Our First Language is Energy

My first language is energy ️ #energy #frequency #vibration #thinking #imagination #word #feeling #words #feelings | Instagram

Took me a while to find it but the show is called Beyond Belief with George Noory.  We are all energy. God is ..His spirit is. With God the HS gives us discernment. I believe it is all energy ..different forms of energy. He’s interviewing Blu and her eyes are so genuine ♡  shines through her 💫 Love the message but does anyone else see how large her pupils are?  I really do believe in feeling energy…Intuition and energy are way stronger than words. 100%  S20 E14 – Gene Keys, Ayahuasca, & Earth Healing – YouTube

I want to know her and the episode is called Gene Keys, Ayahuasca, & Earth Healing. Can we talk about how cool her hair is??

Einstein never said that / this is the first law of thermodynamics/ has nothing to do with intuition – which is on our gut – the second Brain of sorts – and it’s due to the neuro chemicals that are made in the gut / but yes how someone speaks and how they present something – you can sense it – versus feeling,

This is explained amazingly ✨

Intuition transcends mind, intellect, and the senses. Intuition is our faculty closest to Being. It’s the fine feeling level and it is not influenced by anything on the outside, but comes from our depth, from Source. Divine guidance perceived from within. So what does it mean when I’m in the company of certain people and my stomach gets so upset I feel nausea?

Search Images (bing.com)

Gene Keys, Ayahuasca, & Earth Healing / The Health Cure

This is the full Noorey Episode of Blu (Took me a little time to find it.) 

Gene Keys, Ayahuasca, & Earth Healing / The Health Cure

Gene Keys, Ayahuasca, & Earth Healing / The Health Cure


Gene Keys, Ayahuasca, & Earth Healing / The Health Cure

😊 That can mean different things to different people depending

on your point of attraction 👌🏿 💯  😂😂😂 

some people do give me the shits! 💩💨

In challenging times, how can we attune and ground ourselves to the healing energy of Earth? As a speaker and mystery school teacher, Blu shares the story of her awakening journey transforming her profound hearing loss into her greatest gift.

By directing her energy inward through the use of the Gene Keys modality, Blu discovered her extrasensory perceptions to read the energy of others, and now guides women to understand their intuitive gifts to balance the planet’s masculine and feminine energies. She discusses her experiences with the psychedelic Ayahuasca, and the songs of the Shipibo people that help to activate the plant medicine’s power to clear energetic fields and understand our potential for beauty, love, and unity.

In challenging times, how can we attune and ground ourselves to the healing energy of Earth? As a speaker and mystery school teacher, Blu shares the story of her awakening journey transforming her profound hearing loss into her greatest gift. Blu is the founder of Florescence, a modern mystery school for women, and hosts the  The Deja Blu Podcast – YouTube

Humanity’s Future in a Changing World – with Richard Rudd & Zach Bush | Deja Blu EP 110 (youtube.com)

Gene Keys, Ayahuasca, & Earth Healing with Blu – Gaia Consciousness (getpodcast.com)

S20 E14 – Gene Keys, Ayahuasca, & Earth Healing – Search Videos (bing.com)


How Does a Volcano Explode? | Watch (msn.com)

At some point in the conversation you feel a feeling of unease building up in your gut. 

For me, this feeling can be compared to an impending volcanic eruption...

Do you know that feeling when you are sitting at a table and have a conversation that is based, for example, on the exchange of worldviews and their diversities.

This feeling usually appears when I feel I have an oversized perception of things. Which can be incomprehensible to an ordinary thinking person. For me, normal people are just an illusion, since the unconscious person is thoughtless in their responses. IMO below conscious human behavior. 

I think and feel that when people sit together in a small room, so many energies collide that it can often lead to enormous energetic charges and discharges on the invisible levels. These violent energy levels/ emotional attacks can cause tremendous psychological damages to a person that doesn’t carry a protective shield. The first chore is always the last chore. Clear those chambers in your brain of the dustiest memories. If your world of thoughts are renewed, that spave in your conscious seeing in the material dimension will also reveal itself.

The spirit is always awake and wants to be fed, because it is woven into its primal desire to collect all kinds of information for the source being all knowing.

Over the years in which the conscious person collects this spiritual nourishment, they will build a mental funnel that is able to pass on only the most important essences of that information to the almighty creative spirit. Because as the word information implies, should be used to inform as something is brought into shape through these words

Why do people say that you are paranoid because you have a more accurate perception of your environment when they do not. Are you aware that when you create a sphere of calm and your mental power is so strengthened, that you can change your sphere of influence simply by fixating on a being or an object, with your thoughts and your eyes, therefore, control and move it.

Something is created from an idea, and the higher vibration levels only good ideas that are essential for the future are nourished with creative energy if the idea comes from a pure heart. This type of sorting out of negative vibration pushes our state of mind to its limits, because it is extremely exhausting to absorb information: to filter it and at the same time be able to keep pure thoughts while living a normal everyday life for an empath. 

It often makes the body very tired and often puts it into a short sleep and in these short sleeps we often communicate on higher levels with a higher spirit and communicate what was experienced. When a person sits on their knees with their arms bent to pray, to me, from another perspective, it looks like someone is sleeping in a fetal position. When people assume a fetal position, it is for physical or psychological protection. It can indicate a desire to escape or to be cared for when one feels helpless. 

As such, adopting a fetal position during prayer symbolizes our willingness to become like children before the Lord, submitting to Him and crying out for His protection. Praying in this position also requires physical effort if you are saying them out loud and thus can serve as an act of penance. Fetal prayer is especially appropriate for the Advent season, in which we celebrate the Immaculate Conception and birth of Christ and await His return. Every time we pray, confess, or do penance, our faith is reborn. Every trial we endure, we endure because of our belief in the world to come.

Every mental and psychic impulse of will, feeling or consciousness of any kind creates an impression in the extremely sensitive, subtle Devachan matter and retains it. This is a similar (only much more subtle) process to that we know from our records, radio and other sound and light wave recordings, where the waves emitted are engraved in a receptive mass. which later can then later be reproduced, made visible and audible.

IN THIS way, everything that has ever happened, is happening or will happen on our planet is recorded in the devachan matter and retained for all eternity.  The great sages and Spiritual leaders of the human race are able to gain insight into this chronicle of our planet at any time. This is called the Akashic Chronicle.

The Akashic Chronicle – the memory of the universe

It is also called “the book of life”. It is not a book to pick up but a knowledge plan of the past, present and future and the key to healing. All events, experiences and insights are recorded, documented and stored here. It is the memory of the universe. Everything that exists, every human, every flower possesses the Akasha energy. It is the vibratory field of love. The Akashic Chronicle is where everything is stored; what you experienced from your past and also from a previous life.

It contains all the information you need to answer your questions about your topics. It helps to solve the blockages. Every feeling, every action and every thought is written down here. It’s like a cosmic hard drive that you can retrieve when needed. In it you will find your potential and your spiritual origin.

The Akashic Chronicle – your Akashic Record

It is also your birthright to read in your Akashic Record. Void your life on your feelings. Everything you have experienced so far has left its mark on this chronicle and will help you to resolve blockages, fears and insecurities.

You too can find access to your Akashic Chronicle. 

From meditation to deep relaxation and the path of love to yourself, it will be opened to you.

Once you have access, you will get answers to your questions. Never let stress from the past block you, other people hurt you, but learn to walk the path of self-love, the love of your heart. You set your own limits. Your inner voice gives you the answers to your questions. Learn to trust your soul and walk the path of self-love. You are learning more and more who you were and what you are. You learn to see your own value. Follow your intuition, remain true to yourself, and always let negative things from the past dissolve in love.

 ~Giorgia Boschetto


Don’t believe us?  There’s so much more to being highly intelligent than being book smart. It’s not just the academics; highly intelligent people are all around us, and there are certain ways you can spot them. 

Check out the following 20 things highly intelligent people do that others don’t.


Manage their time

Time is a precious resource, and smart people will always manage it effectively. They’ll plan jam-packed schedules with a fine-toothed comb and always ensure they can attend to the important stuff. Generally they multi-task and they’re always spot on when it comes to time.

Adapt to change

They say that the only thing constant in life is change.

While many people reject and avoid change, highly intelligent people embrace it. 

They can easily adapt to anything life throws at them and have a head on their shoulders that can resolve any problem.

Ask questions

One thing highly intelligent people do is ask a lot of questions. Rather than simply receiving information, they absorb it by querying it and sourcing further information. The more clarity and understanding they gain, the more the information is retained.

Express emotions

According to Verywell Mind, emotional intelligence is more important than having a high IQ. Being able to express your emotions and empathize with other people helps you to tackle life and engage with the world. Highly intelligent people are very assertive when it comes to their vulnerabilities, ensuring they express themselves clearly.

Learn from mistakes

It’s human nature to make mistakes, but so many people continue to repeat them or pass the blame. Intelligent people know that mistakes are just a part of life, and they are willing to make them because they know the experience will enhance their development.

Voice their opinion

Highly intelligent people don’t shy away from voicing their opinions. It may not always be the most popular voice in the room, but they enjoy providing a different perspective on a situation. They love the conversation that flows from sharing opinions and will always be ready to offer an alternative point of view.

Are honest about their limits

Intelligent people are aware of their weaknesses as much as their strengths. They’ll never claim they can do it all and have no issue seeking out help in their weaker areas. They can delegate and ask for advice when it is required, never pretending they can take on something they’ll struggle with.

Take time to reflect

If something is important, a highly intelligent person will always take time to reflect on it. A crucial decision will never be made without considerable thought, and tricky situations will be thoroughly processed in solitude. Inc.com says that most intelligent people like spending time alone, giving them more time for reflection.

Seek knowledge

Highly intelligent people stay smart because they are thirsty for knowledge. They are avid readers, love documentaries, and always interact with experts in the room. They also have many interests and will soak up information at every opportunity they’re given.


Set clear goals

Intelligence and ambition are extremely intertwined. Intelligent people have a lot of drive, so they will set clear goals that they will strive to achieve. 

Progress is monitored on milestones, and ultimately, they will accomplish these goals, but the way in which goals are set is highly subjective.

Get their priorities straight

It’s extremely difficult to do everything well, and smart people know this. They value the importance of prioritizing to ensure that the essential things get attention first. They are aware of their time constraints and will not let the most crucial balls drop in favor of something less important.

Stay clear of small talk

When you’re intelligent, small talk can be a chore. Deep, thought-provoking conversation is truly valued, and basic niceties can be a little draining. 

This often comes across as socially awkward, but it is simply a lust for deep connections over polite pleasantries.

Keep an open-mind

Believe it or not, open-minded people are often very intelligent. Business Insider claims they don’t close themselves off to new ideas or opportunities, as they are always looking for fresh solutions. New ideas are thought-provoking, and intelligent people are receptive to different outcomes and alternative perspectives.

Debate rather than argue

When opinions differ, intelligent people will engage in a civil debate rather than an aggressive argument. Although they want to express their point of view, 

They also understand that they’re not always right and enjoy hearing another perspective. Intelligent people thrive on healthy debate–not arguments.

They’re observant

Highly intelligent people don’t always need to be heard. In many social situations, they will simply sit back and observe. They notice the small intricacies and nuances that other people would turn a blind eye to, which helps them learn a lot about other people and situations.


Solve problems  

There’s no problem that cannot be solved when you’re extremely intelligent. They can always reorder the puzzle pieces to make it fit in an alternative way, and ultimately, the challenge is welcomed. They thrive on the rewarding feeling of success when a problem has been effectively rectified.

Keep promises

Smart people never make empty promises. Not only do they empathize with how other people may feel when promises are broken, but they also value their own integrity and will stay true to their word. An intelligent individual will never make a promise they can’t keep.

Have a creative hobby

When the creative juices are flowing, they benefit the mind. Most intelligent people have some form of creative hobby that keeps the cogs turning, which then seeps into other areas of life. The Association for Psychological Science even found that creative hobbies are linked with greater job performance!

Stand up for their beliefs

Finally, highly intelligent people tend to have firm beliefs that they will always stand by, unlike other people. Even if their beliefs are not the most popular,

 they will always be true to themselves. They have thoroughly considered them and not just taken someone’s word for it to arrive at this belief.  

Don’t Buy into Materialism – Search (bing.com)

If you feel obliged to buy things rather than pleasure in doing so, this might be the right time to re-evaluate your priorities and take action to change your current behavior. Below are a few tips that may help you step out of the seemingly endless loop of materialism and a more grounded, grateful, and simplified lifestyle. 

How To Be Less Materialistic: 9 Tips That Actually Work! (aconsciousrethink.com)

Is The Universe Simply The Human Brain Enlarged? | Watch (msn.com)

19 Things Highly Intelligent People Do That Others Don’t (msn.com)

How To Train Your Brain To Let Go Of Negativity (msn.com)

What If the Universe Is Conscious? | Watch (msn.com) 

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