda’s loving support carried Dave through 60 surgeries throughout the years. Her devotion to — and continued love — for Dave, despite his marred features and many life and medical challenges, impacted countless lives. Even though she wasn’t a public speaker, her actions said far more than words ever could.

The Roever family is suffering due to the loss of Brenda as wife, mother, and grandmother. However, this steadfast, loving, and compassionate woman of faith lives on in them as well as the countless military — and non-military — lives her life has touched and encouraged even in the darkest of times.

Dave shared, “I am devastated, but not destroyed. We will NOT be denied our destiny!
I will move forward more passionately than ever. This ministry is committed to doubling
down on my mission — that none should perish.”

Brenda is survived by her husband, Dave; son, Matthew and Jaime Roever,
and their sons, Colby and Austin of Junction, Texas; daughter, Kimberly and Phil Chapin, and their daughters, Kali and Kennedi, of Monument, Colorado; and other family members.
She was preceded in death by her father and mother, Verdell and Helen Draper;
a sister, Willie Williams; a brother, Wilburn Draper; and a niece, Sheryl Williams.

A memorial service for Brenda will be held at 10 a.m. Saturday, March 13, at Bethesda Community Church in Haltom City (Fort Worth), Texas. The family requests that
in lieu of flowers, to consider making a donation to the Roever Foundation.

Brenda Roever, Evangelist Dave Roever’s Wife, Dies | AG News


Watch Online Free The Last Full Measure 2019 Movie – 123Movies (
William Hart. Pitsenbarger, (July 8, 1944 – April 11, 1966) was a United States Air Force Pararescueman who flew on almost 300 rescue missions during the Vietnam War 
to aid downed soldiers and pilots.
On April 11, 1966, Pitsenbarger was killed aiding and defending a unit of soldiers pinned down by an enemy assault during the Vietnam War. Before his death, he helped save over 60 men in the battle.[1][2] He was posthumously awarded the Air Force Cross, which was later upgraded to the Medal of Honor.[3]

The Last Full Measure is a 2019 American war drama film written and directed by Todd Robinson. It follows the efforts of fictional Pentagon staffer Scott Huffman and many veterans to see the Medal of Honor awarded to William H. Pitsenbarger, a United States Air Force Pararescueman who flew in helicopter rescue missions during the Vietnam War to aid downed soldiers and pilots.[3][4] 

Based on true events, the film stars Sebastian StanChristopher PlummerWilliam HurtEd HarrisSamuel L. JacksonJeremy Irvine, and Peter Fonda. It was the final film appearance of Fonda, who died before the film’s release; and Plummer’s final on screen appearance before his death in 2021, though it had been filmed prior to Knives Out, which was released before it.
Production began in the United States in March 2017, and it premiered in October 2019 in Westhampton Beach, New York.[5] It was released in the U.S. by Roadside Attractions  on January 24, 2020, and grossed $3 million against a $20 million budget.
Its title is from Abraham Lincoln‘s Gettysburg Address, where Lincoln honored the fallen, saying that they “gave the last full measure of devotion.”[6]

The Last Full Measure centers on the true story of Vietnam War hero William H. Pitsenbarger, a U.S. Air Force Pararescueman who personally saved over 60 men during the Vietnam War. During a rescue mission on April 11, 1966, Pits, as he was called, chose to leave the relative safety of his rescue helicopter to aid wounded soldiers under heavy fire, when others on his team declined to go. After saving many, he was ordered to leave on the last helicopter out of what became one of the war’s bloodiest battles. He chose to stay, sacrificing his own life to save and defend soldiers of the U.S. Army’s 1st Infantry Division.

32 years later, Pentagon staffer Scott Huffman, on a career fast track, is reluctantly tasked with investigating a posthumous Medal of Honor request for Pitsenbarger by his parents and Tom Tulley, Pitsenbarger’s partner on the fateful mission. Huffman seeks out the testimony of Army veterans who witnessed or were saved by Pitsenbarger’s extraordinary valor, including Takoda, Burr and Mott, who carry their own demons from their experiences.

As Huffman learns more about Pitsenbarger’s selfless courage, he uncovers a decades-long, high-level conspiracy: as of Pitsenbarger’s death in combat in 1966, the Air Force
had never put forth the names of enlisted personnel to receive the Medal of Honor.[a] 
This prompts him to put his own career on the line, potentially creating controversy around the company’s former commanding officer who ordered the highly dangerous mission, and who is now a US senator seeking reelection.

When a Senate effort to award the medal fails on the floor of Congress due to unrelated political infighting, Huffman goes public with the story, and ultimately the Medal of Honor is awarded to Pitsenbarger by presidential decree. Before the award ceremony, Mott finds the courage to deliver Pitsenbarger’s last letter to the airman’s former love.

 Pitsenbarger’s father, who is dying of cancer, and mother are in attendance as their son’s duty, courage and sacrifice is recounted. The Air Force Secretary presents the medal to the parents, then recognizes everyone in attendance, all of whose lives were influenced by Pitsenbarger’s actions, saying, “This is the power of what one person can do.” The epilogue points out that as of 2019, of the 3,489 Medal of Honor recipients among millions of US military personnel, only three have been enlisted in the Air Force.

The Winning Hand to Good Health by Goubeaux, Ken (
We live in a country that can send astronauts like Neil Armstrong to the moon and other explorers to the depths of the ocean, yet when it comes to exploring ways to defeat chronic diseases such as cancer, the best we can offer anyone is false hopes and empty promises.

We are all dealt different “hands” when it comes to our health.
And we are all looking for that winning hand—those cards that will
move you or your loved ones from feeling helpless and hopeless to living a healthier life.
The Winning Hand To Good Health is intended to be a reference—of information that
can help you address nutritional and supplemental concerns that might help stave off the effects of chemotherapy and radiation treatments. While it is no substitute for seeing a conventional-medicine doctor, the holistic medicine approach you’ll find inside will provide additional insights into playing your cards out.
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Issue 2 passed. Now what?

WAPAKONETA – With the passage of Issue 2, Ohio will be the 24th state to allow adult cannabis use for non-medical purposes, which comes with a variety questions over what comes next, and what it means for employers and their employees.

Auglaize County Medical Director Dr. Juan Torres during the county board of health meeting earlier this week discussed the changing attitudes surrounding marijuana and
the implications now that it’s been approved for recreational use.
Marijuana is the second most used psychotropic drug in the U.S. after alcohol, Torres said, and the public is increasingly viewing cannabis as a harmless drug. About 54% of the U.S. population now live in a state where marijuana is legalized, he noted.

Torres said the U.S. did not regulate cannabis until the Marijuana Tax Act of 1937.
Like many countries, the U.S. profited from the commercial applications of hemp fiber, seeds and oil prior to the law.
While in principle the act was created to stop the use of the plant as a recreational drug, in practice it made hemp importation and commercial production less economical, according to information from U.S. Customs and Border Protection. Scientific research and medical testing of marijuana also virtually disappeared. By 1970, marijuana was classified and restricted on par with narcotics and new, more restrictive laws were passed.
Federal law still considers cannabis a schedule 1 drug, which are defined as drugs with
no currently accepted medical use and a high potential for abuse. Due to this, cannabis research is difficult and there are many claims made about the drug without scientific basis, Torres said.

Carmen Fultz, an employee of Buckeye Relief LLC, carries marijuana plants inside
a Veg Room in Eastlake in this 2018 file photo. Photo from Associated Press

Only one facility was authorized to grow marijuana for federal research purposes until 2021 when the Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA) announced it would register additional manufacturers to cultivate marijuana for research purposes.
Despite the limited research, there’s evidence that cannabis has therapeutic effects for some medical conditions, Torres said, such as an anti-nausea and vomiting remedy for adults undergoing chemotherapy.
At the same time, there’s also evidence that cannabis use can have negative effects on health, such as worse respiratory symptoms and more frequent bronchitis episodes associated with long-term cannabis smoking.
Issue 2’s passage also creates new terrain for employers and employees to navigate.
“It will create some issues in terms of jobs, safety-sensitive positions, and what intoxication is going to be,” he said. “Because it is legal, like alcohol.

But you cannot go to work drunk. So it’s legal but you cannot go to (work) intoxicated. That will create issues (for) employers and others, especially in the healthcare industry.”
The change could lead to increased testing in professions such as health care and law enforcement.
For example, the city of St. Mary’s recently accepted a tentative agreement from the
Ohio Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association for the city’s police sergeants which stipulates that refusing a drug or alcohol test would result in termination rather than discipline,
and there are no exemptions for medical marijuana use.
It’s worth nothing that Issue 2 does not provide protections for Ohio employees who use marijuana. Employers are not required to accommodate an employee’s use, and employers are also free to discipline, fire or take other adverse action against an employee for marijuana use or possession.

Torres said this could prove to be problematic for both employees and employers. Employees who use recreational marijuana outside of work, similar to alcohol, could
face repercussions if they test positive, even if they are not under the influence on the job.
Likewise, employers who test staff for marijuana will have to decide if they are looking for a positive test result or active intoxication.
Torres highlighted that marijuana is lipid-soluble, meaning it is deposited in the tissues
of fatty organs such as the liver, kidneys, brain and lungs. As a result, marijuana can be detected in the body three weeks after ingestion or more depending on how frequently someone uses the drug, he said.
“(Companies) need to change between if it’s positive or if you were intoxicated,” he said. “With alcohol … you blow in a breathalyzer and you can tell. Marijuana is going to be very difficult because it stays in the body for 30 days or more … (if the person is a) chronic user or (if it’s) medically prescribed.”
The law takes effect Dec. 7, and it will take nine months for regulations to be created and placed into Ohio Revised Code.

SOURCE Issue 2 passed. Now what? | The Daily Standard Stories

Cannabis scientist Dr. Amber Wise – answers the web’s burning questions about cannabis!
What’s the difference between indica and sativa? Does CBD actually do anything? Why …. does weed smell like THAT? Is it really okay to smoke weed every day? Dr. Wise answers all these questions and much more! Cannabis Scientist Answers Questions From Twitter | Tech Support | WIRED – YouTube

Dr. Amber Wise is a cannabis scientist and scientific director at Medicine Creek Analytics. Amber has a background in chemistry, receiving her Ph.D. from UC Berkeley and serving as a professor at Chicago State University. She has become a familiar face in the world of cannabis, making several appearances across publications, including WIRED’s “Tech Support” series. In our conversation, we explore many facets of cannabis and cannabis science, from the chemical and biological foundations to regulatory considerations and consequences. So whether you’re a regular cannabis user, a professional chemist, or just curious, I hope you enjoy it! The Science of Cannabis with Dr. Amber Wise – YouTube Medicine Creek Analytics –

CBD Oil: Everything You Need To Know – YouTube
OG Kush is great for breast cancer because it has certain Terpenes in it that work together. My preference for giving advice for certain strains is that it’s not a sativa because sativa is having people feel anxiety and they don’t want that. It has a certain Terpenes in it. However, I kind of stick with Indica because it’s easier to fight not feeling lazy and it is to have that high anxiety with feeling your heartbeat real fast. Always start at a 1:1 ratio THC to CBD and find the ratio on either side of the spectrum that works best for you.

BONUS: Cancer metabolism and dietary interventions – PMC (

“Enhancing Cannabis Therapy.”

CARRIER OILS are not just to dilute your cannabis oil for easier microdosing.
They improve bioavailability. —– While treating Cancer, efficacy of treatment is a huge factor in achieving remission. Increasing the bioavailability of the oil, or better yet, the compound within the oil is the goal when you set out to enhance the effectiveness of your medicine. Ingesting raw cannabis oil is very effective, but a large portion of what you eat is wasted. The bioavailability of raw cannabis oil is about 25-40%; this means your body will absorb that much of your dose. There are ways to increase the bioavailability of your oil by infusing it into other essential oils or combining it with other plant materials that are also pro-apoptotic or antioxidant in nature.

Carrier Oils
Carrier oils are called this because they “carry” essential oils into the skin or tissues
and bloodstream depending on internal or topical use. Carrier oils aid in the absorption
of cannabinoids by making them more bioavailable. Cannabinoids from Cannabis are the primary components of cannabis essential oil; these compounds will be suspended within the carrier oil and brought into the system at a much higher rate than before.
It is estimated that Carrier oils increase the absorption of cannabis oil from 25-40% to
75-80%. That is nearly doubling the rate of absorption. This saves money by allowing a smaller more effective dose to be consumed with the same rate of efficacy. “
We all need lifting up at times. Educate your friends and pass on the proper information.
Cannabis, Carrier Oils and Apoptosis of Cancer Cells | CannaDad’s Blog

Know Which strain works for you
Some tolerate Indica better than sativa?
and others prefer sativa to indica.
Like for example

Popular strains for cancer
Northern Lights, Thunder kush,  Godfather OG, OG Kush, Blue Dream, Garlic Breath, Sour Diesel, Strawberry Animal Cookies, Biscotti Gelato, GMO Cookies, Granddaddy Purple, Oreoz, Purple Punch, Sunset Sherbert, Super Silver Haze, Wedding cake,
Afghan Apple, Banana Punch, Blue Zkittlez, Blueberry CBD, Chemdawg, Ghost OG, Durban Poison, Gorilla Glue, Moon Rocks, Lemon Haze.

 Cannabis Oil Success Stories | Facebook

Search Results for Cannabis Oil | Cancer Quick Facts (

CBD Oil: Everything You Need to Know – YouTube


Using cannabis to improve mental health – The Green Room
Los Angeles Times


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Centre for Medicinal Cannabis Research


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Marijuana: All Facts And Numbers
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About Cannabis & Cancer (2019)

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12 News


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 CBD is Legit
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New research reveals more benefits | Today Show Australia


CBD Oil 101: Doctor Explains for ABSOLUTE beginners
Post Script


Cannabis Scientist Answers Questions From Twitter | Tech Support | WIRED

Cannabis and the Heart- April 18 2019 – YouTube


Habitual Cannabis Use and Cardiovascular Function
American Physiological Society

Sleep Doctor


What’s the Difference Between Marijuana, CBD, and Delta 8?
Vanderbilt University


Cannabis and the Heart- April 18 2019
Cardiac Rehab Alumni Channel


The Cannabis Chemical Rivalry // THC vs. CBD
Soph’s Notes


What is CBG?
DIY Biotech


13 Cannabis Terpenes You Should Know
Myriam’s Hemp



Real Doctor Explains Everything You
Need to Know About Cannabidiol CBD Oil
Doctor ER


What is CBD? And what’s the deal with Delta 8? KSAT Explains


CBD Vs THC Vs CBG Vs CBN In Cannabis.

What is the Difference in Cannabinoids?
Dr Jagmeet Sethi MD, Sethi Cannabis Clinic


Boom in use of medical cannabis in Australia 🌿⚕ | Landline | ABC Australia
ABC Australia 263K

What is HHC? – YouTube
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COVID Jabs form Spike Proteins

For three years, doctors and scientists have been documenting serious injuries
to the heart muscle of COVID vaccine recipients.

These injuries typically present as inflammation of the heart muscle (myocarditis) or inflammation of the sac around the heart (pericarditis). Now, German researchers have discovered the precise mechanisms of injury behind the Pfizer and Moderna COVID jabs. It turns out that the mRNA vaccines can form spike proteins in heart cells, leading to irregular heart contractions and full blown cardiomyopathy.

Researchers find mechanisms of injury behind COVID jabs.
Within 48 hours of vaccination, the COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are designed to transcribe a specific sequence of coronavirus spike protein in the deltoid muscle of vaccine recipients. The mRNA transcription process is intended to hijack protein synthesis of human cells at the vaccination site, to ultimately summon immune responsive cells. The foreign spike proteins are supposed to be neutralized in the deltoid muscle, leaving behind an enduring immune response. This was the promise of vaccine makers, but scientists are finding out that the transcription process and the neutralization of spike proteins does not work as advertised, and the transcription process can even harm vital organs. Not only is the immune response insufficient with these vaccines, but the spike proteins can also be transcribed in heart cells, causing serious and life-threatening risks to the vaccine recipient.

In the study – Cardiac side effects of RNA-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccines:
Hidden cardio-toxic effects of mRNA-1273 and BNT162b2 on ventricular myocyte function and structure – researchers found something very troubling about the current mRNA medical experiment, something that may have repercussions for human health for many years to come.
In just 48 hours, both the Pfizer and Moderna covid vaccines caused distinct cell abnormalities, suggesting that the body may reject synthetic mRNA synthesis and
have a toxicity reaction within the cells.
“The findings support both the diagnosis and treatment of cardiac events following mRNA-based COVID vaccination,” the authors wrote. They also said the findings help explain the persistent cardiac symptoms that are observed among long-COVID patients. Most long-COVID patients have been vaccinated with Pfizer and Moderna jabs.

The standard dosage for the Moderna jab is 100 micrograms and dosage for Pfizer is 30 micrograms. The study authors introduced the mRNA vaccines to cell cultures from rat and human heart cells and administered both the Pfizer and Moderna at 100 micrograms. Within 48 hours, the heart cells were replicating spike proteins, causing abnormal heart contractions. Heart cells inundated with Pfizer’s spike proteins showed increased protein kinase A (PKA) activity and stronger heart contractions.
Heart cells inundated with Moderna’s spike proteins had disrupted calcium
regulation and developed irregular arrhythmic and irregular peristaltic heart contractions.
The researchers traced the damage back to disturbances among the RyR2 receptors,
which coordinate heart contractions using calcium.

COVID jabs cause more than myocarditis: They also cause cardiomyopathy
The researchers compared normal contractions in unvaccinated rat heart cells
with the abnormal contractions found in vaccinated heart cells. The researchers concluded that the COVID jabs cause damage at the cellular level, damage that aligns closer with cardiomyopathy than it does with myocarditis. In myocarditis, the heart tissue is inflamed. In cardiomyopathy, the heart muscles suffer toxic stress and become both structurally and functionally abnormal in the absence of other heart diseases.
The newly-discovered pathology of cardiomyopathy explains why young, previously healthy people are dying post-vaccination. This evidence could prove vital for future court cases against the covid-19 vaccine makers. The research paper was expedited to a rapid communication paper and was published more quickly than a standard research article because the scientists believe that the findings need to be shared immediately with the academic community.
“The present preclinical cardiac safety data point to the need for a reassessment
of the risk–benefit ratio of RNA-based SARS-Cov-2 vaccines, given indication of their cardiotoxicity,” the authors wrote. The heart abnormalities exhibited in the cells, likely caused by disruption to RyR2 and increased PKA protein levels, “are risk factors for sudden cardiac death, ventricular tachyarrhythmias and contractile dysfunction,”
they added.

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Tagged Under: Big PharmacardiomyopathycardiotoxinCensored Sciencediscoverieshealth scienceheart arrythmiasheart attackheart contractionsheart diseaseheart healthModernamyocarditisPfizer
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Nobel Prize in Medicine awarded to two mRNA developers,
whose technology has been used to kill millions

10/04/2023 / By Lance D Johnson
The Nobel Peace Prize is being weaponized to promote one of the greatest vaccine
failures of our time and one of the most injurious and deadliest medical experiments to ever be forced onto the global population. The 2023 Nobel Prize in Medicine was recently awarded to two of the scientists who helped develop the mRNA technology behind the COVID “vaccines.”
The once-sacred award ceremony left out other scientists who also played a critical role
in the development of the mRNA platform. The most notable omission was Dr. Robert Malone, who has been a vocal critic of the so-called COVID vaccine. Malone has stood up for the vaccine injured and repeatedly provided real-world data documenting the serious and life-threatening risks associated with the jab.

The future of mRNA’s many lucrative applications hang in the balance
On Monday, October 2, 2023, the Karolinska Institute in Sweden awarded
the 2023 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine to Katalin Karikó and Drew Weissman – two of the scientists who helped discover nucleoside base modifications that enabled the development of the mRNA vaccine technology. The scientists were congratulated by the Director of the World Health Organization – General Tedros Ghebreyesus. The corrupt WHO director described their mRNA technology as “safe and effective vaccines.” This worn-out proclamation is far removed from reality and goes against an overwhelming body of evidence that suggests the opposite.

In the United States alone, the imperfect Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) recorded tens of thousands of deaths and over 2 million serious adverse reactions from the Pfizer and Moderna mRNA shots. This flawed VAERS system relies heavily on the biased opinion of medical professionals who are not properly trained
or do not have enough time to understand and validate their patients’ vaccine injuries.
Because medical professionals are directly implicated in facilitating the injury, accurate reporting of vaccine injuries is something that doctors are incentivized to cover up, misdiagnose, and lie about.

This is just one of the reasons why the CDC’s own studies show that the magnitude of vaccine injuries and deaths in the population are under-reported and may represent
less than 1% of the actual injuries that occur.
Even so, VAERS has captured more vaccine injuries for the COVID jab than all other vaccines combined since the program’s inception in 1986. The safety signals are there,
but they are being ignored by some of the most powerful institutions in the world today.

Nobel Prize in Medicine becomes a COVID vaccine propaganda tool to rewrite history
Professor and senior physician, Olle Kämpe was one of the pre-selected panelists who answered questions about the “prize winning” mRNA vaccine. When asked, “Will this Nobel Prize affect the opinion of antivaxxers and the vaccine hesitant?”
Kämpe responded, “I don’t know if antivaxxers will change in anyway,
but I think giving a Nobel Prize for this covid-19 vaccine may make hesitant
people take the vaccine and be sure that it’s very efficient and safe.”

With this response, it’s clear that the Nobel Prize is being used as a tool of propaganda
to make the injurious and failed vaccine appear as a life-saving intervention. With this deceptive maneuver, the collaborators and co-conspirators behind the depopulation agenda are using the Nobel Prize as a tool of propaganda to rewrite history and re-establish some sort of authority on a very serious matter that ultimately implicates the Nuremberg Code and the very medical ethics that medical professionals swore to uphold.

For years, Moderna operated as an investment firm and failed to pass multiple mRNA therapeutics through phase one clinical trials. Some of the biggest names in pharma, from Novartis, Roche, and Merck, abandoned the field of RNA interference, over concerns about toxicity. Ironically, Weissman and three of his colleagues noted in 2018 that the trials for rabies and flu mRNA vaccines could trigger injection site and systemic reactions, inflammation, and autoimmune conditions. They wrote that the “side effects were not trivial” in a paper published in Nature Reviews Drug Discovery.
The future of lucrative mRNA vaccine platforms is at stake here, and the people behind the technology are going to do everything in their power to promote their brand of medical fraud, even after decades of failed animal experiments and after the last three years of amassing a human body count.

Young athletes are dying from heart attack ( Courtesy Demi Washington

Feb. 9, 2023, 2:47 PM EST / Updated July 25, 2023, 1:20 PM EDT / Source: TODAY
By Maura Hohman

Young people are more likely to die of heart attacks post-COVID, study finds. But why?
A recent study found that heart attacks in people ages 25 to 44 increased by 30% compared to the expected number over the first two years of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Since COVID, more young people are dying of heart attacks. Here’s what we know ( New data appears to show link between COVID and heart disease.
When Demi Washington, a basketball player at Vanderbilt University came down with COVID-19 in late 2020, her symptoms were mild, just a runny nose.

But to ensure her safe return to the court, the school required her to undergo an MRI.
The results brought Washington to tears.
Following the infection, the now college graduate had developed myocarditis — when the heart muscle becomes inflamed, which can decrease the heart’s ability to pump blood.
This condition can lead to stroke or heart attack, according to Mayo Clinic. Washington was not vaccinated against COVID-19 at the time.

“I was scared because any internal organ, you’re like, ‘Oh, my gosh, I need that to live,'” she recalled to TODAY. “I didn’t really know what was going to come of it, how long was
it going to take for it to resolve.”

Demi Washington has recovered from her myocarditis and has returned to playing basketball. Many other young people who developed heart problems after a COVID-19 infection aren’t so lucky.

Washington had to skip the rest of the 2020 to 2021 season, but ultimately she was grateful. “I think about the fact that Vanderbilt does do the MRI and a lot of other schools didn’t,” she told TODAY in a segment aired Feb. 9. “The fact that I could have played if we didn’t is hard and scary to think about.”

Washington’s doctor never told her that she was at risk of dying, but he did
stress the importance of rest and keeping her heart rate under a certain pace.
She had to wear a watch to track her activity. Even though COVID was especially new
at the time, Washington said her doctor felt confident her condition was due to the coronavirus, as he’d seen something similar to other college athletes.

Washington said she felt no symptoms or signs that her heart had become inflamed,
nor did she have a genetic predisposition. “It (just) happened to be me,” she said.
“I still don’t really know why.” Washington has since recovered and is back to playing ball. But her experience sheds light on the thousands of young adults infected with COVID-19 whose health hasn’t rebounded as successfully.

COVID-19, heart attacks and young people.
Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, heart attack deaths across all age groups
have become more common in the U.S., according to a September 2022 study 
by Cedars Sinai hospital in Los Angeles.

The age group hit the hardest?
 People between 25 and 44, who saw a 29.9% relative increase in heart attack deaths over the first two years of the pandemic (which means the actual number of heart attack deaths were almost 30% higher than the predicted number).
“Young people are obviously not really supposed to die of heart attack. They’re not really supposed to have heart attacks at all,” Dr. Susan Cheng, a cardiologist at Cedars Sinai and co-author of the study, told TODAY in a segment aired Feb. 9.
Adults between 45 and 64 saw a 19.6% relative increase in heart attack deaths, and those 65 and older saw a 13.7% relative increase, according to a press release from Cedars Sinai. The increase in U.S. heart attack deaths continued through the omicron surge, even though the variant is thought to cause milder illness, and spikes of heart attack deaths have aligned with the timing of COVID-19 surges in the U.S.

Los Angeles County paramedic Romeo Robles told TODAY in the Feb. 9 segment that upticks in COVID-19 would often lead to more 911 calls related to heart issues in his community. “Surprisingly, people my age … we would find them in cardiac arrest, and
it was all predicted by these waves,” he said. Cheng called the connection “more than coincidental, that is for sure.” Explaining why, she pointed out that COVID-19 can greatly impact the cardiovascular system.

“It appears to be able to increase the stickiness of the blood and increase …
the likelihood of blood clot formation,” Cheng said. “It seems to stir up inflammation in the blood vessels. It seems to also cause in some people an overwhelming stress — whether it’s related directly to the infection or situations around the infection — that can also cause a spike in blood pressure.”

The reason for the relative rise in young people in particular is unclear, but one theory, Cheng said, is that the virus’s impact on the cardiovascular system in some people may
be due to an excessive immune system response and that young people are more likely
to have stronger immune systems.

COVID-19 and heart disease For COVID-19 survivors, the risk of developing a heart condition even a year after infection, regardless of how severe symptoms were, is “substantial,” according to a February 2022 study of more than 150,000 individuals with COVID-19. The risk increases even for people who don’t have any other risk factors for heart disease.
Dr. Ziyad Al-Aly, a physician-scientist at Washington University School of Medicine in St. Louis and co-author of the study, estimated that about 4% of people who have COVID-19 will develop a heart problem, such as irregular heartbeat, heart failure, inflammation or heart attacks.

“It’s a small number, but really, it’s not (if) you multiply that number by the huge
number of people in the United States and throughout the world who had COVID-19,”
he told TODAY.

One theory why this happens ties into how the body is supposed to respond to viruses — by creating inflammation, according to the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute.
“In some people with COVID-19, however, the inflammation seems to go into overdrive,” the institute noted. “Too much inflammation may further damage the heart or disrupt the electrical signals that help it to beat properly, which can reduce its pumping ability or lead to abnormal heart rhythms … or make an existing arrhythmia worse.”
Some research is beginning to chip away at how COVID-19 impacts the heart.
February 2023 study found the inflammatory immune response to a COVID-19 infection can cause calcium to leak from the heart, potentially leading to a fatal, irregular heartbeat. The subjects in this study weren’t vaccinated, and research shows a COVID-19 infection is more likely to cause heart problems than vaccination, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute also points out that COVID-19 may affect the heart’s cells. A January 2023 study, which began before the vaccine was available, looked at the relationship between a COVID infection and the protein troponin in the blood, which is associated with heart muscle injury or heart attack.
It found that 61% of people hospitalized with COVID-19 who had high
troponin levels had heart abnormalities, such as scarring from a heart attack.
Some develop blood clots after a COVID-19 infection, sometimes in the heart,
the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute explains. The virus can attack blood vessels, causing a surge of inflammatory cells, which can trigger the release of molecules that contribute to blood clotting, previously reported.

What’s more, the risk of developing long COVID, including heart problems,
increases with each COVID-19 infection an individual has, Al-Aly pointed out.
As a result, Latino and Black communities, which have higher rates of reinfection, are especially at high risk for heart problems post-COVID, Cheng said.
As doctors and other researchers continue to wade through the data on COVID-19 and heart disease, the best course of action is to avoid infection as best you can, Cheng and
Al-Aly said. To do so:
Wear a mask in crowded settings and consider socializing outdoors with people outside your household. Stay up to date on your vaccinations.
Research shows that you’re 11 times more likely to develop myocarditis from COVID itself versus the vaccine, NBC News senior medical correspondent Dr. John Torres said during a TODAY segment on Feb. 9.

Take a COVID-19 test as soon as you start to develop any symptoms and stay home when you’re sick. If you’ve been infected with COVID-19, especially multiple times, Cheng also encouraged staying on top of your risk factors for heart disease, such as your blood pressure, cholesterol and blood sugar. Typical signs of heart attack, per the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, include:

Chest pain or discomfort, such as pressure, squeezing or fullness.
Weakness, light-headedness or fainting. A cold sweat.
Pain or discomfort in the jaw, neck or back.
Shortness of breath, either at the same time as or before chest discomfort.
Prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, heart attack deaths were trending downward in the United States, but the pandemic appears to have reversed the progress, according to the Cedars Sinai research.

“I’d love to say we’re … coming out on the other side and we can think of COVID more like the common cold. Unfortunately, that is not the case. … That is eminently clear from all of the data,” Cheng said. “This is not even just like the flu. … This virus is still very different from any other virus we have seen in our lifetime.”

Maura Hohman
Maura Hohman is the senior health editor for and has been covering health and wellness news and trends since 2015, when she graduated from journalism school. Her byline has appeared on TODAY, NBC News, US News & World Report, People, Everyday Health,, and more. Her interests include women’s health, racial health disparities, mental health and COVID-19.

Sources include: 
COVID jabs form spike proteins in heart cells, causing irregular
heart contractions and full blown cardiomyopathy, researchers find (
Nobel Prize in Medicine awarded to two mRNA developers,
whose technology has been used to kill millions (
UA researchers find link between COVID deaths and snake venom (
Snake venom in the covid 19 vaccine – Search (

This article may contain statements that reflect the opinion of the author [PDF]
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