It is a “word of the day” on which has a more interesting and detailed definition contrasting it with apatheia.
Epicurean Ataraxia | Stoic Apatheia |
Comes from the absence of evil objects and threats | Comes from the presence of inner control |
Consists of an arrangement of matter (and nothingness) inside the human body | Consists of a rational faculty temporarily dwelling in a human body |
Takes the form of a life in quiet retirement | Takes the form of an actively virtuous life |
Cultivated for its own sake, as an ultimate end | Cultivated for for the service of virtue, instrumentally |
ataraxia [at-uh–rak-see-uh] /ˌæt əˈræk si ə/
1. a state of freedom from emotional disturbance and anxiety; tranquillity. The aim of Pyrrhonism was ataraxia in those things which pertain to moderation in the opinions which life imposes.

The video that will change the way you look at life: Heartbreaking humble requests of cancer patients who simply want to walk a few steps or feel fresh air on their faces
Dan Gilbert believes that, in our ardent, lifelong pursuit of happiness, most of us have the wrong map. In the same way that optical illusions fool our eyes — and fool everyone’s eyes in the same way — Gilbert argues that our brains systematically misjudge what will make us happy. And these quirks in our cognition make humans very poor predictors of our own bliss.
The premise of his current research — that our assumptions about what will make us happy are often wrong — is supported with clinical research drawn from psychology and neuroscience. But his delivery is what sets him apart. His engaging — and often hilarious — style pokes fun at typical human behavior and invokes pop-culture references everyone can relate to. This winning style translates also to Gilbert’s writing, which is lucid, approachable and laugh-out-loud funny. The immensely readable Stumbling on Happiness, published in 2006, became a New York Times bestseller and has been translated into 20 languages.
In fact, the title of his book could be drawn from his own life. At 19, he was a high school dropout with dreams of writing science fiction. When a creative writing class at his community college was full, he enrolled in the only available course: psychology. He found his passion there, earned a doctorate in social psychology in 1985 at Princeton, and has since won a Guggenheim Fellowship and the Phi Beta Kappa teaching prize for his work at Harvard. He has written essays and articles for The New York Times, Time and even Starbucks, while continuing his research into happiness at his Hedonic Psychology Laboratory.
Why has this universal truth been hidden from the beings on this planet?
This is the biggest mystery. For over 25,000 years the Universal Truth was not available to the people of this planetary system. It is now finally being received on this planet. Deep seekers of the truth that are open minded and ready will receive it.
The higher energies of 2012 and beyond have a two fold effect. We have been stuck in a Universal Time Matrix System that has been disconnected from the higher dimension frequencies for thousands of years. Ancient Earth history shows manipulations of the planetary grids by beings from other more advanced systems (Draco-Orion, Sirius, Pleiades). The Universal Time Matrix system we are in is being manipulated. The energies of 2012 and beyond are opportunities for
faster ascension and manipulation into restriction of ascension.
Higher frequency energies being transmitted by the forces of light onto this planet allow individuals that are open to receive (through opening their beliefs and mindset) to activate their higher Chakras (7 to 15), which opens their central channels (Universal Kundalini), raise their frequency and DNA between NOW (2011) and December 2012. These activations help bypass the restriction programs being activated on this planet. The restriction program energies get activated in March 2011 (force field of energy that restricts human ascension process) and is planned to go full force in December 2012. Those that do not raise their frequencies will fall into these energies and will not be able to ascend to the higher dimensions (beyond dimension 11.5). The DNA of most people on this planet has already been mutated. That is why only 3-5 DNA strands are active instead of the 12-48 DNA strands (which used to be the norm for angelic human race).
This is hard to believe. There is a lot going on in this planetary system that people are not being made aware of.
The film opens with a rudimentary examination of the disease, including how it develops and spreads in the human body, and the damage it inflicts along the way. The filmmakers’ main focus lies in the three mainstays of modern cancer treatment – surgery, chemotherapy and radiation. Their points of view on each of these options are damning. Chemotherapy alone is a toxic compound that has been shown to produce severe illness, diminished immune system capabilities and cognition malfunction. Meanwhile, many suspect that prolonged exposure to radioactive therapies can inspire the same cancers they’re employed to treat. Are these really the best solutions we have at our disposal?
Leaders in the field of oncology over a hundred years ago prescribed a treatment regimen that was largely free of toxicity and heavily reliant upon nutritional value. The film contends that all of this changed when the wealthiest members of society began making sizable donations to medical universities in exchange for placement on their boards. The financial prospects of cancer treatment started to outweigh humanitarian concerns almost overnight, according to the film’s interview subjects. Drug companies prospered, the cost of additional treatment resources such as radium doubled many times over, research dollars were devoted to pharmaceutical endeavors instead of those aimed at finding a cure, critics within the medical community were discredited as “quacks”, and promising alternative therapies were never given an opportunity to succeed.

Russell L. Blaylock is an author and a retired U.S. neurosurgeon. Blaylock introduced a new treatment for a subset of brain tumors, as well as improving certain operations treating water on the brain.
No, you can have it all! Watch Making the Connection and decide for yourself.
Making the Connection is a new film which invites you on a journey – together with a chef, a farmer, an MP, an athlete, a dietitian, a poet.
Explores an exciting lifestyle which combines delicious, healthy food with tackling many of the global challenges facing us today.
Will you make the connection and become part of the solution?
Scientific studies prove Monsanto’s GM Foods and Roundup are both equally lethal, because both contain the same thing: Pesticide. The recent and long-term French study from the University of Caen found that eating genetically modified corn and consuming trace levels of Monsanto’s Roundup chemical fertilizer caused rats to develop horrifying tumors, widespread organ damage, and premature death. This study has been deemed “the most thorough research ever published into the health effects of GM food crops and the herbicide Roundup on rats.”
The study found: Up to 50% of males and 70% of females suffered premature death. Rats that drank trace amounts of Roundup (at levels legally allowed in the water supply) had a 200% to 300% increase in large tumors. Rats fed GM corn and traces of Roundup suffered severe organ damage including liver damage and kidney damage. The study fed these rats NK603, the Monsanto variety of GM corn that’s grown across North America and widely fed to animals and humans. This is the same corn that’s in your corn-based breakfast cereal, corn tortillas and corn snack chips.
The study caused Russia to ban imports of U.S. GM corn due to the cancer risk. France and most of Europe have effectively banned feeding GM crops to humans and Monsanto was found guilty of ‘chemical poisoning’ earlier this year. In the Unites States, one in two men and one in three women get cancer. What role does GM corn and soy play, which are common in most processed foods? Walmart sells GM corn to its customers without labeling it as such.
Russian biologist Alexey V. Surov, and his colleagues were determined to discover if Monsanto’s genetically modified soy, grown on 91% of US soybean fields, leads to problems in growth or reproduction. They found that after feeding hamsters for two years over three generations, those on the GM diet, and especially the group on the maximum GM soy diet, showed devastating results. By the third generation, most GM soy-fed hamsters lost the ability to have babies. They also suffered slower growth, and a high mortality rate among the pups. Scientific studies have linked Monsanto’s GM corn to organ failure. Other studies have linked GM foods to cancer. Monsanto’s GM-derived rBGH (which is a genetically-altered growth hormone given to dairy cows to make them more milk) was shown to increase the production of IGF-1 from 70-1000%. IGF-1 is a very powerful hormone that has been linked to a 2.5-4 times higher incidence of human colon, breast and prostate cancer.
Even Monsanto’s employees refuse to eat GM foods.
As the Health Ranger opined, GM foods appear to be the new Thalidomide, that morning sickness drug from the late 1950s that was quickly recalled for its deadly side effects.
it must also be noted that world famous researchers that expose the dangers of GM foods are routinely threatened, fired, ostracized and their findings denied by questionable “experts” with conflicts of interest. Studies proving GM food health risks are also routinely rejected by bought-and-paid-for government officials. Forks Over Knives ?v=d9n9XD6kyUQ
Earthlings: Year: 2005 narrated by Joaquin Phoenix, details the human use of animals in five specific areas: for food, clothing, entertainment, science, and as pets.
Director Shaun Monson uses hidden cameras to unveil the practices of puppy mills and pet stores, among other sites in which humans interact with animals in a for-profit manner. Monson attempts to expose human exploitation of animal abuse in what many consider to be sights from everyday life.
Earthlings does not shy away from grotesque imagery to detail how human dependency on animals can lead to abusive practices. The film, directed and produced by vegans, attempts to raise awareness of inhumane animal treatment by comparing such practices to human exploitation, such as sexism and racism.
BLACKFISH DOCUMENTAL The documentary focuses on Tilikum, an orca that was involved in the death of three people over two decades, and the suffering to which are exposed such large and intelligent animals to be separated from their family groups and kept in captivity..
The story of Tilikum begins with his capture on the coast of Iceland in 1983 at the age of two, the harassment he suffered from his fellow captives and the years he spent locked up to 14 hours a day in small tanks and without light, which , According to the marine biologists consulted in the film, is the probable origin of its psychopathy and aggressiveness..
The film relates, among other things, the death of the Spanish caretaker Alexis Martinez, who died during a training with an orca in Tenerife when he was 29 years old, suffering numerous injuries.
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-Suzanne Somers, actress and author“This film will transform the way you think about your health and inspire you to take control.”
-Dr. Julian Whitaker, M.D., Air America Radio
-Andreas Moritz, author
Crazy Sexy CancerIn 2003, when I was a 31-year-old actress/photographer, I was diagnosed with a rare and incurable cancer. Weeks later I began filming my story. Taking a seemingly tragic situation and turning it into a creative expression, I share my cancer documentary of survival with courage, strength and lots of humor.
With experimental treatment as my only option, I became determined to find answers where there were none. Traveling throughout the country interviewing experts in alternative medicine, I dove head first into a fascinating and often hilarious holistic world. Along the way, I met other vivacious young women determined to become survivors and included them in my cancer documentary. Their stories are as poignant and exciting as the women who tell them. As my journey progressed, I realized that healing is about truly living rather than fighting.
Crazy Sexy Cancer is more than a thought provoking documentary, it’s an attitude! It’s about rising to the challenge of life and turning lemons into champagne.
Crazy Sexy Cancer is an irreverent and uplifting documentary about a young woman looking for a cure and finding her life. Weeks after she was diagnosed, filmmaker Kris Carr began documenting her story. Taking a seemingly tragic situation and turning it into a creative expression, Kris shares her inspirational story of survival with honesty, courage, and lots of humor. Crazy Sexy Cancer is more than a film, it’s an attitude! It’s about rising to the challenge of life, and no matter what, refusing to give up who you are at your core. This story is as funny as it is frightening, as joyous as it is outrageous. Ultimately, Crazy Sexy Cancer is a thought provoking film about friendship, love and growing up.
Published on Feb 28, 2016
Food As Medicine | How Diet Prevents and Treats Common Diseases | Educational Documentary Films
Medical foods are foods that are specially formulated and intended for the dietary management of a disease that has distinctive nutritional needs that cannot be met by normal diet alone. They were defined in the Food and Drug Administration’s 1988 Orphan Drug Act Amendments[1] and are subject to the general food and safety labeling requirements of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act.
Medical foods are distinct from the broader category of foods for special dietary use and from traditional foods that bear a health claim. In order to be considered a medical food the product must, at a minimum: be a food for oral ingestion or tube feeding (nasogastric tube) be labeled for the dietary management of a specific medical disorder, disease or condition for which there are distinctive nutritional requirements, and
be intended to be used under medical supervision.
Medical foods can be classified into the following categories:
Nutritionally complete formulas
Nutritionally incomplete formulas
Formulas for metabolic disorders
Oral rehydration products
v=qgZrWlLE_g0 Global Warming Documentary: MEAT THE TRUTHGlobal warming documentary: THE real cause of climate change? How to stop global warming? This extraordinary movie made by the Nicolaas G. Pierson Foundation from Holland shows us the whole and bitter truth about the influence of the meat industry on our climate and on the devastation of our environment, water and air.Fat Sick & Nearly Dead
100 pounds overweight, loaded up on steroids and suffering from a debilitating autoimmune disease, Joe Cross is at the end of his rope and the end of his hope. In the mirror he saw a 310lb man whose gut was bigger than a beach ball and a path laid out before him that wouldn’t end well— with one foot already in the grave, the other wasn’t far behind. FAT, SICK & NEARLY DEAD is an inspiring film that chronicles Joe’s personal mission to regain his health.
With doctors and conventional medicines unable to help long- term, Joe turns to the only option left, the body’s ability to heal itself. He trades in the junk food and hits the road with juicer and generator in tow, vowing only to drink fresh fruit and vegetable juice for the next 60 days. Across 3,000 miles Joe has one goal in mind: To get off his pills and achieve a balanced lifestyle.
While talking to more than 500 Americans about food, health and longevity, it’s at a truck stop in Arizona where Joe meets a truck driver who suffers from the same rare condition. Phil Staples is morbidly obese weighing in at 429 lbs; a cheeseburger away from a heart-attack. As Joe is recovering his health, Phil begins his own epic journey to get well.
What emerges is nothing short of amazing – an inspiring tale of healing and human connection.
Part road trip, part self-help manifesto, FAT, SICK & NEARLY DEAD defies the traditional documentary format to present an unconventional and uplifting story of two men from different worlds who each realize that the only person who can save them is themselves. Vaxxed: From Cover-Up to Catastrophe | Conspiracy CultureVaxxed is an investigation by Dr Andrew Wakefield into how the CDC (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention), the government agency charged with protecting the health of our citizens, concealed and destroyed data in their 2004 study that showed a link between the MMR vaccine and autism. This alarming deception has contributed to the skyrocketing increase of autism, potentially the most catastrophic epidemic of our lifetime. Silent Epidemic – The Untold Story of Vaccines [Movie]
Silent Epidemic, by award winning film director Gary Null, is the first documentary to investigate thoroughly the true medical record and the historical evidence about vaccine marvels. Conventional medicine has herald the invention of vaccines as a miracle of modern science. It claims that vaccines have been proven to prevent and eradicate infectious diseases. We are told that vaccines are safe and effective, and that “herd immunity” can be achieved if a high percentage of a population is vaccinated. However, does the science support these claims and what are the untold consequences?
The World According to Monsanto (FULL LENGTH)
There’s nothing they are leaving untouched: the mustard, the okra, the bringe oil, the rice, the cauliflower. Once they have established the norm: that seed can be owned as their property, royalties can be collected. We will depend on them for every seed we grow of every crop we grow. If they control seed, they control food, they know it — it’s strategic.
urces/movies-to-watch-gmo-and- more/ King Corn
King Corn is a feature documentary about two friends, one acre of corn, and the subsidized crop that drives our fast-food nation. In the film, Ian Cheney and Curt Ellis, best friends from college on the east coast, move to the heartland to learn where their food comes from. With the help of friendly neighbors, genetically modified seeds, and powerful herbicides, they plant and grow a bumper crop of America’s most-productive, most-subsidized grain on one acre of Iowa soil. But when they try to follow their pile of corn into the food system, what they find raises troubling questions about how we eat—and how we farm.
v=ImAt4uJSDBs eo/xx728t_king-corn-en_lifesty le Food Beware: The French Organic Revolution
For the first time ever, our children are growing up less healthy than we are. As the rate of cancer, infertility and other illnesses linked to environmental factors climbs ever upward each year, we must ask ourselves: why is this happening?
Food Beware begins with a visit to a small village in France, where the town’s mayor has decided to make the school lunch menu organic and locally grown. It then talks to a wide variety of people with differing perspectives to find common ground – children, parents, teachers, health care workers, farmers, elected officials, scientists, researchers and the victims of illnesses themselves. Revealed in these moving and often surprising conversations are the abuses of the food industry, the competing interests of agrobusiness and public health, the challenges and rewards of safe food production, and the practical solutions that we can all take part in. Food Beware is food for thought – and a blueprint for a growing revolution.
urces/movies-to-watch-gmo-and- more/ Dirt! The Movie
DIRT! The Movie–narrated by Jaime Lee Curtis–brings to life the environmental, economic, social and political impact that the soil has. It shares the stories of experts from all over the world who study and are able to harness the beauty and power of a respectful and mutually beneficial relationship with soil.
But more than the film and the lessons that it teaches, DIRT! The Movie is a call to action. “When humans arrived 2 million years ago, everything changed for dirt. And from that moment on, the fate of dirt and humans has been intimately linked.”
How can you affect that relationship for the better?
Numen: The Nature of Plants
A primary objective of Numen is to bring the same awareness to medicine and the medical industry that the organic food movement has brought to food and the food industry. The film presents a sobering view of conventional healthcare and the dangers of environmental insults, as well as a vision of safe, effective and sustainable medicine. It offers stories about how individuals have improved their own health and well-being and provides concrete steps for viewers to do so as well.
Most broadly, the film encourages viewers to think deeply about the sources of their medicine and how their healthcare choices affect themselves and the larger web of life. It inspires us all to deepen our relationship with the natural world and reminds us of the healing made possible by re-embracing our place in the wider web of life. Hungry for changeExposes shocking secrets the diet, weight loss and food industry don’t want you to know about; deceptive strategies designed to keep you coming back for more. Find out what’s keeping you from having the body and health you deserve and how to escape the diet trap forever.
Featuring interviews with best selling health authors and leading medical experts plus real life transformational stories with those who know what it’s like to be sick and overweight. Learn from those who have been there before and continue your health journey today.
Young body-obsessed Brits turn the cameras on themselves. Diving beneath the surface of Britain’s body confidence crisis, this film follows up to 30 young people who are unhappy with their appearance as they attempt to transform their bodies and their lives forever.
Using handheld cameras, the diverse characters from across Britain film their extraordinary journeys over six months. From extreme weight loss surgery to boob jobs and hair transplants, they take us with them on the roller-coaster ride of anxiety, emotion, excitement and pressure they experience on their quest for perfection. This is the real story of body-obsessed Britain, told through their eyes
[27.07.2014: Some music audio has been cut from the programme in order to not infringe copyrights and therefore to make it available to more people again].
Hungry for Change
Food, Inc.
In Food, Inc., filmmaker Robert Kenner lifts the veil on our nation’s food industry, exposing the highly mechanized underbelly that has been hidden from the American consumer with the consent of our government’s regulatory agencies, USDA and FDA. Our nation’s food supply is now controlled by a handful of corporations that often put profit ahead of consumer health, the livelihood of the American farmer, the safety of workers and our own environment. We have bigger-breasted chickens, the perfect pork chop, herbicide-resistant soybean seeds, even tomatoes that won’t go bad, but we also have new strains of E. coli—the harmful bacteria that causes illness for an estimated 73,000 Americans annually. We are riddled with widespread obesity, particularly among children, and an epidemic level of diabetes among adults.
Featuring interviews with such experts as Eric Schlosser (Fast Food Nation), Michael Pollan (The Omnivore’s Dilemma, In Defense of Food: An Eater’s Manifesto) along with forward thinking social entrepreneurs like Stonyfield’s Gary Hirshberg and Polyface Farms’ Joel Salatin, Food, Inc. reveals surprising—and often shocking truths—about what we eat, how it’s produced, who we have become as a nation and where we are going from here. Top Documentary Films: Curing Cancer Full Film
Getting diagnosed with cancer is a very scary thing. Even though treatment for the disease has come a long way in the last 50 years, it is still one of the deadliest diseases humans face. One of the first choices they have to make is how they want to treat it when patients are diagnosed of cancer. They work with their doctors to determine the best way to beat the disease. Here is a guide to cancer treatments such as breast, lung and prostate cancer treatment.
Chemotherapy is one of the most important medical developments of the last century. It is one of the most popular lung, bone and prostate cancer treatments. During these treatments, patients are hooked up to an IV that delivers poisonous chemicals into their bloodstreams. This poison will hopefully cure the disease by killing the cancer cells with its toxicity. That same poison also kills healthy cells in patients. That is why patients receiving chemotherapy get so sick, lose their hair and feel pain while they are undergoing treatment.
Radiation Therapy
Radiation therapy works on the same basic principle as chemotherapy. It uses a harmful thing, in this case radiation, in the hopes of killing the tumor without harming the patient too greatly. Doctors use radiation-emitting devices to target radiation directly at the spot where the tumor is. The radiation will kill the cancer cells, but it also will kill healthy cells. This leads to many of the same horrible side effects that chemotherapy patients suffer, including vomiting, lack of energy and weakness. Also, radiation can only be used if the disease is localized to one area of the body. Radiation therapy is ineffective to cure cancer if it has spread at all.
This is another popular form of treatment. It is a good option when the patient has a tumor that has not spread beyond one area of the body. Doctors cut into the body to remove the tumor. This procedure carries the risks that all surgeries do, but it does not lead to the horrible side effects that chemotherapy and radiation therapy cause.
Treatment with Nutrition
Cancer can both be prevented and treated with a healthy diet. There are substances in many foods called antioxidants. These antioxidants are very effective at eliminating rogue cells in the body. Rogue cells are abnormal cells that do not belong in the body, which includes cancer cells. There are many foods that are very high in antioxidants.
These foods include blueberries, pomegranates, beans, cranberries, blackberries, apples, pecans, strawberries and prunes. Though they can’t always cure cancer, they almost always help in the fight to beat the affliction. These antioxidant-laden foods should be consumed in large quantities by people who are healthy to help them avoid developing the disease.
v=F30k-hg6jaw Cut Poison BurnCut Poison Burn is a controversial, eye opening, and sometimes heartbreaking documentary that puts the business of cancer treatment under the microscope. Follow the frustrating journeys of critically ill cancer patients as they try to navigate the confusing and dangerous maze of treatment and encounter formidable obstacles in the “cancer industrial complex.” A compelling critique of the influence of medical monopolies, the power of pharmaceutical companies and government agencies, Cut Poison Burn is essential viewing for anyone and everyone touched by cancer.
“The Navarros’ story is a heartbreaking but important one, so I hope you will take the time to watch the film in its entirety, to understand what could happen to you, should you ever be placed in a similar circumstance.”
-poison-burn Cancer Treatment Documentary: Conventional vs Natural [2013]
Cancer Treatment Documentary – Exploring the difference between conventional treatment of cancer versus natural/alternative treatment. We compare the use of natural medicine versus the use of chemotherapy and radiation. Also discussed is the alternative treatments themselves, their benefits, as well as cancer survivors that were able to successfully treat their cancer naturally, without side effects or any other negative results.
v=81XfmhKV2BI Cancer: The Forbidden Cures
All the successful cures against cancer discovered in the last 100 years, and the reasons why they were suppressed.
Cancer is the only disease that has been defeated dozens of times without anyone knowing it. In the last 100 years, dozens of doctors, scientists, and researchers have developed diverse and effective solutions against cancer only to be thwarted by the political and propaganda power of the drug-dominated medical profession. This is the story of Essiac, Hoxsey, Laetrile, Shark Cartilage, Mistletoe, and Bicarbonate of Soda all put together in a stunning overview that leaves no doubt that inexpensive cures for cancer do exist but are systematically blocked by Big Pharma because they come from nature and cannot be patented.
/cancer-forbidden-cures/ The Vital Force has been known as Chi, Qi, Prana, Pneuma, Sekhem, Chu’lel among many other names by all prominent ancient civilizations and their own forms of traditional medicine.
They acknowledged this mysterious and important entity as the base for homeostasis and well being of the person.
Filmed in the beautiful Australia, ‘Vital Force’ covers topics that affect everyone who is concerned about having a healthy lifestyle and minimize harm to our planet’s ecosystems.
This documentary has been created by Carlos Urdiales Salazar and Lifematters Productions to spread awareness about the dangers of modern food and their non-sustainable practices, and offer clear and powerful options and solutions. Listen what the experts on many fields of traditional medicine and nutrition have to say about the state of affairs of the health care system, nutrition and your wellbeing.
‘Let thy Food be thy Medicine, and thy Medicine be thy Food’ — Hippocrates
/featured-documentaries.html Pink Ribbons, Inc.
The ubiquitous pink ribbons of breast cancer philanthropy – and the hand-in-hand marketing of brands and products associated with that philanthropy — permeates our culture, providing assurance that we are engaged in a successful battle against this insidious disease. But the campaign obscures the reality and facts of breast cancer – more and more women are diagnosed with breast cancer every year, and face the same treatment options they did 40 years ago. Yet women are also the most influential market group, buying 80 percent of consumer products and making most major household purchasing decisions. So then who really benefits from the pink ribbon campaigns — the cause or the company? And what if the very companies and products that profit from their association have actually contributed to the problem?
In showing the real story of breast cancer and the lives of those who fight it, Pink Ribbons, Inc. reveals the co-opting of what marketing experts have labeled a “dream cause.”
v=OOk3cJKAsDQ The Gerson Miracle
The Gerson Miracle examines many of the elements of the Gerson Therapy, explaining why we are so ill and how we have in our grasp the power to recover our health without expensive, toxic or mutilating treatments, using the restorative forces of our own immune systems.
Even the most advanced cases of cancer can be successfully reversed using this method. While the results seem miraculous, the real “miracle” lies within our own body and its healing processes.
In this documentary from filmmaker Steve Kroschel, noted MD Max Gerson reveals a nutritional healing treatment that he claims can restore the body’s ability to fight off cancer and numerous other degenerative diseases.The testimonies of a few “incurable” cancer patients highlight why this long-term cure could be much more effective than many of Dr. Gerson’s critics may care to admit.
v=Rj8JoJXP9dI Big Sugar: Sweet White and Deadly
Big Sugar explores the dark history and modern power of the world’s reigning sugar cartels.
Using dramatic reenactments, it reveals how sugar was at the heart of slavery in the West Indies in the 18th century, while showing how present-day consumers are slaves to a sugar-based diet.
Going undercover, Big Sugar witnesses the appalling working conditions on plantations in the Dominican Republic, where Haitian cane cutters live like slaves.
Workers who live on Central Romano, a Fanjul-owned plantation, go hungry while working 12-hour days to earn $2 (US).Full documentary below.
v=8hcAjyOFX1M the worlds best diet Fed Up – 2014Everything we’ve been told about food and exercise for the past 30 years is dead wrong. FED UP is the film the food industry doesn’t want you to see. From Katie Couric, Laurie David (Oscar winning producer of AN INCONVENIENT TRUTH) and director Stephanie Soechtig, FED UP will change the way you eat forever.
v=yaAQRfxpSjI Fresh The Movie
The underground documentary that became a massive grassroots success, FRESH is the embodiment of the good food movement.
FRESH outlines the vicious cycle of our current food production methods, while celebrating the farmers, thinkers and business people around America who are reinventing our food system, from Will Allen, a basketball player and former executive turned urban farmer, to Joel Salatin, a poetic prophet of the fields, who tells us: “We can raise everything we need without any of the industrial food system.” Director Ana Joanes takes her camera coast to coast and explores the lives of amazing Americans who are redefining the way we eat and how we live. Both an enlightening documentary and a stirring call to action, FRESH transforms the way we look at food.
fresh-full-movie-online-free-5 2406
Jimmy’s GM Food Fight
Jimmy Doherty, pig farmer, one-time scientist and poster-boy for sustainable food production is on a mission to find out if GM crops really can feed the world. We need to double the amount of food we produce in the…
Pharmacist and Natural Health Consultant Niraj Naik MPharm attempts to give cholesterol, a substance found in every human being, a fair trial, as it has for many years been accused of causing heart disease. After many years of research during his work as a pharmacist he felt there was something not quite right with the hypothesis that high cholesterol and saturated fat leads to heart disease. Due to the enormous number of side effects his patients were suffering from after using the blockbuster heart drugs, statins, he was further motivated to seek alternatives to help them.His work uncovers the ugly truth that the perhaps the current cholesterol hypothesis is a blatant lie, with the truth about what really causes heart disease being hidden from the public for the benefit of corporate profit.Part 1: Niraj shows the evidence from both sides, so you can make an informed decision on whether or not cholesterol is to blame for the cause of heart disease. 2: Niraj explains the new and probably more likely hypothesis for what really causes heart disease. Unfortunately it is more complex than the culprit being a single molecule, allowing a drug to be designed to alter its function or levels in the blood. Instead a more holistic and natural treatment is necessary for the prevention of heart disease, and some options are revealed that are completely drug and side effect free with compelling evidence to support that backs them.
Plant Pure Nation
Forks over KnivesTwo out of every three of us are overweight. Cases of diabetes are exploding, especially amongst our younger population. About half of us are taking at least one prescription drug. Major medical operations have become routine, helping to drive health care costs to astronomical levels. Heart disease, cancer and stroke are the country’s three leading causes of death, even though billions are spent each year to “battle” these very conditions. Millions suffer from a host of other degenerative diseases.
Could it be there’s a single solution to all of these problems? A solution so comprehensive, but so straightforward, that it’s mind-boggling that more of us haven’t taken it seriously?
The Beautiful Truth: The World’s Simplest Cure for Cancer
Raised on a wildlife reserve in Alaska, 15-year old Garrett was interested in the dietary habits of their animals.
After the tragic death of his mother, Garrett s father decided to home-school his son and assigned a book written by Dr. Max Gerson that proposes a direct link between diet and a cure for cancer.
Fascinated, Garrett embarks on a cross-country road trip to investigate The Gerson Therapy. He meets with scientists, doctors and cancer survivors who reveal how it is in the best interest of the multi-billion dollar medical industry to dismiss the notion of alternative and natural cures.
Dr. Michael Greger has scoured the world’s scholarly literature on clinical nutrition and developed this new presentation based on the latest in cutting edge research exploring the role diet may play in preventing, arresting, and even reversing some of our most feared causes of death and disability.
Obesity in America has reached a crisis point. Two out of every three Americans are overweight, one out of every three is obese. One in three are expected to have diabetes by 2050.
Minorities have been even more profoundly affected. African-Americans have a 50 per cent higher prevalence of obesity and Hispanics 25 per cent higher when compared with whites.
How did the situation get so out of hand?
On this week’s episode of Fault Lines, Josh Rushing explores the world of cheap food for Americans living at the margins.
What opportunities do people have to eat healthy? Who is responsible for food deserts and processed food in American schools?
a product is approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and composed of natural ingredients, would you assume it is safe to consume?
If the same product is an artificial sweetener, would you assume it helps control your weight?
Millions of people use aspartame, the artificial sweetener known as NutraSweet, with these assumptions in mind.
Aspartame can be found in thousands of products such as:
instant breakfasts
breath mints
sugar-free chewing gum
cocoa mixes
coffee beverages
frozen desserts
gelatin desserts
juice beverages
milk drinks
pharmaceuticals and supplements, including over-the-counter medicines
shake mixes
soft drinks
tabletop sweeteners
tea beverages
instant teas and coffees
topping mixes
wine coolers
However, aspartame’s tainted history of approval and potentially toxic ingredients cast serious doubt on the safety of this sugar substitute. Furthermore, aspartame may actually increase your appetite (Farber 52).
While the FDA approval may signal the green light for safe consumption, 85 percent of all complaints registered with the FDA are for adverse reactions to aspartame, including five reported deaths. A closer look at the unscientific studies, suspicious approval methods, and its harmful ingredients, reveal the hidden dangers of this artificial sweetener. In reality, aspartame poses a public health threat.
Raw for 30 Days. Reverse Diabetes naturally.
Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days is an independent documentary film that chronicles six Americans with ‘incurable’ diabetes switching their diet and getting off insulin. Simply Raw: Reversing Diabetes in 30 Days – DVD Wholesale Pricing
The film follows each participant’s remarkable journey and captures the medical, physical, and emotional transformations brought on by this diet and lifestyle change. We witness moments of struggle, support, and hope as what is revealed, with startling clarity, is that diet can reverse diabetes* and change lives.
Dying To Have Known
Master filmmaker Steve Kroschel, intrigued by a stunning statement from his last documentary, sets out to find hard evidence of the effectiveness of the Gerson Therapy, a long-suppressed natural cancer cure. His travels take him across both the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans, from upstate New York to San Diego to Alaska, from Japan and Holland to Spain and Mexico. In the end, he presents the testimony of patients, scientists, surgeons and nutritionists who testify to the effectiveness of the Gerson Therapy in curing cancer and other degenerative diseases, and show the hard scientific evidence to back up their claims. The question that remains is, “Why is this powerful curative therapy still suppressed, more than 75 years after it was clearly proven to cure degenerative disease?”In his film, Mr. Kroschel interviews top nutritional and agricultural experts, two surgeons, a Japanese medical school professor who cured himself of liver cancer over 15 years ago, a lymphoma patient who was diagnosed as “terminal” over 50 years ago, as well as noted critics of this world-renowned healing method who dismiss it out of hand as “pure quackery”. The viewer is left to decide for himself which is the truth.
Cowspiracy: The Sustainability Secret is a groundbreaking feature-length environmental documentary following intrepid filmmaker Kip Andersen as he uncovers the most destructive industry facing the planet today – and investigates why the world’s leading environmental organizations are too afraid to talk about it.
Animal agriculture is the leading cause of deforestation, water consumption and pollution, is responsible for more greenhouse gases than the transportation industry, and is a primary driver of rainforest destruction, species extinction, habitat loss, topsoil erosion, ocean “dead zones,” and virtually every other environmental ill. Yet it goes on, almost entirely unchallenged.
As Andersen approaches leaders in the environmental movement, he increasingly uncovers what appears to be an intentional refusal to discuss the issue of animal agriculture, while industry whistleblowers and watchdogs warn him of the risks to his freedom and even his life if he dares to persist.
As eye-opening as Blackfish and as inspiring as An Inconvenient Truth, this shocking yet humorous documentary reveals the absolutely devastating environmental impact large-scale factory farming has on our planet, and offers a path to global sustainability for a growing population.
Preview Top Six Must Watch Vegan Documentaries!

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