According to research released by the World Cancer Research Fund (W.C.R.F.) simple changes in diet and exercise can prevent 40 percent of breast cancer and pancreatic cancers, 36 percent of lung cancers, over 60 percent of oral cancers, 25 percent of kidney cancer and 45% bowel cancers. Remarkably these results were achieved without any mention of the importance of vitamin D.
At the same time of getting regular exercise you can achieve your vitamin D by riding a bicycle, swimming or through aerobic walking in the sun’s energy. This energy you receive through the sun can bring you an abundance of health benefits. Also by adding vitamin D which has demostrated to prevent an astonishing 77 percent of all cancers and all these facts would prevent 90 percent of all cancer cases.
What this report didn’t mention was by eliminating cancer causing chemicals from the diet. Along with avoiding chemicals in personal care products and mammograms in favor of breast thermography, which offers accurate detection without the dangerous radiation. If you take lifestyle changes into account, while becoming more active and knowledgable of preventive nutrition ~ achieving 90 percent reduction in overall caner rates is quite achievable.
Because some cancers have a genetic link roughly only about 8% of all cancers which usually occur in younger patients. Therefore if you have a family member whom battled cancer doesn’t necessarily state you will. Actually it’s estimated only 5 to 10 percent of all cancers might be attributed to genetic predisposition. Thereby, even a women whose mother and grandmother had breast cancer can reduce their risk simply by changing lifestyle choices.
Throughout the world industralized countries have the highest cancer mortality rates. With 13 European countries, United States, Canada, Australia and New Zealand amongst the Top 16 countries for overall cancer rates. Due in part to better diagnostics, however, in wealthier populations which have a tendency to be more obese, consume more alcohol, smoke more cigarettes and get less exercise.
When you exercise, you naturally raise your body temperature and this is the reason you sweat. By raising your body temperature through this sweat you rid your body of any toxin build up. Which might explain why more and more people today inflicted with cancer because they spend alot of time in air conditioning as we age. Also by raising your body temperature using alot of energy during exercise, you actually give your body and mind more energy.
During the day you will be more productive and at night when your body cools down you will sleep better. Also with exercise long being known to effect your immune system, exercising regularly at moderate intensity for periods of up to a hour @ day. It’s long been known the number of immune cells circulating in the blood increases furthermore the effectiveness of those cells heighten, leading to a greater immune system killing ability. So Thrive Forward!!!!
Another benefit of exercise being it has numerous effects that assist the heart and circulation as well. These benefits include improving cholesterol and fat levels, reducing inflammation in the arteries, aiding weight loss and helping to keep blood vessels flexible and open. While also helping to strengthen the heart muscle — so the heart doesn’t have to work as hard, thereby, lowering blood pressure (sedentary people have a 35% greater risk of developing high blood pressure.)
People are usually healthier, in general, when they are surrounded by nature, aberrant magnetic fields, however, are dangerous. Thereby Geopathic Stress Zones are caused by electromagnetic fluctations or abnormal earth fields. Researchers in Germany have been shown that living in such zones…. is linked to higher than normal rates of cancer. I feel the sun’s energy and regular exercise gets your body back into synch of healthy living through the adverse affects of life.
Thirty Reasons To Take Up Cycling!!!!