Being Distracted by Life

This is one trillion dollars. Multiply this by 33. Our national debt!

Now add 65 box carloads of 100-dollar bills; that will be our total National debt! (edited)
US Foreign Assistance Since 2001 | Will Geary the animation shows disbursements from the U.S. to top recipient countries since 2001. Each dot = $100K. Amounts in inflation-adjusted 2022 U.S. dollars. ✳️ Video on Rumble ► HERE: us foreign assistance since 2001 | will Geary (

To me, anything over ten trillion was bad, but 33 trillion! Just blows my mind!
It’s not all mindless Biden’s regime, however. they all need to be rounded up and taken
to the gallows and hanged in public…rope them and drop them all at once, watch them bounce back up once then fall and dangle! May seem cruel to think such a thing, but do you all for one fucking minute think they ever GAVE A DAMN?

PolitiFact | Ask PolitiFact: How many people on the terrorist watch list are coming into the United States? Also, can we cut communist funding that is going after Trump 😫😩
I would start by slashing funding for: DOJ, FBI, CIA, FDA, CDC, Dept. Of Education!!!

Can we the people all put in our recommendations for spending cuts for the US budget?
What are the 3 main changes in Social Security payments for retirees that will take effect in 2024? (

This must be down across the board —
whether one is for a specific area of the government or not. 
There is too much spending, too much waste, and too much fraud.
The American taxpayer is shouldering the burden. 

Our Government is broken!
The US govt pooped on everything:
gigantic govt, EPA & more waste agencies & bureaucrats!

We simply can no longer afford it. 
They have their tentacles in immorality & Orwellian nonsense to cause chaos, invading illegal,unvetted alien migration, they spike crime, the rule of soft law for the criminal and harsh on the victims except if they were blacks, their pockets are in everything they can get into like big sports, Hollywood, corporations, wars, spending bills, organized crime, cartels, human trafficking, drugs, arms for terrorist, and Pay to Play to alliances who hate America. We must REFORM OUR GOVT. We must use the values the founding fathers had but in the 21st century.

We must overhaul technology, media, corporations, govt corruption!!

These people in Congress and the “administration” cannot be trusted with discretionary funds or anything else not specifically itemized.

The congress needs to work 10-hour days finding unnecessary spending to cut.
I’ll bet they can cut nearly 90% of all spending. Our national debt is begging us to do this. It’s not just the children and grandchildren going to pay. We are surrounded on all sides .. should we really reduce defense spending? Or are you just talking about the waste?

Maybe take a deep dive into all the insane programs, studies, and “institutes” we pay for.
“You Can’t Make This Stuff Up”: Rand Paul Continues Listing Wasteful Government Spending – YouTube

Senator Rand Paul did a good job at providing just a few of these.
Shouldn’t we be opening arms manufacturing plants and putting ppl to work like they
did in WW2 since we are in WW3? What did TDS Liberal EPA Do for East Palestine
Ohio – They Deliberately CAUSED an Environmental Catastrophe out of Political Spite (Red State/ Trump) Then tried to blame the Fire Chief for Their Own (EPA) Deliberate Environmental Catastrophe (TDS) Sack the Whole Liberal Scum Parasitic EPA Nepos Agency (edited)

House GOP approves this, House GOP passes anti-sedentism bill, who the F’ck cares?
Is the Senate going to approve or pass anything? No! Is Biden ever going to approve or sign any of this? No! Close the f’cking border! Defund these weaponized agencies, release the J6 tapes! Then they can take a bow. So far, Congress under McCarthy did absolutely nothing except help the left destroy the country by funding their jihad. So far, Congress under Mike Johnson looks exactly the same, scam artist fakes. None of this will ever make it past the senate or President. When Democrats take complete control in 24 it will all get sorted out.

Americans have had enough of the dilly dallying.
40% is a good start in year 1 but double it in year 2… so why not also cut
the entire government workforce by 50%… that alone would eliminate waste.

“Former” Republican Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (Pa.), voted to continue TAX AND SPEND policies of Joe Biden and democrats. I say FORMER republican because he is really a democrat lying about his lack of principles……………………….In Pennsylvania the republican party is also a “fake party”, always backing liars like Republican Rep. Brian Fitzpatrick (Pa.). Brian Fitzpatrick is also one of those NO LABELS liars. They say “if you stand in the middle of the road you will eventually get run over”, but Brian Fitzpatrick has survived so far. Brian Fitzpatrick sold his soul to the far-left CLIMATE lobby. DAMN, THEY HAVE TO CUT A “LITTLE” “CHEM” OUT OF THEIR “TRAILS.” (as in chem-trails)

The climate lobby is destroying America.

House GOP approves cutting EPA budget by nearly 40 percent  | The Hill

Gold King Mine spill: EPA says it won’t pay $1.2 billion in damages over wastewater spill – CBS News But but but but the garbage, the poison, the chemicals, the climate!!!!!!!

Again, Look at East Palestine Ohio, the EPA was … out to lunch.
Environmental Protection Agency….It deserves a $0 budget.
We can do better EPA Your worthless.

The EPA was created to oversee Super fund clean-up.
The government said it was temporary. We laughed.
Nothing the feds fund is ever temp. #moneylaundering
I approve cutting the EPA funding…100 percent!!!!
Followed by: CIA, DOJ, FBI, DEA, HUD, ED, to start with.


Close to the EPA it’s a State power
and every State has an environmental department already.
All it would take is for everyone to call your Governor and State AG and demand they not allow the feds to operate and make regulations within their sovereign borders. If they tell you it’s out of their hands tell them to read Article 1 Section 8 enumerated powers and the 10th Amendment and show you where it mentions the environment in Article 1 Section 8. Same goes for 7 other federal departments that are unconstitutional 10th Amendment oversteps by the feds. All the feds can do is sue the State in federal court and each State take it all the way to SCOTUS for a ruling and ONE RULING WIN brings down every unconstitutional federal department YAY.(edited)


I would cut it 100% until they went back to the size of their founding and returned to their original mandate which they have never met. On that note, I would do the same for every other agency in the government. Any that failed to resolve the issue they were formed for and have existed for more than a decade need to be removed entirely.

From a macroeconomic point of view we’re facing hard times ahead.
But necessary if we are to survive as a Constitutional republic in the long term. While previous administrations from Bush the elder through Obama steered us in this direction (through stupidity, greed, the want for a new world order, or intentionally), it was/is the progressive Left [that hijacked the Democratic Party, neo-con RINO republicans and finally “The Biden Administration” that put us here. These reps need to pretend they’re approaching the unemployment line and the door is slammed in their faces! 

Trim THAT budget or it could become reality! 
#ChopChopChop #AmericaFirst #MAGA

Helloooooo…..Please wake up and smell the coffee as they say…

What’s more, principally the CCP and perhaps Russia (not really sure about Russia)

NOT ONE of these House bills are going to be accepted by illegitimate Biden or Schumer the Tumor! But that’s just fine, because now all Speaker Johnson and the MAGA House Republicans can just sit there with their popcorn, peanuts, and soda in the stadium seats and enjoy the show. The “Watch the Dems shutdown the government show.”
Oh, yeah, Uhm, that equals 100% spending cuts for discretionary spending for as long as Speaker Johnson refuses to budge!!! And this time it’s the Democrats fault!

Were deeply embedded in the strategy to take down western civilization.
We have to hold the line by continuing to push for reduced spending, closing the border, electing America first and reinstalling Trump as President. Trump had targets and a plan with specific targeted actions that saved the country from economic collapse.

And no “over the next 10 years” BS.
We will know when MAGA has begun making real cuts when the property values in Fairfax county plummet and U-Haul rates outbound spike. These will happen at the first whiff of Congress’ willingness to cut the perqs of the government leeches. Elon Musk showed us the way. Cut payroll 85% and improve customer experience. Let’s try that.

It is a start.
Now… when negotiating aid packages with Communist Schumer add these demands.
1. All illegals apprehended at the border shall be immediately deported.
2. All chain migration shall be immediately ended.
3. No more anchor baby citizenship.
4. Mandatory voter ID.
5. How about cutting education?

It probably is going to double with all the illegals enrolling.

EPA is the largest building in Washington. 
It’s enormous, nothing but government bloat with no real purpose. They really don’t
do anything, I’d be happy with cutting them 75% and having to show what they do to the public at the end of the year. But there’s an existential threat! Joe Biden said so! If there’s no EPA we’ll all die! What will Greta Thunberg think of us!!?

Climate Change: The coldest day in your state’s history (

Climate change is a hoax that the CCP & globalists use to cripple our economy
and take away our freedoms. The climate has been changing since the beginning of time, long before our carbon footprint could impact it. In view of our 33 trillion-dollar debt, we can’t afford to give climate change lip service.

I agree greater cuts were needed. Let’s cut Government Employees Pay & Perks.
Even at a 40% cut, we’re still borrowing money from China to fund this agency.
Fuck!ng “climate change”, that is the STUPIDEST term ever concocted by the Democrats!!!! 

Wake up & smell the WASTED spending & see the TROJAN horse –
for what it is: ushering in communism and the surveillance state!!!

What A Crock! 1. Find A Crisis 2. Make An Alert & Frightening Claim. For Action 3. Collect Massive Funds For “Critical ” Science Research 4. Federal payroll should also be reduced by at least 33%,

A few years ago, one of the founders of the EPA said that all of its original goals had been met and it should be shut down. New bureaucrats always try to find new things to justify their jobs and to put on their resumes for promotions whether they are worthwhile or not. A young EPA incompetent caused a major crisis a few years ago in a river system, I believe, in Colorado. 

The EPA caused a major fish kill and contamination.
Their gross ineptness with the recent large-scale soil and water contamination in Ohio due to their ill-advised mishandling of the train derailment and their ludicrous approval of burning the chemicals proves their incompetence when it counts. Meanwhile, they try to micromanage the properties of landowners beyond their legal scope. (edited)

How about just cutting the EPA?
40% 🤨 Can anyone name one beneficial thing the #epa has done for them?
CO2 is not a pollutant but food for plants, and “decarbonization” is nonsense.
I hope that part of the EPA gets completely eliminated.

Probably couldn’t go with approving sale of products with forever chemicals
that are making us sick even after all the barbaric animal testing they require. 

Just one? 🦗🦗🦗 #defundthefeds

40% is a pretty good cut. How much of the CLIMATE CHANGE BULL SHIT IS STILL

It’s just another government agency weaponized.
Against the American people as the Biden, Americans Last Administration works to force their progressive policies on Americans, not through thoughtful plans and legislation but through executive orders and unlawful mandates, hurting Americans as they pursue their green new deal hoax and socialist party agenda?


Take a shot at defunding this bunch of propagandist dirt bags!
The USDA! Campaigning for the WEF globalist reset fuckers. By tagging and warning about major food groups that have been around for centuries. Tagging eggs as cholesterol rather than protein? Raw milk? I’ll take it every time over fucking pasteurized! Red meat? Please we can see what they are up to here. 

Only a fool would heed this shit. Take them down a notch. 
We come from farmers who lived well into their 90’s and lived on this all their lives!
It’s additives, preservatives, processed foods and fast food, fake food, and everything
with too much sodium which is just about any processed food! That’s what they should
be warning about. Not major food groups! Assholes! (edited)

Ohhhh YAY! They do nothing except set up a lot of unscientific Red Tape.
📢Guys, the climate situation in America is getting worse and it’s not because of anthropogenic CO2, it’s something else, we’ve been lied to all along! On October 7th, the patriots of America made an important statement about this and revealed serious facts that are being hidden from Americans global crisis. America at the crossroads 2024 | national online conference (

Making a B-line for the EPA: seems a mistake.
Are they trying to remind people why they never liked Republicans? 
The way to “cut spending” is to cut off the financial system that allows it: the Fed. Not picking winners and losers, ie specific departments, except as it relates to demolishing the admin state The revenue side has to be done as well. Yes, that’s right – higher taxes, and not just income (edited) #stevebannon #climatechange #creativesociety #globalcrisis #americamilitary #map #saveamerica #savethechildren #saveourchildren #hawaii
 #maui #lahainafires #attention #breakingnews

Global warming is a hoax, vaccines are a hoax, and both are
larger traps that the globalists have set for the people.

Hey, I’ve got very sharp scissors, can I help?

How about cutting John Kerry’s salary!!!

could yaw defund the psycho medical murderers???
UN WHO. Wtf??? NGOs

Yeah, cut all the alphabet agencies by 60 % and then you don’t have to go back and trim more later. They have figured it would happen one day so they have padded themselves up over the years. Ok great love it…one thing tho, what about the alphabets…Particularly the FBI/DOJ…

Want to affect change and lower the Debt and Deficit, start cutting across the board every agency by 10 to 15 %…I’m sick and tired of the climate change BS. And the EPA is useless. They’re just another agency we can do without….YES, YES AND YES. Cut the federal Department of Education 100% so our scores can go back up.

Joe Biden spends like a drunken sailor,
so somebody has to stop by the reckless
spending that is running our country !

Indeed the greatest weekly news to Date along with the cut in the IRS Budget! 
Hopefully this will continue To stop the absurd and idiotic waste of tax dollars going
down very Questionable sinkholes and the ongoing rush to national bankruptcy.
Even though the disappearing trillions of dollars that also plays directly into the current administrative Democratic agenda of the entire Destruction of our republic and the Mad dash into socialism. Our largest Identifiable enemy does not include The CCP or Russia, but rather the Current political party occupying the WH! Or specifically the Biden/Barry Barry Soteoro Obama or the Indonesian Muslim cult connection!

This Strange Spirit, who was tempted by The Devil 
to believe he could reach all the Secrets of God and 
Nature by the power of MIND – Copernicus and Faustus in one. 
John Maynard Keynes

Military Industrial Complex Eisenhower Speech – Search (

Should get rid of that Marxist department by 100 💯 percent.
All Non-Defense Discretionary Must be Cut by 70% —and Defense Spending Reduced by 15% as a Start. Absolutely! Give the defense budget a haircut, and a crew cut for all other discretionary programs.

The defense budget wasn’t even raised enough to cover Biden’s inflation.
Cutting any more puts us at a huge risk in current worldwide politics and conflicts.
But Bannon is an idiot so it’s expected. I kinda like all the kick ass weapons Raytheon
and General Dynamics makes to keep us safe.

All Made in America Benefits outweigh the risk of some politicians lining their pockets thru donations Better than getting fleeced by paying Ukraine politicians retirement funds, which is paid for by the state department. Or buying untested nonperforming Vaccines with taxpayer money,

I would not be too quick to cut defense spending.

Since America is in a real pickle 🥒 at the moment and it might get worse really fast.
We should be cutting nonessential services and programs…like DEI, Climate Change, and frivolous lawsuits against corporations and individual citizens. Slash the Federal wasteful spending and cut the federal government bureaucracy!

How much money goes to the CLIMATE CHANGE BULL SHIT and the cost of all the ILLEGAL ALIENS coming in the country ?? 🔥🔥CLIMATE CHANGE IS THE BIGGEST SCAM IN HUMAN HISTORY 🔥🔥 🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥CLOSE THE DAMN BORDER🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥

Good deal! Get rid of each and every one of those tree-hugging environmentalist
wackos that have burrowed like mites into cushy gravy-train government jobs! 
With all the windmills, solar panels, and electric vehicles going bust, it’s high
time they cut this foolish spending.

That would be a good start.

I want to eliminate many agencies and cut all others in half. I don’t want to see government jobs surpassing private sector jobs in any job report. It’s time to shrink the government to its military, and courts, and let the public decide what stays around from demand.

Reduce the Federal government to its enumerated powers.

Transfer ALL OTHER POWERS to the states where they belong! Blah Blah Blah!
They will never take down this bureaucratic out of control criminal entity. Overreach? That is putting it mildly. They are tyrannical unelected bureaucrats Lobbyists that are destroying America and getting rich!

EU Officials Gently Discussing Need for Ukraine to Enter Peace Negotiations with Russia – The Last Refuge (

MAGA Republicans have caused the flow of money to Ukraine to slow to a trickle. As a result, there’s now light at the end of the tunnel with this war. “According to sources who are speaking to NBC News, U.S. and EU officials are gently beginning to talk to Ukraine government officials about what steps might need to be taken to bring an end to the Ukraine-Russia war.” Which was Nazi Genocide to begin with 💫


How Did the British Empire Fall After WWII – Search (
How about all foreign aid to countries aligned with China and Russia are cut 100% only close allies, like Britain, Israel, Australia and Japan should see any US funds. How about this one … In times of war all federal employees must serve in one of the branches of the armed forces; the budgetary portion of those serving is redirected to national defense. Unwilling or unfit will serve on the border holding hands singing kumbaya acting as the human wall until the wall is fully constructed and operational.

Cut anything it’s got to do with the fake ass climate change get rid of electric vehicle bullshit go back to the fucking fossil fuels that you’re going to have to go back to for 100 More years anyway cut every goddamn dime that you crying start taking money back from you crying Ukraine=cross over the border take all our fucking money back and kill every motherfucker selling fentanyl Mexico doesn’t like it don’t buy another fucking thing from Mexico sell another mother fucking thing to Mexico fuck Mexico

If there is one DIME of federal money going to the American Ornithological Society, it needs to end NOW. The group is nothing but a bunch of communist bird watchers who want to rename most of the birds. Damn them and their Marxist Bullshit. They want to erase history and then a 10-year-old will never know about the Americans who named many of the birds.

I couldn’t believe my eyes. They scream over a cut of 1%.
Could it be they actually have woken up to the fact that we are going off a cliff?

We must cut entire Agencies (80% of them) by 100% then cut defense spending by 15%, eliminate the OFFENSIVE Deepstate forever wars by 100%, and reset to a commodities based currency away from the privately held foreign own fraud known as the Federal Reserve Currency!

Cuts are good, close shaves would be better, uprooting and tossing a lot of the fed bureaucracy would be best.

Cut all programs by 50-75%

Watson Institute Brown University Cost of War – Bing video

Military Industrial Complex Eisenhower – Search (
“The massive funding cut proposed by the GOP has virtually no chance of becoming law in this year’s budget but marks a starting point in negotiations for Republicans as they look to negotiate with Democrats in the Senate on funding the government.”

Keep the cuts coming, Dept of Ed, DOJ, FBI, DOE, Foreign aid to countries not loyal to America, nothing for illegal aliens, no more for Ukraine, to start with. Begin looking into Welfare, SSI & other social services fraud. money isn’t audited nor are the people applying for services eligibility verified. Many of the COVID relief checks went to people who didn’t deserve them.

Let me know when you cut the DOJ’s budget or quit fakin’ As Elaine once said: Fake, fake, fake, fake! If the U.S. was a football team, there would be no fake play we haven’t already endured a thousand times over.

We have missing funds related to COVID.

Money lost by the Department of State & the Pentagon. 
If families must tighten their budgets to make ends meet the Government needs to be frugal when creating a budget that funds only necessary needs for America & its citizens. for the military fund equipment, training, technology, pay raises, supplies but not renaming bases. SSI COLA increases for Seniors(edited)

And I believe that scum pretending to represent the people of Idaho in the picture
of Rep Mike Simpson. He is a corrupt and lost soul.
We haven’t been able to really put up a decent candidate against him in years although there have been some valiant efforts. The people of Idaho are a perfect example of good people distracted by life, taking the good for granted and letting the Marxists and Dems rule many areas of local and state government. That ancient democrat posing as an Idaho Republican needs to be voted OUT. SIMPSON is unbelievably bought off by tech and big Ag. He’s never met PAC money he didn’t fall in love with.

In IDaho Rep Barb Ehardt is one of the few fighting the good fight and now also along with their new AG Raul Labrador perhaps some momentum towards reversing the tyranny can happen. In truth I must admit that living in Idaho, especially in the eastern side is better than most places in the US. Complacency and comfort are diseases!

Let’s cut Social Security payments by 70%!

Let’s cut Medicare services by 70%! Let’s cut Veterans’ benefits by 70%! MAGA grampas and grandmas don’t even know that they’re begging to. have their own noses cut off …These cuts aren’t right because we should treat people like people because after all they are people,

Defund and rebuild it Back to its original mission and charter. 
I remember what it was like before the EPA back when I was a kid.
 The Cuyahoga River caught fire, June 22 1969 – Search (

They were very necessary when created and did their job so well they now overreach. We must balance clean air and water with production and development. Government control and stopping progress and development is not the answer. We must remember we can do anything, when we believe and honestly set our minds to it and try. No one does it as well or even comes close to environmentally friendly development as we do. Joe Biden and Mitch the Bitch are traitors, their policies are proof enough.

Do something before we have another depression because of the debt crisis

The return of a responsible government.
We are at a time of economic desperation and America needs action.
Also Keep those cuts coming. Thank You, Speaker Johnson! 

One courageous man brings forth another courageous man and so on and so on. A month ago, I never thought this was possible for the pathetic republican party. Now how to get the other two traitors out of leadership?

The house can pass all the spending bills they want. If it doesn’t pass the Senate, it’s all for nothing. If it’s even brought up to the Senate floor for a vote. If it does get through the Senate, then it goes back to the house for a final vote. Then to the President, “which we don’t have”, for him to sigh, which he won’t. It’s the way they play the game in DC. All of their time wasted on nothing.(edited)

The Constitutional Republic. Love it or leave it.
We are The Answer to Global Transformation. 
Protect it. Barney Fife The Preamble to The Constitution – YouTube
Why would anyone in Washington want to cut any spending?
When they all make millions if not billions of dollars.
In kickbacks and payoff taxpayers’ money.

Massive spending cuts. Across the board.

Flat 40% off funding for everything. Zero funding for foreign aid.
America First 💪🇺🇸🙏✝️❗

Give all Govt workers an option: Take a 40% pay cut or find another job.
That’s what the real-world faces when a company is going broke.

This is how the power of the purse works. Defund the bureaucracy.
Good job, cut `cut and weed out the crooked. 💪🇺🇸

We are broken $33,700,000,000,000 in the hole

Wondering Where to Move? Here are America’s Top 11 Dream States (

12 States That Don’t Deserve Their Bad Stereotypes (

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