Give Us Your Guns

Trump War Room on X: “Here’s Kamala calling mandatory gun confiscation “a great idea” she’d do by executive action within her “first 100 days.”″ / X

The current period in America certainly feels turbulent, but it’s not the first time the country has faced significant turmoil. One of the most notable periods of upheaval was 1968, which many historians consider one of the most turbulent years in modern U.S. history. This year saw the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy, widespread protests against the Vietnam War, and significant civil rights movements123.

Other periods of significant turmoil include the Great Depression in the 1930s, the Civil Rights Movement in the 1950s and 1960s, and the economic crises of the 1970s and 200845.

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How does present day America compares to the late 40 into 1950s – Search (

While today’s challenges are unique, history shows that the U.S. has faced and navigated through significant turmoil before. How do you feel about the current situation?

Stories of Reagan carrying a weapon at different points in his life have appeared in several books, including Garry Wills’ Reagan’s America: Innocents At Home and Edmund Morris’ Dutch: A Memoir of Ronald Reagan, both published 15 years ago.

Morris wrote that Reagan acquired a gun after college in the 1930s. “It is a fact … that RR did acquire a 1934 Walther PPK .380 pocket-sized police pistol early in his stay in Des Moines and kept it lovingly the rest of his life,” Morris wrote in a footnote in his book published in 2000, which used unusual narrative techniques for a historical work, including a fictional narrator. “He even toted it in his briefcase as President.”

Ronald Kessler’s In The President’s Secret Service, published in 2009, repeats a version of the story. During a campaign trip before becoming president, a Secret Service “agent noticed that [Reagan] was wearing a pistol and asked what that was for,” Kessler writes. “‘Well, just in case you guys can’t do the job, I can help out,’ Reagan replied. Reagan confided to one agent that on his first presidential trip to the Soviet Union in May 1988, he had carried a gun in his briefcase,” according to Kessler. ProvCast Episode 4: Reagan & the Soviet Collapse, 25 Years Later – Providence (


Would this have Not happened in today’s world? 

The Supreme Court has repeatedly reaffirmed the second amendment. 

Article V of the United States Constitution outlines the process by which the Constitution can be amended. Here’s the text of Article V: — **Article V** The Congress, whenever two thirds of both Houses shall deem it necessary, shall propose Amendments to this Constitution, or, on the Application of the Legislatures of two thirds of the several States, shall call a Convention for proposing Amendments, which, in either Case, shall be valid to all Intents and Purposes, as Part of this Constitution, when ratified by the Legislatures of three fourths of the several States, or by Conventions in three fourths thereof, as the one or the other Mode of Ratification may be proposed by the Congress; Provided that no Amendment which may be made prior to the Year One thousand eight hundred and eight shall in any Manner affect the first and fourth Clauses in the Ninth Section of the first Article; and that no State, without its Consent, shall be deprived of its equal Suffrage in the Senate. —

**Key Points from Article V:** – **Proposal of Amendments:** – By **Congress:**

Two-thirds of both the Senate and House of Representatives can propose amendments. – By **Constitutional Convention:** If two-thirds of state legislatures apply, Congress must call a convention for proposing amendments. – **Ratification of Amendments:** – By **State Legislatures:** Three-fourths of the state legislatures must ratify the proposed amendment. – By **State Ratifying Conventions:** Alternatively, three-fourths of states can ratify through conventions if Congress so specifies. – **Limitations:** – Amendments could not affect the slave trade before 1808 (now obsolete). – No state can be deprived of its equal representation in the Senate without its consent. This article ensures that any change to the Constitution requires significant consensus across both federal and state levels, making amendments a serious and considered process.


Perhaps we should make yard signs with her face and the quote about eliminating guns in the first 100 days. There are many gun owners who don’t vote but would definitely vote for Trump on this one single issue. We need to be fully prepared to fight back and ELECT DONALD J. TRUMP   

I hope that it doesn’t come to that, but then again we are still paying income tax, which was never ratified by the senate. This has been going on since 1912. They’ve intentionally opened our borders allowing 15 MILLION unvetted people to HarrisWaltz in… (treason). 

They’ve weaponized our law enforcement agencies to go after political opponents…(banana republic), do you think they’re worried about some little Article in the constitution?!

Well said but you know 90% of the people don’t read the Constitution and they don’t understand what those words were written 248 years ago and they’re still true today.

They just took power over the people. 

That’s why we need to educate the ones who think everything the fake news says is gospel. When we lose the Supreme Court this will happen. I know Dems who support 2A you think criminals and the corrupt give a shi*t about us or laws? We’ll be sheeple to enslave and slaughter. Only if we let them. I think more people have seen the light since 2020. 



Is Biden’s plan to reform the supreme court, or bulldoze the constitution?
What do you think? 🤔

Was Kamala On Something During CNN Interview? w/ Matt Taibbi – YouTube

The constitution is just a piece of paper and those in power no longer care about it. The ONLY thing holding them back is how armed the law-abiding civilians are. So they will keep at it. The first ten amendments were voted in en toto. With the Constitution. They are not amenable separately. It breaks the Deal. These Rights are guaranteed in order for the document to be passed.

Without one the other is dead.

They already ripped apart free speech, the 1st amendment of the Constitution, with their bullshit Russian Disinformation, so they can attempt
to control everyone who disagrees with them. Now, they speak of a Mandatory Gun Buyback Program, which is Mandatory Gun Confiscation, ripping apart the 2nd amendment of the Constitution.
Gun confiscation will lead to a Civil War, during a time when a 3rd World War is the closest ever.A Civil War will allow other countries to easily take over other lands, like many communist Countries have been planning to do. No wonder we hear about depopulation from globalists, which the Democrats are happily aligning with. They really want to destroy America and all of its freedoms. Vote Trump to move us back inline with America and the freedoms it has always stood for, just as the Constitution had been written.




(1) RNC Research on X: “Kamala Harris admits she supports: — Raising taxes on 91% of Americans across every income bracket. — A higher business tax rate than socialist Venezuela. — Raising the death tax.” / X


This is such an important reminder of how our Constitution protects our rights and ensures thoughtful governance. The amendment process reflects the need for consensus and careful consideration. I hate to break it to you, but just because it is the law it still needs to be enforced!If the Garland DOJ is any indication, IT WILL NOT BE ENFORCED! Many people will die, but they have been preparing for this for many yearsIn my opinion! Communism is their goal, and this will be the final step!!!
I will Believe 🇺🇲 in the US of A to make the right decision 💓🤍💙 and follow the Constitution and the People’s 2A and all other rights given to this land by our Founding Fathers. 

The catch word is ” well regulated” any govt can regulate the right of the people to keep and bear arms … As it has become necessary to the security of a free state.”


How many times has our constitutional rights been infringed? 

Look at states like Illinois who without proper due process made many law-abiding citizens felons because they didn’t register their scary “assault weapons”.  If Kamala gets in there won’t be a constitution. You say that as if they ever cared what the constitution says. “If they are able to cheat her, the constitution doesn’t mean anything anymore, they will wipe it out like it never existed.’ 🙁

You think a piece of paper is going to stop people in power?

Step 1: Get Dems elected by any nefarious means. Step 2: Eliminate the filibuster. Step 3: Pack the SC w/enough liberal political hacks to make a majority. Step 4: Pass laws that violate our rights & the constitution.

 Suffer when SC ratifies the tyranny & corruption ruling act.

Opinion | Justices’ ‘Disturbing’ Ruling in South Carolina Gerrymandering Case,
The Constitution is considered an obstacle to the Left. If the Communists are elected (or cheat), they will seize power, and the Constitution will be mothballed. She’s talking about voiding the Second Amendment through executive order! Biden has already ignored the Supreme Court twice. 

Border and Student Loans. Kamala signed off on both. They will do it.

Wait until you see how those gangsters care for the law and the Constitution.

One huge problem, ALL people who bear arms are members of the state militia so can be called up at any time to serve.

That’s what the 2nd amendment means. Hope the gun holders are called up to serve in the army WITH NO Wages.

Background checks? They didn’t vet the illegals these Democrats opened our borders WIDE for! 

Millions and MILLIONS of illegal foreign military aged nationals left to roam our towns and cities. 

NO “Background Checks”! The Democrat leadership is the most hypocritical, anti American, imbeciles on the planet.

Start gun control ACTION w/Venezuelan prison gangs who get theirs by robbing gun stores. 

And anti-2A inner cities where any 12 yr old gang kid can buy a stolen gun off the street. 

Enforce these laws first to perfection. Then you can ponder taking protection away from law obeyers.

The right to bear arms indeed serves as a safeguard against government overreach.

We must win this election! 

History shows that disarming citizens often precedes authoritarian rule. Venezuela is a strong example of how this can happen. Defending rights must always be a priority. The second we lose the 2nd Amendment is the second we lose all of our rights.

The 2nd Amendment is the anchor to our rights as Americans ✍️
Isn’t it true @SenatorWarnock that y’all preparing to lose the Senate?

Of course, @CNN would never report that. I really wouldn’t believe all these millions of Venezuelan illegals whose dictator president took their rights and destroyed their country. Wouldn’t have come to the United States to vote for exactly the same what destroyed them.

Mass shootings by shooter’s race in the U.S. 2024 | Statista
For those NOT paying attention. List of mass shootings in the United States – Wikipedia

The last 6 mass shooters have been from the democrat party of the indoctrinated gender dysphoria crowd.

Wake up Americans, they are indoctrinating children to take Americans constitutional 2A Away from We the People.

Here are some of the most recent mass shootings in the United States:

  1. Apalachee High School, Winder, Georgia (September 4, 2024): Four people were fatally shot at the high school. The suspect was arrested at the scene1.
  2. Forest Park, Illinois (September 2, 2024): Four people were shot while sleeping on a train. A 30-year-old man was arrested1.
  3. Irondequoit, New York (August 31, 2024): Four people, including two children, were found dead after multiple fires at a home. Authorities believe they were killed by other means1.
  4. Syosset, New York (August 25, 2024): A man killed four family members before taking his own life, shortly after his mother’s funeral1.
  5. Dalton, Georgia (August 24, 2024): Four young males were shot to death at a park during a robbery1.
  6. Plant City, Florida (July 31, 2024): An intentional fire killed four people. A 25-year-old man was charged with murder1.

These incidents are tragic and highlight the ongoing issue of gun violence. If you need more information or support, please let me know.

Learn more:

The motives behind mass shootings can vary widely, but some common factors have been identified:

  1. Psychosis: Symptoms of psychosis, such as delusions or hallucinations, are a significant factor in some cases1.
  2. Personal Grievances: Many shooters act out of a sense of personal revenge or retaliation for perceived wrongs2.
  3. Interpersonal Conflicts: Issues such as relationship problems or domestic disputes can also be triggers1.
  4. Social and Economic Pressures: Financial stress, job loss, or other economic hardships can contribute to the decision to commit a mass shooting3.
  5. Ideological Extremism: Some shooters are motivated by extremist beliefs, including racism, xenophobia, or other forms of hate3.
  6. Desire for Notoriety: The desire for fame or recognition can also drive individuals to commit these acts2.

Understanding these motives is crucial for developing strategies to prevent such tragedies. If you have any more questions or need further information, feel free to ask.

Learn more:

Venezuelan illegals are the least eager to work and loudest complainers about not enough benefits.

Except for the Venezuelan gangs that have hit Aurora Colorado, Chicago, and Dallas, who get everything they want.

Kamala is coming for your guns folks.

This woman is a dangerous lefthanded radical.

The people that want to take your guns have no fear of being executed. This is how the elite operate.

Should the globe succumb to the same apocalyptic malaise that transformed San Francisco into a dystopian tableau straight out of “Mad Max,” we might well be penning our own epitaph, sealing humanity’s fate in the annals of cosmic folly. To all those ‘republicans’ who are voting for Kamala.

Name calling is the refuge of folks without an argument. 

DC and PR senators will give democrats a likely permanent senate majority. Packing the court is a Democrat dream that goes all the way back to FDR. With those two tools plus the White House and House of Representatives the democrats will pass into law with court support many long term objectives like gun confiscation, abortion without limits, increased social spending…the skies the limit. It will be the Californication Nazification of the USA.

Some Republicans are really Democrats.

No Democrat is ever really a Republican.
I guess by executive order, she just waves the Constitution with a stroke of her pen. That is a Dictatorship. During a session of the German Parliament, Hitler had 200 members arrested after locking the doors and his brownshirts lined the room. 137 were murdered & 69 incarcerated.

You guys are lunatics who will usher in: 4 new democrat senators, a packed Supreme court and then a tsunami of democrat fever dreams will wash over the country. But, hey, you’ll be allowed to have a little power in the fundamentally transformed USA. The old USA and the Constitution will be memories.Trump War Room on X: “NBC: Should Kamala try to pass mandatory gun confiscation, which she has repeatedly said she supports? Top Harris surrogate Raphael Warnock: “We’re not going to be able to get where we need to go without action.” NBC: Yes or no? Warnock: Yes″ / X

How Democrats need an upset victory in these states to keep the Senate (

America will see Kamala Harris run away from her past policies: Dr. Ben Carson

George H Bush New World Order full speech – Search Videos (

george bush’s new world order full speech – Search Videos (

They’re Watching You! | The History of the Illuminati (

Why Nikki Haley says she’s backing Trump (

Kamala Harris Great Reset – Search (


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