This is Mind-boggling

Certainly! 🌈 A rainbow is a captivating optical phenomenon caused by the interaction of light with water droplets in the atmosphere. So can the sun be distorted at times to.

Something’s Wrong in the Sky

Here’s how it works:

  1. Formation: When sunlight passes through raindrops, it refracts (bends) and internally reflects within the droplets. This process disperses the light into its component colors, creating a spectrum.
  2. Circular Arc: The rainbow appears as a multicolored circular arc in the sky. The most common type is the primary rainbow, which has red on the outer edge and violet on the inner edge.
  3. Color Sequence: The colors in a rainbow follow a consistent order: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, and violet (ROYGBIV).
  4. Viewing Angle: To see a rainbow, you need sunlight behind you and raindrops in front of you. The angle between the incoming sunlight and your line of sight determines the rainbow’s position.
  5. Double Rainbow: Sometimes, a fainter secondary rainbow appears outside the primary one. The secondary rainbow has reversed colors and a wider arc.

Remember, rainbows are not just beautiful; they’re also a delightful reminder of the magic of light and water! 🌦️🌈 123

Learn more:

Atmospheric optics is the scientific study that explains the captivating optical effects we observe in the sky. It delves into the physics behind intriguing phenomena like the blue color of the sky, the formation of rainbows, and the enchanting glow during dusk and dawn1. Here are some fascinating aspects of atmospheric optics:

  1. Rayleigh Scattering: This process causes the sky to appear blue during the day. Shorter wavelengths (like blue) scatter more effectively by air molecules, while longer wavelengths (such as red) are less scattered, resulting in the reddish hues during sunrise and sunset.
  2. Glowing Skies: The additional particulate matter in the sky scatters different colors at various angles, creating the magical pink and purple hues we sometimes see during sunset and sunrise.
  3. Halos, Coronas, and Sun Dogs: These optical phenomena occur due to scattering or refraction by ice crystals and other particles in the atmosphere. Their appearance depends on particle sizes and geometries.
  4. Mirages: These occur when light rays bend due to thermal variations in the refractive index of air, leading to distorted images of distant objects.
  5. Rainbows: A combination of internal reflection and dispersive refraction in raindrops produces rainbows. They are more visible when the Sun is closer to the horizon.
  6. Visual Illusions: Crepuscular rays, anticrepuscular rays, and other remarkable illusions play tricks on our eyes, adding to the wonder of atmospheric optics.

So next time you gaze at the sky, remember that its beauty is a result of intricate interactions between sunlight and our atmosphere! 🌈🌅🌇12.

The sky takes on those vivid hues during sunrise and sunset due to a phenomenon called Rayleigh scattering. Here’s how it works: When sunlight strikes gas molecules in the atmosphere, longer wavelengths (like red, orange, and yellow) easily pass through, while shorter wavelengths (such as blue and violet) scatter away.

During the day, the sky appears blue because of this scattering. However, when the Sun is low in the sky, sunlight has to travel farther through the atmosphere, causing the blue light to scatter away. As a result, we see the sky and Sun as red or orange during those magical moments1. 🌅

Sunsets can turn the sky pink or purple due to a phenomenon called scattering. Here’s how it works: When sunlight passes through the atmosphere, shorter-wavelength blues and violets scatter more, leaving longer-wavelength yellows, oranges, and reds to be more visible. Factors like pollution, humidity, time of year, and clouds can also influence the intensity and coloring of sunsets1.

So, when the sun is low on the horizon during sunset, it passes through more air, causing blue and violet light to scatter away, leaving behind those beautiful warm hues in the sky. Occasionally, pink and purple hues appear more often than red and orange due to the optical illusion of pink wavelengths lighting up the base of clouds against a dark blue sky2. 🌇

I’ve been sun gazing daily for twenty years. Haven’t missed a sunrise or sunset in many many years. I know the sun very well. Since this CREEPY fake sun appeared last week at sunset, the sunrise, sunset and daily sun is the scariest shit I’ve ever seen. You can hardly see what it really looked like through this photo I took on my cell phone. It was way worse and more artificial in person. The “sun” the last four days is like the worst LED light poison I have ever seen. Y’all need to start waking up and speaking up.

All the satanic lies and deception about the cosmos are inundated with us since birth are beginning to unravel. Like the spinning ball extravaganza and NASA’s $60 million a day voodoo show for instance…

The earth isn’t spinning at over 1,000 mph, hurtling anywhere at 67,000 mph in an expanding, accelerating universe, but is still a non-rotating, stationary flat plane surrounded by over 60,000 miles of Antarctic ice wall. Curvature 8 inches to the mile, squared? Non-discernible and non-demonstrable.

According to the Book of books written by the Creator of Heaven and Earth, the sun and moon – arguably the same size and local – and wandering planets and the stars are inside the hard, crystalline firmament. Planetarium experience.

Watch Earth Spin Through a Full Year in This Spectacular Time-Lapse Video


Well when you look at what the chemicals they are spraying in the sky as well as air pollution from the ground is it any wonder that all the chemicals are in our atmosphere and when the sun goes around the world it heats up those chemicals up , when the chemicals gear up they create a real ruin of heating up our atmosphere.


If this is just condensation (2) Video | Facebook …

why does it stay visible in the air for hours?

 Why does it expand and eventually fill the entire sky with a haze?

Have you noticed the sky is clear for days and even weeks and you rarely ever see a plane even flying and when you do see a plane, they leave no visible trail….and then all of a sudden one day you see trails covering the sky and planes crossing everywhere?

Have you seen a dozen planes in the air at one single time before.

I guess the other days they just shut air travel down huh? 

Would air traffic controller approved that?

You cannot be that naive to believe this isn’t a real phenomenon. Nobody remembers the sky looking like this when we were children. When you’re outside on a cold day and you see your breath does it linger for several seconds or does it disperse over several hours? Think about that one. What’s happening is obvious….Pretty sure it is from the aluminum getting dumped in the atmosphere from the chemtrails. The atmosphere is becoming ionized.

What Are Chemtrails Made Of? (


The sun is different I Agree… in RI and WI observed …

There is something not right and they are not telling us.

Pretty sure it is from the aluminum getting dumped in the atmosphere from the chemtrails.

 The atmosphere is becoming ionized. – Search (

Ocean Dead Zone Documentary – Search Videos (

Some clothes we wear are toxic to our skin. Poison

Seas and ocean life are becoming poisoned.

Rivers containing poison and micro plastics

Supermarket’s Ingredients pushing poisons

Bluetooth headphones radiation poisoning

Our food chains are poisoning us

Cleaning products are poisonous.

Cloud seeding and poisoning.

Air polluted and poisoned,

WiFi radiation poisoning

Microwave poisoning

Tap water poisoned.

Toothpaste poisons.

Medication poisons, designed to deplete every mineral in your body in one way or another, designed to keep you sick.

The furniture we sit on has poisons in them.

Sugar cane refined sugar poison, wheat gluten and dairy are all bad for the body.

The shoes we wear disconnect us from mother earth’s magnetic fields.

See through it all and find alternative ways to take out the poisons.

So many things that are poisoning us from the outside in.

We have to turn this around to our own advantage. 

If we are to have the best health we can ever have.

Only Possible on a Flat Earth by Hervé Riboni (


Damn They’re Right the Earth is Flat!!!  

  · Mt. Jefferson, Mt. Hood, Mt. Adams, Mt. St. Helens, and Mt. Rainier 

all in one picture the Cascade Volcanic Arc at its best.

Science & Universe

Something seriously isn’t right with the sun this year. I have mentioned before that it seems like it’s a silver disc in the sky. I used to be able to Sun gaze at it and I cannot even look at that metal object. It hurts my eyes so much. What’s odd is that I’m getting burned but it doesn’t feel like a sunburn and I have not peeled once. There’s not a time that I haven’t gotten a sunburn and it hasn’t peeled. This time I’m getting burned, especially my face and there is no peeling at all.

Distortion – What is the origin of the hexagonal artifact of direct sunlight/spotlight photos? – Photography Stack Exchange

It’s called a hexagon light. It’s covering up our sun. These people are crazy doing crap like this but they are trying to fry people. If you haven’t done a metal detox I would highly suggest it. 

Totally agree that it’s different. It burns brighter and hotter. And it’s hotter in the late afternoon instead of like 12-3 pm. & My skin feels “kinda prickly” when I stand outside (around 4-6 pm)… Def can’t look up at it, not for long that’s for sure.  

I follow a Chief Iron Bush – YouTube and in his various teachings he discusses the Sun…

it is a different one. (Have you seen Auntie_Coolette – YouTube videos about this!?!?)   

Best Songs About Flying and Planes: 46 High-Altitude Tracks (


Evidence That Your Mind is NOT Just In Your Brain – Rupert Sheldrake (

Is The Universe Simply The Human Brain Enlarged? | Watch (

The Universe and your brain – Search Videos (

Universe’s Evolution in 10 Minutes – Search (

We live in someone’s brain – Search Videos (

Life is a Hologram So to Speak – Search (

Earth Evolution in 10 minutes – Search (

What If You Aged Backwards? | Watch (

The Universe and your brain – Search (

We live in someone’s brain – Search (

Is another human living inside you? (

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