Evolution is happening

An illustration showing blue lines emanating from near Earth’s north pole, wrapping around the planet and re-entering near the south pole.


A visualization of the magnetic lines of force surrounding Earth, known as the magnetosphere. The magnetic field, thought to be generated by the movements of Earth’s molten core, protects Earth from the sun. It does not, however, cause climate change when it shifts.

Earth’s shifting magnetic poles don’t cause climate change—the conspiracy theory debunked. Scientists explain why there’s no merit to recent claims blaming Earth’s magnetic poles for global warming—and what those geomagnetic shifts really mean. 

When solar radiation and cosmic rays threaten to penetrate Earth’s surface, a vast magnetic field generated within Earth’s outer core safeguards the planet by deflecting harmful space energy. 

This is known as the magnetosphere

Scientists know that the internal forces that generate Earth’s magnetic field can change and that the strength of the field oscillates over time. This can lead to gradual shifts in the intensity and location of Earth’s magnetic north and south poles and even reversals where Earth’s magnetic poles trade places.

But are these geomagnetic events responsible for extreme weather, extinction, and even disasters? Claims that Earth’s magnetic field is responsible for climate change are rampant online, but scientists say the theory has no merit.

“At this time there aren’t any credible mechanisms that could make it a possibility,” says Gavin Schmidt, a climatologist and director of the NASA Goddard Institute for Space Studies in New York. “It’s not that we’re ruling out magnetic effects on climate without thinking about it, we collectively have thought about it, and it’s been found wanting.”

Misinformation around shifting magnetic poles

There are three north poles on Earth: true north, geomagnetic north, and magnetic north. 

True north is a fixed position on the globe that points directly towards the geographic North Pole. But the geomagnetic north, currently located over Canada’s Ellesmere Island, is not a fixed point—it represents the northern axis of Earth’s magnetosphere and shifts from time to time. Magnetic north corresponds to magnetic field lines and is what your compass locates.

Since Arctic explorer James Clark Ross first located it in 1831, – Search (bing.com) Earth’s magnetic north pole has bounded 600 miles north-northwest and its forward speed has quickened from around 10 miles per year to roughly 34 miles per year, explained Alan Buis in a 2021 blog for Ask NASA Climate. While these changes may have an impact on satellites and magnetic-based navigation—from cell phones, to ships to commercial airlines— there is no evidence it influences Earth’s climate. 

However, the “Adam and Eve Story,” a climate change conspiracy theory that attributes climate change impacts to changes in Earth’s magnetic field, is having a second life on Instagram and TikTok. The Adam and Eve theory was revitalized when it was featured on a January 2023 episode of the “Joe Rogan Experience.” Unraveling the Adam and Eve Conspiracy | Joe Rogan Experience Podcast Analysis Between January and April 2023, the media watchdog group, Media Matters identified seven viral clips from the January episode discussing the conspiracy theory, which has garnered millions of views on TikTok.

The fake theory was coined in 1965 by Chan Thomas, – Search (bing.com) a former U.S. Air Force employee who suggested magnetic pole reversals were responsible for the extinction of several ancient civilizations. Thomas claimed that the first flood happened with Adam and Eve, followed by Noah and the Ark—and that the third event has yet to be observed.

I dream of … trending topics? 

Here’s how social media can become the stuff of nightmares:

Geomagnetic excursions are significant but short-lived variations in magnetic field intensity that can span a few centuries to thousands of years, according to NASA.

The last major excursion occurred around 41,500 years ago and is known as the Laschamps excursion. During this event, Earth’s magnetic field rapidly weakened, and the poles flipped, only to reverse again 500 years later. 

A 2021 study connects the Laschamps excursion to climate upheaval, extinction events, and even changes to human behavior. The scientists hypothesized that during a time when Earth’s magnetic field was weaker than normal, increased solar and cosmic radiation was able to penetrate Earth’s atmosphere, altering ozone levels and driving global climate shifts and extinctions. 

But Schmidt says this study is speculative at best. 

“Where is the evidence for any changes in climate 42,000 years ago that are associated with extinctions? There are no shifts in the ice cores. We know that there was a lot of climate variability over the last ice age, and we have it pretty well-timed, none of it lines up with this magnetic excursion.”

In the past 70,000 years there have been three notable excursions: the Norwegian-Greenland Sea event that took place about 64,000 years ago, the Laschamps event between 42,000 and 41,000 years ago, and the Mono Lake event which happened around 34,500 years ago. 

For Buis the key takeaway is that, “There’s no evidence that Earth’s climate has been significantly impacted by the last three magnetic field excursions, nor by any excursion event within at least the last 2.8 million years.”

How about pole reversals?

During a pole reversal, Earth’s magnetic north and south poles swap locations. This happens on average every 300,000 years or so, but the last flip occurred around 780,000 years ago, according to NASA. In Earth’s geologic history, pole reversals are relatively common, reversing 183 times in the last 83 million years. When a pole reversal occurs, the magnetic field substantially decreases in strength, but Earth is not left defenseless.

The magnetosphere teams up with Earth’s atmosphere to deflect the majority of harmful space energy before it reaches Earth’s surface. Some scientists have hypothesized that reversals and the corresponding decrease in strength of the magnetic field could lead to global climate shifts and extinctions, but current data does not support these claims.

“There’s no evidence that links magnetic changes to climate when we’ve seen big magnetic reversals or near reversals in the paleoclimate record,” says Schmidt. “There’s no climate change that goes with them, there’s no mass extinction that goes with them.”

Kirk Johnson, a director of the Smithsonian’s National Museum of Natural History has spent much of his career studying the extinction of the dinosaurs. While analyzing fossil records and timelines surrounding the Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary and extinction event, Johnson zeroed in on the magnetic reversal that occurred around 66.3 million years ago. Deep ocean sediment samples revealed significant climate change around 66.3 million years ago, says Johnson.

But this also coincides with a large  volcanic eruption in India called the Deccan volcanism, which produced some of the longest lava flows on Earth. “We’ve always attributed that transition to the carbon dioxide released by the Deccan volcanism and the increase of greenhouse gases,” says Johnson.

“There’re two things happening: The magnetic field is changing, the Deccan volcanism is happening, and there’s climate warming. So that would be an example of coincidental climate change.” He adds, “The cautionary tale there is that just because you have correlation doesn’t mean you have causation.”

The Deccan volcanism you’re referring to is a significant geological event that occurred around 66 million years ago. It involved massive volcanic eruptions in what is now west-central India, creating the Deccan Traps1These eruptions produced extensive lava flows, some of which spanned over 1,500 kilometers2.

The Deccan Traps are one of the largest volcanic features on Earth, with layers of solidified basalt that are more than 2,000 meters thick in some places1This volcanism is believed to have played a role in the mass extinction event at the end of the Cretaceous period, contributing to climate changes and environmental stress34.


Is there something specific about the Deccan volcanism that you’re curious about?

It might seem like there are more volcanic eruptions happening recently, but this is actually quite normal. On any given day, there are typically 40 to 50 volcanoes erupting around the world1The perception of increased activity can be influenced by more frequent reporting and better observation technologies1.

Volcanic activity is a natural part of Earth’s processes. Factors like the movement of tectonic plates, changes in the Earth’s rotation, and even climate changes over long periods can influence volcanic eruptions2However, the current level of activity is consistent with historical patterns1.

If you have any specific volcanoes in mind or want to know more about a particular eruption, feel free to ask!

Learn more 1bing.com 2volcano.si.edu 3time.com 4bbc.co.uk 5gettyimages.com

Volcanoes erupt due to the movement of molten rock, or magma, beneath the Earth’s surface.

Here are the key factors involved:

  1. Heat and Pressure: Deep within the Earth, heat causes rocks to melt and form magma. This magma is less dense than the surrounding solid rock, so it rises towards the surface1.
  2. Tectonic Activity: Most volcanoes are located at the boundaries of tectonic plates. When these plates move, they can create spaces for magma to rise. For example, when one plate is forced under another (a process called subduction), it melts and forms magma12.
  3. Gas Buildup: As magma rises, gases dissolved in it (like water vapor, carbon dioxide, and sulfur dioxide) start to form bubbles. These bubbles increase the pressure within the magma chamber2.
  4. Cracks and Vents: The pressure from the rising magma and gas bubbles can create cracks in the Earth’s crust. When the pressure becomes too great, the magma is forced through these cracks and erupts at the surface12.
  5. Hotspots: Some volcanoes form over hotspots, which are areas where magma from deep within the mantle melts through the crust. The Hawaiian Islands are an example of hotspot volcanoes1.

Would you like to know more about a specific type of volcanic eruption or a particular volcano?

Learn more 1britannica.com 2bbc.co.uk 3geologyscience.com 4britannica.com

Here are some of the most famous volcanic eruptions in history:

  1. Mount Vesuvius (79 AD): This eruption buried the cities of Pompeii and Herculaneum under ash and pumice, preserving them for centuries1.
  2. Krakatoa (1883): The explosion was so powerful that it caused tsunamis and was heard thousands of miles away. It significantly affected global climate2.
  3. Mount St. Helens (1980): This eruption in Washington State was the deadliest and most economically destructive volcanic event in U.S. history3.
  4. Mount Tambora (1815): The eruption led to the “Year Without a Summer” due to the massive amount of volcanic ash that entered the atmosphere, causing global temperatures to drop4.
  5. Mount Pinatubo (1991): Located in the Philippines, this eruption was the second-largest of the 20th century and had a significant impact on global temperatures2.
  6. Nevado del Ruiz (1985): This eruption in Colombia caused a deadly lahar (volcanic mudflow) that buried the town of Armero, killing around 25,000 people3.
  7. Hunga Tonga-Hunga Ha’apai (2022): This underwater volcano in Tonga produced one of the largest eruptions in recent history, with a massive plume of steam and ash2.

These eruptions have had profound impacts on human history and the environment. Is there a particular eruption you’d like to learn more about?

Learn more 1historyhit.com 2livescience.com 3usgs.gov

4australian geographic.com.au 5bing.com

How much effect does the magnetic poles have on climate change – Search Videos (bing.com)

What Life On Earth Will Be Like When Its Magnetic Shield Weakens | Naked Science | Spark (youtube.com)

Are We Ready for Upcoming Geomagnetic Reversal? (youtube.com)

Humans are not causing climate change

I know this is unpopular belief because it’s used as a pol*tical tool

This isn’t fear mongering, but simply facts.

We have no way of knowing when this shift will occur or how quickly but it’s been an earth phenomenon for eons. Magnetic pole shifting is complex and I suggest you do some research as it is causing havoc worldwide in weather, climate, earthquakes, tsunamis etc.

Do not fear, but do not bury your head in the sand. Be prepared and listen to your intuition.

It’s ludicrous to think there is a single cause, or that because there are shifts happening within the Earth that greenhouse gases aren’t adding to the problems and causing climate change to worsen.

And if everything happens in energy first, what does this mean to you?

Our poles shifted? What is polarisation in energy terms?

Does it mean we take for positive what it’s negative and vice versa? 

If so, we can change it. We need to learn the truth. And I guess nobody knows it, especially in the spiritual world, where people just connect to beings and give their power to access their minds whenever. There’s more black magic than ever. And people think it’s white magic.

For me, any magic is black. Even tarot as it opens the astral doors.

The earth’s poles were shifting since 2012 – Search (bing.com) ☀️ 💯💯💯

Absolutely! I read the weather from the moon and that tells me about the rain every month – Search (bing.com) …. humans can’t make the moon change “Humans are not causing climate change” is factually wrong and dangerous rhetoric to spread.

These things happening do not cancel out the effects that human lifestyle and waste have on the environment.

Ofc climate change is a complex event and not all of it caused by humans – but the consequences our consumption has on many aspects of Nature are undeniable. Your statement sounds more like burying a head in the sand, looking for an even more “secret” truth. Climate change will not be solved, but humans can still be enormously more conscious of the waste we produce and how we treat our physical surroundings.

Read The Story of Adam and Eve by Chan Thomas fromCIA-RDP79B00752A000300070001-8.pdf the CIA website, The document you’re referring to, “The Adam and Eve Story” by Chan Thomas, is a declassified CIA document that discusses cataclysmic events and their impact on human history. It was declassified and made available to the public, and you can find it on the CIA’s reading room website1.

If you’re interested in reading it, you can access the full document here1.

Is there a specific part or topic within the document that you’re curious about?

Learn more 1cia.gov 2archive.org 3cia.gov 4oldshop.whitney.org


Earth’s Magnetic Field Nearly Collapsed 600 Million Years Ago. 

Then, Weird and Complex Life Evolved

Story by Tara Wu

Earth’s magnetic field sustains life on our planet, protecting us from solar winds, radiation and extreme changes in temperature. But around 591 million years ago, it almost collapsed. According to a new study, this near-disaster may have actually been the key to a burst of evolution, which paved the way for larger and more varied life forms to develop.

Published in the journal Communications Earth & Environment this month, the study found that a drastic weakening of Earth’s magnetic field that lasted for 26 million years corresponded with a period of the planet’s history called the Ediacaran. During this time, a large amount of oxygen in Earth’s atmosphere and oceans allowed for the first multicellular, oxygen-using organisms to arise from the sea.

The creatures that evolved during the Ediacaran hardly resembled anything seen today, however, taking on disc-like forms and shapeless masses—some of which exceeded three feet in size. These fronds and fans include Earth’s earliest known animals, such as the blob-like Dickinsonia.

Scientists theorize that without the protection of the magnetic field roughly 600 million years ago, solar radiation pounded the Earth’s atmosphere, stripping away hydrogen and other light gases from the atmosphere. This left behind an abundance of free-floating oxygen atoms for organisms to use.

“If we’re right, this is a pretty profound event in evolution,” lead author John Tarduno, a geophysicist at the University of Rochester, tells Stephanie Pappas of Live Science.

Building on previous research that pointed to historical fluctuations in the magnetic field, the team of researchers examined rocks containing crystals that cooled over tens or hundreds of thousands of years. Now, these structures act as time capsules, evidencing the strength of the magnetic field at various points in Earth’s development.

Related video: Earth Generates A Mysterious Magnetic Wave Every 7 years (Dailymotion) – Search (bing.com)

An analysis of feldspar from southern Brazil revealed that 591 million years ago, the magnetic field was 30 times weaker than it is now. But two-billion-year-old rock from South Africa suggested that at that time, the magnetic field held the same strength it does today.

Then, Earth’s core was liquid, not solid. The liquid inner core churned as it released heat into the cooler mantle, moving molten iron around the core and enabling Earth’s magnetic field to exist. By the Ediacaran, this difference in temperature had decreased, reducing the movement of the core and, consequently, the presence of the magnetic field.

“By the time we get to the Ediacaran, the field is on its last legs,” Tarduno explains to CNN’s Katie Hunt. “It’s almost collapsing. But then, fortunately for us, it got cool enough that the inner core started to generate [strengthening the magnetic field].”  

  The new findings also shed light on a long-standing question: At what point did the Earth’s core solidify? 

Previous estimates ranged from 2.5 billion to 500 million years ago, but the team’s analysis places the event on the more recent end of that spectrum, closer to 565 million years ago. 

The solidification of the inner core was also a crucial event for the evolution of life—it allowed Earth’s magnetic field to regain its strength and protect the planet’s water from being entirely eroded by solar radiation.

“We need the Earth’s magnetic field to preserve water on the planet,” Tarduno tells Live Science. “But it is sort of an interesting twist that during the Ediacaran, the really weak magnetic field may have helped accelerate evolution.”

Previously, the scientific consensus held that photosynthesizing organisms like cyanobacteria created the surplus of oxygen during the Ediacaran, and it accumulated in the oceans over time, study co-author Shuhai Xiao, a geobiologist at Virginia Tech, writes to CNN.  The new findings don’t necessarily disprove this idea—instead, they might show the Earth gained oxygen in multiple ways.

“We do not challenge that one or more of these processes was happening concurrently. 

But the weak field may have allowed oxygenation to cross a threshold, aiding animal radiation [evolution],” Tarduno says to CNN.

David Dunlop, a physicist at the University of Toronto who was not involved in the research, tells Dino Grandoni of the Washington Post that while the recent work needs further study, the analyses were “impeccably done.”

“The hypothesis, although obviously speculative as any ideas about the earliest origins of life must be, seems worth a close look,” Dunlop tells the publication. “Causality is always hard to prove, but I am all for new ideas being put out for public scrutiny. It provokes further study and that is all to the good.”

Climate scientist says 2/3rds of the world is under an effective ‘death sentence’ because of global warming (msn.com)

How does Earth’s magnetic field work?
Earth’s magnetic field, also known as the geomagnetic field, is generated by the movement of molten iron and nickel in the Earth’s outer core. This movement creates electric currents, which in turn produce magnetic fields through a process known as the geodynamo12.

Here’s a simplified breakdown of how it works:

  1. Convection Currents: Heat from the inner core causes the molten iron and nickel in the outer core to move in convection currents.
  2. Electric Currents: These moving molten metals generate electric currents.
  3. Magnetic Field Generation: The electric currents create magnetic fields. Because the currents are constantly moving, they generate a complex, dynamic magnetic field that extends from the Earth’s interior out into space.
  4. Magnetosphere: The magnetic field forms a protective shield around the Earth called the magnetosphere, which deflects harmful solar wind and cosmic radiation312.

This magnetic field is crucial for life on Earth as it protects the atmosphere from being stripped away by solar winds, which would otherwise make the planet uninhabitable31.

Is there a specific aspect of the magnetic field you’re curious about?

Learn more 1en.wikipedia.org 2byjus.com 3space.com 4bing.com 5scied.ucar.edu

A compass works by aligning its magnetized needle with Earth’s magnetic field. Here’s how it happens:

  1. Magnetized Needle: The needle in a compass is made of a ferromagnetic material, like iron, and is magnetized so that it has a north and south pole12.
  2. Alignment with Magnetic Field: When the compass is held level, the needle is free to rotate. It aligns itself with Earth’s magnetic field, pointing towards the magnetic north pole12.
  3. Directional Guidance: This alignment allows the compass to indicate direction, helping users navigate by showing which way is north, south, east, and west12.

The Earth’s magnetic field acts like a giant magnet with a north and south pole, and the compass needle aligns with this field, providing a reliable way to find direction12.

Do you use a compass often, or are you just curious about how they work?

Learn more 1explainthatstuff.com 2nationalmaglab.org 3bing.com

4livescience.com 5zmescience.com

How accurate are compasses near the equator?

Compasses are actually most accurate near the equator. This is because Earth’s magnetic field lines are horizontal and parallel to the surface at the equator, allowing the compass needle to align more precisely with the magnetic north and south12.

In contrast, as you move closer to the magnetic poles, the magnetic field lines become more vertical, which can cause the compass needle to dip and become less reliable12.

Do you have any specific plans for using a compass, or are you just curious about how they work in different regions?

Learn more 1livescience.com 2ncesc.com 3bing.com 4nationalgeographic.org

Why do compasses become less accurate near the poles?

Compasses become less accurate near the poles due to the behavior of Earth’s magnetic field lines in those regions. Here’s why:

  1. Vertical Magnetic Field Lines: Near the magnetic poles, the magnetic field lines are nearly vertical. This causes the compass needle, which is designed to align horizontally with the magnetic field, to dip or tilt.
  2. Magnetic Declination: The angle between magnetic north (the direction the compass points) and true north (geographic north) can be quite large near the poles. This variation, known as magnetic declination, can lead to significant errors in navigation.
  3. Weaker Horizontal Component: The horizontal component of the magnetic field, which the compass relies on, becomes weaker near the poles. This makes it harder for the compass needle to settle in a stable direction.

These factors combined make compass readings less reliable as you approach the magnetic poles.

Have you ever traveled to a region where you noticed this effect, or are you planning a trip to such an area?

Yes, that’s correct! Around 591 million years ago, Earth’s magnetic field weakened significantly, nearly collapsing12. This event occurred during the Ediacaran Period, a time when complex life forms began to evolve. The weakening of the magnetic field allowed more solar radiation to reach Earth, which may have increased oxygen levels in the atmosphere and oceans. This boost in oxygen likely played a crucial role in the evolution of multicellular organisms12.

It’s fascinating how such a potentially catastrophic event might have actually paved the way for the development of more complex life forms! What do you find most interesting about this period in Earth’s history?

Learn more 1smithsonianmag.com 2live science.com 3interesting engineering.com

The Ediacaran Period, spanning from about 635 to 541 million years ago, was a time of significant geological and biological changes. 

Scientific discovery from 1.75 billion years ago could explain how life began on Earth (msn.com)

Here are some key events:

  1. Retreat of Glaciers: The period began with the retreat of the massive ice sheets from the Cryogenian glaciation, also known as “Snowball Earth”12.
  2. Rise of Oxygen Levels: There was a notable increase in atmospheric and oceanic oxygen levels, which played a crucial role in the development of complex life forms12.
  3. Emergence of Multicellular Life: The Ediacaran Period saw the first appearance of complex multicellular organisms, known as the Ediacaran biota. These soft-bodied organisms included a variety of unique life forms, such as Dickinsonia and Charnia12.
  4. Tectonic Activity: Significant tectonic activity occurred, including the Pan-African orogeny, which involved the collision and assembly of continental blocks1.
  5. Carbon Cycle Changes: There were dramatic shifts in the global carbon cycle, which influenced the climate and ocean chemistry23.
  6. Avalon Explosion: This period also witnessed the Avalon Explosion, a rapid diversification of life forms that predated the more famous Cambrian Explosion2.

The Ediacaran Period set the stage for the explosion of life in the Cambrian Period, marking a pivotal point in Earth’s history. Is there a particular aspect of this period that interests you the most?

Learn more 1britannica.com 2en.wikipedia.org 3phys.org

4pinalgeologymuseum.org 5cambridge.org 6gettyimages.com

Former SEC Chair Jay Clayton: Blaming grocery store owners & others for economic problems is wrong | Watch (msn.com)

Life Blossomed When Earth’s Magnetic Field Nearly Collapsed 590 Million Years Ago (msn.com)

Research shows that what you call climate change doesn’t matter much (msn.com)

Hillary Clinton smiles, acknowledges ‘lock him up’ chants | Watch (msn.com)

Kamala Harris Proposes Bidenomics, but Bigger (msn.com)

U.S. economists list top election issues: NABE (msn.com)

Our Empire of Liberty at 248 (msn.com)

It’s all about polar shifts and catastrophic events. – Search Videos (bing.com)

Also follow the migration of sea life. Beluga and whale sharks are seen off the coast of San Diego and OC, areas they are not used to.

I’m sorry for your first sentence but do you remember that we were doomed for environmental catastrophe due to the thinning of the ozone layer back in the 80’s and 90’s?

Scientists figured out that it was because of the presence of a man-made compound called CFC.

Back then the world used products that contain this compound. Nations all over the world signed for a protocol and phased out CFC’s. Now the ozone layer is improving. Humans do contribute to climate change and it is our responsibility to let everyone know that we should be accountable as a collective and do something about it rather than denying that we are out of the picture.

Things have changed in my lifetime and some has to do with raping the earth of its bounty to line the pockets of a few. It could be a natural change also but we still need to care for our lands and not turn them into deserts. Either humans go up vertically or down to accommodate the population and still allow land to be farmed or followed to provide places to replenish our oxygen or we will disappears as other civilisations before us have

I find it crazy that I had a small melt down about this yesterday. The sun is literally breaking and we are down here concerned with the craziest things, never mind that we are literally in control of very little. Just floating, and along for the ride.

Randall Carlson does a good job of debunking supposed climate change. – Search (bing.com)

The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is a scientific facility located near Gakona, Alaska. It was originally funded by the U.S. Air Force, Navy, and DARPA, and is now operated by the University of Alaska Fairbanks12HAARP’s primary purpose is to study the ionosphere, the outermost layer of Earth’s atmosphere, using a powerful array of radio antennas12.

There are many conspiracy theories surrounding HAARP, including claims that it can control the weather or cause natural disasters. However, scientists have repeatedly stated that HAARP’s capabilities are limited to ionospheric research and that it does not have the power to affect weather patterns or geological events12.

Regarding the idea of a pole shift, it’s true that Earth’s magnetic poles have shifted in the past. This process, known as geomagnetic reversal, occurs over thousands to millions of years and is a natural part of Earth’s geological history. However, there is no scientific evidence to suggest that HAARP or any other human activity can influence this process1.

Look into HAARP and their project right over that location, I’ve been saying this for years! The shift started a while ago. 

Eventually the poles will rotate 180 degrees and will end up where the equator is. It’s happened before too!

Well the elders warn us about this…the winds of change are here…. .🙌👏🙌👏

I go from being extremely tired all the time to not being able to sleep well at night. 🔥❤️🙏🏼🙏🏼🙏🏼

The planet has a natural heating and cooling cycle that we’ve traced back hundreds of thousands of years. It has nothing to do with humans. Let’s say hypothetically humans have not contributed to climate change. Magnetic poles are a separate topic. Saying we haven’t caused anything and it’s part of a natural cycle absolves us of trying to do anything to help or lessen these changes. Even If there is no climate change and humans have not created any of this, how can we sit by and watch it happen without trying to do something?

What does magnetic pole shifting and earthquakes have to do with human-caused climate change? These topics have almost nothing to do with each other. What a weird topic to combine. Humans are not helping. Cause and effect of our pollution has huge effects on the climate too. Great way for more land to form, from volcanoes and more plants, more CO² for them to thrive.

No matter what, it is our duty to respect and take care of our beautiful mother earth. #earthday

I feel like this also has a lot to do with people feeling unwell, often.

We need to look inside and then we will see better change outside x  🌌🌀🕳✨✨✨✨


The Amazon is disappearing as trees are removed the lungs of the Earth are reduced in size so the process of metabolizing carbon dioxide is impaired, Waste is running into the seas in places like the gulf of Mexico where algae blooms create dead zones choke the seas of oxygen, Soils are dying due to pesticides and herbicides affecting natural oxygen rich cycles of decomposition. my gosh I could go on,

Why do we deny our part in the situation?

So that we don’t have to change our ways, so that we can sleep at night I guess.

This isn’t fear, it’s called reality. The best remedy for fear is actually to take action. Apathy and denial create depressed energy.

It is best for all of us if we each do something in our own ways. The Earth is a living organism everything we do affects her, these are her polarities. Could it be the reason why on a metaphysical level I feel my triggers are being tested? Not just me but people around me @oracleofyoursoul

The problem with this is it takes the focus off the impact humans are and do have. I agree completely that evolution of our planet is always occurring and we have known for years that the earth is tilting slightly all the time. Of course this has huge impacts as time goes on. The shift of the seasons is very apparent in Qld Australia. But humans are so responsible for incredible devastation on our planet. I don’t think we should rush to mitigate our responsibility in the destruction of this world.

I don’t know if we are ‘causing climate change’ but colonialism and the patriarchy have done nothing but take from mother earth and upset the balance of life on the planet. YES!! Thank you for posting this. 💛✨💛✨

I agree, and the politicians and the WEF need to stop interfering with mother nature. Bill Gates and weather modifications etc. 

Milankovitch cycle. ICE AGE…🤷🏻‍♀️ Of course the sky is falling and has been marketed and monetized. Knock it off!

People once thought the world was flat. Whenever, the sun is out and I am happy 💯

Maybe all we really know is that we don’t really know what’s going on with Mother Earth or Father Sun. And even if we did know, we wouldn’t know what to do about it. Let us all take care of our own environment, make better choices for our own health and refuse to put any energy (money) into those companies, things, food that make us sick. We are the world 🙌

Earth has always been an electromagnetic realm.

It’s been going on since 12/12/12, and was predicted by our ancient cultures that had way more knowledge of the celestial and terrestrial planes than modern science could even comprehend. I’m nothing, if not open-minded. 


The government know this, and what a perfect script for them 😁

California High-Speed Rail Authority – Search (bing.com)

What is so striking about this thread is how invested people are to be right about one particular theory or body of knowledge, the definition of genius is being able to hold two contradicting thoughts in your mind at once while connecting the two thoughts and having it makes perfect sense.  If more people try to do that we would be less polarized and maybe it would lead to more wisdom and knowledge. 

Climate change is an issue, as it is caused by unsustainable practices, it has been scientifically proven and this also is very interesting; go deeper rather than spending time diminishing the work of those who have devoted their lives to valid work and saving the planet. 

I think if we are to become better people then we have to be accountable for all the behavior and the ramifications of it here on earth. 

Isn’t that the goal of spiritual enlightenment…to be better human beings and more knowledgeable. 

Maybe we all can benefit from some humility.

This is really interesting. I never 😵‍💫😵‍💫

Something came to me… many of us were taught about “Heaven on Earth” and how it’s lush and much like paradise. When I think of paradise, I do not think of snow, ice and cold. I think of warm weather, beaches, tropical fruit… 🤔 Maybe the more we awaken mass consciousness and elevate, our energetic frequency raises the temp. And, maybe the devastation is going to continue to happen in regions where freedom and consciousness needs to occur on a deep level.

Agree! Thanks for being brave and speaking up against the whack ‘climate change’ narrative. It’s all garbage.

Exactly ! The poles shifting is massive. This is both a physical and spiritual movement that will reverse “reality” as we’ve known it but for me I see that as actually ridding the spell and confusion that once was !

The sun is also heading towards its solar maximum and it’s poles are shift too

I have had serious inflammation and heat. I wonder if it is elevated by this ?

I can’t even. I’ve always supported nature, so this has always been a heartbreaking topic. 💔

Climate Crisis Denial? Here’s Why We Can’t Afford to Ignore the Facts (msn.com)

Graham Hancock’s great book “Fingerprint of the Gods” discusses this in detail.

Joe Rogan Experience #2051 – Graham Hancock | Watch (msn.com)

I’ve believed this for many years just by looking at our history!

Where do you advice getting knowledge about this…

I don’t like this argument because people use it as a cop out from accountability, and we really need to acknowledge how many of our behaviors/addictions/agendas have a very serious impact on all life on earth ☹️ it’s extremely sad.

Everything is working in cycles!

Mother Earth has power, wisdom & intelligence.

She will always heal herself ✨💕

Everyone look up Chemtrails  💨✈💨

There has been a significant amount of money invested in “climate change denial” by the Koch Brothers, who just happen to be one of the worst polluters. Rolling Stone did an extensive report on The Koch, a privately held conglomerate. This empire, which was inherited from their dad, who was a chemist. I grew up the WV, where chemical companies and coal companies have raped the environment. You cannot safely drink the water and flash floods and earthquakes are now commonplace due to fracking and mountaintop removal mining.

The sun holds a lot of secrets on this topic. Science is starting to catch up

“Climate change” is normal, historically and scientifically 💦🔥❄️

A few months ago, I had the most vivid dream about the sun. I was walking on the sun, and I could see these solar flares and spirals that you’re talking about. I could feel the vibrations and hear this low hum. I feel like it was trying to tell me something but I was also focused on trying not to burn, though I wasn’t on fire or hot at all.

Thank you! I’ve been saying this for years (that we’re not responsible for climate change) and that the weather has cycles but apparently people I talk to don’t remember having history in school lol. I didn’t know why it cycles or any of the stuff you mentioned but I always felt that it wasn’t us doing it.


I love this!! If you’re interested there’s 2 channels on YouTube you may like…Leak Project – Search (bing.com) & Oppenheimer Ranch Project. – Search (bing.com) I’ve been listening to them for years & There’s a few videos of these guys explaining this as Oppenheimer is a geologist. If you’d like I’ll DM you the link, I think you’d enjoy what they have to say. And they’re fun 😊 How wild it is that the north pole is moving SO quickly

I agree with you….Earth is just doing her thing – climate is cyclical.. sure we are contributing to pollution but we are not causing climate change. I appreciate your point of view and your courage to say so. 💫

Yes. The rotation of the core has slowed. This might indicate pole shift is imminent. If you’ve ever heard the phrase, “Nothing can stop what is coming”, now you know why. Earth is gonna do what she’s gonna do. We’re just along for the ride. ❤️

Book about the ice age. It clearly states we are currently at the end of an ice age and the Earth is going to naturally get a lot warmer. Absolutely nothing to do with humans and just Earth’s normal cycles! There is truth out there! – Search (bing.com)

Super Interesting, I have been following the solar flares as well as The Schumann Resonance Index which is quite fascinating. Wondering if you see these impacting us and our evolution etc? 

❤️🙌❤️ Damn, I’ve also just heard and learned about earth’s pole shifting, it’s so crazy interesting 🧐

Completely agree climate change is natural- governments talking rubbish as per usual!!!

Everything becomes pol*tidal 😢

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