The Man Behind the Curtain

1I read a book on Soros. He has people on the inside. – Search (

2I read a book on Soros. He has people on the inside. – Search (

It’s whoever got him elected when he had no accomplishments.

Barack Obama rented out D.C. office space in 2016, he’s still paying the rent there

Obama is definitely running things for the NeoNazis! All this hate…for the American People

He’s out to finish what he couldn’t do in his 8 years! #PrayForAmerica

During his presidency, he began the purge of the military and the establishment of Progressive Democrats throughout the federal bureaucracy. This group of unelected bureaucrats tied Trump up in court during his presidency, so he couldn’t address it. And when Biden came into office, it continued. It’s part of the Democrat’s plan to turn this country into a one-party dictatorship. All those illegal aliens have been let in for a reason, and the reason is to vote for Democrats. And those youthful military age immigrants to fight for their cause.

If Harris wins this election, and particularly if the Democrats retake the House and keep the Senate, then the republic will end, and the Democrat’s master plan will have won out. You will never see another true presidential race, because the Democrats will grant citizenship to the illegals, who vote between 60 and 70% Democrat, in order to keep the largess going. And the importing of Muslims & Illegals using Alejandro Mayorkas and Julian Castro (HUD), started with Obama in 2009 & continues to this day! NO ONE was paying attention to it during his reign!

MAGA PATRIOT TGM (TERI) on X: “Listen to Sheriff Boudreaux in California talk about the border.

 The Biden Administration lies, the Democratic Presidential Candidate lies, the California Governor lies. We aren’t safe. 
The video is 5 minutes long but worth your attention. Open Borders have consequences.” / X

At the very top of the pyramid, they all carry out orders from Samyaza and Azazel. It’s been this way for thousands of years, and they are the origin of the illuminati and secret societies. Fun fact: George Washington actually warns us about the illuminati. He wrote extensively about this, and if you look up his writings in the Library of Congress, they’re right there for everyone to see. Go to the site and see for yourself.
1. Uniparty > Rinos. Dems. Never Trumpers 2. Military Industrial Corporate Complex 3. K Street lobbyists – Wallstreet 4. Multinational Corporations 5. Chinese Money Reps 6. UN, WEF, World Bank, Soros, Bill Gates 7. 

When was the illuminati founded – Search ( This article is about the secret society. 

For the conspiracy theory, see New World Order (conspiracy theory). For other uses, see Illuminati (disambiguation).

Adam Weishaupt (1748–1830), founder of the Illuminati

The Illuminati (/əˌluːmɪˈnɑːti/; plural of Latin illuminatus, ‘enlightened’) is a name given to several groups, both real and fictitious. Historically, the name usually refers to the Bavarian Illuminati, an Enlightenment-era secret society founded on 1 May 1776 in Bavaria, today part of Germany. The society’s stated goals were to oppose superstitionobscurantism, religious influence over public life, and abuses of state power. “The order of the day,” they wrote in their general statutes, “is to put an end to the machinations of the purveyors of injustice, to control them without dominating them.”[1] The Illuminati—along with Freemasonry and other secret societies—were outlawed through edict by Charles Theodore, Elector of Bavaria, with the encouragement of the Catholic Church, in 1784, 1785, 1787 and 1790.[2] During subsequent years, the group was generally vilified by conservative and religious critics who claimed that the Illuminati continued underground and were responsible for the French Revolution.

It attracted literary men such as Johann Wolfgang von Goethe and Johann Gottfried Herder and the reigning Duke of Gotha and of Weimar.[3]

In subsequent use, “Illuminati” has been used when referring to various organisations which are alleged to be a continuation of the original Bavarian Illuminati (though these links have not been substantiated). These organisations have often been accused of conspiring to control world affairs, by masterminding events and planting agents in governments and corporations, in order to gain political power, influence and to establish a New World Order. Central to some of the more widely known and elaborate conspiracy theories, the Illuminati are depicted as lurking in the shadows and pulling the strings and levers of power. 

Modern Illuminati

Several present-day fraternal orders founded in 1982 claim to be descended from the original Bavarian Illuminati and openly use the name “Illuminati”. Some of these groups use a variation on the name “The Illuminati Order” in the name of their own organizations,[31] while others, such as Ordo Templi Orientis, have Epopt or Perfect Pontiff of the Illuminati as a grade within their organisation’s degree structure. However, there is no evidence that these present-day groups have any real connection to the historic order. They have not amassed significant political power or influence and most, rather than trying to remain secret, promote unsubstantiated links to the Bavarian Illuminati as a means of attracting membership.[22]

The Senior Executive Service. – Search ( Connect the dots… it is a tangled web

Interview with President Donald Trump on Rush Limbaugh | 10/9/20  

The shadow government, also referred to as cryptocracy, secret government, or invisible government, is a family of theories based on the notion that real and actual political power resides not only with publicly elected representatives but with private individuals who are exercising power behind the scenes, beyond the scrutiny of democratic institutions. According to this belief, the official elected government is subservient to the shadow government, which is the true

It’s FEMA [THE SHADOW GOVT] The Machine: – Search (

Who is the administrator of the FEMA? Administrator Deanne Criswell The Emergency Management and Technology Subcommittee maintains oversight of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), the Science and Technology Directorate (S&T), the Office of Countering Weapons of Mass Destruction (CWMD), and the Office of Health Security (OHS). 

Which department oversees FEMA? 

The Department of Homeland Security Who is in control of FEMA? 

The Secretary of Homeland Security. Alejandro Mayorkas. 

President Carter established the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) on April 1, 1979. [APRIL FOOLS] The joke was on us. 

Who founded DHS? President George W. Bush  established DHS by signing the Homeland Security Act of 2002. 

On March 1, 2003, 22 agencies unified under a single department. Carter. Bush 1&2. Clinton. Obama. 

And Kept the shadow govt[FEMA] going. FEMA lost power on March 1, 2024. Why do you think the cabal is pushing for WW3? They need another National Security Act passed. Because the US financial system is set to collapse by the end of this year or beginning fiscal 2025. That’s the “them, they” Biden always refers to.

THE BLACK BOX – Biden was CRAZY before he went CRAZY ( 


Nobody is accountable. That’s the rub.

That’s the machine.

It’s quite obvious we don’t have a president operating the White House.

I think it’s a committee of all of the above. And they are not scared of us.

All of the above. It’s a cult and it reminds me of the movie “Rosemary’s Baby”

where the evil people conspire and then it finally gets revealed.

Obama – sort of. He’s upper management but not the “big boss” – I am not sure who that is…

I think Soros is between Obama and the big boss. Does anyone really know?

I believe it’s all of them, but there are other characters I have read about.

There’s a book about the Committee of 300 that is very interesting.

Do a little more reading. Whitney Webb’s One Nation Under Blackmail is a great start.

I think it’s the unelected bureaucrats that hide in the shadows. Not subject to re-election. They’ve been running America for 28 of the past 32 years. They just CANNOT permit another four long years of Trump.

Well, you just listed the names of the real enemy within! These democrats are owned and have been for years!!!! The Democratic Party changed when George Soros bought them! Soon after, Obama was placed! And, You missed a few, such as Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Chuck Schumer and John Kerry!

I think probably all of those you mentioned are in cahoots. No doubt with others as well.

This shit I know about John Kerry, especially in Afghanistan will blow your mind! – Search (

What is interesting, how once back in power… they immediately destroyed Afghanistan without thought!

There was a reason for that!

Was all about them! They actually did, to hide their corruption within Afghanistan! Was not about getting out of Afghanistan as Trump wanted it!

Subscribe to  @MikeBenzCyber and join us on the livestream tonight. There is simply no one better than Benz on X when it comes to explaining how the Blob / Deep State really works.


Who’s Running The World Events It’s biblical. All has been gearing toward a one world order and government to set the stage for Antichrist. All 

@realDonaldTrump did mess up their agenda and timing by becoming a praying Christian instead of a phony one. I never was into this conspiracy theory stuff when I heard someone say Soros. I scrolled past or turned it off.
But I have seen the reality of him being the source worldwide. He was taught by WHO, I don’t know. But Satan‘s plan and attack went full speed ahead in 1948 when Israel became a nation, the United States declared Israel a nation, and the UN began. All serious precursors to the tribulation, and then the return of Christ.

These 10 Companies Control Everything We Eat and Drink – Search Images (

John Stuart Mill (20 May 1806 – 7 May 1873)[1] was an English philosopher, political economist, politician and civil servant. One of the most influential thinkers in the history of liberalism, he contributed widely to social theory, political theory, and political economy. Dubbed “the most influential English-speaking philosopher of the nineteenth century” by the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy,[2] he conceived of liberty as justifying the freedom of the individual in opposition to unlimited state and social control.

The unelected SES employees, other unelected bureaucrats and they’re all taking their orders from WEF. – Search (

Follow the money! Top of the food chain, Scott. Who owns these trillion dollar conglomerates? It sounds cliche but it’s the bankers! Making money out of thin air to use against us and buy up all of our real assets!  



How did we ever allow this???? Can you just imagine another 4-years of this?!?!?!?!

Why hasn’t our military gone in and taken the regime out of the White House? They are putting the American people in danger. That is a safety violation. By all means there has to be a law there that the military can do that with if so, that needs to be done as soon as possible.

He’s right and everyone knows it – The American people have been purposefully put in harm’s way thanks to Dems by allowing the invasion of our borders – The Dem Party – the UN – and the NGOs who are facilitating this invasion all need to be held accountable not only for the invasion but for the deaths they have caused – It didn’t have to be this way – All the Dems had to do was keep Trump’s policies in place for us to remain safe. 

Seems the Dem mission is to destroy our economy – our Constitution – our traditions and our very way of life.

This is true. It is also true that the %age of Americans who know this is in the 50’s (most likely)%!  We should ALL recognize the kind of trouble we are ALL in. This trouble is here to stay no matter what happens. I say to you my fellow brothers and sisters. Brace yourself!!!

This is Kamala Harris’s America. 

She will destroy it until there is nothing left to destroy. This is the American Democracy that won’t work. They all have gone completely mad. It’s like a movie called lunatics gone wild. It’s crazy and beyond insane what they are doing!

The people of America are living in danger every day. Innocent victims all at her own hand allowing these people into our country. She will take our 2A like she stole the 1A. Then we will be unable to defend ourselves.

I ask you, who in the hell would ever consider allowing illegals, undocumented illegals or immigrants or just Anyone who is not a citizen of the United States to Vote for anything ever including best dog catcher of the year, period? Create a crisis nationally, then comes the communist, tyrannical solution all cloaked in kindness. Who Who Who!!!

(1) Freedom Fighters Unlimited on X: “CHRISTOPHER WRAY AND CLYDE TOLSON LIED TO CONGRESS ABOUT THE LONE WOLF CROOKS AND 8 SHELL CASINGS. Why are Republicans so naïve and believe them? The FFU (Freedom Fighters Unlimited) has indisputable evidence they lied. We challenge everyone/anyone to prove us wrong. We Dare” / X

The Red Clay Strays – Wondering Why 

(Official Lyric Video) Bing Videos


PROOF Crooks didn’t fire 8 shots.

Forensic Analysis shows two distinct different audios circulated  from Trump’s Butler Rally of shots being fired.

Live broadcast audio showing 9 shots total fired. FBI returned confiscated cell phones all with 10 shots total fired, and Crooks fired 8 shots.  This is total Propaganda.  Audio Forensics doesn’t lie, the Government does. Checkout our FFT Fast Fourier Transformation Audio Analysis.

I don’t think the FBI is going to give out that information.

I believe the people who shot the videos can remember the real shot fired.

It’s up to Congress to try. We have it on film that Dave Stewart surrendered his cellphone. Why is it that all the videos taken on the AGR side of the fence have the 10 shot version? Why is it that all the TV broadcast audios show only 9 total shots?
I hear 14 shots, not 10, on Dave’s audio. 

Dave video of the Trump shooting – Search / XAudacity sees that shot: Actually doing forensics on any of the video on the AGR side of the fence is like going down rabbit holes.

There are two versions of audio from the Butler event. The problem with Dave’s video is that it was confiscated by the FBI for two weeks.

So you can’t rely on it being authentic audio. 

Also it doesn’t match up with the live TV audio that is beyond doubt authentic audio. Dave’s audio is totally different. (1) Tracy Hines on X: “@FreedomFig95686 Thank you. We will not stop. It is all connected. The same people who created cov id, caused the summer of love, rigged 2020, and went after President Trump. Who is also controlling the WH. Using Ukraine that we paid to do this. Fight Fight Fight America is under attack.” / X

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The Jews that opened the Gates of Toledo | Judaism and Islam – 

comparing the similarities between Judaism and Islam (

Claudia Sheinbaum’s radical Jewish heritage | BY NOAH MAZER Jewish Voice for Labour

The Right attacked Mexican president-elect Claudia Sheinbaum for being a “Jewish foreigner” and communist during her campaign. 

Her grandfather and his brother, emigrants from Lithuania, were both of these things. Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo made history as Mexico’s first female president-elect, winning nearly 60 percent of the vote. The writing was on the wall from the beginning. The Mexican right, though, seemed to start out its campaign confident in victory. As the polls stubbornly continued to show Sheinbaum’s tremendous lead over Xóchitl Gálvez, the opposition coalition became obviously desperate.

Increasingly, the campaign by the Institutional Revolutionary Party (PRI), National Action Party (PAN), and Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) went negative, opting for personal attacks. Sheinbaum’s Jewish heritage was an obvious target, but the tack the Right took is striking: it tried using this fact to show that she was not actually Mexican. 

This idea actually predates the electoral campaign, with social media rumors that have spread since at least 2021 alleging that Sheinbaum, then mayor of Mexico City, was born in Europe and was therefore ineligible for the presidency. But it was presented most explicitly when former right-wing president Vicente Fox, who rode the #Resistance wave to a blip of US relevance early in Donald Trump’s presidency, went so far as to attack her as a “Bulgarian Jew” and a “Jewish foreigner.”

Sheinbaum’s Jewish heritage was an obvious target, but the tack the Right took is striking: they tried using it to show that she was not actually Mexican. Fox himself was only able to become president thanks to a 1990 constitutional reform that removed the requirement that presidents have two Mexican-born parents. Sheinbaum’s closest rival in the race for her party’s nomination, former foreign secretary Marcelo Ebrard, is also the grandchild of European immigrants, has two French last names, and actually lived in France from 2015 to 2017. So why is it Sheinbaum who is accused of being a foreigner?

Chone Sheinbaum’s Final Escape

In the meantime, the Jewish left in Mexico was experiencing a steep decline. Communists and Bundists fought bitterly throughout the 1940s, with their movements weakening and Zionism becoming the community’s dominant expression of ethnic activism by the ’50s. The fact that Claudia Sheinbaum today appears to be at least a non-Zionist — she condemned Israel’s assault on Gaza in 2009 and follows Los Otros Judíos, a page run by anti-Zionist Chilean Jews, on Twitter/X — could have something to do with her paternal family’s influence.

The fact that Claudia Sheinbaum today appears to be at least a non-Zionist could have something to do with her paternal family’s influence.

Though back in his party, the waves of repression that Chone Sheinbaum had lived through were not over. Throughout the 1950s, the PCM and other communist parties in Mexico endured a new onslaught by the governments of Miguel Alemán and Adolfo Ruiz Cortines, with communists frequently kidnapped, jailed, and purged from labor unions. In 1957, Chone himself became a victim of this violence. At this point a member of the State Committee of the PCM’s Jalisco branch, he was abducted by state agents and interrogated about his own activities and those of his twenty-four-year-old son Carlos, who had been the organizational secretary of the Communist Youth (FJCM) since he was nineteen.

Here the Adolfo Ruiz Cortines government turned to a particularly sinister tactic.

Perhaps inspired by the United States’ 1954 demand that Mexico extradite exiled Guatemalans who had fled their country after the coup against Jacobo Árbenz, the Mexican government attempted to hand him over to the Guatemalan military dictatorship. (There is some irony in the fact that, in October, his granddaughter will take the reins of the state that not only did this to him but that has in recent years deported thousands over the Mexico-Guatemala border.)

Transported to the southern border state of Chiapas, Chone was assigned a guide who would escort him overland to Guatemala and deliver him to the military junta. But again displaying the talent for survival he showed throughout his life, Sheinbaum managed to escape custody on the road and return to the capital of Chiapas. There he was recaptured but managed to get in touch with his wife and a lawyer. Probably given the blatant illegality of his deportation, he was freed, returning to Guadalajara.

Who Is Mexican?

Chone Sheinbaum died in Mexico City in 1989. He had outlived his party: the PCM was officially dissolved in 1981. Its last remnants were integrated into the Party of the Democratic Revolution (PRD) in 1987. Even if he was no longer an active militant, Chone would have been well aware of these developments — his granddaughter Claudia was married to one of the PRD’s founders, a fellow student leader.

With a family history like Claudia Sheinbaum’s, one might well wonder why the presidential candidate of a popular left party did not play up her political pedigree. She mentioned her parents’ participation in the 1968 student movement — what stronger way to prove her Mexicanness than to emphasize her generational ties to the nation’s historical left in their entirety?

With a family history like Claudia Sheinbaum’s, one might well wonder why the presidential candidate of a popular left party did not play up her political pedigree. From Sheinbaum and Morena’s point of view, the answer was probably simple: to emphasize her family background — whether in its recent immigrant, Jewish, or communist dimensions — would likely hurt rather than help her.

Anti-communism remains a staple discourse of the Mexican right, and the racial component of national identity that took shape in the 1930s endures. It does not help that the country’s small Jewish community is widely seen as a cloistered and conservative bourgeoisie. In this sense, neglecting to mention the Sheinbaum family’s Jewish-communist history could reflect a realistic reading of what the Mexican electorate finds acceptable in 2024.

But that careful trending also raises questions that echo from the time of Chone Sheinbaum’s militancy in the Mexican Communist Party. For anti-communists, a communist is by definition a foreigner. Unable to see how class struggle is born out of society’s own contradictions, reactionaries since Edmund Burke have hunted for the external agents and outside agitators who must be manipulating the mob. Communists, Jews, and migrants are one and the same in the anti-communist mind, all inherently foreign to the national body.

Today hundreds of thousands of foreigners are traversing Mexico. 

In 2023, the International Organization for Migration registered the record-setting figure of more than 782,000 irregular migratory events, up 77% from 2022 and part of a 132 percent increase since 2021. Most of these people are bound for the United States, but like Eastern European Jews in the ’20s, thousands of them will surely settle in Mexico. Historic Afro-Mexican and Asian Mexican communities tend to live in ethnic enclaves — how will national identity handle large numbers of residents who can be spotted as non-Mexican, either nationally or racially, living in places where they were previously invisible?

These questions have increasingly serious stakes.

Real estate speculation and gentrification are rampaging through Mexico City, Oaxaca, and other centers, with working people priced out and often physically thrown out of their homes at the behest of landlords and developers. A few weeks ago, Mexico City woke to find English-language posters in the historic center reading “Gringo go back to your country.

Mexico is for Mexicans, no one else.”

Many self-identified progressives nodded — it was only later that some realized that the same prints were part of a series of posters attacking migrants, Jews, Muslims, abortion, and gays, produced by Mexicans in Defense of the Nation (MDN). Who are they? Their social media shows a neo-Nazi group claiming the mantle of Revolutionary Mexicanist Action (RAM), the Gold Shirt fascists of the ‘30s.

Groups like MDN are marginal in Mexico, but if Morena’s answer to problems as critical as the housing question is half-hearted regulations on Airbnb (and in the absence of a popular movement advancing a strong structural analysis of gentrification), fascists posing as anti gentrification fighters may find more purchase for their ideas — and their answer to the question of who is Mexican is very clear.

In the 1930s, as the state shaped immigration policy to favor foreigners it thought would be most easily assimilable, the Mexican Communist Party actively incorporated “undesirable” foreigners into its ranks. It campaigned against fascist groups like the Pro-Race Committee, whose antisemitism the party recognized as a ploy to channel mass discontent away from capitalists and toward Jewish, Chinese, and Arab workers in Mexico. Can the militant potential of the thousands of migrants in Mexico today be activated by any of the country’s progressive forces? With millions of people on the move across the Global South today, the answer to that question will resonate far beyond Mexico’s (

The Jews that opened the Gates of Toledo

  • Judaism Islam

During the 7th and 8th centuries Iberia (Spain and Portugal), was a divided kingdom ruled by the Catholic Visigoths, the region was home to a Jewish minority who suffered intolerable persecution under these Christian rulers.

  • In 558 Ferreol, Bishop of Uzes ordered the Jews of his diocese to convert to Catholicism, those that didn’t abandon their faith were expelled from the region
  • In 694 Catholic bishops issued a decree that the Jews were traitors and should have their wealth confiscated and face perpetual slavery.
  • In 654 King Recceswinth of Toledo forbade Jews from keeping the Sabbath, dietary laws, marriage laws and circumcising their young
  • In 633 the Fourth Council of Toledo even described the Jews, who were allegedly proselytizing their beliefs, as “the Antichrist‟s ministers.”
  • In 633 the Fourth Council of Toledo declared that all Jews must be baptized.

In the spring of 711, a Muslim army invaded Iberia led by Tariq ibn Ziyad, serving the Arab governor Musa ibn Nusayr, at Guadalete they swiftly defeated Roderick (Luthariq) the Visigoth King and then marched northward to the Visigoth capital of Toledo. Both Latin and Arabic chroniclers record that the Jews of the city “opened the gates of Toledo” to Tariq, who conquered the city. With more cities to take, Tariq left Toledo and entrusted its protection to a garrison of Jewish soldiers, who had risen up against the Catholic Visigoths and opened the gates.

When Tariq’s master, Musa ibn Nusayr, arrived in Iberia with a large Arab force he seized Seville and like Tariq before him, he entrusted the city to its Jewish inhabitants until his return. Had the Jews of Iberia not been the victims of such continuous barbarity from their Christian neighbours it is unlikely they’d have turned on them, but with the Muslim invasion these oppressed people tasted a freedom they hadn’t for centuries. 

There is no greater example of Jewish and Muslim coexistence than al-Andalus, the Jews not only fought side by side with their Muslim cousins, but under the caliphates born out of the conquests the Jews lived as a free and protected people who were able reach the highest of positions in this new society.


Yet more evidence Donald Trump isn’t the one running the shadow presidency | CNN Politics

83 Bible Verses About Life, Purpose and Perspective (

It’s the same cast running the show with a series of puppet Presidents.
They hate Trump because he isn’t a puppet. Zionists run the world.
Zionist Occupation Government conspiracy theory – Wikipedia

Red pill intel drop #15:

Warning: some of these pills that I’ll be dropping for the foreseeable future. Will be a hard pill to swallow. Some would like to wait until the movie is over to get all of the Intel in 1 drop. If that is you or any other reason, feel free to ignore these threads. 

Who is in control of the U.S: For those who haven’t read my pill drop concerning the 2 Constitutions 1776, and The Act of 1871. – Search ( do so. As I will not reiterate all of the Intel again for this pill drop. 

For summary purposes. The 1776 constitution is null and void. We are under the 1871 constitution ratified in 1877. – Search (

 If you remember all during Bidans presidency. He kept referring to ‘They. They don’t want me to do that.They don’t want me to say this. Even the fake media wanted to know who this ‘They, Biden keeps referring to? In 1978 President Carter. First enacted FEMA. In exec order 12127. – Search ( It reads in part: 

Executive Order 12148 was an executive order enacted by President Jimmy Carter on July 20, 1979, to transfer and reassign duties to the newly formed agency, known as the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), created by Executive Order 12127.

Executive Order 12148 was an executive order enacted by President Jimmy Carter on July 20, 1979, to transfer and reassign duties to the newly formed agency, known as the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA), created by Executive Order 12127

The order combined several federal agencies tasked with emergency preparedness and civil defense spread across the executive departments into a unified entity that was established as an independent agency, free of Cabinet interference, with authority as the lead federal agency in a presidentially-declared disaster.

The agency’s place within the governmental structure was changed on March 1, 2003, when FEMA became part of the Department of Homeland Security‘s Emergency Preparedness and Response Directorate.You also have the Continuity of Govt [COG].

Most particularly 1 and 2. It reads in part: Federal Continuity Directives 1 and 2 1- PURPOSE: This Federal Continuity Directive (FCD) provides direction to the Federal Executive Branch for developing continuity plans and programs. Continuity planning facilitates the performance of executive branch essential functions during all-hazards emergencies or other situations that may disrupt normal operations. 2- COGCON 2: Deployment of 50-75% of Emergency Relocation Group continuity staff to alternate locations. Establish their ability to conduct operations and prepare to perform their organization’s essential functions in the event of a catastrophic emergency. ___________________________ 

So, who the ‘They? FEMA FEMA is/was in control of our government.

And Biden was just a placeholder. A spokesperson on behalf of FEMA and COG. – Search ( 
It’s the reason our country is in the position it is in. Inflation. High energy prices, etc. Because the FEMA position is just to ensure basic governmental functions. Has no clue on how to effectively run a country. Their main job is to further dismantle the country to be taken over. In comes the Trump admin. Now he is just the spokesperson for Military Intelligence[MI]. His job was to provide distraction to FEMA, and the Zionist cabal. Until mil int has completed fully it’s operations[OPS] in taking down this cabal. 
At the same running the country effectively by bypassing COG ops. Which is precisely why Trump initiated strategic sets of exec orders. It reads in part: 

Executive Order 13848 Office of the Federal Register,  National Archives and Records Administration, Executive Order 13848-Imposing Certain Sanctions in the Event of Foreign Interference in a United States Election, govinfo, (September 12, 2018).

Executive Order 13912-National Emergency Authority To Order the Selected Reserve and Certain Members of the Individual Ready Reserve of the Armed Forces to Active Duty. Executive Order 13919— Ordering the Selected Reserve of the Armed Forces to Active Duty | The American Presidency Project.Apr 30, 2020. _____________________________ Lastly, Trump signed the National Emergencies act in March 2020.

This effectively and officially gave power of the presidency to FEMA. In which Biden kept continuing it until February of this year 2023. 

That order is now over. The Senate voted to end the NE 03.29.23. Thus, FEMA is no longer in control and on paper the U.S. has no leader. 

The precautionary executive orders Trump has made officially gave power to the U.S. MILITARY [MI].By Which Trump is that leader by way of the Constitution of 1776.Law of War Manual: – Search (

(3) WayneTech SPFX ® ️ on X: “Red pill intel drop #15: Warning: some of these pills that I’ll be dropping for the foreseeable future. Will be a hard pill to swallow. Some would like to wait until the movie is over to get all of the Intel in 1 drop. If that is you or any other” / X

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